
Chimera's Reckoning

The labyrinthine corridors of the Hive stretched out before Jameson, dimly lit and ominously silent but for the occasional distant groan. With every step, the cold steel floor seemed to echo his mounting anxiety. As he navigated the winding passageways, the soft, static hum of surveillance cameras accompanied him, the eyes of the Red Queen watching, aiding. 

Up ahead, a group of three zombies lumbered into view, their eyes devoid of life, yet hungrily fixated on him. Jameson's fingers closed around the grip of the Licker's Kusarigama, he darted forward, swinging the weapon in a deadly arc toward the nearest zombie. The blade connected with a sickening crunch, cleaving through its skull [+10 EP].

The other two zombies approached, close together. Using the environment to his advantage, Jameson kicked a nearby metal cart into their path, sending them tumbling. He swiftly descended upon them, finishing both off [+24 EP]. 

As he made his way forward, he meticulously ensured each door he passed slid shut with a hiss, ready for the Red Queen to re-engage their locks. 

Jameson cautiously stepped into the Armory, his eyes immediately drawn to a large, hulking figure nestled in the corner. The creature had been dormant, its breathing low and rhythmic. However, the intrusion stirred it from its slumber. Slowly, the beast raised its head, and as Jameson's eyes adjusted to the dimness of the room, the true horror of the Chimera was unveiled. 

The Chimera stood at a daunting seven feet tall, its silhouette a grotesque fusion of the creatures from which it was derived. Its body was enveloped in sleek, obsidian-black fur that glinted under the Hive's artificial luminescence. This dark mantle was starkly offset by a reptilian underbelly that gleamed with iridescent shades of green and blue. 

The creature's visage was a nightmarish blend of the primal and the predatory. A primate-like head featured elongated, razor-sharp fangs that jutted menacingly from a gaping maw. Serpentine eyes, radiating a malevolent yellow glow, scrutinized Jameson with unsettling intensity. Set atop its skull were two elongated, tufted ears, twitching in response to the slightest noise. 

Muscular arms, reminiscent of a gorilla's, extended from its formidable torso, culminating in clawed hands that seemed perfectly adapted for rending flesh and scaling surfaces. In stark contrast, its legs bore a feline grace, hinting at a deadly combination of agility and power. A sinuous tail, adorned with the same iridescent scales as its belly, swayed ominously behind, its tip armed with a venomous barb. 

The Chimera, now fully alert, let out a deep, rumbling roar that echoed through the Armory, both a challenge and a warning. The hiss that followed, a spine-chilling reminder of its venomous ancestry, left no doubt in Jameson's mind: he was facing a monstrous culmination of nature's most formidable predators, molded by the perversities of science. 

"Damn you, Umbrella!" Jameson whispered under his breath. It was impressive how much vitriol could be put in just three words. 

With adrenaline pumping, Jameson snatched up a discarded Riot Shield as the Chimera lunged with terrifying speed. Each swipe from the beast's clawed hands struck with a force that felt like being hit by a truck, the very air reverberating with its power. 

Every ounce of Jameson's strength was required just to redirect the blows, the shield groaning and threatening to buckle under the immense pressure. The sheer might of the Chimera made it abundantly clear: in a contest of raw power, Jameson didn't stand a chance. 

However, it quickly became evident that mere defense wouldn't win this battle. With a quick slash using the blade, aiming for what he hoped would be a vulnerable spot. But even with the razor-sharp edge, the blade struggled to penetrate the Chimera's hide, which felt as dense and unyielding as braided steel cables beneath a layer of obsidian fur. 

Realizing that direct confrontation wasn't yielding the results he hoped for, Jameson quickly backpedaled, feeling a numbing sensation crawling up his arm from the force of the Chimera's relentless assault. With a swift, frustrated motion, he cast aside the now cumbersome shield. 

Taking a brief moment to reassess, Jameson gripped the Kusarigama by its braided leather "chain", leveraging the momentum of a wide swing. The blade, with all the force he could muster, struck the Chimera with a resonating thud. For a moment, it seemed like a victory. But as Jameson tried to pull back for another swing, he realized the blade was deeply embedded into the creature's hide. Before he could react, the Chimera lurched, wrenching the weapon from Jameson's grasp. 

Now disarmed, Jameson reached for the weapons scattered on a nearby table, but the Chimera's relentless assault forced him back, tipping the table and sending combat knives clattering away over the floor. Jameson, cornered and with the beast bearing down on him, in a moment of sheer desperation, pulled Rich's pocket knife from his pocket and threw it. The blade lodged into the Chimera's side, a superficial wound that barely phased the creature, but it momentarily distracted it. 

Seizing the momentary reprieve, Jameson attempted to grab a combat knife, but before he could, the Chimera, infuriated by the sting of the pocket knife, swung its muscular arm with devastating force. The blow struck Jameson in the ribs, causing a series of sharp, agonizing cracks. The force of the strike sent him flying into a gun rack, dislodging every weapon, which showered down upon him as he collapsed in pain on the cold floor. 

Gasping in pain and struggling to draw breath, Jameson saw the gaping maw of the Chimera descending upon him. Its jaws, filled with razor-sharp fangs, opened wide, eager to deliver a fatal bite. But in that split second of impending doom, Jameson's fingers frantically searched his pocket, activating the perk of Rich's pocket knife: Never Disarmed.

As the blade materialized into his grasp, he summoned every ounce of strength left in him and drove it fiercely into one of the Chimera's eyes. The creature let out an agonizing roar as it reeled back, clutching its wounded eye, buying Jameson a crucial moment of respite.

