
Gap Eternity : English version

Official Translated Version by meb Translation Team Written by ChaOplaNoy Five years had passed, and everything changed. Tee met her new love and decided it was time to settle down and get married. I couldn't have been happier for them. This joy, however, triggered jealousy in 'Khun Sam,' both my boss and my sweetheart, compelling her to propose to me despite the promises we made to her late Grandmother. Yet, fate seemed determined to challenge our happiness. Something emerged, threatening our love. Could we overcome this obstacle? Only our hearts held the answer if our love was strong enough. There may be no forever. But for us... our love was indeed an eternity. Author: ChaOplaNoy Translator: Paphavee and meb Translation Team Editor: Claire de Lune Illustrator: Megushiro

lunarwrite · LGBT+
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7 Chs

Chapter2 A Surprise

I didn't respond to her until I got out of the car. Confused by my silence, Khun Sam followed me closely behind. She bumped into me so hard that she stumbled back as soon as I stopped.

"Oops, Khun Sam, are you alright?"

I turned to ask her in surprise because she bumped into my head. Her lovely face stared at me silently before returning to her proposal because she didn't want to change the subject.

"Why are you so quiet? I was proposing to you."

"And what should I answer?"

"Whatever's on your mind. If you don't want to answer, at least show some happiness or excitement. I was proposing to you, not asking you to have dinner with me at some night market."

"So, do I have to hold a pom-pom and cheer?"

"Why is everyone copying me today?" Khun Sam looked annoyed. Seeing her like that, I smiled at her cute expression before reaching out to pinch her cheeks out of cute aggression.

"You're so cute."

"Don't change the subject. Are you going to marry me or not?"

"Let me think about it first."

"Think about it first?!" She looked so shocked that I was taken aback. "Don't you have any desire to marry me? I always thought that if I said something like this, you'd be overjoyed, excited, singing 'Goin' to the chapel and we're gonna get married,' like in the song 'Chapel Of Love.'"

"What an old song... I need to think about it. There're still many factors that make me hesitate."

"Don't you believe in our love?"

"I believe with all my heart. But... I'm still thinking about your Grandmother. Even though she's passed away, the promise still stands. I don't want to go back on my word."

Using our promise with her Grandmother as my reason made Khun Sam fall silent. She must've been thinking a lot about this, too, but she still asked me to marry her.

"And I know you asked me to marry you because you're afraid it'd hurt my feelings if we don't have a ceremony like others."

"Isn't it a woman's dream to get married?"

"For me, just being with you already makes me happy."

"That means you didn't want to marry me."

"It means I want to think it through. Can't you give me some time?"

She bit her cheek for a moment, then sighed.

"Alright, it's not like you're being unreasonable. You're a good person who keeps her promise," she replied casually, then walked over to hug me. We embraced, inhaling each other's scent, seeking solace for our troubled hearts. Khun Sam always smelled good. A soft perfume from her body comforted me, and she enjoyed my scent, too. "But we should set a deadline. When will you give me your answer?"

"Can it be within a week?"

"Three days."

"That's too little time."

"Three days, that's it."

She was still the same, a businesswoman who needed to schedule and plan everything, including our relationship. I didn't want to argue, so I agreed before heading off to shower and sleep. For me, marriage was a big deal. It meant a lot of ceremonies, discussions with my family, and uncertainty about their approval. Just me dating a woman had already made my parents shocked enough. So, I needed to think thoroughly. It was no longer just about us two when it came to such a ceremony.

Of course, I'd yet to make up my mind. So, I went to meet Yuki, Tee's girlfriend. She was in the same situation as me, the girlfriend of someone from the 'Chitchatting about P.H.' gang. We went shopping together like typical girls. Since we were in the same boat, we understood each other better than other people in the group and we could discuss anything; this marriage thing was no exception.


I said first after learning that Tee was going to propose to her. Yuki, who was choosing clothes in the store, turned to me, puzzled.


"About the wedding."

"Who's getting married?"

"Well, you."

"What are you talking about? Where did you get that from?"

"From Tee."

Shocked, she dropped the hanger she was holding to the floor. I instantly knew she didn't know that, and I wanted to bite my tongue off out of guilt. It was supposed to be a surprise? Yuki didn't know about this, but I'd already spilled the beans. God, I wanted to cry.

