
Gantz Relife

A man fall from a tall building after he got hit by a comic book and died. Soon, he woke up only to be the main character of that comic. He did not dwell over his death and just lived his life as the new mc.

Thundertroy · Others
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90 Chs

Chapter 64: Osaka vs Tokyo

On Haneda Airport, an airplane just arrived, and landed shortly after that. Not long later, many passengers came out of the plane. One of them is a beautiful girl with a dark glasses.

"Finally, I arrived in Tokyo." said the girl. "Hmm~hmm~ Where should I go to find my handsome husband? Let's see..."

Sniff! sniff!

The girls sniffed around. She then frowned. "My pheromone seems to be still some distance away from this area. It's not in Tokyo?"

The girl felt that her pheromone just run away into the distance. "Did that guy know that I'm coming? Is he being shy? No matter, I'll go find you."

The girl then took out a mobile phone, and checked the map. "Let see...The pheromone should be around this distance, and in this direction. Hmm...Osaka?"

The girl pondered. After that, she checked her wallet, and see that she didn't have much of a money. "Should I borrow some money? Aahh! That will take too long of a time. I want to see that guy as soon as possible. Wait, I remembered that he used some kind of teleportation technique. If I can use that technique, I should be able to catch up to him swiftly."

The girl then tried to remember back in Amazon forest, on how the man used his teleportation technique. After simulating the technique in her head, she tried it out.


Instantly, she vanished from her spot, and appeared not too far in the distance. "Yes! I did it! Now, I will come after you my husband!"

She then started using the technique to go towards Osaka. At first, she was only able to teleport a short distance. With times, she was able to go further. At some point, she could teleport to some kilometers away instantly. Then, her journey to Osaka was now officially began.


In Osaka.

"Hei look. There are some people with Gantz suits." said Shinozaki, looking at some people who are also wearing the same suits as them.

"They should be the Osaka Team that Kei mentioned." replied Rei.

While they are looking at those people, the Osaka Team are also looking at them. The black dude, George, whose real name is Joji Shimaki frowned, and said, "Who the f@#k are you guys? Why the hell are you wearing suit?"

"Watch your mouth, punk." scolded Sakata. "You guys should be the local Osaka Team, right?"

"That's Tokyo dialect, isn't it?" said the dark skinned, George.

"There is another Gantz Fighters? And from other area? Seriously, what's going on here?" asked Kazuo Kuwabara.

"Hei, look! That's Reika!"


"It's really her!"

"Um, can I shake your hand, please?" asked Kuwabara.

"Woah! There are so many beauty here! Can I get one?" said the guy at Kuwabara's side.

"Hei beauty, can I get your number? what'sApp maybe?" said another one, trying to flirt with Sei Sakuraoka, who looked attractive to him as she is a tall girl.

"You are not my type." replied Sakuraoka. "Also, don't bother trying to pick the girls. You might get yourself in trouble."

At this time, Knob whose real name is Nobuo Muroya, said to the Tokyo Team, "I have no idea what the hell are you guys doing here. However, this is our territory, got it? Don't you dare lay a finger on our prey!!"

"You mean we should just sit this one out? What the hell?" Sakata was irked.

Right then, there were some mob of Yokai in the distance, trying to attack the people.

"Hei, are not you guys going to help them?" asked Reika.

"Sorry beauty. We don't have that kind of obligation. Just let them be." replied Kuwabara. He and his friends then started smoking. Some of them started vaping, and some of them even taking drugs.

"Are they stupid?" said Shinozaki, looking disdainfully at those people. All the other girls in the Tokyo Team also looked down on these people.

"Dumbass! They are just trying to ruin their life." commented Sakata.

"Er...sensei, I thought your name is Dumb..."

"What did you say?"

"... it's nothing."

In the distance, a man got caught by a big headed Yokai. The then opened it's mouth and about to eat that man alive.

"Aaahhh!!" The man screamed in total fear when he saw the wide open mouth above his head. The girlfriend of that man also screamed in fright. "Aki-chan!! Nooo!!"


Seeing the dire situation, Rei pointed the Z-Gun in her hand, and shoot the big headed Yokai. Instantly, the Yokai turned into a bloody paste on the ground.

"What the f@#k are you doing? I already warned you!!" scolded Knob.

"Shut up!" Scolded Shinozaki. She created a fireball and throw it to the direction of the Osaka Team. The fireball flew closer and exploded.



"What the!? Uhuk! Uhuk!"

The explosion released a mass of smokes that overshadowed all the combined smokes from the Osaka's cigarettes, and vapes. It caused them to breath the smokes, and it almost suffocated them.

"Let's go!"

The Tokyo Team moved away and started killing those Yokai who are attacking the civilian.

"Dammit those people." Knob hurriedly come out of the smokes and looked at the distance. Seeing the Tokyo Team were killing those Yokai caused him to look at them coldly.

"Let's go! We need to teach these punk some lessons."

All of them then rushed towards the Tokyo Team. When they get closer, Knob warned the other team, "Stop whatever you doing, motherf@#ker!!"

However, no one from the Tokyo Team listened to him. Knob frowned. "I warned you."

He pointed his Z-Gun towards Shinozaki and shoot the girl.

"Watch out!"


The shot missed because of Rei's warning. Shinozaki appeared not far away from the place where the ground was smashed by the gravitational force.

"What the!? She evaded that?" exclaimed Knob.

"Retard! Are you an alien?" scolded Fei. All the members of the Tokyo Team glared at the Knob.

"What are those people doing? Why are they attacking each other?"

"I think they are from two different teams."

"Yeah. I saw those guys was weeding just now, not caring about us getting attacked by those ghost."

"Those guy who are trying to save people should be from Tokyo. They are talking in Tokyo's dialect."

