
Genesis Bonds : Partners For Lives

[Hey everyone, I've had this fanfic idea on my mind for the past 4 to 5 months. I have to admit, I don't have high hopes for it, but I started writing it anyway. If you're interested, I'd be really grateful if you'd give it a read. Who knows, it might surprise us all!] World's plan to travel -> soul land (current) -> Novel's extra -> SAO ( and other slice of lives) -> Demon slayer -> against the gods -> highschool DXD let's start the synopsis!!!! From the depths of oblivion, a soul transcends into the world of Soul Land. armed with the knowledge of soul land This typical youth, with an typical childhood, sets forth on a journey unlike any other. But beware, dear reader, for this is not a typical tale of reincarnation. No familiar faces(tang San) shall guide our hero, no brain damage mentor(tang San's teacher because we want Bibi Dong) shall impart their wisdom. This journey is one of uncertainty, where even the strongest of wills may falter. Proceed with caution, for the untrodden path ahead holds untold dangers, and a fear of losing one's very sanity looms on the horizon. Are you brave enough to embark on this journey with a character who defies all conventions and expectations? Read on, if you dare, for this is a story of a Reincarnated Atypical Youth in Soul Land, where the only guarantee is the inconsistent updates, poor grammar, and the ever-present risk of losing brain cells. Note: All character belong to the respective Authors and I do no own anything except oc and Yes multiverse travel.

NULL_MONARCH · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter -6: Hyper Geno Art!

"I've never felt anything like it before," he continued ,his words laced with a hint of wonder. "That's why I've held off on choosing my cultivation technique. I needed to understand my Martial Soul and what aspect of myself I needed to improve."

Lin Feng paused for a moment, a small smile spreading across his face. "But now I know what type of technique I need to choose," he said confidently.

"And before that, I want to ask something from you "Lin inquired while having very unreadable expression.

[ Yes... host]

" I got the 'traveling ticket' so I can go into a random fiction World. So how will be I transported ...like i will just randomly teleported there or there any other method " Ling Feng pondered various possibilities.

[Your soul will be transported into the new world, and time in this world will come to a standstill.]

"So, it's like closing a game on my computer and then opening a new one," Lin Feng mused.

[ Nice analogy...]

"But why? You have a level of omnipotence, right? Could you not just transport me directly to the new world?" Lin Feng expressed his doubts about the system's approach.

[I can .....but where's the fun in that? (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)]

"Just wh-"

[Just kidding! You can, but can you bear the price? I'm transporting your entire being, bound by the laws and essence of this world. ]

[ And the world law get different like .... you just get a transition from one game to another ]

"Yup , also like the other world don't support spiritual energy"Lin feng just started to hang of all things

[Correct! Mr. Obvious. Your soul will be transferred, and you can still use your Crown innate ability, but not the spirit ring abilities.]

"So, I have three options: soul cultivation, body cultivation, and mind cultivation. From these, I can only choose one," Lin Feng sat down and absentmindedly washed his hands with water from his inventory.

" From which...one will give me immediate benifits...and two will gave me benefits in long run.hmmm"Lin Feng pondered the choices.

After about 10-15 minutes of contemplation, he reached a conclusion.

"First, my innate soul power is exceptionally low, which would hinder my cultivation and limit my opportunities, preventing me from following the plot."

" On the other hand, body cultivation is technically for gaining spirit rings beyond my potential and handling the pressure. If successful, I might even gain more control over my ability, Entropy Ascension."

" As for mind and soul, I'm torn," Lin Feng sighed, seemingly lamenting his two brain cells.

' I'm leaning toward mind cultivation. Soul cultivation and body cultivation are appealing, but I can't overlook how versatile mind cultivation can be. It can assist in alchemy, play a role in Soul Land mind cultivation, and extend its benefits outside the Soul Land verse.'

'It's like hitting two birds with one stone, or maybe I'm just being foolish and doing the opposite,'

"Fuck it! System, let's just choose a body cultivation technique," Lin Feng exclaimed, rolling on the ground in frustration.