"Is that true? Are you serious?"

"Uh..." I hesitated because I couldn't take my words back now, but I didn't know what to do either. "This is bad. What should I do? Me and my big mouth! I didn't know it was a secret."

But then Yuki started crying. I couldn't tell if she was happy or sad. I quickly picked up the clothes, hung them back up, and dragged her out of the store while handing her tissues from my bag to wipe her tears.

"I'm so sorry. Oh my, what should I do? I didn't realize it was a surprise. So, are these tears of joy or what?"

"I'm so happy..." Yuki sobbed.

Yuki was a sensitive person. Even a minor disagreement with Tee would make her call me in tears. That was why when she felt happy, she cried in the middle of the shopping mall. People were looking at us as if I was scolding her or something.

"Please don't cry. I didn't know that Tee hadn't told you yet. What should I do now? She'll definitely kill me. Can you pretend not to know? Please pretend that I didn't say anything."

"Okay. I won't say anything, but is it true that she's going to propose to me?"

"I heard it when we were having dinner together."

"On the day I didn't go with you guys, right? That's why... she didn't even invite me. So she wanted to tell you guys about this. Why would she tell someone else before telling me?"

"She probably wanted to surprise you, but I've ruined everything. The one who should be crying is probably me." This time, I felt like crying, too. Yuki laughed when she saw my teary eyes and wiped away my tears.

"Alright, don't cry. I promise I won't tell her and will pretend I don't know anything. I'm glad you told me. I might've been shocked to death if I found out during the surprise. Now, I can get myself prepared. Did she say when she's going to propose?"

"No, she didn't. Something came up."

"What happened?"

"Well... it's nothing much." I gave her an awkward smile. How could I tell her that Jim had shattered Tee's confidence in proposing that day? "But let's just say I'm so happy for you."

"I wish I could have a healthy relationship like you and Khun Sam. Honestly, I don't need to get married. I'm okay as long as Tee's sincere with me. I hardly dare to hope for anything grand."

"Khun Sam just proposed to me after Tee had brought it up." I shared my own story and walked alongside her. This time, Yuki seemed more excited than when she heard she'd be proposed to.

"Really? Congratulations!"

"Thanks, but I haven't decided yet."

"How come? This is Khun Sam we're talking about. It must've taken a lot of courage for someone like her to propose to you."

"Do you really think so?"

"Yup, so you didn't give her any answer?"

"I told her that I needed some time to think about it."

"She must be feeling really sad right now that someone she loved so much and went through many things together asked for some time to think about her marriage proposal instead of being overjoyed. Why do you need to think about it when your love is going so well?"

"There are many things you have to consider carefully. Marriage isn't just about two people. I also have to consider my parents. I'm not sure how accepting they'd be. I'm already grateful that they let us date."

"I don't think they'll mind. Have you tried talking to them?"

"I was planning to but I'm still not sure about it. Khun Sam gave me three days to make a decision, and I've already lost one day to my indecisiveness." I sighed, lost in my thoughts. That was when my phone and Yuki's rang simultaneously. We both laughed when we saw who was calling each of us. It was a coincidence and perfect timing that Tee called Yuki while Khun Sam called me. We turned away from each other to answer our calls.

"Yes, Khun Sam?"

"Where are you?"

"I'm at the mall with Yuki."

"When will you be back? I'll come pick you up."

"It's fine. I don't want to bother you."

"I'm coming."

"I guess I can't stop you. We'll probably walk around a bit more and then head home."

"What mall are you at?"

"The one near Lat Phrao."

"Okay, I'll come pick you up. I'll call you when I get there."

"You always do as you please."

"I miss you."

Her words made me blush, even though I'd just scolded her. Although we'd been together for five years, she still made me feel like every day was our first day... I was just as excited to meet her as I'd been on that day.

"Okay, call me when you get here. I'll wait for you in front of the mall so I can get in the car right away."

"I miss you."

"I know."

"I miss you."

She wanted a response...

"I miss you, too."


She just wanted to hear that word...

After hanging up, Yuki also ended her call with Tee. She had a guilty look on her face, which surprised me.

"I have to go. Tee is waiting for me outside."

"It's okay. Khun Sam is coming, too. I'll walk you out."

"I'm sorry for leaving you alone."

