
Garou’s Disciple (OPMxMHA)

Garou’s Disciple ends up in My Hero Academia but seeing as how the definition of heroes that was drilled into his head differs from the world, he won’t be seen as a hero. Rui Hachimura won’t be going through the conventional means. He won’t be going to U.A. After all, he was trains by hunting Heroes. Why would he need Hero studies, when he wants to hunt them down? ya i fking love mha reincarnation op mc stories HAHAHAHHA

thacarter600 · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs


Tomura, and his subordinates, Kurogiri and Dabi met up with the leader of the Shie Hassaikai along with his subordinates in the office of the Yakuza group this time. The atmosphere was of course tense, but not that intensely. It was rather light-hearted at times.

This was due to the growing rapport Tomura shared with Kai Chisaki. Multiple meetings were had before this, and they both realized they shared many more things in common than just being villains.

They both liked coffee for one, and they both wished to see and appreciate the downfall of heroes.

Very much in common.

Their meetings were usually in Tomura's office where they discuss their partnerships moving forward. However, they were in Kai's office now due to Tomura's request.

"So, why do you want to be in my office now?" Kai asked.

Tomura put down his cup of coffee on the saucer. He cleared his throat and responded, "Truth be told, in that office, was my teacher. You know that television? Yea, I suspect he was watching us the whole time."

Kai's eyes widened.

"What! You revealed our idea to him?" he asked angrily.

"No, no. He is a villain too. My teacher set this whole League up for me, but now I don't like him breathing down my throat. That's why I came to your office. He can't watch us here."

Kai calmed down and apologized for his outburst. He gulped down his cup of coffee and continued his discussion with Tomura.

So far, they had been planning on invading the upcoming Hero Billboard Rankings event. Many heroes will be present, including the top tier heroes. It will be a waste to not crash into the event.

If it all goes well, their plans to bring down the heroes will come quicker than expected and they will grab a foothold on the underworld.

From Tomura's sources, further confirmed by certain heroes, the event will be held in Kamino. The place is relatively easy for both teams to 'attend' and 'converse' with the heroes.

However, both Tomura and Kai agreed that distance nor transportation was the problem. What the problem was how were they going to successfully attack the heroes there.

"Not to mention, Endeavour, Hawks, and all other top heroes will be there. Furthermore, there's no telling if All Might is going to be there." Kai said matter-of-factly.

"Yes, but we don't have to worry about them. Remember the Nomus? I can get plenty of them at my disposal. You just bring those bullets and your best people," Tomura replied.

The discussion went on for more than an hour before they have gotten somewhat of a plan.

It was to barge in from all sides, left, up, right, down and to overwhelm them with numbers. Make sure they don't have enough time to react and take out as many as possible.

However, because of the top pro heroes who will no doubt prove to be a challenge, there were some villains who were tasked to target them first.

Hawks will be handled by a Winged Nomu and Chronostasis, Endeavour will be handle by Moonfish and Overhaul, Mirko by Mr Compress, and Kamui Woods by Kendo Rappa.

They would have come up with more ideas but it was getting too late and they had met up for more than a few hours already.

They bid their goodbyes, and Tomura teleported back to their bar.


Rui found himself back at his room after the incident. It was hours since then, and that left him with more than enough time to contemplate what his purpose was in this world.

'I was sent here unknowingly by someone, and was left there with no instructions.'

'What am I supposed to do?'

He was mulling over his thoughts and came to two conclusions.

He was sent here by someone to do their bidding. Or he had no purpose at all.

When he came first arrived and found out that he was in another world, his reaction was lackluster. It wasn't him freaking out, or him going on a rampage, or even breaking down mentally.

It was him accepting it. Accepting the fact that he was sent here with an unknown purpose.

In hindsight, that scared him. Why did he accept it so easily? Why was he so… submissive to his fate?

Why was he so subservient? And why did he allow himself to be barked at by a man child for months?

'Is this an effect of my transportation here?'

Too many questions flooded his mind, and there was no damn dam to regulate it.

Assuming he was sent here by someone to do their bidding, what was it? And who was it?

Should it have been a being of higher power? A God? Or and extraterrestrial being? He recalled Garou talking about a man whose power rivalled the strongest beings in the Universe, and a human who was even more powerful than that guy.

'Could it have been them?'

If it was, what was the bidding? They were beings who were very strong that even Garou spoke highly of them. That number of people could be counted on one hand. What more could they want?

'Control of this world? Is that what they want?'

Sadly, he wouldn't know his true purpose until much much later.

sorry for filler, but its just setting the base for the future chapters.