
Gemstone Magic

Since Leon was a child, he dreamt of becoming a hunter, pushing back the ever growing evil that threatened the Slate Kingdom. For the last four years he has trained himself to become the strongest. Only problem, Leon’s gemstone holds no power. In this world were the gemstone you are born with determines your magic ability and strength, having a weak stone is a major crux. How will he fare as the events starting from the coming-of-age ceremony spiral out of control? Will he be able to find reliable allies to protect what he wants to protect, or will he fail? Hello everyone. This will be a primary fantasy novel focusing on monsters and magic. The general premise is that the surrounding areas are filled with monsters and non-human races that seek to do harm. Humanities weapon against them is the magic granted by their gemstones. Leon, the MC, has a powerless gemstone. However, over the course of the novel he find that there is a secret to it. As for R18 scenes, there will be a few, though probably not the main focus. Enjoy the read and if you guys feel like sharing ides, feedback or corrections please comment. https://discord.gg/GkgShV4u (Link to discord) Also for the artwork. Tried using some ai prompts. Not totally happy, but tried making the character Hela.

WorldWarper · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Chapter 30- Battlefield

After some time, Hela unwraps her hands from him. As she pulls herself away, Leon struggles to take control of his emotions.

"Hela, would you mind if I take the wyvern cores?" he asks, knowing now the importance of collecting monster cores.

"Sure, I don't really need the money anyway. I will get Benny to grab them for you" happily complying she walks towards Benny and tells him her orders.

As Hela speaks, Leon inhales and exhales deeply. His hand instinctively reaches towards his chest before dropping down. He finally manages to shake off the dark thoughts weighing him down. Letting him return to his normal self.

Unable to process the hard-fought battle he had just survived; his attention instead turns to the distance. The great fire is still blazing, and wyverns can be seen darting across the sky. 'There must be some kind of battle going on over there' Leon deducts.

"Hela, I plan to join them" using his finger, he directs her eyes towards the chaos in the distance.

"Leon the horses are safe, and we both nearly died. It would be foolhardy to go" Hela reasons with him.

Her words fall on death ears. It was not in his nature to abandon people. Doing so, would leave a great tear on his heart.

With Benny having collected the two cores, Leon goes and grabs them off him with a word of thanks. Receiving them, he quickly stashes them in his pockets. Not wanting to share his ability quite yet.

"I will be going now Hela. You should stay here and rest" not wanting her to get injured further, he responds sincerely.

"No. If you go, I go as well" despite her complaints at Leon going, she is willing to help make sure he remains safe.

"Alright, let's go." With the decision made, the pair run off towards the battle.

Having closed in on the battle, the once tangled cacophony had started to extricate itself. Now able to distinguish the noises, Leon was able to form a clearer picture of the battle.

Hundreds of soldiers flung flames and other magical abilities at the diving wyverns. Each side battling for supremacy with each other, but neither had succeeded. Instead, they harrowingly clashed, with their shouts and roars erupted across the battlefield. The ranged attacks colliding created waves of force to hit the surrounding combatants.

Amid the battle was a colossal wyvern, some several times larger than the others. A woman, who looked rather like Hela, only a few years older, was unleashing massive blasts of flames against it in the air.

"Let's split up to cover more ground" Leon stated, knowing it will give the greatest impact.

"Alright" giving Hela responded, veering to the left.

With the duo now split, Leon looks for the best point of attack. Seeing an old man locked in close combat with a wyvern, Leon springs into action. His speed, having now been significantly increased, allows him to dart quicker than what the wyvern can react to. His battle plan remained unchanged from earlier, meant that he brought down his sword with a single swing. The wyvern didn't even have a chance to react. With its head split from its body, it died instantly.

Leon having brought the spear from earlier saw this as the perfect chance to use it. With the wyverns focused on the other people. With a powerful throw he was able to down one. Seeing the tide quickly turn in the favour of the humans, he looked to the old man.

"Sir, do you need help?" Leon walks over to make sure the elder had escaped unscathed from his battle.

"Well, aren't you a strapping young man, what's your name?" the elderly man brushes off the dirt from his armour as he responds.

"It's Leon". Seeing the one place where the battle hadn't yet been decided, the duel between the woman and great wyvern, Leon looks to join them.

"If you are thinking of fighting the big matriarch don't" the man seeing his intentions, stops Leon.

