
Gap Eternity : English version

Official Translated Version by meb Translation Team Written by ChaOplaNoy Five years had passed, and everything changed. Tee met her new love and decided it was time to settle down and get married. I couldn't have been happier for them. This joy, however, triggered jealousy in 'Khun Sam,' both my boss and my sweetheart, compelling her to propose to me despite the promises we made to her late Grandmother. Yet, fate seemed determined to challenge our happiness. Something emerged, threatening our love. Could we overcome this obstacle? Only our hearts held the answer if our love was strong enough. There may be no forever. But for us... our love was indeed an eternity. Author: ChaOplaNoy Translator: Paphavee and meb Translation Team Editor: Claire de Lune Illustrator: Megushiro

lunarwrite · LGBT+
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7 Chs

Chapter3 Helicopter Song

Sam hummed a song to herself as she was looking at something on her computer. That made me stop and look at her with curiosity. Even though her face was as calm as usual, I could sense that she was extremely happy, which made me unable to suppress a smile. When I walked over to see what she was looking at, I found that she was choosing a venue for some ceremony.

"What are you doing, Khun Sam? You're even singing. I thought you were watching porn."

"Why would I sing if I was watching porn? I'd probably have gone: 'ah, nnghnn... ohh.'"

"You pervert." I laughed and playfully swatted her shoulder, but she didn't flinch. "So, what are you looking at?"

"I'm choosing our wedding location."

"That's quick. I just agreed, like, a moment ago." Her haste took me aback. Khun Sam closed her laptop and stood up, reaching into the pocket of her pajama pants.

"No, I have to be quick, or you might change your mind. We need to plan ahead so nothing goes wrong. Yay."

"We don't need to rush. We have our whole lives together."

"We can't wait. I'm excited to see you in a wedding dress. I know it's every woman's dream to wear a wedding dress."

"Eh... my dreams aren't anything like that. I'm so happy just being with you, Khun Sam."

"No. If Tee can do something that dramatic for her girlfriend, I'll do that too. I'm not letting her one-up me."

"So, you just don't want to lose to Tee. I thought you really wanted to marry me." I teased her by pretending to be sulky and made my voice slightly whiny. But Khun Sam reached out and flicked my forehead, making me flinch.

"Ouch, why did you do that?"

"Of course, I do want to marry you. The one who's eager to marry is me; don't forget that part." Khun Sam hummed a song and stood before the desk, describing her thoughts. "Our wedding will be a pink and white theme. There will be top executives from various companies to congratulate us. Then, I'll parachute from a helicopter to give you a bouquet..."

"Okay, I'll stop you there. That's too grand. C'mon, be a bit serious."

"What? I'm serious. I'll parachute from the computer."


"Oh, right." Khun Sam looked slightly confused and corrected her words. "I'll parachute from the helicopter while singing a song I composed... Helicopter, oh helicopter, where are you going? I'll go everywhere, to the stars. I'll take you there with a rocket."


I burst out laughing at her self-composed song, forgetting that I was annoyed. Seeing me laugh, Khun Sam frowned in confusion and pouted at me.

"What's so funny?"

"What's this Helicopter song, huh? It even has a rocket."

"I composed it myself. It's a song no one had ever heard before. You're the first one to hear it, and now you're laughing at it."

"Really? When did you compose it?"

"Back when I was in elementary school. Back then, Khun Nueng could play the piano; Khun Song could draw. I didn't have any talents, so I tried composing a song, and this song came out. I'm very proud of it." She pouted and crossed her arms. I hugged her and tried to suppress my laughter.

"Why are you so cute? You just did whatever your sisters did, hmm? What was your inspiration for this song?"

"A toy at home. I had a battery-operated helicopter toy, so I composed a song about it. But I only composed just one verse... That's why I'm inspired to parachute from a helicopter and give you flowers."

She still insisted on parachuting from the sky like a scene from the Red Eagle[6]. I shook my head with a smile and told her what she really wanted.

"You don't have to go that far. I want it to be simple. Just inviting people we know and love at the event is enough. We don't need to invite any executives."

"Then it wouldn't be extravagant. Tee even had people holding up signs. How can we lose to her?"

"We don't have to win everything. Isn't winning my heart enough for you?"


"I'm content with just having you at the event, celebrating with friends, and some dancing."

"Dancing? Do you want to dance?"

"Well... a little," I said shyly, wrapping my arms around her neck. "I'll hold you like this, and you..." I guided her hands to my waist. "You'll support me, and we'll dance slowly together."

