
Gantz Relife

A man fall from a tall building after he got hit by a comic book and died. Soon, he woke up only to be the main character of that comic. He did not dwell over his death and just lived his life as the new mc.

Thundertroy · Others
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90 Chs

Chapter 65: Fellow Transmigrators.

Yamasaki let go of Kurono after crying for sometime. She said, "Thank you. Can you tell me who you are?"

"I'm Kei Kurono." introduced Kurono. "You shouldn't linger around this place anymore. Go home. Your child still need you to be at home."

"What about these aliens?"

"You don't need to worry about it. Just go." said Kurono.

Yamasaki nodded. She then pulled Kurono, and kissed him. The guy was shocked when he felt the soft touch on his lips. However, it didn't last that long, before Yamasaki parted from Kurono.

"Thank you once again." said Yamasaki. After that, she left the place without looking at the dire situation here. Her only worries is to reach her house, as soon as possible.

Kurono and Nuwa watched as the girl rushed away and disappeared in the distance.

"That girl...she just stole a kiss."

"Did it feel good?"

"Yes, it is."

"Then, why don't you go after her?"

"I don't think it will work. Besides, I already have you and the others."

"You can always add more. You got nine dragon. So, maybe you want to add up to nine partners?"

"...forget about that." replied Kurono.

After that, the two continued to hunt down those Yokai.


While Rei and the others were busy defeating many Yokai, the suddenly realized that someone was missing from their team.

"Where is Kei?" asked Rei.

"Didn't you left him behind?" asked back Fei.

"Eh? So, he didn't follow us?"

"Or, is he sulking because we left him behind?"

"That's can't be, right?" said Rei, feeling a little guilty. "I'll go check on him."

After that, Rei headed back to the starting place, where they got teleported.

"Hei, wait. I'm going with you." said Fei. She hurriedly run after Rei.

"Should we go after them?" asked Shinozaki.

"I think, we should try to clear the mission first. The two should be enough to check on Leader. Besides, I don't think he is sulking. He might be trying his best to clear the mission too." suggested Sakata.

The others looked at each other, then nodded. They then continued to kill many Yokai, while rescuing people at the same time.


Back to Kurono, he and Nuwa were fed up killing too much Yokai. As of now, both of them already killed more than hundreds of these evil creatures. They even killed some Yokai that worth two to three points.

"How about we go and just take down those big bosses?" suggested Kurono.

"Are you in a hurry to finish this mission?" asked Nuwa.

"That one part of the reason. The other reason is that if we kill those bosses, maybe then the Yokai will no longer spawn." replied Kurono.

"Well, you decide. I will go without whatever your choice is."

"Alright. Let's go."

Kurono then brought Nuwa towards the bosses location. While they were on their way, many Yokai tried to cause trouble for them and the civilian. The two used their most effective attacks against these Yokai, and cleared them swiftly.

Right then, the two fo them saw four Yokai who looked like some samurai. Although these Yokai looked similar to human, they still showed a very peculiar difference from real human.

The four Yokai are especially tall, and each of them have a face that looked like a Hannya, Mempo, Hyottoko, and Okame masks. Coincidentally, Kurono and Nuwa were moving towards the direction of the Yokai. Therefore, all four of them saw the two.

"Here comes our prey." said the Hannya. He then moved forward, ready to kill Kurono and Nuwa. "Let's cut these cockroaches."

"Hold on." said the Mempo, holding out his hand to stop Hannya. "Look at that one. That is not our prey."

"Is not that another space drifters like us?"

"Is she siding with the earthling?"

"Let's find out." said the Okame.

They then walked forward, and stopped some distance away from Kurono. The Hannya then said, "Halt. Tell me what are you doing here?"

"Oh, are you guys going to negotiate peace? I'm open for one." said Kurono.

"Middlesome ant, we are not talking to you." said the Hannya.

"Hehehe...he think that he can make peace with us. hehehe simpleton." laughed the Okame.

The Mempo looked at Nuwa, and asked, "Why are you with this earthling?"

"He is my husband." replied Nuwa.

Hearing her, the four Yokai looked at each other, and then nodded. Mempo then said, "I see. Then you and this ant can...die! Attack!"

Instantly, those four Yokai drew out their katanas, each one slashing at Kurono and Nuwa with lightning fast drawing slash. Those slashes were looking really fatal, especially the one released by the Mempo guy. It was bearing together some heavy and sharp aura.

Both Nuwa and Kurono jumped away and avoided the slash easily. The two distances themselves from the Yokai. At this time, Nuwa frowned when she saw her snake hair. One of the snake hair bled from the slash delivered by Mempo.

Nuwa looked at Kurono, and said, "That guy wounded your me, your wife."

"Er...Is not that just a hair?"

"Just hair you say? Really? Aren't you going to do anything about it?"

"Okay okay. I understand what's you want." Kurono then looked at the Mempo guy, and said "You uh... injured her. So, I need to take you down.

"Ooh. Antling, you seems to be angry about what I did to her. So, what're you gonna do?"

Kurono took out his Gantz Sword, and put it on his waist while looking at the Mempo guy. "Have you ever watched a movie with the title 'The One'?"

"Huh!?" The Yokai showed a confused look when Kurono suddenly talked about something else.

"There was a rogue multiverse agent who goes on a manhunt for alternate versions of himself, and getting stronger with each kill. However, other than him another version of himself in another multiverse is also getting stronger. Do you know why?"

Before the Yokai give any reply, Kurono continued. "It's because of a Resonance Theory. Then, what happened when this situation is also applied in this world?"

