
GATE but warhammer (mainly krieg)

you watched/read GATE and must have gone "man there is no Warhammer 40K" same so I wrote this. enjoy the Death Korps will be a bit more lax in this story NOW BLOOD FOR THE GOD EMPEROR AND SKULLS FOR THE GOD EMPEROR OF MANKIND

DaoistcNgNHn · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

The city of Italica

"Rod's of iron? and beats of metal? what the hell is a faceless figures? this all just seems impossible." Princess Pina Co Lade said

"And what in god's name does a rod of iron even look like?'' a women named Hemilton questioned

"you know, it kind of looks like a man's rod but a LOT bigger, and black" the women said back

Both Hemilton as well as Pina blushed like there was no tomorrow, and both Grey and Norma spat their drinks out. The women could be heard snickering as she walked away.

--Some time later--

"Our forces were ravaged by the enemy. we never one saw their till they charged us as we were retreating, hundreds of blasts surrounded us, no force IN THIS WORLD would be able to face such an enemy." the old mercenary commander said with sadness in his old heart.

Pina just sat there listening to king Duran on how the United Army was destroyed with ease and the other enemy was just as bad if not worse . just how could the empire win, with not one but 2 enemies that were completely unmatched in battle.

the mercenaries as well as the United armies disbanded. some returned home, others became bandits.

--A few days later--

"Sir, the reports say that the city of Italica is a vital trade hub of the enemy, so we shall occupy the territory and than we can begin planning follow up strikes. we have also just received a fresh new unit of Baneblades as well as a Reaver class titan with two escort Warhound titans." a Death Korps Officer said to the regiment commander.

----the Italica scout team---

Commander - Amim

2 X Death Korps Officers

1 X Death Korps Watchmaster

10 X Death Korps Grenadiers

5 X Death Korps Engineers

2 X Chimeras

(if you want unique named characters then comment some ides for some HERE and I might put them in.)

They were given a vox-caster, flares and plenty of supplies foe entrenchment. the groups got into their vehicle with Amim in the passenger seat. the group traveled down a road till they eventually saw a smoke plum in the far distance, that looked to be from a man made fire. keeping down the road till they reached the walls of Italica, there was tons of death in the air to the pint you could teste it, there were bodies littered the ground.

Amim got out of his chimera then walked the the gate raising his fist then slamming it on the door. he waited and in that time a few more familiar vehicles pulled up behind them, 3 girls plus Itami stepped out of their convoy, they also walked up to the door wit the two men standing standing at the door.

"so, nice 'car' you got there." Itami said looking at the chimera.

Amim removed his helmet to rub his head. as Itami had his under his arm.

"you really don't talk much do you?" Itami said, before the door opened hitting the 2 knockings them both out.

"should we do anything?" one of the Death Korps Officers asked

"we were told to wait, so that what we will do till orders change." the other Death Korps Officers said