
Gaming Sword Magician

The sky is the chessboard, stars are its pieces, the kings duke it out in the afterlife while a young mortal metamorphoses into a Deva! The human race is at war with the vicious Abbadon shaman and savages but an era of peace ensured after a grand battle. In a fantasy world, where the awakening of Class weapons is done through a magical ceremony, a snowy-haired boy with the bloodline of the divine battle king is abandoned on the outskirts of the Water Kingdom. Whittaker is a child of mysterious origin, who awakened a system along with two class weapons during the awakening ceremony. He completed quest after quest and became more powerful, until one day, a mysterious spirit slumbering inside the pendent of the night–a treasure of his unknown parents–awakened. Ever since that day, he was given missions to find out secrets untold. _ Check out my other Novel: Scion of time Gaming System (R-18, FACE SLAPPING! HIGH-TECH!)] Cover rights belong to the artist only. If you want me to take it down just say it in the comment or message me at discord: Lazy_leon#8545 and I will take it down.

Lazy_leon · Fantasy
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252 Chs

Chapter 54: Battle Energy.

Under duress caused by mental and physical pain, Whittaker was transported to the second floor. Due to the head-splitting pain, he dropped to his knees and breathed roughly.

There was no one nearby, just him in this area, so he could only endure the pain until it goes away.

A few moments later, the pain was shooed away and clarity returned to his opened eyes. Whittaker found himself at his destination, covered in sweat from head to toe. He noticed that this floor was the same as the first floor, but the bookshelves were blue and Red.

Blue shelves store books related to mana!

Red shelves store books related to Battle energy!

After glancing around, Whittaker wiped the sweat off his puffed face that still has baby fat. Afterward, he stood up from the floor as he felt better than before.