
Gates To Earth

The year is 2035 and Earth has a new problem, Gates have begun to appear in locations all around the world, each one leading to different worlds or dimensions entirely, follow Lewis in his adventure as he discovers his newfound abilities. (THERE IS GORE AND VIOLENCE) You the readers will be able to take part in deciding some outcomes for Lewis, I hope you all enjoy this story, and thank you for giving it a read. on another note, I'm a beginner writer so there will be mistakes. I will try to fix any errors, so if you see any, feel free to let me know, and I will fix them.

wikid81 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 2: Oh Great Just What I Needed. . . Gnomes

Lewis selected the summoner class. He touched the word summoner and the letters began to glow as a ray of light blue shot into Lewis's body. Lewis closed his eyes and the ray of light disappeared. He looked back to the book and saw the other two classes were faded out just barely visible, while the summoner class now glowed lightly. Soon the glowing stopped and the summoner class was now a light green color.

As Lewis looked at the book the next page glowed slightly for a quick minute before stopping. Lewis turned the page and saw the next page had text now which Lewis read over.


Summoner Class Details

Able to Summon beings using mana. The higher the level of your summon class the more you can summon as well as the more different kinds of beings you can have this also includes more spells or abilities you may unlock as well.

Summoner Level: 1

Level Up after achieving 25 summon kills against hostile beings

Level Up after achieving 5 total summons active

Level Up after achieving 1 home for summoned beings

Level Up after achieving 2 Summonable Beings

Level Up after achieving 1 ability

Summon Amount: 0/5

Beings Available: 1/2

Forest Gnome - A race of gnomes that on average are 3'3 never growing past 3'6 they live in large forests with larger trees that they live inside of, the forest gnomes usually are hunter-gatherers and some become druids or clerics while those with the arcane arts became illusionists, they are a secretive kind always avoiding other races besides those that are kind to the forests, they were a friendly race only staying in their small villages until the Gate War began which resulted in the friendly forest gnomes entering war for the first time in history, just like the forest gnomes the other gnomes soon joined the war, the war resulted in all of the gnomes settlements to be lost or in ruins, soon after the start of the war the gnomes became nothing but history.

Spells Available: 1/3

100MP Summon Forest Gnome - Allows the Summoner to summon 1 random forest gnome every 24 hours

Abilities available: 0/3


Lewis Looked at the new page and smiled, as he saw the details of the summoner class he sighed. He then saw the level-up requirements for the summoner class how was he supposed to have 1 gnome kill 25 hostile beings? Lewis just hoped they were able to put up a fight if needed.

Lewis looked at the first page that had the classes and saw there was now a page before the class page. Lewis flipped to what now was the first page. Lewis read through the new page.



Classes: 1/1


In order to get more classes, you must first get another class to Level 10

Mana: 100/100 Mana Regen 0.01/min

Mana also known as MP allows the person to use magic or arcane arts. In order to increase the max mana, the person must use more mana-related things like abilities or spells. This also includes the regen of MP.

Skills available: 2

Arcane Arts - Allows the person to use magic

Basic Summoning - allows the person to use basic summoning magic


Lewis began to grin as he could now use magic. Lewis was excited, he began to read over the amount of mana that he had, as well as his mana regen. As Lewis was looking over the page Lewis heard the strange langue again outside. Lewis slowly crept up to his broken window and looked down to where the dead kobolds were laying dead. Sure enough, another group of kobolds was investigating the dead bodies.

The group was like the first small group that he had first seen with roughly ten maybe twelve kobolds. This group had no mage from the looks of it, four kobolds stood around the road as they kept an eye out for any movement. The other kobolds were around the dead bodies, taking any arrows that the dead archers had left and any weapon that was in better condition.

Lewis thought about attacking them, however, it was maybe better to let them pass. The commotion in the distance was still audible as explosions and gunshots were still going off. The sound of helicopters was heard way in the distance. The city where Lewis lived was massive as most of the towns were turning into cities after the increase of people arriving in the united states as well as the increased birth rates. The city that Lewis lived in was called Hulstern it had more than 450,000 people living in the city.