[Choosing a random body cultivation....

Technique selected!]

[Jade skin(super gene universe)

Rarity- Epic( Pseudo Transcend)

Affinity - Yin element

Description - a hyper geno art from the Super Gene Universe, somewhat modified for integration into the Soul Land Universe.

It grants the practitioner exceptional control over their bones and muscles, enhancing their flexibility. Practitioners gain improved physique, cold resistance, and heightened senses.

More importantly, it acts as a catalyst, boosting the user's current talents and abilities.]

"It's one of the top-tier options I could have hoped for... and to say that I'm happy would be an understatement!"

"However, even with this excitement, there's a touch of regret. Nevertheless, I have no other choice; let's begin practicing this technique."

[Transferring the cultivation technique directly into the host mind]

After transfer, Lin fing just feel slight tingling sensation in his mind and start practicing the technique .

That night lin feng did not sleep.


{Next day}

Near Lin Feng's house, he was diligently practicing the Jade Skin technique, and a white mist emanated from his body.

[Entry stage reached!]

"At last, I've reached the entry stage. I think Han Sen, the protagonist of Super Gene, achieved this in just one hour."

"But nevermind, after practicing I feel like my body temperature decreased by 10° celcius and it does not look like it negatively affect in fact I feel more comfortable and my body feeeeels so light "Lin Feng began running and leaping in different angles, testing his newfound sensation.

Lin Feng then shifted his focus to cultivating his soul power.

" activate the ability of spirit farm " lin feng then took out the necklace and converted it into a flower pot and ah yin also comes into it.

Ah Yin now appeared greener and more radiant, thanks to the Spirit Farm's daily activation.

Upon activating the Spirit Farm ability, it materialized into reality, and the concentration of soul energy increased by 50 times. The absorption rate soared by 100 times, and the quality of soul power improved tenfold.

But the bad part is that it is only for 2 hours! .So lin feng just start crazily absorbing the soul energy ,while Ah Yin passively soaked in the energy

In just two hours, Lin Feng's soul power had surged by two whole levels!

"The speed of cultivation is astonishing," Lin Feng mused to himself, well aware that this was largely due to consuming spirit herbs. The residual soul energy within his body was stimulated by the Spirit Farm, resulting in continuous breakthroughs

Nevertheless, Lin Feng realized that his future cultivation path would be hindered by his low innate soul power.

"Now, let's have a conversation with Ah Yin. I want to share the events of today with her. Although I think I'll look odd talking to a plant," Lin Feng muttered while shaking his head. And just like that, three months had passed.


{3 months later}

Over these three months, I had focused my practice on the Jade Skin technique and my Entropy skill, leaving my Sword Mastery behind due to its slow development.

Since I began cultivating this technique, I've noticed an increase in my height and a decrease in my body temperature. Strangely, I've also become stronger and faster, eventually increasing my Mastery on the Entropy Ascension skill.

Now, I could apply the skill to a specific body part, multiplying its attributes by 2X for half an hour!

But when I attempted to cover my entire body, I could sustain it for only two minutes, and afterward, my body would go numb for half an hour. It was frustrating, but I knew that one day, my limits would expand, and on that day, I'd be able to amplify my base attributes by a staggering billion times.

Now, let's discuss my cultivation journey in three simple words: it's going bleak. After three months, I've only managed to elevate my soul power by three levels(though I keep compressing my spirit power for better foundation) even after using my spirit farm everyday and eating spirit vegetables(only ten and 20 years ones because I wants to increase their age first for maximum benefits.)

Now thought about it is only spirit scholar realm and difficulty is this high and I even replace my sweet sleep with cultivation and i now only sleep for 4 hours! Dammmit!!

On the brighter side, Ah Yin... my beautiful plant....what? The name is cringy? Well, deal with it. I just can't address her by name when talking to her (myself), So, I had to give her a silly name. *sigh* the things one does for survival. She started growing very fast after constant splash of spirit power and After three months of conversing with my silly plant (yes, the name is not permanent),I had accumulated a total of 1,000 Genesis Points and obtained 30 fragments of the [50x Cultivation Card], which amounted to three complete cards. I've gained a new type of card, one the system designates as the [Enlightenment Card]. These cards are far rarer than the [ 50XCultivation Card], and I've only collected three fragments of them.