"Why would you say that?" I laughed at her excessive concern, and we walked to the meeting point together. Not even five minutes later, a large group of people in white shirts came running and surrounded us in the middle of the crowd. Yuki and I looked at each other as if we'd seen a ghost. We were suddenly surrounded by strangers, as if they were about to attack us. We hugged each other in fear.

"Wh... what's going on?"

Everyone started cheering in unison like a 'boom[5]' norm junior students usually do for their seniors. At the same time, people around us began to pick up their phones to capture the moment. Yuki and I watched the scene unfold in astonishment and put our hands on our chests. Then everything became apparent as the man began distributing signs to everyone and flipping them over to reveal the words:

Will you marry me?

At this point, I immediately realized what was happening and turned to smile at Yuki, who was still visibly confused and trying to guess what was going on. Soon after, the protagonist of the event appeared. Tee walked through the crowd towards Yuki. As for me, knowing that I shouldn't have any role in this, I slowly backed away, raising my phone to capture the moment.

"Do you want to marry me?"

"Said you do!" The cheering sound echoed through the crowd. Even I couldn't help but join in the shouting. My heart pounded with excitement and joy. Yuki nodded and hugged Tee. Then, the taller one pulled out a ring and put it on her finger.

Screams and cheers can be heard from many people, even those who were literal strangers to us. They clapped their hands to congratulate them. Tears streamed down my face as I was overwhelmed by the touching scene. Suddenly, I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. Khun Sam's face was devoid of emotion as she looked at Tee with a cold gaze.

"Khun Sam, you arrived early."

"I just saw the crowd and noticed you standing in the middle, so I've been watching for a while."

"Oh, where did you park your car?"

"I left it by the side of the road with emergency lights on."

"Tee is so romantic," I said, wiping away my tears, deeply moved by the proposal that felt like a scene from a romantic drama. "Yuki must be so happy. Seeing someone settle down like this is truly heartwarming."

"Hmm, it's so..."

"So good?"

"So over the top."

"Khun Sam!"

She only spoke that much and pulled me away from the crowd, got in the car, and drove away immediately with a grumpy demeanor. I looked at my girlfriend's expression; she seemed to be in a bad mood. I wondered what was wrong with her.

"Aren't you happy for Tee? She's already proposed."

"I'm happy but more annoyed. Why does she have to make everything so dramatic?"

"Well, she just wanted to express her love. Even I felt so touched."

"Do you like this kind of thing?"

"Well, I wouldn't say I like it, but it was like in a drama. When you see this happening to someone close to you, you can't help but get excited with them."

Khun Sam remained silent, and so did I. I glanced at her, unable to guess her mood. I stroked her arm as if to ask for her forgiveness, even though I didn't know what I'd done wrong.

"What's wrong? Why do you seem so upset?"

"I'm angry."

"About what?"

She gripped the steering wheel tightly. Her eyes were fixed straight ahead. She then spoke in a serious tone:

"If Tee did something this dramatic, what's there left for me to do!"


"I guess I'll have to parachute from a helicopter to propose to you. I can't stand her. Why can't she think of other people's feelings? How can I let her outshine me? Not to mention that I proposed, and my girlfriend wasn't even sure if she'd say yes. I feel utterly defeated."

Was this what she was angry about? I looked at the person who was ranting and felt she was cute. Then, I looked out the window and sighed softly.

"I've already told you. You don't have to do anything."


"I'd say yes, no matter what."


Khun Sam signaled and braked to pull the car over to the roadside. It was so sudden that I almost hit my head. Luckily, the seatbelt saved me from that. The sweet-faced woman, who initially looked upset, turned to ask me again as if she hadn't heard it clearly enough.

"What did you just say?"

"I've already said it."

"Say it again."

"I'd say yes, no matter what."


"I'd say yes."


"I'll marry you!"

Tears streamed down her face like Niagara Falls. I watched her, both amused and shocked, and quickly wiped her tears away.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying all of a sudden?"

"You said yes."

"It hasn't even been three days. I'm too soft-hearted."

"You finally said you will marry me!"


[5] a boom is a tradition in Thai educational institutions to show unity and solidarity between a group(s) of people, such as between junior and senior students. It is done by forming a circle and then shouting or chanting a lyric in unison.