
Gemstone Magic

Since Leon was a child, he dreamt of becoming a hunter, pushing back the ever growing evil that threatened the Slate Kingdom. For the last four years he has trained himself to become the strongest. Only problem, Leon’s gemstone holds no power. In this world were the gemstone you are born with determines your magic ability and strength, having a weak stone is a major crux. How will he fare as the events starting from the coming-of-age ceremony spiral out of control? Will he be able to find reliable allies to protect what he wants to protect, or will he fail? Hello everyone. This will be a primary fantasy novel focusing on monsters and magic. The general premise is that the surrounding areas are filled with monsters and non-human races that seek to do harm. Humanities weapon against them is the magic granted by their gemstones. Leon, the MC, has a powerless gemstone. However, over the course of the novel he find that there is a secret to it. As for R18 scenes, there will be a few, though probably not the main focus. Enjoy the read and if you guys feel like sharing ides, feedback or corrections please comment. https://discord.gg/GkgShV4u (Link to discord) Also for the artwork. Tried using some ai prompts. Not totally happy, but tried making the character Hela.

WorldWarper · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Chapter 31-Dressed for the party

Late into the morning the two awoke. The carriage was stopped at the large town of Delton, a few hours travel from the Reinhardt capital Red Hill. Leon, the first of the two to get up was currently using the soul battle technique. Within in his mind he clashed against the powerful foes he had previously faced. Finishing the last simulated battle, his body was drenched in sweat and his muscles fatigued.

"Whatcha up to Leon" seeing he was finished with his activity, Hela approached confidently. A lot of the previous tension seemed to fade away which made Leon curious as to what changed. Unable to think of what it might be, he answered instead "It's just a technique my grandfather taught me, if you'd like I can teach it to you later?" Talking about the technique, Leon is reminded of the promise attached to it. 'Do I really have to have ten children? Isn't that too many for one woman, does that mean I should marry multiple women, is that allowed?' As he minds begins wandering further, Hela snaps him back to reality.

"Your grandfather? I would like to meet him, seeing as you are meeting my parents soon" she tells him, wanting to know more about the man in front of her. 'Yes, I am introducing him to my parents when we reach the manor. Wait, does that mean I'll be bringing him there as my partner? He did try to cuddle with me and that's what you do with lovers right? But if we were to get together, wouldn't it affect his training.'

"Sure, when he gets back, I will introduce him to you", 'Hehe, that way the old bastard can't say I have no luck with women'. With his grandfather constant banter about his lack of romantic partners he finally felt he had it over him.

The two of them, letting their delusion run wild head into town.

"Leon we will have to get you ready for the ball. That means a few suits and some extra grooming" while the Reinhardt family normally wouldn't take such effort, this time they were hosting all the local lords and even members of nobility from other territories as such they needed to pay attention to their appearances.

"Uh, Hela, I don't have any money" while Leon was sure the wyvern's cores could cover it, he had already used it. Now he was back to being a rather poor commoner.

"Don't worry about it, I will be paying, I did invite you after all. Even if I was banished, I still had quite a bit saved up". She having invited him, had always felt it would be her responsibility. Knowing Leon was likely not from a wealthy family, such expenses were expected.

"Alright then" he responds gingerly. There wasn't really a decision to be made but he still felt a little sore from needing to have it purchased for him.

Leon and Hela, thereafter, spent the next couple of hours going through various stores getting work done on themselves.

Walking to the last store, a clothing store, Leon's previously gruff appearance had been drastically changed. His hair and body now professionally groomed, had Hela calling him 'charming'.

With a 'ding', the pair entered the shop. A young woman quickly walked over, which Hela ended up talking to. Leon deciding, they were likely acquaintances, decided to spend his time walking through the store. After walking a few aisles, he had concluded the clothing could be put into two groups. Normal material, where the suits ranged anywhere from 250 core to 3500 core. The other was magically enhanced, were the price started from 3000 core.

"Young man, please come over here so I can take your measurements" having finished their conversation, Leon was called over.

