

An ordinary man born with luxury but condemned to an awful death—will history repeat itself? Find out as our unlikely, timid hero grows into a powerful but awkward fighter.

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152 Chs


"An advanced-grade transformation type soul blessing!" He is shocked; he cannot believe that he managed to obtain one of the rarest types of soul blessing.

Meanwhile, near Leon was the elite Blue Rage Monkey. It's neck was bitten by Glutton, and it was pinned down by three beings, making it easy for Glutton to kill it.

Flare's elite guards, Leon and Elcio, are not in the best condition, as their bodies have multiple broken bones and internal injuries.

Leon charges towards one of the trees. Elcio was unable to stop him because of his condition. Flare's elite guard was about to warn him, but they suddenly changed their minds after seeing the next scene.

He transforms into a Blue Rage Monkey; he also activates his other Soul Blessing, covering his big body with armour; and he quickly attacks a Blue Rage Monkey, fighting against two members of the clean-up group.

An additional help causes the two to heave a sigh of relief; they are actually one of the stronger ones, but because they are not used to fighting in the trees like their opponent, this makes it impossible for them to quickly finish their target off.

BAM! Maybe not used to his current body, Leon's punch did not immediately knock his opponent; it only made it angrier. Unfortunately, its retaliation is not effective with the Advanced Grade Army Ant Armour, and the natural trait from the transformation causes any physical damage to be decreased.

"Kill it!" Screams one of the two men. They quickly surround it and punch the back or side of their target. It was unable to fight back with Leon holding it off, realising that its life was in danger. It tries to escape, only to be hugged by Leon. The two fall to the ground.

BAM! Glutton hurriedly leaps towards it, and with a chomp, he bites off its head. With one gulp, he swallows the entire head easily, like a snake swallowing its prey a couple of times bigger than its head.

"Whoa! Their teamwork is truly amazing. I never thought that young master would have friends and a pet like them; he has truly changed from his incompetent self in the past." Flare's elite guard mumbles to herself.

ROAR! A pained cry was heard as the Blue Rage Monkey that Cleo was fighting was killed after a successful ambush. With the three guards as a diversion, he quickly finished it off by punching the back of its head with the boost from Tiger Pounce.

"I need to recover," he mumbles. Even though he does not want to do it, he forced himself to accept the reality in front of him.

"Elcio! Start cooking that elite Blue Rage Monkey! I had used too much energy fighting in unfamiliar terrain!" He jumps off from the tree and starts walking towards his subordinate.

Elcio nods his head. He returns to his original form, and he is happy that he can participate in such a battle. It was difficult for him to obtain advanced-grade flesh in the past, but following his young master, he can eat them without trying to find a weaker one.

Flare's elite guard decided to rest; her advanced genes are already nearly full. With this war against the genetic creatures, she is confident that she can fill them up; there is even a chance that she can obtain a supernatural gene.

"Wow! Young master, you truly eat so much; with your appetite, the bounty that we can collect will definitely not become a waste." As they were eating, Elcio repeatedly praised Cleo.

Cleo wipes his mouth after obtaining five more advanced genes; they are catching up to his normal genes. He turns to Glutton and Leon and can see that their strength is also rapidly increasing as the battle rages on.

'Glutton still needs a lot of food to eat, but Leon only needs a couple more souls to evolve; with that, he can become stronger, and his path will no longer be blocked.' He thought as he watched his two pets search for another target.

"Young master, can I ask a question?" Suddenly, while they are busy eating, Flare's elite guard speaks.

"Hm!" He nods his head, stuffing another huge chunk of meat into his mouth, trying to obtain more advanced genes. With the rate of his consumption, they are going to finish eating the carcass of the elite Blue Rage Monkey in just a matter of minutes.

"Why is your friend not eating with us?" Actually, her question is also something that Elcio has been wanting to ask since earlier.

"Oh? Him? Hmm, it is his technique. Do you know that he was both blind and deaf before, but even with such a disadvantage, he never begged for anyone to help him and tries to do things on his own? Fortunately for him, the two of us met, and we instantly hit it off." He is trying to create a make-believe story for Leon and, at the same time, give reasons for his strange behaviour.

"He can eat, but he must do it in a more quiet space as his technique needs to use the enhancement from the genes to cultivate it, making it actively mute as his mouth is the source of his cultivation," he added, giving a reason why Leon does not speak.

The two can only sigh and cast a gaze full of pity on Leon. If he is training such a technique, that means that he is not only blind and deaf; he essentially becomes a mute at the same time. In this day and age, such a drawback is extremely lethal for anyone's growth.

"He is lucky for you to notice him and his potential, young master." Elcio sighs as he tries to force himself to eat a rather large piece of meat.

"Hahaha! I am also very lucky to find a warrior like him. Look at him; it seems that he does not feel pain nor knows what exhaustion is; he is basically like Glutton, but considering my pet has a special trait, this comparison is unfair."