Hulstern was on the smaller side of cities. Lewis lived on the outskirts of the city not the rural side but getting there. Lewis then noticed the Kobolds looking at the bullet holes in the vehicles and even saw one of the kobolds look at where the dead kobolds had landed. It was then that one of the kobolds spoke as it pointed toward Lewis's shattered window. Lewis was able to duck just before they saw him, and shortly after he heard the kobolds run.

Lewis looked and saw that they were heading down the road which would lead them to the front entrance of his apartment building. Lewis looked at the book as he tried to figure out how to summon the forest gnome. it took him a few minutes before trying to just think of the line, "Summon forest gnome" he felt something begin to form in his right hand. Lewis reached his right palm out in front of him as a light blue portal began to form where his palm faced.

Lewis thought of the book going away and it did. Lewis now knew how to use his magic. Lewis then lowered his hand and took a step back as the portal grew around 4 feet in height, and that was when a single small man walked out of the glowing portal. The man was about 3'4 maybe a little bigger Lewis did not know.

The portal disappeared and the gnome watched in confusion as it did. The gnome then turned to Lewis and looked up at him, the gnome was wearing the famous pointy hat that a garden gnome had. The color was not the famous red but was a dark green instead, while the upper half was bent. The gnome wore a leather chest piece that was stained in soil and slightly damaged, underneath was a gray shirt and pants. He also wore pointy boots that were brown in color.

The gnome's clothes were heavily worn. The gnome also wore a belt around his waist and on the right side, the belt was a bit lower as a sword was sheathed. The sword had a small handmade doll that hung on the pommel of the hilt, it was weaved with some sort of plant-like material, while the had a type of black material for the eyes. The doll had a smile that was once bright and happy, now it's much darker from the dust and dirt that was stained on the doll. It made it seem like a cursed doll now.

The gnome held a small crossbow that was the size of his chest but yet he was able to carry it like it weighed nothing. It was small for Lewis's size, but for him, it fits perfectly. The gnome's skin was stained with dirt, or maybe mud. His hair was white including his beard. The gnome's beard almost touched his crossbow. The gnome had a small quiver of bolts sticking onto his back just barely visible. The quiver had around 10 bolts more than half empty from the looks, while the condition of the bolts was just as worn as his clothes as each bolt was not the same. each bolt made of something else may it be the shaft to the tip of the bolt. More than half of his bolts had dried blood on them.

The gnome looked back down as it scanned the new environment it was in. The gnome then looked to himself before placing his crossbow against the couch and looking at the doll on his sword. Lewis was just able to see the gnome shed a few tears before wiping them away, the gnome picked up his crossbow once more before spotting Lewis watching.

Lewis looked at the small man slightly sad for him but at the same time. Lewis was more confused about why he cried, was the doll something important to him? Lewis began to think about all of these questions until the sound of the strange language was heard once more. Lewis listened quietly as he heard it was just outside his apartment door. Lewis grabbed his G19 and loaded a clip into the pistol placing the empty magazine on the living room table.

The sound of doors being slammed open and hearing the kobolds running around next door to his apartment was clear as day. The sound of glass shattering and furniture being moved made it even more clear. They were looking for what killed their fellow kobolds. Lewis ran over to his kitchen and picked up his keys as he turned over his kitchen table. Lewis dragged the table into the living room, moving it to a place where he can see his door while having some cover.

Lewis Aimed his pistol towards the door as the kobolds rushed over to his door. The kobolds all heard the loud noise that Lewis made. The gnome was confused as it looked to the door and back to Lewis trying to figure out what was happening. Lewis looked to the gnome and spoke.

"You should probably get away from the door before they break in." the gnome tilted his head as if he did not understand him at all well that was until an axehead went through the wooden door. Lewis then shot his pistol a single time just above the axehead.