"Hey Kurono, what are you babbling about? Just go and cut those face mask." said Nuwa.

"Let me finish. Do you know that there is another me in this world? To avoid getting involved in my usual life, he goes incognito with the name, Samurai X.

To truly live the name, he tried his best to imitate the real Battousai, and achieved some success. Then, his success is somehow resonated on me. So, let me show you his progress."

After that, Kurono suddenly vanished and appeared in front of Mempo. He then attacked the Yokai with a sword technique. With the addition of teleportation ability, Kurono's slash become truly, and insanely fast.

"Tornado Slash!"

In just an instant, Kurono released a few dozen of slashes, and cut the guy into so many small cube shaped meats. The meat cubes then dropped down, together with it's dark bloods.

"Slice that cockroach!"

Instantly, the other three Samurai Yokai attacked when they saw the Mempo guy died. When their slashes almost cut Kurono, he vanished one more time. Instantly, he appeared above the three, with his sword once again was on his waist.

"Tornado Slash!"

Once again, the sword technique was used, and this time, there are three Yokai that turned into meat cubes. Kurono then lightly landed on the ground. He proceeded to collect the Yokai's katanas.

"Good stuff. These swords have a very high quality. Let's just keep it." Kurono took all the swords and kept it in his inventory. After that, he looked at Nuwa and said, "let's go."

"What was that? Where did you kept those swords?" asked Nuwa, walking beside Kurono. "Do you have some kind of space storage?"

"You can say so." replied Kurono, not really explaining the System Storage.

"You know, you have this otherworldly kind of aura. The vibe of a people that was not belong to this place." Nuwa suddenly spoke out.

As he heard the girl, it caused Kurono's face to change slightly. Did she found out my identity? thought Kurono. "Why do you say that?"

"I can feel it." replied Nuwa. "Just by listening to your story just now, I'm starting to believe that you are not from this world. You are a transmigrator, right?"

Kurono stopped on his track, and turned around and seriously looked at the beauty. Nuwa smiled and said, "I knew it. That's why I'm really attracted to you."

"Why do you say so?"

"Because, I'm also a transmigrator." said Nuwa, smiling at Kurono. "Now, I found a fellow transmigrator."

"Transmigrator?" Kurono was a little surprised with this fact. So, there are other people who got transmigrated into this world, other than him. He looked curiously at the girl and asked, "So, where are you from? The past or the future?"

"Neither of the two." replied Nuwa. She added, "Where I came from, there are many supernatural guys who existed there. Cultivators, deities, gods, devils, ghosts, and many kind of supernatural beings are exist in that world. Chaos often happened there."

"That seems to be a very dangerous world." said Kurono. Just hearing that devils and ghosts exist in that place caused him to conclude that that place is certainly a perilous living environment. "So, how did you get transferred to this world?"

Nuwa then started telling her story. "I'm actually one of the Deity in that world. I yearn for peace to prosper in there. However, there are too many evil beings in that place. There were even deities that turned evil and endangered the world.

In order to help the weak human there, I forged two powerful swords and let the destined one to weild it. However, in order to forge those two swords, I exhausted my own lifespan, and died. Suddenly after I died, I found myself got mysteriously transmigrated to this world. Moreover, I still retained myself and all my abilities."

The story gave Kurono a surprise. He somehow have an impression of that story. Thinking back, he knew the origin of her story. "So, you came from that world, huh."

"Huh? You know my world?" asked Nuwa in surprise.

"More like I read a story about your world." answered Kurono. He added, "I came from the world where the author who wrote the story about your world, and the author who wrote the story of this world lives."

"What? Really? How's that possible?"

"Well, I can tell you that it's really possible. I'm right here, alive again, you know." said Kurono.

Nuwa looked at the man with shock, and curiousity. She then asked, "Then, how did you get transmigrated to this place?"

"Well, that.. it's an embarrassing story." replied Kurono, feeling shamed when he remembered how he as Kei Hijiri died, and become Kei Kurono.

"Tell me about it."

"I fall from a building."

"Is it a suicide?"

"Someone threw a book, and hit me on my head. Then I fall."

"... you serious?"

"It's true."





Nuwa laughed at Kurono. "Ahahaha... my stomach is aching...ahaha. that is really funny...ahaha..."


Kurono decided to leave the girl behind, and moved away to find the Yokai bosses.

"Hei don't get angry. wait for me. hehe." Nuwa tried to stop laughing, and run after Kurono. "Tell me more about your story."


Right at this time, a girl arrived at the place where the Nurarihyon Alien mission was ongoing. She sniffed around for a moment, and then smiled.

"He is not too far away from here." said the girl. She then started humming a tone, and walked towards a direction. "Hm~hm~hm~ Hubby, I'm coming for you."

Right then, some civilians were running away, and coincidentally running towards the direction of the girl. Not far from them were mobs of Yokai, who were trying to catch these people.

"Run! Don't just walk slowly. Those evil creatures will kill us!" shouted one of the man. After that, he run pass the girl. All the people also run pass the girl. An old man looked back and warned the girl, "Hei, hurry up! Those things will kill you!"

However, the girl didn't listen. She even turned around and looked at those ever approaching Yokai. As the Yokai approached, the people who escaped saw the girl was still standing there.

"Ahh! That girl is done for."

"No need to care for her. Just run."

Then, something unexpected happened. When one of the Yokai were about to catch the girl, she opened her glasses. Her eyes then glowed with bright light. In that instant, all the approaching Yokai visibly turned into stone sculptures.