Now, take a wild guess at how many fragments it takes to craft a single [Enlightenment Card]. Not 20, not 30, but a whopping 50 fragments! Yes, 50 fragments. So, Lin Feng, it's time to get back to grinding.


{1 weak letter}

[Species: Human(Evolving- 98.7%)]

I'm just a little bit away from the next evolutionary stage... just a little bit away. After that, I'll be something stronger than a human... perhaps a high human? I guess...

'Now, let's forget about it. I also need to start preparing to leave the village, and for that, I need money. I know where to get it.'

{At the village chief's house}

"Xiao Feng, what's in the sack you've brought?" The village chief asked with a smile.

"Chief, you'll be surprised when you see what's inside," I replied, rolling open the sack to reveal dozens of wild fruits.

"This..." The village chief looked both shocked and excited. "Where did you get these spiritual fruits?"

"Chief, I found them on the outskirts of the forest and collected all the fruits as quickly as I could," I said with a 'proud' look.

I phrased it that way to make sure the village chief understood that there was no need to send others into the dangerous forest to collect the fruit. I made sure to use these types of fruits because they are only found in the wild. The village chief should believe that I got them by chance, thus avoiding further repercussions.

I didn't use any fruit from my Spirit Farm. Instead, I cultivated near these wild fruits while activating my Spirit Farm ability, which infused them with soul energy.

The village chief seemed to understand and asked, "Do you want to sell these, Xiao Feng? They could go for at least 50 copper coins each."

Before I could respond, the village chief made a suggestion.

" And I suggest you sell them, Xiao Feng, because the market is favorable right now. Children are awakening their martial spirits near Heaven Dou City, and the nobles there are in need of spirit herbs for their children. Prices will increase, and we could sell them for 80 copper coins each!"

"Yes, Village Chief, you can do what you think is best," I replied with a happy look.

"Good, good! And after you become a spirit master, your expenses will increase, so having the money will be beneficial for you," the village chief said, ruffling my hair.

"Chief, I also have a request. I want you to take 20% of the proceeds from the sale of the fruits," I said with a resolute expression.

"But, Xiao Feng..."

"No 'buts'! You've provided me with food and shelter for a year, so I can at least do this for you. You have to accept it."

The village chief's eyes became somewhat moist, and he didn't say anything, but I could tell that he reluctantly accepted my offer.


{At night}

"Haaaaaaa, finally, all my preparations are almost done," I muttered, stifling a yawn. After an intense cultivation session and daily skill practice, fatigue was beginning to catch up to me.

"Right, greenie?" I said, glancing at my locket, [Florist's Regret]. After half a year of talking to her (myself), it had become a therapeutic experience, and it felt like the weight of loneliness in my heart was gradually lifting.

[Suppressing! Suppressing! Previous life's memories...]〚Hidden

I could discuss my daily life with her to my heart's content, and yes, the system didn't count!

Even if I no longer received rewards for conversing with her in future, I would continue talking to her. It seemed like I had jinxed myself, hehe.

"Today, I will sleep for at least 10 hours! Good night, my dear planty," I said, settling onto the ground cushion. "Good night, system, have good dreams."

[Good night, host, and may your dreams be...]

I didn't catch the full sentence the system uttered, as I had already started drifting off into my dreamland, or so I thought.

[Activating... Crown's ability: Oneiric Aberration (passive)]Hidden


Comment something guys!

Could you please comment on the following characters' talents and Did they possess any foreshadowed or non-canon abilities? I'd love to use them in my story.

Please type in front of there name if possible:

1)Liu Erlong

2)Hu Liena

3)Xiao Wu

4)Dugu Yan

(And many others ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯)

Thanks a ton for your help!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

NULL_MONARCHcreators' thoughts