
Chapter 10 - Into the Hive's Depths

Jameson stood alone amidst the suffocating silence of the Hive. However, the quiet didn't last long. An all-too-familiar voice echoed, resonating from the walls of the Hive. 


"Well done, Jameson. The records of your confrontation with the Licker have been logged," the Red Queen's voice carried an eerie calmness. "On a brighter note, three individuals have successfully escaped the Hive without any injuries." 


Jameson's heart raced. "Three? I thought there were four of us. What about Rain?" There was an undercurrent of worry in his voice. 


"Rain, unfortunately, did not make it," the Red Queen reported, her voice devoid of emotion. "It seems she succumbed to the infection even after the administration of the cure." 


The weight of the news hit Jameson hard. The roller-coaster of emotions from hope to despair was draining. "Rain..." he murmured, picturing the frail form of his comrade. "To be given a glimmer of hope, only to have it brutally snatched away. It's just... cruel." 


After a brief pause, trying to put on a brave face, Jameson responded with exaggerated casualness. "So, Red, any chance I can still make it out before those blast doors are sealed?" 


The Red Queen's reply was prompt. "I regret to inform you, Jameson, that it's already too late. The blast doors have been sealed." For a moment, she almost sounded genuinely regretful, as though she had genuine emotions. 


Before Jameson could process this further, a familiar interface appeared before him. 


Quest Completed: Escape the Hive 

You've successfully helped three people escape the Hive with their lives and the cure. 


Objective 1: Select a path. (X) 

Objective 2: Collect supplies (X) 

Objective 3: Prevent team member infection (X) 


Hidden Objective: Don't leave before completing your deal with the Red Queen. (X) 


Reward: 13,000 EP; Permanent Ally status with the Red Queen. 


Final EP Count: 40,729 EP 


Jameson let out a long, drawn-out sigh. The weight of everything that had transpired pressed heavily on him. He had made it so far, faced numerous challenges, and yet, his fate was still uncertain. But at least, in this grim scenario, he had managed to earn an unexpected ally. 


The thought of the other infected creatures lurking in the depths of the Hive made Jameson shiver involuntarily. "I still have to clear the Hive, don't I?" he muttered, a hint of resignation in his voice. 


"Correct," The Red Queen responded, her voice as measured as ever. "While the immediate threat has been neutralized, there are still pockets of infection throughout the Hive." 


Preparing to navigate his way out, Jameson's steps faltered when something gleaming under the Licker's carcass caught his eye. Approaching cautiously, he nudged the corpse with his boot, revealing the Licker's Kusarigama. Without hesitation, he reached down and lifted the weapon, feeling its weight and balance in his hand. The bladed chain weapon felt strange, foreign, and yet oddly empowering. 


Licker's Kusarigama: 

Blade: Forged from the Licker's razor-sharp claw, retaining its inherent lethal edge. 

Handle: A sturdy tarsal bone, bound with Licker's sinew for a solid grip. 

Chain: Braided leather, skillfully crafted from the Licker's tongue, which retains its strength and flexibility. 


"You've got people making weapons out of the mutated infected's body parts?" Jameson remarked with feigned surprise, an attempt to deflect any suspicions about the true origin of the weapon. 


The Red Queen's tone hinted at genuine confusion, "I have no records or knowledge of such practices. That weapon is... unfamiliar." 


Grasping the kusarigama firmly, Jameson turned away from the train platform. "Well, if I'm going to clear the Hive, I'm going to need food, a place to rest, and more weapons." 


Understanding the practicality of his request, the Red Queen replied, "There is a storage area two levels below this platform. It contains a significant supply of MREs. That should suffice for your nutritional needs." 


Jameson nodded, mentally preparing himself for the next phase of his journey. Every step he took would be crucial in his quest to rid the Hive of its monstrous inhabitants. 




Jameson treaded cautiously through the dimly lit corridors, his echolocation perk subtly alerting him to the surroundings. The constant hum of the Hive's infrastructure masked the quieter sounds. Still, as he neared a junction, the faint shuffle of feet resonated in his mind. 


