
Generation A

In the Year 2XXX, the threat of Extra- Terrestrials was brought upon to Earth. The only beings protecting it were those in Generation A.

Avidreamer123 · Fantasy
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31 Chs


"Thanks for coming guys!" Lucy exclaimed. She gave everyone, except Javes who had sidestepped her, a hug.

"No problem, Lucy." Mason replied, giving her a bear hug. "Oh, would you like me to get you a slice of cake?"

"No! But I do want to open my presents." Lucy said. She walked over to the huge pile of presents besides the stage. The rest of the team followed close behind.

She reached into the pile. "Let's see... From Mari, Wally, Ari... Hede!" She pulled out a package with 'From Hede to Lucy' on it. She opened it.

Lucy gasped. "Woah. Is that a Vantani Luxury knife sharpener! No way!" Hede nodded and smirked.

She set that present aside and picked up a box from Pax.

"A 1000 inx bracelet accessory! OMG thanks!" Lucy gushed.

Pax smiled and said, 'you're welcome'.

Lucy was about to go for another package, when something caught her eye. She pulled it out of the stack. It was a smallish box that contained a small memory card. She put the card into her bracelet.

The hologram picture showed a ruined building, burnt to cinder. To anyone else it might been a little weird, but it obviously meant more than that to Lucy.

Lucy stared at the hologram for a while, multiple emotions swirling around in her mind. She only closed the hologram after an awkward cough from Zak.

"Uh, you alright?" He asked.

Lucy immediately perked up. "Yup." She smiled. "Let's open some more presents!" She said. She stored the memory card in her pants pocket.


After 5 hours of opening presents, eating cake, and socializing, Lucy's mom, Priya, began to wrap up the party.

"Again, thank you all so much for coming. I hope you've all had a wonderful time." She said into her mic.

People started to trickle out of the rotunda, eventually leaving the team and some of Lucy's family members left.

"It's getting late, " Kira concluded. "Are you coming with us or staying here?"

"I'll leave with you after I've said goodbye to uncle. Wait for me by the craft, okay?" Lucy said.

Kira nodded and headed out, the rest of team politely saying goodbye to Lucy's family.

Lucy watched them leave before saying walking to the tall and tan man waiting in his dark blue suit.

"Uncle Ishan, you're late." She scolded as he hugged him tight.

Ishan smiled and hugged back. "I know Lu-Lu, but look," He reached into his pocket and pulled out a credit. "its all yours. Has thirty-thousand inx on it."

Lucy took the card and frowned. "What am I supposed to do with this?"

Ishan shrugged. "Use the money however you want."

He added: "But when you spend all of the money, there'll be a surprise."

Lucy looked up at her uncle. "What kind of surprise?"

"Well it wouldn't be a surprise anymore if I told you." Ishan shook his head.

Lucy looked at the card, unconvinced, but thanked her uncle anyway. "Bye, Uncle." She said as she waved goodbye.

Ishan waved back. "Goodbye, Lu-Lu."


Javes directed the aircraft halfway to their house before turning on autopilot.

Lucy had stored her uncles card in a box alongside some of her other presents. She leaned back in her seat and dosed off.

"Kira?" Mason asked, quietly, trying not to wake Lucy up. "Are there any new missions soon?"

Kira consulted her bracelet. "Well, we actually have a multitude of missions ahead, but I was going to tell all of you tomorrow." She looked up. "Any particular reason you asked?"

Mason shook his head. "Uh, no, no reason at all."

Kira nodded and closed her eyes to fall asleep when Mason suddenly said, "Well actually, it's about the Summit Clan meeting."

Kira's eye's shot open. "What about it?"

"We are allowed a day off of fighting aliens to attend, right?"

Kira nodded. "Well, yeah. There'd be trouble if we weren't."

Mason sighed in relief. "Oh good, I wasn't sure. My grandma says it's mandatory for me to go."

Kira nodded and closed her eyes again. Mason's grandmother, Amy Rods, was the head of the Virib Clan, Mason's designated clan.

"Don't worry about it now. It's a month away." Hede said, leaning back in his chair.

Mason shrugged. "I know, but it'll be my first time attending. I'm kind of nervous."

"I understand what you mean, man." Zak admitted. "But, I think it'll be just like a family reunion. Except, a lot of the people there aren't actually your family."

Mason relaxed into his seat. "I guess."


"Ah, home sweet home." Wish exclaimed as she flopped down onto the couch.

"Yup." Javes grunted as he dropped all of Lucy's presents beside the door. Kira walked inside behind him.

"Good job." She gave him a thumbs up as Wish cackled maniacally. Javes glared at her before disappearing into the kitchen.

Zak stepped inside with Helix clinging to his back. Once they reached the couch, Zak threw Helix off.

He landed face up with cushioned 'oomph'. He didn't bother moving from that position, before falling asleep. Mason was the one who flipped him over so he didn't suffocate.

"Alright, to those awake, there will be a briefing tomorrow." Kira announced. " So, make sure your alive and awake for that. These next few months will be hectic, so I need all of you to be on your game. Okay?"

'Yes ma'am!' was the reply.

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