
Gateway Pursuits: A Modern Adventurer's Odyssey

A mysterious voice reverberated in everyone's minds, marking the beginning of a race like no other. The rumbling of an earthquake shakes the world as twisting vines burst through the ground and an otherwordly colossal Gate appears, a shimmering translucent portal in the middle showing what lay on the other side, connecting the world with each other, entwining their fate together in this grand tapestry of the universe, all connected, waiting for the brave to thrust forward and reach the coveted planet.. The place where dreams become realities, where desires are fulfilled, where the most profound questions were answered, and where the origin of life began across the universe. But, our story start small as Daichi with his group of friends were thrusted head first by accident, unprepared, into this unknown world that suddenly connected with Earth. As reality mixed with fiction he once found in manga and anime, as fantasy becomes his new reality. Join this oddysey of an odd group of adventurers as Daichi tackles on trials and challenges, harnessing profound magic and cutting-edge technologies, while also forging new friendships and foes along the way. His journey unfolds as he strives to find a way back to Earth, and with newfound desires, he traverses gate after gate, exploring through charted and uncharted territories. With each step, he edges closer and closer to the sanctified shores of primordial origins. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Length: 1500 - 2000 words/chapter Disclaimer: I'm really new to writing, and this is my first attempt at writing a story. Though the scale is grand, I hope that I can make a story worth your guys time, as I hope you guys too will support me in this endeavor. Please give this book a lot of support, review, comments, and let me know what I need to worked on, so I can improve myself as I continue to write this story in the future.

NielQuill · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Odysseys and Origins

The night air embraced him as he stepped through the front door, weary from his part-time job at the convenience store. His tired eyes adjusting to the dimly lit surroundings, while a yawn escaped his mouth. He ran a hand through his tousled dark hair, a sign of a long day's work. Standing at an above average height, his lean and athletic frame was clothed in a worn-out university hoodie and faded jeans, giving him a casual and slightly disheveled appearance while also hinted at hidden strength. His deep-set eyes held a certain intensity that could appear intimidating at first glance.

As he walked through the quiet neighborhood, his footsteps resounded with a confident stride. A faint smile played on his lips as he mused to himself, his deep voice resonating with a touch of gravelly richness. "Another day down.." he rumbled, the words flowing from his lips like a gentle growl, as a sigh followed his words.

Lost in his thoughts, he cast his gaze up at the starry night sky, his piercing eyes glimmering with a mix of weariness and determination. Despite the intimidating exterior, those who knew him understood the kind heart that beat within. His voice, though deep and slightly rough, carried a warmth and sincerity that could melt even the coldest of hearts.

The night air was cool as he made his way home, the glow of streetlights casting long shadows on the quiet neighborhood. It was already an hour past sunset. He picked up his pace as he knew his family would be waiting for him.

As he entered the cozy apartment, he was greeted by his younger sister, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Daichi, you're finally home!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with joy.

Daichi smiled warmly at her, his voice filled with joy at the sight of his sister, "Hey, Hana. I'm back. How was your day?" Bending down, he slipped off his shoes and carefully positioned them on the shoe rack by the front door.

Hana beamed and replied, "It was great! Mom and I made dinner together. You're in for a treat!"

Making his way to the living room, Daichi spotted his mother bustling around, pouring soup into the bowl and preparing utensils for their dinner. Despite her fragile health, she still wore a soft smile, her love evident in every dish she prepared. It amazed him how she could still find the strength to cook for them, even in her condition.

With the food and utensils neatly arranged, Daichi's mom said, "Take your seats at the table, Daichi, Hana. Let's eat before it gets too late in the evening."

Hearing their mom's words, the duo found their way to the dining table. Daichi settled into his chair, placing his bag on the floor beside the table.

"Thank you for the meal!" The three of them clasped their hands together, offering a prayer of gratitude before delving into the food.

Looking at the chicken katsu still steaming with hot air alongside the still-warm rice, Daichi took a bite of the meal, savoring the familiar flavors that reminded him of his childhood.

"How does it taste, Daichi?" Hana asked eagerly, her eyes shining with anticipation.

Gulping down the food, then washing it down with some soup, Daichi answered, "It's delicious, Hana. You and Mom did an amazing job!"

As the both of them smiled at the reply, Mom's voice joined the conversation as she asked, "And how was your day, Daichi? Anything interesting happening at university or work?"

Daichi sighed, his gravelly voice reverberating through the room, "Same as every day. Classes were tough, and work was tiring. But I managed. No exciting news to report."

The conversation flowed effortlessly, as the aroma of the delicious dinner filled the air, with sounds of laughter brimming alongside it.

Finally savoring the last bite of the delicious meal, his mother immediately began to rise from her seat, intent on clearing the table and clean the dishes, Daichi gently reached out and grabbed her arm.

"Mom, it's fine. Let me take care of the dishes, you need to rest." Daichi insisted, his low voice filled with concern.

His mother hesitated, her tired eyes meeting his. She understood his intentions but couldn't help feeling guilty for not contributing more.

"I can handle it, Daichi. You've had a long day too," she protested softly.

Shooking his head, a gentle smile graced his lips. He replied "It's fine, it's fine Mom. I'm still young, you know, you can leave it to me."

"Yeah, mom. Daichi is right, you know. Just leave the chores to me and Daichi, Mom." Hana perked up and joined the conversation. Looking at Daichi motioning something from behind their mother's back.


