
The tower of the forgotten world (iii)

In the middle of night with a moonlight sky. A base half on fire near destruction. The group finally reunited with Dennis and not even time to catch. The elevator's doors open as they all go in. Not knowing what floor to go. Dennis pressed the highest floor possible, that was floor fifty, and waited without saying a word.

When they arrived at floor fifty, the doors opened, a massive room that was illuminated with the night sky. From their position, they could see that there was another door straight ahead, yet there was a deformed body figure in the center of the room. Without even thinking, Owen made a move by calling out its weapon and took a shot at the deformed body figure and it fall to the ground.

"What in the hell is that?"

Dennis said to Owen and immediately disarms him before he could recall his weapon.

"If it moves and has a weapon, you shoot, but if it isn't moving, don't do nothing to it!"

"What I'm I supposed to do!? We can't trust nothing we find in these weird places. It's a miracle that you are alive right now, but we need to get you the hell out of here!"

As Owen yelled at Dennis, they heard a loud thud coming from below. Around that moment, Dennis returned Owen's weapons and prepared himself by loading a shotgun. They all saw him pull it out into tin air.

"Wait, where did you get a shotgun from?"

Dj asked as preparing Dennis pistol while the kids stood back.

"Don't worry about it. Just focus on the target ahead!"

While Dennis gave the command, they saw that deformed body got up, and they all took aim. It turned around and gave one step and out of nowhere a full blast erupted from below, creating a hole. It took out the deformed body and as a loud roar echoed into the room. They saw a silver scaled claw come out from the hole, but they didn't waste no time at all to react. Dennis was already on the move tailed by Dj and when he got close to the hole. The head of a puppet came out turned into a dragon white scaled dragon.

"Oh no you don't!!"

Dennis said as he took aim and pulled the trigger. The shotgun pellets hit the dragon's face, yet it didn't affect it at all while it readied itself for an attack. White flames appeared from its mouth and spewed it out at Dennis. He was about to get hit by the white flames, but Dj got him out of the way since he trailed behind him. They went to the right since there wasn't a claw in the way but as they did. The floor below them was cracking. Dj then tossed Dennis ahead and stepped back. Separating Dennis from the group.

"Of all times... Another puppet that servers their maker..."

Dennis said as he was getting up from the floor.

"To hell with this..."

Dennis shot at the enemy's back with the shotgun and was doing nothing to it at all, but it caught its attention and turned around. Looking over at Dennis, as it was getting ready to spew out fire. Out of nowhere, he heard someone yelling that made the dragon turn its head back. It saw Owen aiming his weapons at the dragon while gaining its attention.

"Hey!! Pay attention over here!!"

Owen yelled as he pulled the trigger multiple times. Shooting energy bullets at the dragon's face, but it bounces off it.

"Oh, come on!!"

Dennis, Owen and Dj said at the same time. While it all happened, Yen and Ace were thinking about how to harm the dragon, but nothing came to mind except magic.

"Everyone out of the way!"

Ace said. He then went past Owen and light formed in the palm of his hands. Running towards the dragon, he joined his hands together and formed a star that was growing in size. Dennis saw this from the other side and understood what Ace was attempting to do.

"Dj, Owen! We need to buy enough time for Ace!"

As Dennis mentioned, he tossed aside the shotgun, and it vanished while he pulled out a marksman rifle from the air. He then started shooting at the dragon to draw its attention to him. And as the dragon had its flames ready. It spewed it out at Dennis. Forcing him to move out of the way, but he wasn't fast enough to escape from harm. The white flames hit his left shoulder as he attempted to move to the right. Making him drop the marksman rifle, getting destroyed by the flames.

Owen saw this as an opportunity to attack and aimed his weapon sideways. Charging up a purple beam and when he pulled the trigger. It unleashed an energy blast at the back side of the dragon's head that knocked it out cold, but it so revealed a white transparent body of light that connected the head and the claw.

In the middle of all of this distraction. Dj was focusing his magic. As it covered his right fist in flames, forming a huge fire fist that was hot and ready.

"Ace, I'll back you up!"

Dj said as he launched himself towards the dragon.

"Thanks! Now let it have it!"

Ace said while his star was big enough to do a lot of harm. He then throws it at the dragon with both hands. Hitting the head while Dj punched it down with his fire fist. Sending it down to the ground as they could all hear a faint roar.

"Move it, you guys! That thing can return at any minute now!"

Dennis said. As his friends made to him and went past him. They were heading towards the door, but it had a keypad. He felt that something was coming and while he was opening the door and when he turned around. He saw it was the moving armor coming in from above.

"This is going to be bad..."

Dennis said while his friends were entering the next room. He soon entered and closed the door behind him. Cast ice magic on it to freeze the door shut so that no one could enter.