"Are they even human? Why kill someone who wanted to save us?"

The people on the surrounding become angry as they saw the Osaka Team suddenly attacking the Tokyo Team. Shinozaki who almost got hit by that shot from Knob was the most furious. She suddenly disappeared from her place, and appeared next to Knob, with the Z-Gun pointing at the man.

"Taste your own medicine."


A gravitational force smashed Knob to the ground. However, he didn't die. Only his suit got damaged, and no longer working.

"Bastard! Kill her!"

"Shoot her!"

The Osaka Team were enraged when they saw the Tokyo Team dared to attack their Osaka Team. George drew his Gantz Sword and slashed it at Shinozaki.


Kaze suddenly appeared and slammed his back shoulder at George. The dark skinned man was sent shooting, and coincidentally slammed onto a flying Yokai. The two then continued shooting until they slammed on the wall of a tall building.

"You shouldn't go killing your own kind." said Kaze, looking calmly at the Osaka Team.

"Say that when you are certain that you can win. Everyone, shoot!" commanded Kuwabara. He and his team then used their guns to attack the Tokyo Team. They didn't even care whether their shots will endanger the people around them.

"All of you, get away!" warned Reika to the surrounding people.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The ground was ruined by so many smashes from the released gravitational forces. However, the Tokyo Team didn't get hit, not even one of them.

"They are courting death! Let's beat them!" said, Rei who just appeared in the distance.

"Let's do that. I don't like them anyway." nodded Fei. The other Tokyo Team agreed instantly. Each of them then pick a target for their own.

The fight was a one sided beating, where the Tokyo Team used their abilities to overpower the Osaka Team. It didn't take long for the fight to end, with the Osaka Team losing all of their weapon.

"Hei, bastard! Give back our weapon."

"My Z-Gun! Give it back!"

"Heyy!! Are you trying to make us suffer from the Yokai attack?"

"Heartless! You wanted to see us dead?"

The Osaka team shouted furiously. Some of them even tried to rush and used some physical attack, but got bounced back by some invisible barrier.

"If you guys wanted to get your weapon back, then go save some people." said Sakata.

"How do you expect us to help people if we don't have any weapon?" scolded Knob, whose suit already got damaged.

"Oh, er..." Sakata looked at the others. Shinozaki then threw back all the Osaka's Gantz Swords, back at the team.

"That's should be enough for you guys." said Shinozaki. She and the others then left to hunt down those Yokai.

"Hei, wait...Bastard!"

"Dammit! This is bad."

"Just a sword? Shit!"

The Osaka Team cursed. They didn't expect that some outsiders came into their territory, and confiscated their weapon.

"What now?" asked Miho Yamanaka, worried with their current situation.

"Let's pick some X-Gun or other guns from the weakling in our team." said George.

"I think Yamasaki got some guns with her. We can borrow some from her." suggested Sumiko Yamada. "Hey where is Yamasaki?"

They looked around but didn't see the girl.


"Lightning Shower!"


At this time, Kurono and Nuwa were in the middle of exterminating many Yokai in the vicinity.

"Damn! Is there no end to these Yokai?" said Kurono. He was starting to get fed up of killing too many of these evil creatures. These aliens have some very bad taste for disguising themselves as Yokai. Or, are they not disguising, but actually a real Yokai?

"Hei Kurono, someone is stalking you." said Nuwa. She pointed her finger towards a girl in suit, who was looking at them with a shocked expression.

Kurono turned to look and saw the girl. He felt that this girl looked familiar. Is not this the girl who ended up with Kato? thought Kurono.

"Hei there, what's up?" greeted Kurono.

Yamazaki was awakened from her shock. She then walked forward, and looked curiously at the two Gantz Fighters. She asked, "Are you two a monster?"

"She is monster." said Kurono, pointing his finger at Nuwa. The girl frowned when she heard her 'husband'. She then said, "He is the real monster. He got nine dragon."


Kurono tripped, and knocked his head at the pole that so happen to be on his side. Yamazaki was amused when she saw how the two behaved. "Are you from Tokyo?"

"You must be Anzu Yamasaki." said Kurono. "How's your son?"

"How? How did you know?" Yamasaki's face changed when she heard Kurono. She looked warily at Kurono, with gun ready in hand.

"Easy there. Just calm down." said Kurono. He continued, "I could read people's memories."

Yamasaki was still being wary of Kurono. Kurono sighed when he saw her like that. He then said, "Do you want to be free from this endless hunting? Do you want to return to your normal life, with you little son?"

"What are you saying? Of course I want to be free from all of this." replied Yamasaki.

"That's good then. I can help you to get your freedom." offered Kurono.


Just then, Kurono teleported closer, and hold out his hand to Yamasaki's forehead. The girl's expression changed. "What are you trying to do?"

"Don't move!" warned Kurono. He then sent his psychic powers into Yamasaki's head, and then teleported out the chip in her head. A second later, the thing was taken out of her head.

"See, this is the thing that was planted in your head." said Kurono, showing the small chip to Yamasaki. " You are free now."

The girl looked at that chip with a wide eyes. She looked at Kurono, and still not feel convinced. Kurono knew what she was thinking, and said, "If you don't believe me, try going past the limition set by Gantz. There should be a ringing sounds if you are at the limit, and you head will explode if you go further."

Yamasaki then went to the limit, but there was no ringing. She braved herself to go further, but nothing happened. She was still not completely assured, and go even further. The result are still the same, she is safe.

"Look at this." said Kurono. He then threw away the chip beyond the limit, and it instantly exploded. "Now, do you believe me?"

The girl rushed forward, and hugged Kurono with tears in her eyes. "Huhuhu...thank you. Thank you so much."