
Genensis City: A Cyberpunk Journey

In Genesis City, a futuristic city where everything is digitalized and highly advanced. VR Games are not just a dream but can be played by anyone. This city revolves around two big factors - genes and spirit. One should have the genes to cultivate spirit energy inside them so that they can obtain a strong spirit. Higher the grade of the spirit the better. Luther lives a subdued life with his goal to keep playing VR games and maintain his number one position. He is a 16-year-old boy who stopped going to school and spending all of his time at home. But, whether he wants it or not his easy-going life will fall apart. He will have to become a part of something much bigger even if it's a pain in the** and maybe finally learn what it means to live. This is the story of how Luther, a shut-in along with Squad Zero become the unsung heroes of Genesis City who face all kinds of danger to keep their city safe but never get the credit for it. No one knows about their deeds as they have to suffer humiliation from others for being the most wasteful squadron in the city. This is the story of a city that has fragmented over the decades where strife and tension run rampant all around. Everyone is just waiting for the right moment to strike. When that moment comes, it would be complete mayhem and infinite chaos. -----------------------------------------------

King_Of_Abyss · Urban
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17 Chs

Beginning Of The Legend

Luther was waiting for the elevator still trying to process the advantages of his father's proposal. Once he was down, he left Genesis City Lab on his way to the gaming store. Unnoticed by him, 3 guys started tailing him discreetly so he didn't notice them.

The gaming store was in the entertainment sector, so he waited at the bus stop for the bus that would take him there. The car he had travelled by to reach the research sector belonged to the Genesis City Lab. Sakura had coordinated with Sheela for the correct time. The scientists working there could avail the car picking facility for invited guys. It was their perk for being one of the most important people for the foundation and future of Genesis City.

The bus station wasn't crowded. He was alone at the start, but soon three more people came. They seemed like 3 close friends from the way they seemed to always be beside each other. Luther even smiled at them and waved his hand which was completely out of character for him but it may have been because of how good he was feeling. Looking at them, he also felt envious, "Having a small group like them could be fun but I am a socially awkward person and have been a loner for all my life. Being part of a group like them is impossible for me. Meh. Doesn't matter as long as I can keep playing games and be the best at it." 

The bus arrived, and Luther and the group of 3 friends also boarded. The inside of the bus was a stark contrast to the empty bus station. Almost all the seats were occupied leaving 7 to 8 seats. The AI bus conductor spoke loudly, "Where are you headed, Sir?" 

"The Entertainment Sector - Section D." 

"Please pay 100" 

Luther provided the money in the slot for putting money which was similar to the mechanism found in banks. 

"The payment has been accepted. A ticket has been generated. You can sit in the remaining seats - C3, H4, H5, H6, L6 O1, U5, W2, X1. " He noticed a group of 3 seats together which the people who boarded the bus with him could use. Since he liked to sit at the back, he headed to seat number X1.

A mother and child duo were occupying seats X2 and X3 seats and the child stood still blocking the way to his seat X1. Luther waited for the child to move aside but he was too stubborn, unwilling to give him an inch. 

Luther wasn't angered by the child's antics but rather amused. He knew children at his age were very stubborn once they made up their minds. The mother quickly gripped her child making him sit on his seat. She looked at him with an apologetic expression and also bowed. 

With the passage free, Luther sat in his seat. The view from the windows of the bus was breathtaking as the buildings lit up with neon colours all of them with different shapes and sizes placed chaotically but he still found the view pleasing. The trip from the research sector to the entertainment sector took around 20 minutes. He became bored with the view after 10 minutes so he did his favourite pastime for the next 10 minutes, Mind Gameplay. 

In mind gameplay, Luther first achieved a state close to meditation where he could conjure imaginary images in his mind. He would imagine himself being inside a game and recreate the environment of the game in his mind. Then he would start his practice by defeating one enemy after another and crossed level after level. Many of his previous mistakes would be revealed to him and he would try to correct them until he was successful in defeating the enemy. This helped him to come up with new strategies to defeat strong enemies in the game and also pass the time. 

After 5 stops which took around 20 minutes, "Entertainment Sector - Section D" the bus announcement rang out. Luther slowly opened his eyes to see two small clear eyes looking back at him. The child who had acted stubbornly and obstructed his path stared at him intently as he tried to copy his meditation stance. Luther ruffled his hair gently as he spoke quietly so that only the child could hear, "Never settle for average." 

Luther climbed off the bus along with a few teenagers probably to buy games like him, surprisingly even the group of 3 friends came out at the same stop. He exclaimed internally, "What a coincidence." He was halfway through his walk to the game store when he suddenly felt goosebumps coursing through him. Although he couldn't see anyone behind him he sensed some people following him and something convinced him that the group of 3 friends had been tailing him from Genesis City Lab. He reached to the conclusion "They must have boarded the bus just to follow me." 

Luther immediately felt very anxious. Why would some people be tailing a nobody like him? But, the answer was very clear, "Of course, because I am the son of one of the richest and most influential people in Genesis City. They must want to use me to blackmail Father. Luther, keep your calm and move to a crowded place. I will have a chance to slip away from them there." But at the worst possible time, a splitting headache attacked him with enough force knocking him down and making him fall in pain. 

The three stalkers saw their golden opportunity to strike. Fate appeared to favour them as their target fell, vulnerable and defenceless, in an isolated area. This could be their easiest kidnapping yet. They should maybe celebrate it later. 

Readers, should I continue this novel? Is anyone interested in it. I might stop uploading chapters. Reply with a comment or review.

Thanks for reading this chapter and my book. I am greatful.

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