
Gene (Dr Blush Side Story)

Second part of Dr Blush (Dragon Ball Fanfic) further into the future where ALCHEMI has grown into a large organization and some events related to the original plotline take place. It takes place away from the influence of Dr Blush introducing effects created by her along with the adventures of her newly created homunculus bio android named Gene and a few others. Disclaimer: Chapters are quite short and the story will pick up from many things that have not been covered in Dr Blush so there may be some occasional descriptions of events that take place in Dr Blush or what may be considered as spoilers for what is not covered in what has been written in it. Dr Blush link: https://en.webnovel.com/book/24047389305498405 Kofi Page link: https://ko-fi.com/dancematdan

dancematdan · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs


Gene looked confused after hearing the question from Pandora. "Stronger?"

Pandora could feel that the Ki she sensed from Gene had grown.

She was experienced and knowledgeable so she figured out what had happened. "Dr Blush must have added some Saiyan to you. It all makes sense now."

Regeneration was just the beginning of Gene's many abilities and it worked well with the Saiyan power-ups after they suffered battle damage.

If Gene started with both traits then there was no reason for her to start as a strong being.

She was already ahead of many others when it came to talent, being able to gain more power from getting hurt was just another advantage she could have over others. Gene still looked confused but Pandora explained. "I will show you once we are out of here."

She carried her away leaving behind the mess that had been created until they arrived in the mountains. Pandora started to demonstrate her wolf-style martial arts which showcased several wolf-inspired moves.

Most were clawing and tearing moves while she demonstrated a final move. "Wolf Fang Fist!"

Gene sat down and watched Pandora who had slowed her movements down to let Gene see everything. "My turn!"

Gene stood up and took a fighting stance.

What was surprising was that she had perfectly replicated the form from seeing it demonstrated moments ago.

Each form moved into the next one clumsily before Gene had grown familiar with them all.

Pandora was shocked. 'Dr Blush has created a little monster..'

Pandora learned those moves and worked with Dr Blush to perfect them to best suit her over a long time yet they had been mimicked by Gene so easily. "This is good but you still need experience to be able to properly use it."

The forms and techniques were mimicked well but Gene still needed to be able to use them properly in combat.

Pandora then sat Gene down. "Close your eyes. Put your hands facing the other and concentrate. Quiet your mind and relax. When you are ready, start drawing out your energy from within."

Pandora was shocked by Gene again! "Crazy…."