
Generation A

In the Year 2XXX, the threat of Extra- Terrestrials was brought upon to Earth. The only beings protecting it were those in Generation A.

Avidreamer123 · Fantasy
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31 Chs


8/3 10:10 AM

"Good morning, Sub-division Z." Kira called. "I will now begin briefing on the next couple of months."

Everyone, who sat on the couches, gave a nod.

Kira unlocked her bracelet and produced a hologram with events and their corresponding dates.

"First off, from August tenth through the twenty-fifth there will be open missions available for us to do on our own time. These missions will carried out by yourself or with a partner and you will be paid through you private account. If you do not want a mission, you may decline it.

On August 20th, there will be down time where you are allowed to visit home. It has also been confirmed that the Summit Clan Meeting will be on August 27th. A week after that, our first Ranking Exams will begin. It is compulsory for us to take the test."

"Any questions?" Kira asked the crowd. She received no reply.

Kira lowered her bracelet. "Alright then, Javes said he had something to say."

Javes stood up as Kira sat down and unlocked his bracelet.

"I've done a little digging on that guy, Vera." He read from his bracelet. "The girl we saw on that video really was his sister. Her full name is Moli Daim and she works as an Vulpes Clan Enforcer. But, I couldn't figure out who the baby was." He shrugged.

Hede raised a brow. "She's a Daim?"

"That's what I said, idiot."

Hede scowled at him.

"So this has something to do with the Daim family?" Pax mumbled. "Luckily for us, the Summit meeting is coming up soon. We can just talk to them there. Easy, right?"

Everyone nodded, but no one actually believed it would be that easy.


A week later, and it was time for the open missions to begin.

The team were all sitting at the table, enjoying a simple breakfast of oatmeal and orange juice, when the doorbell rang.

Mason stood up from the table to get the door.

When he pulled the door open, he stopped and looked at the visitors before breaking into a wide smile.

"Dad! What are you doing here?" He said as he gave the man a hug.

Everyone stopped eating, stood and walked to the door.

His father chuckled. "Well, I was in the area an' I thought, why not go visit my son."

His father stepped inside the house and Mason closed the door behind him. Henry Jans was the Head of the Continent Calidi. He stood at 6 feet and 6 inches, effectively dwarfing everyone in the house. He wore a dress shirt, with beige khaki pants and on his feet were loafers that costed more money than a lot of people's monthly rent.

His light brown hair had been pulled into a bun using a pink scrunchie.

Serenity pointed it out. "What's with the scrunchie, sir?"

Henry looked confused before recognition flashed across his face. He reached up and took the scrunchie out of his hair and put on his wrist.

"Ah, Lila, my daughter, gave it to me." He said smiling. "It was windy an' my hair was going everywhere, so you know, scrunchie."

He walked by the table where their forgotten breakfast sat and smiled apologetically. "Sorry, I interrupted breakfast didn't I?"

Everyone shook their heads and reassured him that he came at a good time.

Henry walked to the couch and sat down. "So, how has my one and only son been." He asked Mason.

"I'm good dad." Mason said. "I have been missing Lila and Fate a lot, though."

"They've missed you too." Henry reassured. "Especially Fate, she goes on an' on about you." Mason smiled wide.

"Today, the open missions begin right?" Henry asked. "Any of you going to do one?"

Hede shrugged. "Don't know. I don't really need any cash right now."

"Well, I think it'd be good to stock up on money." Kira said. "But I don't know yet."

Henry leaned in. "Well, I've heard rumors that the Information Core will be giving a huge prize to whichever team completes the most missions."

Everyone raised a brow.

"Really?" Zak asked.

"Really." Henry confirmed.

"We'll keep that in mind, dad." Mason said.


In the end, Mason's dad stayed for 4 hours, before having to leave for a meeting.

"Bye dad." Mason said as his father got into a small aircraft. Henry waved back and the aircraft rose into the sky.

Mason closed the door and walked to the kitchen where Hede and Pax were making sandwiches.

Hede handed a sandwich to Mason, who thanked him.

"So," Hede started. "I've been thinking that maybe we should win that prize."

"Are you talking about the mission stuff?" Pax inquired. "Because I was going to to do it anyways."

"Well, whatever." Hede rolled his eyes. "I'm going to go talk to Kira so she can convince the others."

Just then Kira walked in. "No need." She said. "I've already decided were going to win this."

Hede smiled. "Really?"

Kira nodded. "Yup. This is a good chance to stretch our wings instead of waiting for things to come to us."

"Awesome, " Pax said. "Who's going first?"

"Don't know." Kira shrugged. "The Information Core hasn't sent me anything. Maybe tomorrow."

And tomorrow, a mission request did come.

During breakfast, everyone was on their laptops, looking for missions to do. Each mission was tailored to their strengths. Mason had found an available mission and accepted it.

His bracelet dinged. He opened the email he received. It read: 'Mason Jans, you have accepted a mission. Please move to your designated destination by 11:30 AM and wait for you partner.'

When he was done reading, Mason closed his bracelet and got up from the table.

"You've got a mission already?" Zak asked. Javes leaned over and looked at Mason's laptop.

"A normal high school?" Javes smirked. "You getting tired of me already?"

Mason just chuckled. "See you later, Javes. Bye everyone." Mason waved and walked out the door, uniform already on.

He called up the only car service in their area and rode to his mission in anticipation.

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