The bullet hit the door and made a hole where the axe had struck. The axe did not move again. Instead, another axe hit the wooden door making a small hole where a kobold peaked through. The sound of a click was heard which was soon followed by a thud. A bolt was sent flying and struck through the wooden door and into the kobold that was looking through it.

The kobold was hit right in its head as the yelling of the kobolds grew loud. All of the kobolds began to hit the door with swords and axes while the ones with bows tried to shoot through the new bigger holes that were made. Lewis looked at the gnome which now looked pissed while it loaded another bolt. Lewis began to shoot a few more bullets into his door before placing his gun in the holster, which he may have stolen from the dead officers.

Lewis ran over to the gnome which was busy loading another bolt and picked him up with both hands as an arrow landed right where the gnome was standing. the gnome looked at the arrow and back to Lewis who was now running back to the flipped table. The gnome was shocked as Lewis placed him down and apologized for picking him up suddenly. "what a strange human" was all the gnome could think.

Lewis pulled his pistol back out of the holster and fired the few remaining bullets into the door before ducking behind the table. Lewis made sure not to touch the wood of the table as the tips of the arrows kept on piercing the wood. The sound of wood being split open was heard as the sound of footsteps grew louder. With just a peek Lewis could see that the door now had a hole big enough for the kobolds to fit through.

Lewis tried to load his next clip in as fast as possible, as he did though he saw the gnome fire another bolt before throwing his crossbow to the ground, and unsheathing his sword before running out of the cover of the table and towards the oncoming kobolds. Lewis stood up as he finished reloading, and watched the gnome land a blow into a kobold. Lewis began firing his pistol at the 3 archers that were now aiming at the gnome. Lewis had hit each of the three kobolds with 5 bullets each before loading the next clip.

The sound of metal hitting metal echoed throughout the room, as the screech of a kobold became the only sound in the room. Lewis looked to the gnome as he loaded his last clip into the pistol and saw the gnome finish off one of the kobolds. One of the last kobolds swung at the unexpecting gnome but before the kobold's weapon hit Lewis fired 7 shots and killed the kobold. The Kobold's axe fell right before the gnome's feet.

The gnome wiped the kobold's blood off of his sword using the few strands of clothes that the kobold wore before sheathing his sword. The gnome walked over to Lewis giving a thumbs up in thanks. Lewis returned the gesture as he checked his magazine to see he had just 8 bullets left and slid the clip back into the pistol.

The Gnome went over to his door and went through the hole which the kobolds had made. The gnome took back his bolts that were sticking out of the dead kobolds, all except one such that one was stuck inside of the kobold's body. The gnome walked back into the room and tried to look outside of the shattered window, However, the gnome was a little small even when he went on the tip of his toes. his hat was the only thing that met the window's level.

Lewis walked over and lifted the gnome up onto the window's ledge. The gnome gave Lewis a grunt and a look as if he could have done that himself. The gnome looked out the window taking in all the new sights. the same sounds were heard as before. The gnome's expression was now showing surprise and then went to sorrow as the sounds were more clear and the fires were more visible, the gnome looked to Lewis giving him an apologetic look.

Lewis sighed as he spoke to the gnome. "It's not your fault. However, the city was nice looking before though" Lewis said with a slight chuckle before continuing "anyways we need to leave I don't want to stay here any longer." the gnome nodded and spoke for the first time.

"Are you kidding me? This has to be a joke right?" was all Lewis could say as the gnome in front of him was speaking in a whole different language.

The gnome shook his head at Lewis as if he was answering Lewis's question. "Well, at least you understand me," Lewis said to the gnome. The gnome gave him a nod.

Lewis thought to himself "Just what I needed gnomes that I can't even communicate with."