Jameson snatched a nearby machine gun, rammed a magazine into place, took aim, and squeezed the trigger. The weapon roared to life in his hands, its ferocious kickback demanding every bit of his focus. Bullets streamed out in a relentless hailstorm, each one more cathartic than the last. 

The deafening cacophony was almost symphonic to Jameson, a raw testament to the pent-up rage, desperation, and vindication flowing through him. With every round that tore into the Chimera's skull, he felt a surge of grim satisfaction, exacting revenge for all the pain and fear it had inflicted on him. 

As the smoke swirled and the last echoes of gunfire faded, an oppressive silence reclaimed the armory. Jameson's shoulders heaved with exertion, the weight of the gun heavy in his trembling hands. Before him lay the Chimera, now lifeless and defeated. Against the bleakest of odds, human tenacity had prevailed. 

Quest: Chimera's Demise 

The Chimera, a monstrous blend of predatory genes, has escaped its containment and true to form, has made its nest in the Armory. You'll need those weapons if you intend to follow through on your promise to clear the Hive. 

Objective: Confront and defeat the Chimera to gain access to the Hive's Armory. 

Rewards: 30,000 EP, Armory Access, and Genetic Alchemy perk 

Total EP: 63,227 EP

As Jameson stood amidst the chilling aftermath of the battle, the initial sharp pain from his shattered ribs was slowly eclipsed by an unfamiliar sensation coursing through his very being. Every cell in his body felt like it was quivering, resonating to an unseen force. 

Breathing became laborious, each inhalation pulling against the tug of change from within. Waves of heat rolled through him, punctuated by occasional cold flashes. It was as if his genetic code was being unraveled and rewoven, the strands of his DNA dancing and intertwining in new, intricate patterns. Beneath his closed eyelids, he perceived bursts of color and patterns, abstract visualizations of the transformation occurring within. 

As minutes ticked by, the tumultuous sensations of his genetic metamorphosis began to wane. The vibrant bursts of colors and intricate patterns faded into darkness, and the feeling of malleability slowly solidified once more. It felt like emerging from a vivid dream, the memories of which were swiftly being pulled away by the currents of reality. All that remained was the stark and mundane pain radiating from his ribs, grounding Jameson back into the present moment. 

Genetic Alchemy 

Having defeated the Chimera, a creature composed of various DNA strands, the Gamer gains profound insights into genetic assimilation. This knowledge accelerates his ability to incorporate and adapt other DNA sequences into his own. 

Effect: Increases EP gain by 20% permanently. 

Drawing ragged breaths, the pain evident in his every move, Jameson managed to utter, "Red Queen, is the path back to the control room still clear?" 

A brief pause, then the familiar, synthetic voice of the Red Queen responded, "Yes, the route remains unobstructed." 

Jameson, taking a moment to steady himself, replied, "Good... I've had enough for today." He surveyed the armory one last time, spotting a pistol lying amidst the chaos. Even in his weakened state, he knew he couldn't leave without some form of protection. He picked up the firearm and a magazine, wincing as the motion strained his injured ribs. 

Hobbling over to the armory's door, he activated its security protocols. A series of metallic clicks echoed in the room, signifying the door was locked and fortified. "Don't want to do this dance a third time," he murmured to himself. 

With the weapon in hand and sheer determination in his heart, Jameson began his slow, arduous trek back to the control room. 

Starting EP Pool 

63,227 EP 

Melee Kills 

1 Chimera kill = 5,000 


Melee Total EP = 5,000 

Kill Total EP = 5,000 

Survival Bonuses: 



Total Bonus = 0% 

Kill Total EP w/Bonuses = 5,000 

Finishing Total EP = 68,227 

Safely back in the confines of the control room, Jameson gingerly settled himself into his chair, every movement sending a flare of pain through his body. He sighed, realizing that injuries of this magnitude were too dangerous to leave untreated, especially in this hostile environment. They also posed a significant delay in his progress, a luxury he couldn't afford. 

Bringing up his Gamer Interface, he was greeted with his current stats: 

STR - 12 

PER - 12 

END - 14 

INT - 12 

AGI - 12 

His gaze lingered on the 'END' value. If he could increase his endurance, it would not only improve his ability to withstand physical punishment but would also speed up his recovery from injuries. Resolved, he began purchasing additional points for his endurance. 

The system responded: 

Purchasing END level 15: 7,218 EP deducted. 

Purchasing END level 16: 11,549 EP deducted. 

Purchasing END level 17: 18,478 EP deducted. 

Purchasing END level 18: 29,565 EP deducted. 

EP Pool: 1,417 

As the upgrades coursed through him, Jameson felt a profound change. The incessant throb in his ribs shifted, easing just enough for him to notice. It wasn't the miraculous mending of bones, but rather his body's own resilience heightened, pushing towards its peak performance. 

Every breath became a little easier, every movement a touch less agonizing. It was as if his body had tapped into an inner reserve, pulling him back from the brink, but not entirely out of the woods. The rapid alterations inside him teetered on the edge of what was conceivable, but they still felt very much grounded in his humanity. 

Nodding to the Red Queen's interface, Jameson leaned back into the chair, the soft hum of the control room surrounding him. The weight of the day, the battles faced, and the pain endured all pressed heavily on his eyelids. He closed his eyes, letting the comforting darkness envelop him. The rhythmic pulse of the Hive's machinery served as a makeshift lullaby, lulling him into a restorative slumber. As he drifted off, the Red Queen's ever-watchful sensors continued to monitor the corridors, ensuring his safety during this vulnerable respite.

A/N: Now I know why authors abandon stories when they go back to edit chapters mid-story; it's a black pit where motivation goes to die. I've tried to re-write this at least 4 times now and no, I'm not happy with it. Well, hopefully it's good enough to get us to the other side.

Neoacoya1creators' thoughts