"Why is that?" Leon a little taken aback asks.

"She wishes to do it herself. If you were to interfere, I don't know what she would do."

Still somewhat unsatisfied by the answer, Leon stared at the battle taking place. Watching the blasts of energy that were likely well above the realms of people he had previously met. Leon felt a slight annoyance at the thought that he may not be able to influence such a battle.

"Instead of worrying about that, tell me. Why does a young man like you join this battle. Is it for wealth, some glory, maybe you wish to join the Reinhardt family?" With a mixture of curiosity and part examination the man asks.

"Because there are innocent people around. I couldn't let the monsters attack them," Leon explains his motives.

"Is that why?" with a little shock he mumbles to himself.

As the original twenty or so wyverns are eventually killed, Leon sits down and waits for some time. Watching the epic battle above reach its conclusion.

Unable to stay in the air from its injury the wyvern eventually drops to the ground, signalling the end of its struggle. As the woman descends, she deals the final blow with an intense stream of heat from her hands.

With the wyvern dead, she raises a hand in triumph causing the soldiers to roar out in victory. A knight quickly runs over to her and gives her a drink. Sculling it, her injuries begin to heal, and her complexion looks better.

"Alright, I will be off now. I need to find my companion."

"Do you wish to collect the core of the wyverns you killed? Also, will you be at the Reinhardt celebrations?" the man asks as he also prepares to head off.

"You can keep it; I wouldn't like to feel like I intruded. If you feel generous, you can give them to any of the people affected by the horde. As for the ball, I was invited there."

"Very well, I will see you there." With that the two dispersed.

Leaving, Leon begins to walk through the battlefield to find his friend. Normally such a task would be easy to achieve given how much she stands out, though amongst the Reinhardt soldiers, she seemed to blend in. Eventually he finds her on the outskirts of the battle. She appears somewhat weary and uneasy, unable to sit still.

Upon Leon's approach, she quickly runs over to him. "Leon, there you are" she calls out.

"Are you fine Hela?" seeing her a little shaken he calmly asks.

"I'm well. Are we able to leave now?" Feeling like she is rushing to leave, Leon escorts her away with a simple but assuring "Let's head to the carriage."

As they leave, Hela's jumpiness slowly subsides. Clearing up entirely as they reach the carriage.

"Lady you are back?" Benny seeing the two's return quickly goes to greet them.

"Yes, please prepare to leave" not wanting to remain here any longer she instructs him so.

"As you wish my lady" with his response, Leon follows Hela into the carriage.

Entering the dark the carriage, Hela walks over to the bed before calling back to him "Leon we should probably head to bed now. You must be tired as well from today and tomorrow will likely be busy."

Stripping off her overgarments to try and reduce the heat clinging to her body, she slides into the bed and pulls a thin blanket over herself. Leon's eye are unable to move as he watches her, the bra she wears barely containing the large mounds that bounce as she steps into the bed.

"Leon you can sleep in the bed too." She softly calls out.

Taking off his shoes, he walks over to the bed. The carriage gently sways as he moves closer. Moving to the other side of the bed, his thoughts are preoccupied with the cores in his pocket.

Under the cover of darkness, he pulls them out and begins to integrate them into his body. A slight redness appears in his eyes as he does so.

With the cores disintegrated, he turns his gaze towards the seductive figure next to him.

Laying down beside her, he brings his hand over her side. Rubbing on her navel and soft breast.

"Leon!" the sudden touch of his hand on her belly cause her to respond in shock.

Her sudden voice makes Leon pulls his hand back. She rolls over to face him, her warm breath tickles his skin.

"No, Leon, we can't" softly chastise him, her eyes stare at him making him feel guilty and uncomfortable.

"Sorry, Hela" he calls to her lovingly, not wanting to feel hurt by his advances. He wasn't sure what had suddenly overcome him and lacking experience in properly wooing women didn't help his worries.

"That's alright. It was just sudden." Turning back over she whispered a "goodnight".

Leon returns it before trying to get to sleep. With the thick tension and unbearable heat, sleep proved difficult for both of them.

Sorry about the late chapter guys. There should be another tonight, all going well. Also from now on it will be daily chapters for a while. At least that's the plan.

Oh also I edited the prologue and chapter one so check it out if you feel like it.

WorldWarpercreators' thoughts