Lewis then unlocked his broken door and opened it. The two of them walked down the hall the gnome following behind him. They went down the flight of stairs and soon left the apartment building altogether. The sun was getting lower by the hour. This is the worst timing but his apartment was no longer a good place to hold out in. The sound of gunfire was still heard but not as much as before. Explosions went off every so often as well making it known that the kobolds or the number of humans have decreased or people are finding places to hold out in for the night.

Lewis walked to the parking lot and saw that his van was still intact. Lewis got into the van and pressed a button that opened the back door for the gnome. the gnome was waist level with the van so he had to pull himself up into the back of the van. Lewis pressed the button again and the door closed, the gnome was inspecting the van as it never saw one before.

Lewis turned the van on and the gnome held onto the seat's armrest with both hands as Lewis sped onto the road. The main roads were packed with abandoned cars which were to be expected but the side roads were still good besides the few scattered vehicles. Lewis only got 3 blocks down before he met another group of kobolds which he simply drove through them. The bodies made the van lift up and made the gnome's body lift off the seat before landing back down.

Lewis gave a chuckle as the gnome gave Lewis an angry look. The kobold group fired some arrows but the van was too fast for the arrows to reach. Lewis was then stopped by another group of abandoned vehicles. There were far too many to drive through or around, so he was forced to leave his van. He got out and walked to the main highway that would lead deeper into the city or he could just leave the city.

Lewis decided to go deeper into the city instead. If he did leave he would not have a guarantee of supplies and there may be kobolds in other areas as well. This could be happening everywhere and not just in the Hulstren. He watched the gnome slide down off of the van making the gnome fall down to his knees and puke. The gnome shortly recovered as he gave Lewis another stare clearly upset at the speed he had driven at.

Lewis ignored the stare as he pointed to the city "We are going deeper in the city that way we can find more supplies as well as see just how bad it is over there." The gnome nodded as he held his crossbow tightly.

The two of them walked between the cars on the highway avoiding every small group of kobolds as much as possible. soon they arrived where the buildings became dense as large stores and bigger apartments were all you saw. they kept walking until they entered a nice-looking neighborhood or was nice. One of the houses was on fire and bodies filled the streets both human and kobold alike. It seemed there were more kobold bodies but it still made Lewis's gut hurt as he saw the bodies of humans.

Once they made it out of the neighborhood he heard the sound of a helicopter and looked up as an MH-60 BlackHawk flew over them. Lewis was happy to see the military was now responding to this weird threat. The gnome once again had a shocked expression, and this made Lewis smile as he pointed to the helicopter and said "That's our military" The gnome looked at the helicopter and back to Lewis giving him a nod.

The two of them kept moving through the streets as more sounds of helicopters were heard and soon the sounds of jet engines. A F-35 flew over making the gnome hear the rumble of a jet for the first time. The gnome looked in awe as the jet flew by. Lewis then saw three more MH-60 BlackHawks fly overhead and saw soldiers sitting on the sides of the helicopter. One of the soldiers seemed to have spotted Lewis and the gnome as he pointed and turned his head into the helicopter.

The soldier then looked back to Lewis as the helicopter continued on its path. Lewis and the gnome continued as the sound of another helicopter grew louder. The two looked and saw another MH-60 BlackHawk fly in from a different direction and stopped near the two. The two stood in a more open area, both were confused as they looked at the hovering helicopter. Soon a single rope fell down and a soldier grabbed onto the rope and began to repel down the rope. As the first soldier was descending another rope fell as another soldier went down the rope.

Soon there were now 11 soldiers who all stood on the road. three of them aiming rifles at the gnome as well as Lewis, and the other 8 were watching the roads. Lewis raised his hands up and the gnome copied Lewis.

"What are you doing traveling with. . .with a gnome?" one of the soldiers said confused. The helicopter started to fly in the direction where it came from. "Um, he is my companion. . . " Lewis responded and the gnome gave a nod to Lewis's answer. "Are there any more people or just you two?" the soldiers now lowered their weapons as they began to question Lewis.

