
Gangster Godfather

Blood-stained youth, regretless vows, young love, sincere friendship, the dangers of society, and the complexity of human nature. A turbulent time that cannot be forgotten! A piece of unofficial history that has been passed down to this day! A group of brothers who share weal and woe in life and death! An out-of-print era that carries the flag and stands at the top! Watch the storm with a smile and move forward side by side! Brothers, let's go together.

aotianwuheng · Urban
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286 Chs

Chapter 254 Hug together for warmth

Li Wudi was stunned instantly: "Tie Kui, Tie Kui!!"

 He yelled wildly and rushed to Tie Kui's side while rolling and crawling.

 Tie Kui's body and face were covered with blood, and he was as motionless as a dead man.

 Li Wudi's tears began to flow down his face: "Tie Kui, Tie Kui!!"

 Li Wudi lay on Tie Kui and began to rescue quickly.

 After a while, Zhang Zonghe also ran over.

 He looked at the three people on the ground and rushed directly to Tie Kui's side.

 He patted Tie Kui's face vigorously, and then wiped the blood from the corners of Tie Kui's mouth, but he couldn't wipe it away, and in just this moment, Tie Kui's nostrils began to bleed.

 "Hey, hey, idiot, don't fucking scare me!"

 Zhang Zonghe shouted twice in succession, but Tie Kui still didn't respond.

 Zhang Zonghe glanced at the blood on his hands, and then looked at Li Wudi: "What the hell is going on, where are the people?"

 Li Wudi was speechless, tears kept flowing down, and he was still trying to save Tie Kui.

 "CNM, you are deaf, can't you hear me?"

 Zhang Zonghe suddenly burst out, running towards Li Wudi and saying, "Where am I asking you? Where are the people!"

 Li Wudi, who burst into tears, pointed diagonally ahead: "He drove away!"

 Zhang Zonghe took off his coat and covered Tie Kui: "Look at this idiot, don't freeze him!"

 After saying that, Zhang Zonghe ran wildly.

 After running to the corner, several aunts in the village were talking in the distance while pointing.

 Zhang Zonghe continued running in the direction of their fingers without even thinking about it.

 After a while, Zhang Zonghe rushed to a small road outside the village in the city.

 Diagonally in front of the intersection, a Santana sedan riddled with bullets and in a state of panic crashed into a telegraph pole, causing a serious dent in the front of the car.

 The driver was covered in blood and seriously injured. He was sitting motionless in the car.

 Several passers-by stood aside and pointed.

 Two police officers were surrounding the car, one was rescuing, and the other was making a phone call to guide traffic!

 Zhang Zonghe stood there, his eyes flickering. She stared at the vehicles over there for a moment, and then stopped a taxi.

 He sat in the car and smiled at the taxi driver: "Master, can I trouble you for a favor?..."

 In the Santana car, the female killer was shot several times and fell into a coma. The experienced policeman who rescued people finally regained consciousness through his efforts.

 The policeman took a deep breath, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and was about to ask about the female killer.

 The sound of "Didi~" came from behind. The two policemen subconsciously turned their heads and found a taxi behind them.

 One of them raised his hand and signaled: "Go over there, go over there!"

 Not only did the taxi make no movement. Instead, he turned on the high beam.

 Immediately: "Didi didi~" sounded the horn again.

 The two policemen still didn't move.

 At this moment, the accelerator sound of "buzz buzz~" sounded.

 The policemen lost consciousness for a moment, and the two quickly reached out to stop them. But it's still too late.

 I saw the taxi suddenly speeding up, and with the roar of the accelerator, it crashed directly into the Santana sedan here.

 The two policemen subconsciously ducked to both sides.

 The taxi made a "bang~" sound and hit Santana's driver's seat hard.

 The Santana's driving position was almost flattened, and the taxi's airbags were fully deployed, stopping abruptly in place.

 Just when everyone thought it was all over. The taxi reversed again, followed by: "buzz~" sound of the accelerator and "bang~" sound. Reversing again: "Buzz~" sound: "Boom~" After three or four times in succession, the taxi stopped.

 Zhang Zonghe's face was covered with blood and he pushed away the airbag.

 He lit a cigarette and dialed the phone.

 After a while, the phone was connected, and my mother's kind voice came out: "Hey, Hehe, are you going home for dinner tonight?"

 Zhang Zonghe smiled: "Mom, I'm sorry, from now on you just treat me as your son."

 "What did you say? Hehe, what's wrong with you?"

 The mother on the phone became anxious instantly.

 Zhang Zonghe hung up the phone directly. He called Liu An on his cell phone.

 After a while, the call came through: "Hello, Hezi."

 "Has the King of Hell woke up?"

 "I don't know either. I'll find out later when I take over. What's wrong?"

 "It's okay, I'll just ask."

 Speaking of this, Zhang Zonghe's mouth twitched slightly: "Liu An, I'm sorry."

 "I'm sorry? What do you mean?"

 Zhang Zonghe didn't say anything else. Hang up the phone directly.

 Two police officers had already surrounded Zhang Zonghe. They shouted at Zhang Zonghe: "Get off the car, get off the car immediately! Hurry up!"

