
Genensis City: A Cyberpunk Journey

In Genesis City, a futuristic city where everything is digitalized and highly advanced. VR Games are not just a dream but can be played by anyone. This city revolves around two big factors - genes and spirit. One should have the genes to cultivate spirit energy inside them so that they can obtain a strong spirit. Higher the grade of the spirit the better. Luther lives a subdued life with his goal to keep playing VR games and maintain his number one position. He is a 16-year-old boy who stopped going to school and spending all of his time at home. But, whether he wants it or not his easy-going life will fall apart. He will have to become a part of something much bigger even if it's a pain in the** and maybe finally learn what it means to live. This is the story of how Luther, a shut-in along with Squad Zero become the unsung heroes of Genesis City who face all kinds of danger to keep their city safe but never get the credit for it. No one knows about their deeds as they have to suffer humiliation from others for being the most wasteful squadron in the city. This is the story of a city that has fragmented over the decades where strife and tension run rampant all around. Everyone is just waiting for the right moment to strike. When that moment comes, it would be complete mayhem and infinite chaos. -----------------------------------------------

King_Of_Abyss · Urban
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17 Chs

Meaning Of Strength And Courage

In Kazuki's reality, he lay kneeling on the edge of a mountain, fear spreading through him as the apex predator. The dragon was about to kill him. If nothing changes soon, he will die. A figure slowly formed beside him. It soon stood in a solid corporal state. The figure appeared as a being from heaven with its ethereal looks, perfect body and elegant behaviour. Many girls and boys would be smitten with the spirit in a single glance.

"Strength comes from a purpose greater than life. Courage comes from an unbreakable will who does not fear the world." 

The ethereal being beside Kazuki startled him as he looked at it.

"You have a purpose greater than life and an unbreakable will that can destroy anything, your enemies, your shortcomings, and the world. Remember them and never bow down to anyone. Be courageous and brave, my spirit holder.

Kazuki remembered his purpose in life, to get back at his family for abandoning him and defeat his old man, embarrassing him in front of all the people who adored him. He longed to experience that day.

He thought, "Now that I think about it, my old man is far scarier than some dragon. I will raise my sword and kill it with one blow." 

"Are you the actual form of the spirit I have bonded with? Are you Futsu no Mitama?" 

"I am futsu-no-mitama.I am residing in your soul." 

"Why did you choose me? You are a noble spirit with a cool legend. In modern terms, you are a S-grade spirit. A rarity among rarity." 

"Don't sell yourself short, boy. You too are a rarity among rarities or I would have never become your spirit." 

"That seems right. Of course, I am different from the common folk, haha." 

"Don't become cocky, boy. Focus on the present or you will have no future." 

"I know. This is all an illusion created by some weird ability of that assassin's spirit. My outside body is in enormous danger. If they kill me in the time I am absent, then it is game over for me. So, let's kill a dragon and get out of here. The actual battle is waiting for me outside." 

Kazuki Mori held his sword bravely as futsu-no-mitama dissipated, fusing with his sword, providing him with strength and courage. With his movement, the world started breaking apart bit by bit. With anger and ferocious intent, he slashed at the dragon, causing the world to vanish. He had come out of his subconscious. 

His senses returned to his real body, and he felt an unmeasurable amount of pain. He assessed his body, realizing he was bound by a thorny rope that had cut him in many places, making him bleed, leading to blood loss. Also, assassin D with a D-grade dagger spirit was 2 metres away from plunging a dagger into his heart. 

 They say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Kazuki had just experienced an eye-opening experience. His resolve had become much stronger and some little fear he had vanished. He firmly gripped his sword, activating his spirit, futsu-no-mitama. He immediately sensed the change in his spirit energy,

"My spirit energy, ...

It feels purer than before and much easier to use. Also, the quantity seems to have increased a little." 

Spirit energy concentrated on the blade of his sword and he simply cut through the ropes as if it was tofu breaking free from his binding. His sudden action halted assassin D's movement, though it did not expect that one moment of hesitation would cost its life. Kazuki moved at a speed faster than before which assassin D couldn't react to. In the next moment, he chopped its head off with the blood spurting all over. He looked like a demon set out to kill anyone that tried to block him with blood leaking from many body parts and more blood pouring on him. 

Assassin C was shocked as he exclaimed, "When did the grade of your spirit change? How can you have a breakthrough in such a desperate situation? That's unfair." 

Kazuki understood the changes he felt in his spirit energy. "My spirit energy has improved in quality and grade." 

"You may be a D-grade assassin from the Killer Garden, so what? You are going to see the wrath of trying to kill me. Someone like you can never hope to kill me. I will be taking your life." 

Assassin D spirit was of the control type, which lacked attack power. It immediately conjured more and more thorny ropes trying to bind Kazuki again, but all efforts were futile. Kazuki cut the ropes apart like tofu. Not seeing other options, it took out a spirit gun, something similar to a pistol, and shot at him. 

The bullet infused with spirit energy packed a punch and could cause problems even to C-grade spirit warriors, but Kazuki was unfazed by it. He still slashed domineeringly, cutting the bullet in half and rendering it useless. The spirit gun worked by injecting your spirit energy into it. The quality and quantity of the spirit user decided the amount of damage it dealt. However, spirit guns had their limitations. Above a certain limit, the gun would breakdown, unable to bear the force. 

Kazuki's spirit was S-grade and after his breakthrough, his strength had reached D-grade. Of course, his spirit quality was much better than Assassin C. He closed the distance and plunged the sword through his heart. He died with a crazed expression, unwilling to accept his end. 



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