We moved slowly, dancing to the rhythm as I hummed the tune of Pachelbel's Canon in D.

"Looking into each other's eyes, expressing our love. That's all I want."

"Can we dance and kiss at the same time?"

"Sure, if you dare."

"Can we kiss and sing the Helicopter song at the same time? I want the world to know about this song."

"Go for it. Hehe."

Khun Sam danced with me, then leaned down to kiss me. In conclusion, our wedding will be simple, accompanied by Canon in D and her Helicopter song. No need for extravagance. I preferred it this way. While we were dancing, Khun Sam furrowed and stopped dancing before touching one of her eyes.

"What's wrong?" I looked at her worriedly. The romantic atmosphere we had created vanished when she made that face, which worried me.

"Suddenly, I have a headache. Ouch." She groaned a little, so I guided her to sit down.

"Lie down on the sofa for a while. I'll bring you some medicine."

"It's okay. I'll lie down for a bit. It'll go away soon." She pulled me down to sit and laid down on my lap. "Pat my head."

I did as she asked, caring and concerned. Khun Sam was tough on the outside but soft on the inside. If you didn't really know her, you wouldn't know that she enjoyed having her head petted and her hair played with while lying down.

"Your headache just won't go away. When was the last time you saw a doctor?"

"It's just migraines. I don't need to see a doctor."

"You should have it checked up. Don't make me worry."

"I'm not going to die."

"Anyhow, you have to go see a doctor and get a check-up."

"How did this turn into a discussion about my health?" She frowned like a stubborn child. "I don't like going to the doctor. They always exaggerate things and it upsets me."

"So, who told you that you have migraines, the doctor or yourself?"


"No, you have to go. If you don't trust your 'wife', who will you trust?"

Her eyes widened in surprise, and she sat up, looking rather pleased although she still had a headache. It seemed she was more happy with the term 'wife' that I used to refer to myself.

"So, you're admitting that you're my 'wife?'"

"How about this? If you go to the hospital, I'll be your 'wife' forever."

"You said it."

"Yes, but you have to go. Otherwise, I'll be the 'husband'."

"Well... sometimes it's nice that you're the 'husband,'" Khun Sam replied with a sincere look. "I can play all roles, but I prefer to call you my 'wifey'. Hehe."

"Then that's settled. Go see the doctor and give me some peace of mind. I want you to be healthy and live a long life with me."

"Will you take good care of me when I'm old?"

"If I don't, who will?"

"You love me that much?"


She leaned back onto my lap, laughing heartily.

"Fine, I'll go. I'll find myself some free time."




Our love was now in full bloom, and so was Tee's. Kate was the same as always. As for Jim, she went totally silent, so much so that Kate had to invite the gang to visit her at home after finding a suitable time. At first, Khun Sam was hesitant because she didn't want to be upset, fearing we'd be urged to break up again. However, when Kate reminded her that she and I wouldn't have been together, had it not been for Jim, she finally gave in.

The last time I'd visited Jim's house was two years ago. At that time, Jim had just given birth. All of us came to celebrate the new baby. This was the first time in two years that I came to visit her again. The house looked grand and luxurious from the outside, matching her boastful personality. However, the inside of the house was filled with baby stuff; toys were scattered everywhere. Jim greeted us in a sorry state, her face without makeup, not yet bathed, looking almost unrecognizable, a stark contrast from her usual self.

"Did you go to a war?"

"A war with my kids. Excuse the mess. Come in if you want, or sit outside."

"You're as rude as ever." Kate shook her head but still walked in and sat on the sofa covered in toys. Tee, Yuki, Khun Sam, and I looked around the house, lamenting the lost beauty. It used to be luxurious with classic and modern styles of decoration, but now, it was filled with bright colors, kid ball houses, sliders, and many other toys in a large basket. There were also breast pumps and a baby crib. Jim couldn't find a seat for herself, so she sat on the floor and unbuttoned her shirt to breastfeed, causing me to exclaim.

"What's wrong, Mon? Have you never seen boobs before? Oh well... I guess P.H.'s aren't as big."

"You sure have a mouth on you," Khun Sam snapped at her friend. "Why are you exposing your breasts?"

"To feed my kid."

Jim continued chatting with us while breastfeeding.

"What brings you here? Don't you have something better to do?"

"Hey, come on. Why do you have to be like this with your friends? We came to visit you because we were worried. You've gone silent and not as cheerful as before," Kate explained and sighed. "You look terrible."