 Zhang Zonghe took a deep breath, pushed open the car door, glanced at the two policemen, and then at the female killer in the taxi. He spat at the female killer. Then he calmly raised his hands.

 Two policemen quickly stepped forward. Just as they were about to control Zhang Zonghe, two cars suddenly stopped beside them.

 Seven or eight hooded figures rushed directly out of the car.

 The two leaders pointed their weapons at the police: "Don't move!"

 The two policemen were stunned immediately and did not dare to speak any more. Several others picked up sacks and wrapped them around Zhang Zonghe, dragging Zhang Zonghe back to the car.

 There was also a man wearing a hood who took the opportunity to remove the car keys of the police vehicle.

 Within ten seconds of each other, the two cars disappeared at the end of the road, and the people watching around them didn't even realize what was going on.

 At the same time, another car drove by. Li Wudi and Deng Qinfeng staggered down. Looking at the Santana car here, they were all dumbfounded and sat directly on the spot.

 The little hand glanced out the window, then stepped on the accelerator, and the vehicle moved forward quickly.

 He followed the rearview mirror and looked at Tie Kui lying on the seat, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly: "Brother Kui, you must hold on, otherwise I really won't be able to explain to Brother Yan."

 As he spoke, his little hand slammed the steering wheel with a "bang~" sound. When the accelerator is pressed to the end, the vehicle jumps out with a buzzing sound...

 Night falls slowly, bookish teahouse.

 Xue Qi, Zhang Pei, Liu Jiabei and Artillery sat together. Liu Jiabei played with a piece of jade: "Why did you call us here in such a hurry?"

 "The bosses on Tianbei Street have started to huddle together to keep warm. Those who can unite have all united."

 "What did you say?" Liu Jiabei was a little surprised: "What do they want to do together?"

 "What did you say? Of course you are going to fight us!"

 "They don't want to go back to the old San Dao era, and they don't want to give us a confession!"

 "But we are not our opponent, so we can only unite." "Now they have sent four representatives and want to talk to us!" "That's why I called everyone together and asked everyone what they meant! "

 Cannon tapped the table lightly: "How did they know that we united to restore order?"

 "I don't know this, but I know it anyway."

 Zhang Pei took a sip of tea and continued: "Then what do you mean?"

 "What's the point of what I can do? Either fight, or just talk."

 "Can the four of us defeat the entire Tianbei Street?"

 Xue Qi shook her head: "If there are three or five families, it's okay, even if there are ten or eight families, there's no problem!"

 "But if it's the entire Tianbei Street, it would be really troublesome."

 "Especially because there may be other forces hiding in the dark to cause trouble! This will bring even more uncertainties!"

 "If we are not careful, we may fall into a quagmire, and we may even lose ourselves!"

 Liu Jiabei stared at Xue Qi: "Are all your old subordinates also standing with them?"

 Xue Qi nodded: "Yes, we are all standing together with them."

 Liu Jiabei frowned and thought for a moment: "These people suddenly united together. They definitely did not unite themselves. There must be big forces behind them. Otherwise, they would not dare to unite!"

 "Then who's backing it?"

 "You have to ask her about this."

 Liu Jiabei glanced at Xue Qi: "Do you know who it is?"

 Xue Qi shook her head: "I haven't figured out what's going on here yet. I'll tell everyone when I figure it out. But according to my speculation, it should be related to the three companies in Metropolis."

 "They were squeezed away by us and were resentful, so they tried every means to cause trouble for us!"

 "Is there any evidence?"

 "Not yet, just speculation!"

 At this point, Xue Qi changed the topic: "The most difficult issue now is whether we should talk to them or not."

 The private room became quiet. The bosses looked at me and I looked at you. After a moment, Cannon smiled: "There is nothing to talk about. Either obey or conquer."

 "As long as you are on Tianbei Street, you must abide by the rules of Tianbei Street! It's the same for everyone!"

 Xue Qi stared at Zhang Pei: "What about you?"

 Zhang Pei smiled: "I'm almost dead, so I can't control anything. I want money."

 "Then you're the only one left."

 Xue Qi looked at Liu Jiabei: "Will you fight or not?"

 Liu Jiabei spread his hands: "I don't have a choice, so let's fight! The question is how to fight?"

 "Either we fight together, or we each clear up our own territory."

 Canopao glanced at Xue Qi: "How is the situation over at Wang Yan?"

 "It's very bad. Don't think about him. Let's find a way to solve it ourselves."

 "If he is not here, we will have to clean up our respective portals."

 Canopao looked at Zhang Pei; "Everyone has turned against me now. If you like my place, you can come to my place and I will deal with you."

 Liu Jiabei shook his head: "No, let's just take care of each other individually. But if anyone cleans up quickly or has his hands free, help others if you can. If anyone can't bear it, everyone I also need to help, this is no problem."

 "That's it. From this moment on, everyone should be careful and take more people with you when going out to prevent unexpected events! I have something else to do, so I'll leave first!"

 Xue Qi took out three documents and placed them on the table: "This is the background information of all the bosses in your sphere of influence. You can figure it out for yourself."