
Garou’s Disciple (OPMxMHA)

Garou’s Disciple ends up in My Hero Academia but seeing as how the definition of heroes that was drilled into his head differs from the world, he won’t be seen as a hero. Rui Hachimura won’t be going through the conventional means. He won’t be going to U.A. After all, he was trains by hunting Heroes. Why would he need Hero studies, when he wants to hunt them down? ya i fking love mha reincarnation op mc stories HAHAHAHHA

thacarter600 · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs


In Kai's office, Tomura and Kai were grinning from ear to ear. The recent meeting was about something they had been discussing ever since Tomura decided to stray away from his teacher's supervision.

They both stood up and shook hands aggressively.

"From now on,' Kai said, 'both of our groups will merge and we'll be known as Oni's Troupe!"

For months, they contributed, discussed, shared, and crossed off ways the Oni's Troupe would function. Both men were unwilling to be stripped off their top positions, and neither especially wanted to work under the other, much less someone else.

They settled on both men having 50% control of the whole organization. This way, none would technically serve under the other while retaining majority power. Of course, this would be subject to change if needed.

Subsequently, their top subordinates will be known as their top soldiers and will be sent for important missions, especially those involving heroes. Their leader, Dabi, controls the entirety of the group after impressing Kai with his integrity, which led to both leaders agreeing him to be the leader of the group.

All the other members would be tasked with menial jobs. That's not to say they weren't important. Their contributions made sure the troupe had sufficient money for their day to day business and to continually produce the quirk-erasing bullets from Eri.

This was their system that they were sure would work, and it did for 5 months.

5 months was all it took for it to fall, but it was not due to internal struggles, rather from an outside source.


"So we will infiltrate the Hero Ranking event in about a months' time. Then, we will take out as many heroes as we can.

"I doubt there's any way we'll lose." Tomura told Kai.

They were going through the original plan to take over the event when they first merged five months ago.

Suddenly, Kurogiri appeared in the room, his voice on heightened alert.

"Sir! The headquarters is under attack by heroes!"

Kai and Tomura stood up quickly and rushed into the portal. Kurogiri transported them into areas effected by the attack of the heroes.

They quickly sprung into action, and this was the first time they will work together on a serious case.


Rui was tossing and turning on his bed endlessly, plagued by the nightmares. It was the same thing every night, his fate being King, and his reasons for being transported here.

Some days he wished he had never met Garou, so he wouldn't have been pulled into this mess.

As he was trying to sleep, something in his heart forced himself off the bed. His breathing became faster, and the blood coursing through his veins became hot, almost steaming.

His spirit and power felt like it was pushed to the limits, even more so than the first time.

'Go…' a wise and spirit-esque voice commanded him.

He didn't know where go was exactly, but he felt compelled to just go. Go and walk where he felt like he was needed.

He walked and walked, turning on corners, and turning back from where he didn't feel it was right. The more he walked, the more alluring the next step was and the more powerful he felt.

Then he heard screams, and the sound of battle.

Unbeknownst to him, his eyes turned fully white, spotless.

He took slower steps.

Each step, it felt more right, and more of what he wanted. The feeling he got from 'going' was addictive, like a prepubescent boy is to nicotine.

Before his eyes, was fire, rubbles, an assortment of different emitter quirks, and the delightful screams of


'Humans… human beings…'

At that point of time, he didn't consider himself a human. No human had the immense strength he had, nor the immense speed, or the immense durability, the immense abilities he had.

He walked into the building and was confronted by three human beings.

The three men were alerted by his presence, however, it was too overwhelming that they couldn't turn. They stood rooted to the ground, with sweat dripping their faces and pee down their legs.

Once Rui was sufficiently out of range, they dropped to their knees and breathed heavy breaths. Their hearts were beating rapidly. Their mind was grateful to their Gods that they made out of it alive.

When in reality, Rui couldn't actually see them, for they were leagues below him. To Rui, those three were mere ants, capable of being toyed with.

Rui continued walking to where it felt most satisfying. The feeling led him to a long hall way with a blonde boy, a green-haired boy, people wearing masks, a little girl, and oh!

"Tomura!" His voice demanded the attention of everyone present

Everybody's heads turned to see Rui pointing his finger at Tomura.

Tomura recognised that voice, even if the appearance of that person had changed drastically. No one else in that room apart from himself knew it was Rui. And Rui was even more terrifying than before.

Tomura flinched back and took a step back, curious as to why Rui was here. Sensing his hostility, Tomura hesitantly ordered a Nomu to attack Rui.

The Nomu went on all fours and ran towards Rui with the order to kill.

Izuku, who saw the scene unfold before him wanted to move his legs to get the man out of the way but his was too tired to even breathe. Mirio managed to run, but his quirk was erased and thus was too slow.

"No!" Mirio shouted, afraid that a person was to be killed because of his weakness.

The Nomu launched his head to Rui with all of its might. Tomura grinned because he thought no heroes could take on a Nomu head on.

The Nomu dived into him, and stopped completely.

The sound produced from the hit hurt the bystanders ears.

Nobody moved. Everyone was wondering what happened to the man the Nomu hit.

The Nomu's body seemed to ripple first before exploding into smithereens, its blood splattering onto everywhere.

The disappearance of the Nomu revealed Rui and his unwavering figure.

It was then Rui realized his purpose in this world.

Being granted this absolute power, there was only one plausible course of action.


The chapters will definitely not be daily anymore, school and things will get in the way. and also a disclaimer i may not update at all from Sept to Oct because my end years are here and I need full concetration.

thacarter600creators' thoughts