
Gaming In The Underworld

I pulled an Elvis… not in a cool ‘I have an amazing singing voice and I’m suave as fuck’ kind of way. No sir not me. I pulled an Elvis in the most embarrassing of ways. I somehow died while sitting on a toilet dropping the fattest deuce. Now I’ve got letters floating in front of me telling me I died. That’s not why I’m angry though, I’m not even mad at the embarrassing way I died I’m mad at the fact that ‘You Died’ was in Comic Sans. Fucking Comic Sans! *All recognisable characters belong to their respective owners. I only own the OCs* *Status: Complete

Vargr_the_Skald · Movies
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Waking Up and Choosing Violence


 My eyes twitched at the floating letters that seemed to mock me. I don't remember much of what happened, one second I was taking a massive dump in the comfort of my own toilet then my vision went black and I woke up in this empty void being harassed by fucking letters in a stupid font. Letters in comic sans telling me that I apparently died. 

I wasn't mad that I died, hell I wasn't even mad that I died in some embarrassing place like the bathroom in my dingy two bedroom apartment. No. I was positively livid at the fact that the message telling me that I died was in fucking Comic Sans. Comic Sans! Not even Times New Roman or some other respectable font. 

While I sat… stood? While I ' hovered' in the vast darkness of the void I couldn't help but to think about the randomest of things. 

'I really pulled a fucking Elvis and died while taking a shit. That's just embarrassing.'

'I wonder how long it's going to take for them to find my dead body?'

'Hopefully not too long… ah who am I kidding. My landlord is an asshole. I hope I bloat and explode all over the room so that stupid fuck has to clean up the mess my body makes.'

'Ah fuck, I forgot. I had a date with the sexy as fuck goth momm- I mean the thicc goth mommy in 16A, respectfully. Oh well… man I'd love to have had her suffocate me with those thighs.' 

'I wonder if she'd keep my skull on her desk?' 

'How long do I have to be here?'

'Where even am I? Is this purgatory? Maybe

I'm in hell, I did roll all those blunts using a Bible I stole from that hotel.'

There was a tingling in one of my nonexistent limbs and a notification popped up in my peripherals. I squinted my nonexistent eyes at it until it became more legible. 

Restart Game?

'What the actual fuck?' 

Maybe I was losing my mind, maybe I had gotten sucked into a Twilight Zone episode. 

'Well… at least it's not in Comic Sans anymore.' 

'Wait' panic began to set in. 'What if I'm getting sucked into a fan fiction' 

'Oh fuck, oh fuck, please god. Anything but a Harry Potter fan fiction where it's some sick Draco x Harry plot. I'll fucking Abracadabra or whatever that green spell is myself in the face if I end up in one of those.'

Hesitantly I 'clicked' on the notification and closed my eyes. I don't really know what I was expecting. Maybe a flash of light and I wake up as a baby. Worse yet, I wake up as a baby Harry Potter or some other wack ass iteration. 

'Well, I guess being Harry wouldn't be so bad. I just don't want to be a baby again.' 

I 'opened my eyes' after several moments of absolutely nothing happening and looked at the new notification in front of me. 

New Game

Load Saved Game

'Interesting, I wonder if this is one of those moments.' 

I had read my fair share of 'Gamer' fan fiction. None of this was really new to me. I sighed and selected the second option. 

Files Corrupted Unable to Load Saved Games 


'Of course the save files are corrupted, why wouldn't they be. Why would I be so lucky as to actually catch a break for once?'


I clicked on the back button at the corner of my vision and selected the first option. The screen changed and displayed another set of options. 

Create Character

Import Character

Load Character 

Already expecting the 'corrupted save' messages I selected the first option and grimaced. I was currently looking at the default character model, which happened to be exactly what I looked like before I kicked the bucket. 

Thankfully the customization menu was similar to any RPG system and had sliders. I lost track of time as I customized my character. Previously I had been a modest five foot ten inches with a medium sized frame and pudgy love handles that I could never seem to get rid of no matter what I did. Now I was looking at an absolute Greek God of a character that would have had women blushing at a mere glance. My new character was a bit over six foot three inches, built like an olympic athlete, and had the rugged good looks of a younger Brad Pitt. I was about to finalize my selections when I spotted a final slider that I had missed. 

Genital Size

I did a double take and snickered as I selected the slider. It was entertaining watching my characters shlong reach obscene lengths and flop around as I spun my character in circles.