Lewis responded to every question with yes or no until they got everything they needed they soon began to tell Lewis to follow them to an evacuation site that was at the national guard airbase across the bridge. the problem was the kobolds, which was no surprise to Lewis. Another thing Lewis learned was this was not the only city under attack no, in fact, the towns and cities nearby were also having a similar event happening.

The soldiers then told Lewis and the gnome to follow them as they led them through the city to the rally point where there were supposed to be more soldiers. The questions they asked were simple for Lewis they were asking who he was, and where the gnome came from. Of course, Lewis lied to them saying that he found the gnome. Thankfully the gnome knew to play along. The gnome nodded with every answer that Lewis had given the soldiers.

The soldiers watched every direction as they moved. Each soldier gave callouts of everything they saw, and the radio on the squad leader came to life with lots of voices as the chaos once again started. gunshots of a bigger caliber were now heard in the city. The sound of the helicopter's door gunners was the loudest as their bullets were shot at their targets.

The soldiers began to pick up their pace as some reports of a large-size kobold force was in the process of attacking the rally point. The group soon entered the business area and the first sight that they saw was a fireball slamming into one of the BlackHawk which was consumed in the fire as parts of the helicopter fell. The gnome watched as the flying machine fell.

The sound of gunfire grew closer. The soldiers came to a halt they lined up in front of Lewis and aimed their rifles down the road. A group of soldiers emerged down the road and ran towards the group at full speed behind them were 30 kobolds who were chasing them while letting out a battle cry in their language. The squad leader told the other group of soldiers to get to the sides of the street. Once they received the radio message they moved out of the middle and the line of soldiers opened fire.

The gnome covered his ear for a minute as their rifles gave the small gnome a surprise by just how loud they were compared to Lewis's firearm. The kobolds fell one by one until there was none standing. the other group of soldiers walked over and began to talk to the squad leader. while Lewis stood next to the gnome, Lewis overheard the soldier's radio slightly.

The Radio was now in more chaos as different squads were panicking. Lewis could hear some of the voices on the radio "We can't contact command!" another voice responded "This is squa-----" The voice was then cut off. This was all that the radio broadcasted as helicopters flew out of the city most likely with soldiers retreating to the nearby base.

The number of soldiers in the group was now 22. there were now two squad leaders who both looked at Lewis and the gnome. The group of soldiers knew Lewis heard the radio and waved him and the gnome over. The squad leader that Lewis first met gave a brief to Lewis and the gnome to the new soldiers. They looked at the gnome with curiosity, and shortly they told Lewis about the situation.

"It seems like the military is pulling out of this city and are going to regroup back at the military base that is a couple of states away. They left us and any soldier that could not make it to the rally point or the evac site behind. they will most likely not return until the higher-ups get some new information on the situation." The first squad leader said while looking to the other squad leader which looked to be higher in rank.

"is that the only reason Why they won't return?" Lewis asked and the response he got was shocking to Lewis, "Because like I said the United States is in chaos right now, it seems this was the first place that was hit but portals and even some strange gates began to appear in some of the states while others have had nothing happen to them. Each portal had let out kobolds it seems. While the things we call gates are inactive while portals just appeared and disappeared shortly after the kobolds came out. That is why they won't come back there are more important places that have not been attacked yet which is probably where they will be told to go next. Most likely to form a barricade to stop the kobolds from spreading into the unaffected states." The other squad leader said.

Lewis nodded as the sound of gunfire was still echoing throughout the city the sun was now setting leaving them in an even more, tighter spot "do you know of any place where we can hold out?" The squad leader asked Lewis and Lewis responded with "I guess my apartment building is the only place I know of that was not attacked as badly." the squad leader then said, "Lead the way."

Lewis and the gnome lead the soldiers all the way back to where they started. This made Lewis slightly frustrated such they had traveled all the way into the city just to end up back home. Whenever the short-range radio picked up talking the squad leader would tell them to meet up at the group's position. Lewis and the group would wait for the new soldiers.