"See? This is the life of a wife and mother." Jim said, looking wearied of the roles. "I can't go anywhere I want. I have to take care of the little ones at home. Even when I go out with you guys, I have to rush home because I'm worried about them. Take note, Tee, this is married life."

Tee remained silent. Meanwhile, Khun Sam, who had been listening for a while, couldn't help but interrupt.

"I've been with Mon for five years, and I don't see anything wrong with our life together."

"Speak for yourself. Wait until your feelings change," Jim retorted.

"See? That's why I said I didn't want to come and got upset like this." Khun Sam crossed her arms and frowned. "I'll never change. I'm very sure of that."

"Well, I'll wait and see. You can talk all you want, but I've changed, and I'm trying to find a way out of being a wife and mother. Do you know how many times I've cried before you guys came today? Sometimes, I want to jump out the window and end it all."

We all looked at Jim's face and noticed her swollen, bruised eyes, not to mention the dark circles from lack of sleep. She must be exhausted.

"I think you should see a doctor," Kate said in concern. "You might be suffering from postpartum depression. You've never talked about death before. You're usually so full of life."

"Depression isn't real. It's all in your head. I know myself well."

"You still should go see a doctor, though."

"That's right," I chimed in. "Your symptoms sound like postpartum depression. Maybe talking to a doctor could help you feel better."

"No way, doctors always exaggerate things."

Khun Sam sat up straight, looking agreed with the statement. I glanced at the person who had just said this a few days ago and shook my head.

"You sound just like Khun Sam. What do you guys have against doctors? Just go for a check-up and talk to them."

"How about this? Pick a day to leave your kids with someone. I'll make an appointment, and we can go together. If the doctor says you're fine, then the problem of you wanting to leave your husband is probably your damn nature," Kate suggested.

"It is. Well, whatever, at least I get to leave the house, even if it's to the hospital."

"That's great. Can you make an appointment for Khun Sam, too?" I spoke up, rubbing the back of the person next to me. "She has been having frequent headaches. I want her to get checked up, so I can stop being worried about it."

"Okay, then we'll all go together. Find a free day, and I'll check my work schedule and let you know. As for Tee, do you want to see the doctor, too?"

Tee, who had been sitting quietly as if lost in thought, turned with a blank expression as if she hadn't heard anything from the start.


"Weren't you listening to us? What were you thinking about?" Kate teased. Tee just gave us a dry smile and rubbed her cheek.

"Sorry, I was lost in thought."

Jim looked at Tee meaningfully. The two locked eyes without saying anything, as if they were communicating through their gaze.

"I know what you're thinking, but I won't say it out loud," Jim said.

"I wasn't thinking about anything. What were you guys talking about?"

"They plan to take Jim and Khun Sam to the doctor." Yuki, sitting next to her, answered as if interpreting for Tee. Tee nodded.

"Really? Okay. Should I go, too?"

"You should focus on preparing for your wedding," Jim told Tee with a smile. "If you still want to get married, I mean."

"Again with those words. You're gonna upset Sam again." Kate said annoyingly. Khun Sam nodded in agreement. Seeing that everyone was on the verge of another argument, I changed from sitting quietly to asking Jim to hold the baby.

"Jim, can I hold the baby?"

"Go ahead. You can even throw her out the window if you want."

"You bitch. That's your kid." Kate shook her head. I took Jim's daughter into my arms, cradling her back and forth with care. She had fair skin like her mom, and her face took after her father without any flaws. Those sparkling eyes made me fondly gaze at the little girl in my arms before turning to Khun Sam.

"She's so adorable, Khun Sam, a Little Jim[7]," I said affectionately, rocking her gently as the little girl giggled. She was probably in a good mood after having been fed by her mother.

"She's not Little Jim. She's as big as her mother. We should call her Big Jim."

"Oh, you! You're so cheeky even with your child." Tee raised her hand to massage her temple. "At least you're in a good mood. You've been stressed since we started talking."

"You look good holding a baby." Khun Sam complimented me, ignoring the friends around her who were listening. "You like kids, don't you?"

"Yes, I like kids. They make the world brighter."

"Whatever you like, I also like it."


"After we get married, let's go do a GIFT."


[6] An old Thai movie.

[7] Mon literally says "มินิจิ๋ม" or "small/mini Jim" as the mini version of Jim, but the word "Jim" or "จิ๋ม" can also mean "vagina" in Thai. So, in this case, people can also translate this as a "small vagina."