"Ah, look at the time! Starlight Melody is about to start! Mom, can we watch it together, please..?" Hana Interrupted her, her doe eyes sparkling, and her voice filled with childlike enthusiasm.

Her interruption caused her mother's words to trail off, her attention now fully captured by the irresistible request. Hana's eyes shimmered with an endearing mix of anticipation and pleading, and the longer she took to answer, the more upset Hana's face becomes as if she was about to cry.

Feeling a tug at her heartstrings, her mother's gaze softened as she looked upon her daughter's sparkling eyes. A gentle smile played at the corners of her lips.

"Of course, my sweet Hana," she replied, her voice carrying a touch of warmth. "Let's watch it together."

Gazing at her son's face, a pang of guilt washed over her. She hesitated, torn between wanting to spare him from the burden of cleaning after a long day at university and work, and appreciating his caring gesture. While Hana in the background, stood with a big smile and gave a thumbs-up to her brother, feeling proud after finishing her mission.

"It's fine, mom. Leave it to me." Smiling brightly, holding his laugh. Daichi also put a thumbs-up, congratulating Hana on her success.

"Alright.." She said, her voice though reluctant, filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Daichi. I appreciate your help."

Daichi's smile widened, a mix of relief and reassurance. "No problem, Mom. It's the least I can do."

Hana beamed at her brother, her eyes twinkling with pride.

"Well then!" She exclaimed, clapping her hands together. "Now, let's not keep Starlight Melody waiting!" Dragging Mom to the sofa, Hana rushes to turn on the tv.

As the opening theme of Starlight Melody played, the living room filled with a sense of anticipation and delight.

While the cheerful melody got muted by the clinking of dishes and the steady flow of water in the kitchen, Daichi stood in front of the sink, immersed in the task of scrubbing and cleaning the dishes, his thoughts drifted to his late father. Memories of their time together flooded his mind, reminding him of the void that still lingered since his father's tragic passing. The weight of his absence felt heavier than ever, especially when he saw his mother struggling with her heart condition.

Every clink of the plates and the sound of water rushing from the faucet seemed to echo the bittersweet nostalgia within him. His father, once an accomplished engineer, had been the pillar of strength for their family. Daichi couldn't help but wonder how different things would be if he were still alive, not run over by that reckless drunk truck driver. Perhaps his mother wouldn't have to bear the burden alone, and their lives would be filled with less worry and hardship.

The realization that his mother's heart condition was partially caused by the stress she had endured from the death of her husband while also toiling away countless hours to provide for her family in his absence weighed heavily on Daichi's heart. He couldn't shake the guilt that crept in, blaming himself for not being able to ease her burden entirely. Despite his best efforts to provide for their family, the financial strain, the emotional and physical toll his mother had experienced had taken a toll on her health.

As he scrubbed a particularly stubborn stain off a plate, his mind wandered back to the hospital visits and the conversations with the doctors. The diagnosis of congestive heart failure had hit them all hard, serving as a constant reminder of their fragile reality. Daichi yearned for a world where his mother could find respite from her worries.

"Sigh..." Taking a sigh as he dried the last dish and set it aside, a mixture of determination and regret swirled within him. He knew that his mother had done everything out of love, sacrificing her own well-being to ensure theirs. It was now his turn to provide her with the care and support she deserved.

With a deep breath, Daichi set aside his worries as he dried his hands on the towel. Walking out of the kitchen with the intent to finish his homework on the dining table, his step halted as a majestic voice nor male or female reverberated inside his mind...

No... In everyone's minds.

"O beings of the vast cosmos, hear our divine words, resounding through the chambers of thy mortal souls. In this moment, the cosmic tapestry unfurls, unveiling the existence of the Gates.

Behold, as the Gates emerge from the depths, rending asunder the very fabric of your world and descending upon its terrestrial visage. These ethereal portals, woven by forces beyond mortal beings, hold the key to an epochal pilgrimage. They are the conduits to the charted and uncharted, the thresholds to realms trodden and untrodden.

Yet, be warned mortals, for the path ahead is fraught with perils, veiled by the whims of fate. Each Gate, like an enigmatic oracle, who guides thee to an unknown realm, a destination concealed by the cloak of chance. And within those realms, more Gates await, like celestial whispers echoing through the cosmos, unveiling further paths to distant spheres. These celestial gates mark the way to the planet that cradles the source of all life.

But let it be known that this is no mere race of fleetness or might. It is not a contest for the timid or impulsive. Nay, it is a trial of wisdom, resilience, and adaptability. The paths thou shalt traverse are shrouded in the mists of ambiguity, and only the vigilant shall navigate the intricate web of possibilities.

Beware, dear mortals, for every stride taken holds both triumph and tribulation. The fickleness of the Gates shall challenge thy fortitude, beckoning thee toward charted and uncharted realms, toward seen and unseen perils. Let caution be thy ally, and prudence thy guiding star in this hallowed dance.

Yet despair not, for amidst this grand odyssey lies the promise of realization and enlightenment. The coveted planet, where dreams crystallize and desires are fulfilled, awaits those intrepid souls who dare to tread the paths of uncertainty. It is a realm that holds the answers to the profoundest questions of existence, a sanctuary where possibilities flourish.

Go forth, valiant beings across the cosmos, with hearts unbarred and spirits indomitable. Embrace the resplendent tapestry of this cosmic race, for it is not solely a contest against thy fellow mortals, but a quest to unlock the secrets of the cosmos. May the Gates shepherd thy course, and may thy odyssey guide thee to the sanctified shores of the planet of primordial origins.."

