
Gene (Dr Blush Side Story)

Second part of Dr Blush (Dragon Ball Fanfic) further into the future where ALCHEMI has grown into a large organization and some events related to the original plotline take place. It takes place away from the influence of Dr Blush introducing effects created by her along with the adventures of her newly created homunculus bio android named Gene and a few others. Disclaimer: Chapters are quite short and the story will pick up from many things that have not been covered in Dr Blush so there may be some occasional descriptions of events that take place in Dr Blush or what may be considered as spoilers for what is not covered in what has been written in it. Dr Blush link: https://en.webnovel.com/book/24047389305498405 Kofi Page link: https://ko-fi.com/dancematdan

dancematdan · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs


In a private laboratory affiliated with ALCHEMY Pharmaceuticals, one of many businesses in place to fund the operation of ALCHEMI and to provide a cover for their shadow organization, many were working to pursue many different paths that suited them better.

Among them were two of many of Dr Blush's familiars who had earned a name from their master. Flake and Shard were the most intelligent and successful in the area of creating all kinds of inventions.

Dr Blush had focused on biology and chemistry so she needed others to pursue other paths.

Shard and Flake went into mechanics and modified their bodies further into Androids that had infinite energy.

They were busy at work inventing new things when they received a call.

Their first words were meant as if to insult the intelligence of Pandora and they then listened to the problem.

Flake. "Dumb wolf is so dumb. Silly combat junkie only knows how to fight."

Shard. "Master left such an important job to you? What a joke!"

They insulted Pandora further as they thought her unsuitable for such a task of raising Gene.

Flake. "Master would have wanted her to find her way on her own."

Shard. "Yeah! You are a bad wolf!"

They laughed and mocked Pandora some more which angered Pandora. "This is why I never contact you two. Just explain already."

Flake. "Send her off on a mission. It will give her some purpose."

Shard. "Oh... I got one here. Send her off to meet this contact. It will be a good first mission and it will allow her to see a little more of the world. Teach her the basics then send her off."

Combined. "Dumb Wolf!"

They sent the details over and Pandora started to prepare Gene a little before sending her off on her own when they got a little closer to the next destination.

The young Gene was shocked to experience many new things while learning more about her mother's various allies and other operations.

She got one hug from Pandora as a final farewell before Pandora waved to her. "Good luck out there little one."

Gene smiled brightly as she left. "Bye wolf auntie!"