

An ordinary man born with luxury but condemned to an awful death—will history repeat itself? Find out as our unlikely, timid hero grows into a powerful but awkward fighter.

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152 Chs


"Lady Flare, the clean-up group has engaged the Blue Rage Monkeys; they are currently at an advantage with the help of the long-range warriors and those that are considered mobile warriors, such as young master Cleo," reported one of the informants.

"Oh, they engaged already; I thought that they were going to strategize first, as the Blue Rage Monkeys are not as stupid as most genetic creatures; they have scouts that can find any approaching warrior," states one of Cleo's uncles.

"The Blind Warrior was the first one to engage the enemy; he had no fear. Taken by surprise, the Blue Rage Monkeys reacted slower than expected. Young Master Cleo then brought some of the mobile warriors to assist his friend, causing the targets to panic."

The uncles and aunties of Cleo look at each other as they become more interested in Leon; they cannot deny that having a subordinate like him will definitely boost their influence and power.

Meanwhile, back to Cleo, they were fighting an elite Blue Rage Monkey; unlike most of its kind, it was wearing some sort of armour. It seems that it was incredibly old, but it is still helpful in blocking some attacks.

"Young master!" shouts the elite guard as she sees the scene of Cleo taking one of the elite Blue Rage Monkey's attacks; she knows just how heavy their strike was.

BAM! Cleo smashes into one of the trees. He managed to successfully block the attack in the last second. With his strong body, he was not hurt that badly, but still, the attack caught him by surprise.

"So that's how you managed to do that," he mumbles as he watches the battle between Leon and it. Their opponent can actually accelerate its movement for a short amount of time, similar to Dragon Flight.

He leaps towards it and sends a powerful punch towards its face. He left his sword on the ground, expecting that he needed to use his fingers to grab hold at the branches or anything that he could hold on; in fact, he did not even wear his footwear in order to fight more efficiently in the trees.

[Tiger Pounce]

BANG! The elite Blue Rage Monkey was about to block his punch but was forcefully stopped by Leon. The punch squarely hit its face, causing one of its teeth to fly out.

Leon and it fall to the ground. Glutton's eyes light up after seeing their falling figures; they let out a loud howl that caused the Blue Rage Monkeys to shiver.

They had seen the scene where Glutton bites off the head of one of their brethren after falling to the ground; this angers them but at the same time scares them.

"Ooh! Ooh!" The other Blue Rage Monkeys call for reinforcement after realising that they are outnumbered and their leader has fallen to the ground, being attacked by two strong beings.

BAM! The elite Blue Rage falls to the ground but has already put his long hands covered with armour on its face, not caring about its body.

Glutton leaps towards it, but unfortunately he did not expect it to actually immediately block its face. He can only bite one of the hands, but because of the strange old armour, his sharp fangs and teeth were unable to pierce through.

The elite Blue Rage Monkey uses this opportunity to stand up as Leon is still recovering from the fall. It might be immortal, but it still harbours a physical body. He does not feel pain, but the shock from the fall made it impossible to move his body.

"Take this!" Elcio roars as he transforms into his favourite form, biting at the leg of his target. His teeth are also not sharp enough to pierce through. The elite Blue Rage Monkey might not have armour in his leg, but his muscle is incredibly tough.

BAM! He was kicked like trash. It seems that even after participating in the first battle, he is still not strong enough to fight against an elite Advanced Grade genetic creature. He wipes the blood from his mouth as he glares at their opponent.

"Elcio! Give Leon his sword!" Now that they are on the ground, his clone can finally fight with his true strength; unless the elite Blue Rage Monkey manages to climb back up, it would definitely die fighting against Glutton and Leon on the ground.

He went after the Blue Rage Monkey, saying that Flare's elite guards are fighting; they need to deal with the current ones before their reinforcement arrives.

The only way to do this is by using their number against them. He is not someone stupid enough to fight in an honourable way in a lifeand-ddeath battle; unless given special circumstances, he would fight as dirty as he could in order to win.

BANG! He secretly creeps towards the back of the Blue Rage Monkey and punches its nut while it's busy fighting against Flare's elite guard. The pain caused it to freeze. Using this opportunity, the guard summons her weapon and thrusts on the neck of her opponent.

It was still alive, showcasing their species great vitality. It tries to swat the guard away, but Cleo grabs it's hand, and with a roar, he manages to lift it, throw it to the ground, and jump after it.

He punches the handle of the sword, boring it deeper into its throat until the tip of the sword can be seen on the other side.

BAM! Unlike Leon, he easily managed to land safely. He gestures for Flare's elite guard to go down and retrieve her sword, and he runs towards a different tree, where the other guards assigned to him by Flare are fighting one Blue Rage Monkey.

Even though they are fighting against it three to one, they are unable to kill it easily. Cleo decided to intervene in order to kill as many of their targets as he could. Suddenly, just as he arrives at the top of the branch, he hears a notification.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host's pet for slaying a Blue Rage Monkey and obtaining its soul blessing! ]

[Soul Blessing: Blue Rage Monkey Transformation]