"Now stand still, this will only take a moment." The woman quickly runs a tape measure around Leon's body. Once satisfied she turns to Hela. I have one that nearly matches his side, would you like that for today and then have the custom made ones sent to your residence tomorrow.

"That would be perfect." With her question answered the woman goes away to prepare the necessary clothing. Hela's attention then turns towards her own dress.

"Leon, should I wear for the ball?" she asks him, wanting to match it to his taste.

"Your dress yesterday was stunning" not well versed in clothing he could only think about how great she looked last night.

"The open slit one? I suppose I can wear another one. What colour do you think it should be, normally red is worn but I think a change could be good?"

"Hmm, you wore black last time, maybe white would be good" without much thought he answers.

"Alright, I will ask for a white one."

Getting back in the carriage, they ride for roughly two hours, arriving at the city Red Hill. Peeping through the carriage windows, Leon spies a glimpse of the city. Tall wooden walls line the city's edge coated in brown and red, giving the impression of a more traditional style. As the carriage approaches the gate the guards quickly wave them through, knowing that the occupants would be direct members of the Reinhardt family.

Entering the city, Leon sees the road is filled with wooden homes and stores, giving a similar style to the walls. Sometime later, Benny declares that they had arrived at the manor gates. With Leon and Hela stepping out, he takes in his surroundings. The wall, standing some three metres tall is what first stands out.

Wanting to see more, he follows Hela as she walks over to the main gate. An elderly guard stands next to it, with a younger man further back. Both are dressed in chainmail.

"Hela, you've come home, and you brought a man with you, hoho how the young girl grows" with a smirk he calls out.

"Regi, I'm a woman now not a child" knowing the old man, she falls for his tease.

"My bad, my bad. Oh, be careful Annie is around."

With the man's warning, Hela's face darkens. Before Leon can speak up she composes herself and walks through the gate, Leon follows behind her.

Walking in, Leon's eyes are immediately drawn to the building atop the hill in front. A large Iron bark tree stands tall, the very tips of its branches can be seen burning.

"It's glorious, isn't it? We make all our fireproof materials from its sap. There are only a few dozen of these trees in the whole territory and it's the largest." Seeing Leon's gaze, she explained. "Come, my family's home is to the Northeast of here.

Rather than a single manor, it would be better to call it a collection of courtyards. Each major branch of the family would each own a villa, with heir and their business being conducted in the main building Leon saw upon walking through the gate.

As they walk past a series of houses, Leon spies the old man from the battlefield standing inside one of the buildings. "Hela, do you mind if I go talk to someone" he asks, given his reason for being here was his promise to her and he didn't want to ruin Hela's plan.

"That's fine, my house is just over there" she points to one of the small courtyards nearby. "Come meet me there when you are done."

"Sure, see you soon" giving his temporary farewells, he heads to the elder.

"Hello old man, you look like you are doing well" Leon trying to be a bit casual and not knowing the seniors name responds so.

Entering the building Leon sees that he may have made a mistake. A series of servants were surrounding him, likely listening to him. The faces of all of them were black, as if their own mother was insulted.

"Hahaha. Well, if it isn't the young Leon." With great speed the old man grabs Leon and pulls him beneath his arm.

"Cut it" he protests, surprised by the old man's strength.

"Haha. I guess I didn't give you a name. Hmm, can't have you calling me old man all the time. How about, Mr Reinhardt".

"Alright, Alright" with Leon's answer, he lets go of Leon.

"As much as I would like to chat right now my boy, I am quite busy. What courtyard are you staying in, I will visit when I am free?" the man inquires.

"I'm staying with Hela."

"Hoh, Hela's guest. Alright, I'll come by tonight. You best get going."

Not wanting to bother the man and keep Hela waiting, he heads to her place.

As he leaves the room, he signals for a woman with a golden badge to follow Leon.

Little did Leon know that in the next few minutes his rage would erupt with an intensity he hadn't felt since he battled the vampire during the hunt.