
Gangster Godfather

Blood-stained youth, regretless vows, young love, sincere friendship, the dangers of society, and the complexity of human nature. A turbulent time that cannot be forgotten! A piece of unofficial history that has been passed down to this day! A group of brothers who share weal and woe in life and death! An out-of-print era that carries the flag and stands at the top! Watch the storm with a smile and move forward side by side! Brothers, let's go together.

aotianwuheng · Urban
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286 Chs

Chapter 253 Encounter on a narrow road

After saying that, Li Wudi didn't wait for Xiaoshou to speak and followed the female killer again.

 After the female killer made two more detours in the village in the city, there were obviously fewer pedestrians in this area!

 Li Wudi also murmured a little in his heart.

 At this moment, he really thought about not following.

 But after a second thought, he felt a little unwilling to accept it, so Li Wudi followed him again.

 Seeing the female killer turn another corner.

 Li Wudi followed him with a few big strides. Just as he turned the corner, the female killer suddenly jumped out from the side and punched like lightning, straight into Li Wudi's abdomen. This shocked Li Wudi.

 Li Wudi instinctively raised his hand to block it.

 The woman then punched Li Wudi on the bridge of his nose.

 Li Wudi turned his head slightly and dodged again.

 Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the woman's leg kicked straight into Li Wudi's chest like a gust of wind.

 Li Wudi was kicked back two steps and was about to take out his gun.

 The woman stepped forward quickly and kicked Li Wudi in the face with a flying kick.

 Li Wudi raised his hands to protect his head, but the huge inertia caused Li Wudi to stagger two steps to the side and hit the wall.

 Before he could react, the woman had already jumped in front of him.

 Her figure was like a ghost. She bent down to avoid Li Wudi's heavy punch and then resisted Li Wudi's shoulder. She put her legs on the ground and struggled with her strength. She threw him over her shoulder and threw Li Wudi heavily to the ground.

 She took advantage of the situation and knelt on Li Wudi's back, grabbed Li Wudi's arm, and said with murderous intent: "Who are you and why are you following me?"

 Li Wudi knew that he was no match for the female killer, so he deliberately showed weakness: "Oh, oh, oh, oh, it hurts me to death, it hurts me to death, heroine, spare your life, be gentle, be gentle!"

 The softer Li Wudi spoke, the harder the female killer pressed: "I'll ask you one last time, who are you and why are you following me?"

 Li Wudi quickly shook his head: "I came here to find my friend, I didn't follow you!"

 "You didn't follow me? Then you go wherever I go, and if I turn around, you will turn around too?"

 "This is my first time here, and I didn't find my friend's house. I didn't follow you, we just happened to meet you. Really, oh, oh, let go of me, or I'm going to scream!"

 "If you dare to shout, I will kill you!"

 "I won't shout, I won't shout. Please let me go immediately. I was wronged. If you don't believe it, I'll call my friend now."

 The female killer did not let go of Li Wudi, but instead touched Li Wudi's body.

 Li Wudi was shocked. If she touched his gun, everything would be over.

 Thinking of this, Li Wudi became heartbroken and couldn't care about anything else: "Help! Help!"

 Li Wudi suddenly started shouting loudly.

 When the female killer saw this situation, she stepped forward and covered Li Wudi's mouth.

 Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Wudi tried his best to turn over quickly.

 After all, he was a man, and he flipped with all his strength, catching the female killer off guard.

 The female killer was thrown directly to one side.

 The angry female killer put one hand on the ground, took out a dagger and stabbed Li Wudi.

 Li Wudi didn't even try to hide. He quickly took out his pistol and pointed it directly at the female killer. His eyes widened with anger, his voice was loud and full of aura, and he was completely different from before: "Police, don't move! Put your hands up! Otherwise I'm going to shoot!"

 The female killer was stunned immediately. She really didn't expect that the arrogant young man in front of her would actually be a policeman.

 She frowned slightly but did not take action at the moment.

 Li Wudi is not a gas-saving lamp: "Second warning, put down your weapons immediately! Hold your head with both hands!"

 The female killer felt Li Wudi's determination.

 She took a deep breath, threw the dagger to the ground, and then put her head in her hands.

 "Back to the wall, lie on the ground, put your head in your hands, hurry up!"

 Li Wudi shouted again. The female killer still didn't move.

 Li Wudi didn't care about that, he pointed his gun at the female killer's feet: "Boom, boom~" and he shot two shots: "Lie on the ground, hold your head with both hands!"

 The female killer had no choice but to take two steps back and lie on the ground.

 Li Wudi walked step by step to the female killer.

 She put the muzzle of the gun against the back of the female killer's head, and then took out the handcuffs.

 At this moment, Li Wudi was about to handcuff the female killer.

 A "buzz~" accelerator sound suddenly came from the side area, and a Santana car rushed towards Li Wudi and hit him.

 In Li Wudi's heart, there was a "thud~", and he instinctively raised his gun and pointed it at the Santana car: "Boom, boom~" were two gunshots.

 At the moment he pulled the trigger, the female killer lying on the ground suddenly turned over.

 She reached out and grabbed Li Wudi's head, and yanked it towards the wall: "Bang~", Li Wudi's head hit the wall hard.

 The female killer took the opportunity to grab Li Wudi's wrist, and at the same time, she threw Li Wudi to the ground with a scissor kick.

 Li Wudi knew that he was definitely in big trouble this time.

 Without saying a word, he pulled the trigger crazily: "Boom, boom, boom~" and shot several times in succession.

 Immediately afterwards, I felt a pain in my wrist.