Suddenly, three infected lunged from the shadows. Jameson's heightened senses had given him a split-second warning. With no room to swing the kusarigama's braided leather rope, he swiftly used the weapon's blunt end, striking the closest infected squarely on the head. The blow had the desired effect, causing it to crumple to the ground instantly. 


The second infected lunged at him, but Jameson sidestepped, pulling the blade of the kusarigama across its temple. The sharp edge dug deep, causing the creature to fall lifeless to the floor. 


He faced the third and final infected, swinging the kusarigama with precision, catching the creature under the chin. The blow jolted its head back, blade piercing the brain from below. (+42 EP) 


Pushing forward, Jameson felt the weight of the Licker's Kusarigama in his grip. His understanding of the weapon grew with each encounter, yet he restrained himself from using its mid-range abilities in the tight confines of the corridors. 


After a few minutes, the corridor opened up into a more expansive room with high ceilings, the remnants of an old storage area. Its vastness presented Jameson with the opportunity to explore the kusarigama's potential. As he stepped further in, a larger group of infected awaited. 


Jameson could hear the shuffling and groans growing louder as he continued down the corridor. He could see the silhouettes of at least twenty infected ahead. 


Positioning himself defensively, he prepared for the onslaught. The first infected lunged, and Jameson sidestepped while driving the blade of the kusarigama into its head. As it crumpled to the floor, two more approached. He swung the weighted end of the rope, catching one on the side of its head, crushing its skull. Quickly, he slashed the other through the face and kicked it back into the horde. [+42 EP]


Despite the tight quarters and his inexperience with the weapon, Jameson's reflexes, honed from earlier battles, served him well. He continued to fend off the infected, alternating between slashing and blunt strikes, strategically using the environment to his advantage. 


Suddenly, a skill notification appeared: [Skill Update: Melee Proficiency - Level 12] 


Novie Melee Proficiency – Level 12 

Level 1: Increases melee attack accuracy by 5%. 

Level 5: Improves melee evasion rate by 5%. 

Level 10: Increases melee counter rate by 5%. 


As the infected continued to surge forward, the room echoed with their guttural groans and the shuffling of their feet. Jameson found himself pressed back, the encroaching undead steadily cutting off his ground. The fallen infected littered the floor, making it a treacherous terrain of limbs and pooling blood. Each step required careful consideration, not just to avoid tripping but to maintain a firm footing for his next strike. 


His grip tightened on the kusarigama's handle as one particularly aggressive infected lunged at him. Its fingers, gnarled and blackened from decay, clawed at the air, trying to grasp onto him. Reacting instinctively, Jameson used the side of the weapon's handle, driving it hard into the creature's throat. It stumbled back, giving him a split-second window to use the sharp end of the kusarigama. With a swift diagonal slash, he carved off half its head. 


Another infected, its jaw hanging loosely, swiped at him, but Jameson parried its arm away using the kusarigama's shaft. Using the momentary opening, he struck upwards on the backswing with the blade, cutting deeply into its head, causing blackened blood to spurt out. 


Suddenly, from his right, another tried to capitalize on his occupied state. Jameson felt the cold, decayed hands attempting to clutch at his shoulder. He pivoted, slamming the Licker bone weight at the end of the rope into the creature's face. Its head jerked back, nose and an eye crushed. Before it could recover, Jameson swung the blade in a low arc, severing its legs at the knee and finishing it with a quick kick to the head, breaking its neck. [+42 EP]

The dance continued, each move flowing into the next, a desperate ballet in the narrow corridor. There were moments when he felt the pressure, the weight of the numbers against him, but Jameson's determination and adaptability kept him one step ahead of the infected. Each defensive maneuver was followed by a decisive strike, ensuring he made the most out of every opportunity. 