Sounds of gunfire were silent as the sun was gone and the night had begun. Every so often the sound of gunfire was heard as people fought for their lives. The fight would not last long only a few minutes at best. Lewis did not know if that was good or bad.

Once Lewis and the group arrived back at the apartment the number of soldiers was now around 60. Lewis stopped counting as the 6th group arrived. They all entered the apartment building and soon began to fortify the building the best they could. They barricaded the doors and windows with whatever was lying around, the soldiers mainly stayed on the first and second floors those with marksmen rifles went to the third including the two squad leaders whose names were Captain Edwards and First Lieutenant Jackson.

Lewis was surprised to see that all of the soldiers were in the Army and not a single National Guard. IT made sense after Lewis thought about it for a bit. The soldiers began to move the bodies outside of the apartment building near the back. While the ones not on body duty looked through each room to get a set number of supplies like food and other necessities. The group had food to last for at least 2 to 4 days if rationed properly. That was what the soldiers said to Lewis. Soon Lewis decided to go to his room as the soldiers stayed on guard duty taking shifts.

Lewis was not that busy while the gnome was interacting with the soldiers. The soldiers all asked the gnome questions and he simply nodded or shook his head. "Seems the little dude is well-liked, he was the first living gnome on earth after all" Lewis smiled as he went to eat some food before going to bed. throughout the whole night, not a single kobold was seen.

Once Lewis got up he saw the gnome was asleep on the couch with a blanket. A single soldier on guard was outside of his room and saw Lewis wake up and called over to the captain who soon entered the room. "You were right the kobolds are all gone from this area," Edwards said to which Lewis replied, "I'm surprised I thought that there would be some wandering around. also are you and your soldiers interested in seeing where the gnome came from?" Lewis asked with a yawn and a slight grin.

"what do you mean? You said you found him?" Lewis then replied with a simple "yeah I lied." The captain was not surprised instead he nodded "Yes let me get everyone this will be interesting to see. we will do it outside in the parking lot." Lewis nodded and looked at the now awake gnome. Lewis grabbed something to eat for himself and the gnome. The gnome only seemed to eat fruits and vegetables and little amount of meat.

Once Lewis and the gnome made it out to the parking lot everyone was looking at them. Lewis was excited to show off his magic to others. "Alright, Here I go," Lewis said with a slight smile. The soldiers looked confused as Lewis summoned his book. It appeared and Lewis picked his beginner's gift. He chose a random companion. Lewis grew excited to see what he got for his companion.

A portal appeared and the soldiers all aimed their weapons getting ready to shoot thankfully Captain Edwards told everyone to stand down as they saw Lewis look happy at the portal, shortly afterwards a dwarf walked out. The dwarf was around 4'5 wearing metal armor that protected everything besides his head as he wore no helmet. the dwarf had a shield on his back and a sword sheathed to his belt.

The dwarf's armor was worn out as signs of battle were obvious on his armor as well as his shield. The dwarf was also dirty, he looked around and saw the portal disappear. everyone looked at the new dwarf. "He was definitely on the tall side for a dwarf," Lewis thought as he looked at the neatly groomed beard. The gnome spoke and the dwarf looked at the gnome. To everyone's surprise, the dwarf's eyes widened as the dwarf and gnome began chatting before they went into a hug.

Lewis did not stop as he summoned a new forest gnome. Another portal formed as a gnome walked out this one however walked out in more of a rough shape. The clothes and armor it wore were covered in dried mud and dirt. the gnome had the same clothing as the first one but this one had a helmet that was green instead of a bent hat. The weapons were also different it had a shield and a sword instead of a crossbow.

Just like the dwarf. this one was confused before being happy at the sight of the dwarf and gnome who finished hugging. The new gnome went over to the two and as it faced away from Lewis he could see some slash marks on the gnome's armor. The three of them began to speak to one another and Lewis was called over by Captain Edwards and the other squad leaders. Lewis knew he had some explaining to do.