 The female killer snatched Li Wudi's pistol and pointed it at Li Wudi's head without hesitation: "Click, click~" twice in succession. It turned out that it was empty.

 The female killer waved the butt of her gun and rushed towards Li Wudi's head: "Bang, bang, bang~" just a few times.

 Her series of actions stunned Li Wudi.

 Taking advantage of Li Wudi's recovery time, the female killer grabbed Li Wudi's neck, pulled hard, turned over and used her shoulders to resist Li Wudi, and swung him forward, sending Li Wudi flying away.

 The Santana car next to me stepped on the accelerator.

 When Li Wudi was still in mid-air, he crashed into Li Wudi.

 With a "bang~" sound, Li Wudi was instantly knocked several meters away.

 The female killer got into the car without saying a word.

 The driver glanced at Li Wudi who landed on the ground and did not let go of his thoughts at all.

 "Buzz~" he stepped on the accelerator, and the vehicle slammed into Li Wudi.

 At this time, Li Wudi was lying on the ground, his whole body spinning, unable to move at all.

 Seeing the car crash into him, Li Wudi was already in despair.

 At the critical moment, two figures appeared from the other side.

 When Deng Qinfeng saw this situation, without saying a word, he raised his pistol and pointed it at the Santana car directly in front.

 Tie Kui stood next to Deng Qinfeng, first looking at Li Wudi, and then at the speeding car.

 He barely hesitated: "Invincible!!"

 Tie Kui roared loudly and rushed directly towards Li Wudi.

 There are walls on both sides of this path, and the middle road is extremely narrow and can only accommodate one car.

 The Santana sedan opposite has also started.

 In this case, as long as you rush into the alley, you will definitely be hit by the Santana car driving fast on the opposite side, and there will be no room to dodge.

 It was precisely because of this that Deng Qinfeng did not dare to run in, but just stood at the exit of the path.

 As a result, Tie Kui rushed in without even thinking.

 Deng Qinfeng immediately became anxious: "Tie Kui!"

 He shouted and grabbed Tie Kui's clothes.

 At the same time, he felt a strong force, and his whole body was instantly pulled by Tie Kui!

 Tie Kui's eyes were red and he couldn't care about anything. He rushed towards Li Wudi like crazy and didn't care!

 Deng Qinfeng got up from the ground, without saying a word, pointed at the Santana car: "Boom, boom, boom, boom~" and pulled the trigger.

 The Santana car's glass was directly smashed by Deng Qinfeng.

 But the driver still ignored it and stepped on the accelerator.

 Suddenly, the surrounding area was filled with the sound of "buzzing~" the accelerator.

 Deng Qinfeng finished shooting a handful of bullets, and instinctively retreated quickly to change the magazine.

 But the speed of the vehicle was getting faster and faster, and it was about to run over Li Wudi.

 Tie Kui rushed to Li Wudi's side.

 He pulled Li Wudi up with one hand and hugged him directly in front of him. Immediately afterwards: there was a loud "bang~" sound, and Tie Kui and Li Wudi were instantly knocked out.

 In mid-air, Tie Kui suddenly turned over and placed himself under Li Wudi.

 "DUAGN~" Tie Kui fell heavily to the ground. Li Wudi cushioned him and then landed next to him.

 After the Santana hit Fei Kui, it was obvious that it lost control. It fell directly onto the wall on one side and then stopped.

 Deng Qinfeng has already changed the bullets.

 He held a weapon and quickly stepped forward. Just as he was about to reach the Santana car, the cab door opened and the driver fell out.

 He was covered in blood, and the blood from the corners of his mouth was constantly flowing out.

 After a few twitches, there was no movement.

 Deng Qinfeng moved forward cautiously.

 Just as he was almost reaching the vehicle.

 Li Wudi from behind suddenly shouted: "Director, the female killer is in the car!"

 Deng Qinfeng raised his eyebrows, raised his gun and pointed it at the passenger seat. At the same time, the female killer in the car also raised her weapon.

 Both sides fired indiscriminately, "Boom, boom, boom~boom~".

 Deng Qinfeng was shot in the chest and was forced to retreat.

 He leaned against a wall, clutching his chest, sweat dripping from his forehead.

 He couldn't see the co-pilot from this position, so he could only point the gun at the driver's seat and be cautious.

 Time passed by, and a few seconds later, the Santana sedan suddenly made a "buzzing" accelerator sound, followed by the vehicle directly backing out.

 Without saying a word, Deng Qinfeng pulled the trigger again.

 The female killer in the car was also red-eyed.

 She lowered her head, stepped on the accelerator, listened to the gunshot, and pushed forward with all her strength.

 There was a violent impact sound, and Deng Qinfeng was also knocked away.

 The female killer was also shot. She was panting and pale.

 Seeing Deng Qinfeng, Li Wudi and Tie Kui being hit at the intersection, she was filled with murderous intent and stepped on the accelerator fiercely.

 Santana ran over the three people at the intersection again.

 Li Wudi had already gotten up now.

 However, both Tie Kuihe and Deng Qinfeng, who were seriously injured, failed to get up.

 They watched Santana run towards them again.

 Li Wudi's expression changed instantly.

 He first looked at Tie Kui, then at Deng Qinfeng.

 Immediately afterwards, Li Wudi stepped forward and hugged Deng Qinfeng. He yelled "Ah~" with all his strength, and the two of them rolled to the other side while holding Deng Qinfeng.

 But on Tie Kui's side, it was really too late.

 "duang~" sound.

 The Santana sedan ran over Tie Kui's body.