Starting EP Pool 



Melee Kills 

(x5) 1 zombie kill = 50 EP 

(x4) 3 zombie kills = 30 + 40% 3-combo bonus = 168 EP 

(x3) 1 zombie kill = 10 EP + 30% environment bonus = 39 EP 


Melee Total EP = 257 


Kill Total EP 



Survival Bonuses: 

No Damage: +30% 


Total Bonus = 30% 


Kill Total EP w/Bonuses = 334 


Finishing Total EP = 41,063 


The Red Queen's voice, usually devoid of emotion, had a hint of admiration. "Well done, Jameson. The storage area is just ahead." 


Reaching the door to the storage area, he finally allowed himself a sigh of relief. Inside, crates neatly stacked to the ceiling were labeled "MREs". 


Jameson examined the neatly stacked crates, trying to judge their weight. "Hey, Red," he began, "Do you have any carts or something to help transport one of these? They're not exactly pocket-sized." 


"There's a utility room two doors down to your left. You should find a hand cart there," the Red Queen replied. 


"Great. And where's the best place for me to hole up and rest?" Jameson asked, navigating the interface. 


"The closest secure location would be the Control Room. It's designed to be fortified. However, the route there isn't exactly... hospitable right now," the AI warned. 


"Figures," Jameson muttered. "Guess I'll have to clear the way. What am I looking at?" 


"There are several infected in your path and multiple security doors which you'll need to manually close. Once you do, I can seal them from my end, preventing further infected access." 


A quest popup materialized in Jameson's HUD: 


New Quest: Secure the Path to Rest 

You've secured food, but it'd be great if you had a safe place to eat it. Work with the Red Queen to secure a route between the food and a possible rest point. 


Objective: Clear the way to the Control Room and manually close all security doors. 


Rewards: 500 EP; Safe Resting Place 


Nodding, Jameson headed to the utility room and found the hand cart. He wheeled it to the storage room and loaded a crate of MREs. Determined, he pushed the cart ahead, weapon at the ready. 


The first security door was just down the corridor. Three infected loitered nearby. With a rapid approach, he struck one down with a quick blade strike to the head. Using the cart as a battering ram, he pushed another infected into a nearby electrical panel, causing it to electrocute. The third, he trapped under the cart, finishing it off with a thrust to the brain. [+46 EP]


He then swiftly closed the door and locked it. The Red Queen immediately activated the door's security measures, sealing it shut. 


Pushing ahead, Jameson encountered more resistance. Two infected lunged from a side corridor. Using the momentum of the cart, he quickly maneuvered it, sandwiching one infected between the cart and the wall, crushing it. The other he managed to finish with two rapid strikes, one to disarm it by severing its arm, followed by a fatal stab. [+27 EP]


After a series of encounters, Jameson managed to take down seven more infected: four with direct blade strikes, two using the environment by leading them into hazardous areas, and one by cleverly luring it into a trap he quickly set up. [+124 EP] 


By the time Jameson reached the Control Room, he had racked up 197 EP. He closed the final security door behind him, hearing the familiar sealing mechanism as the Red Queen secured it. 


His quest completion notification appeared: 


Quest Completed: Secure the Path to Rest 

You've secured food, but it'd be great if you had a safe place to eat it. Work with the Red Queen to secure a route between the food and a possible rest point. 


Objective: Clear the way to the Control Room and manually close all security doors. 

Rewards: 500 EP; Safe Resting Place 


Exhausted but alive, Jameson finally had a moment to catch his breath and plan his next move. 


Starting EP Pool 



Melee Kills 

3 zombie kills = 30 + (30% environmental bonus/3) = 33 + 40% 3-combo kill = 46 EP 

2 zombie kills = 20 + (30% environmental bonus/2) = 23 + 20% 2-combo kill = 27 EP 

4 zombie kills = 40 + 100% 4-combo kill = 80 EP 

2 zombie kills = 20 + 30% environmental bonus = 26 + 20% 2-combo bonus = 31 EP 

1 zombie kill = 10 + 30% trap bonus = 13 EP 


Melee Total EP = 197 


Kill Total EP 



Survival Bonuses: 

No Damage: 30% 


Total Bonus = 30% 


Kill Total EP w/Bonuses = 256 


Finishing Total EP = 41,819