Composing myself I set my characters 'one eyed snake' to a respectable nine inches and finalized my selection. Clothes thankfully appeared on my character and I felt myself get 'pulled' in. My vision shifted and I blinked a few times adjusting to the new perspective. 

I looked around finally looking down and realizing that I was now looking through the eyes of the character that I had made. Blinking a bit to try and steady myself I looked at the new options that popped up in front of me. 

Select Name

Select Starting World

Start Game



The last two options were grayed out and I figured that I had to start the game first before I could access them. I had also figured that I had been given a pretty standard 'Gamer' system, which wasn't too bad. 

'My last life was pretty fucking boring. A dead end nine to five, crippling debt, and an alarming lack of friends. I'll take a wacky Gamer Adventure any day over going back to that.' 

I pressed the first option and smiled when it worked. 

'I can interact with the UI physically as well as mentally. This will be handy. I don't want to look like a cracked out tweaker fucking with invisible shit… wait, this UI is invisible to others right? Fuck, I guess I'll find out eventually.' 

I turned my attention back to the hovering interface. A digital keyboard had appeared. It seemed like I could only pick my first name which slightly confused me. 

'Maybe it's a nickname or preferred name and I have a preselected official name. Damn it, I hate not knowing things.' 

There was a chime when I had the thought that I didn't notice before. Seeing no other pop up notification I shrugged and typed in my name. 

'Might as well just use my old name even if it's a bit basic. Blake is so much better than using a stupid name like Hibachi or some other cringe ass name. I mean seriously… who the fuck gives themselves a Japanese name while being caucasian as shit. It seems fucking racist if you ask me.' 

Once I picked my name I backed out and mentally selected the second option. Once the new screen appeared I winced at my choices. 


Underworld (2003) 

Elden Ring (2022) 

High School DxD (2012) 


'So either I potentially get sucked into a war between vampires and werewolves, die instantly, or die instantly after ogling huge gravity defying physics breaking anime titties.' 


My options weren't too great. Out of all of them only one really gave me the choice to level myself up before being pulled into things.

I really didn't want to go back to high school so Tittytopia was out. I also didn't really want to get gangbanged by brokenly overpowered enemies everywhere I went so Elden Ring was also out. Sighing, I looked at my only real option. 


Underworld, while still being dangerous at least gave me the option of being able to lay low and potentially avoid everyone with it taking place on earth. Unless I was part of the plot, which I prayed to whoever was listening that I wasn't, I wouldn't be in any immediate danger.

There was also the fact that the main character of the series was a sexy goth vampire. It was sort of a redundant name but was there really anything else to call Kate Beckinsale while she was in the role of Selene? 


I made my selection and went to the start menu. I took a few deep breaths to steady my nerves. I was hesitating, I was about to step back into being alive instead of floating around in a void. I could potentially die again and I didn't know if it would be permanent this time or if I'd get another do over. 


'Fuck it. Nothing risked nothing gained.' 


I selected the 'start game' option and closed my eyes. I felt everything around me pulse and my limbs tingle. Despite having my eyes closed I could tell that there was an obnoxiously bright flash of light before I felt my feet connect with solid ground. I kept my my eyes shut tight while I waited for my head to stop spinning. 


Slowly my senses returned to me and I smelt the room I was in. The overpowering stench of rot and mothballs filled my nostrils and I wrinkled my nose.

It smelled like someone had died in the room and knowing how these 'sent to another world' stories usually happened I dreaded the implications. I didn't know if I was in a dead man's body or if I was taking over a dead man's life.

Either way the morality was questionable, I finally opened my eyes and sighed once I took in my surroundings. 


'Great, another dingy apartment. I'm willing to bet the window doesn't even open and it's facing a brick wall.' 


Not willing to test my bet I made a quick round around the apartment not really finding anything important other than a few scraps of paper showing some sort of hospital schedule and a few empty cans of beer. I suppose I should have been freaking out when I found a letter with my name on it but surprisingly, I wasn't. 


Blake Corvin

Apt. 416 

Brooklyn, NY 11201


'Hmm, I didn't know that the movie took place in New York. Could have sworn it took place in Europe, whatever I guess. Though with how dark and gloomy it was I should have expected it.' 


The name Corvin was also familiar to me, but for the life of me I couldn't remember why at the moment. The letter contained a check from the hospital that 'Blake Corvin' apparently worked at.

It was for a meager seven hundred and eighty dollars. Nowhere near enough to afford an apartment in New York but seeing that this was supposedly 2003 I figured that rent was just cheaper than it was in my time. 


Setting the letter back down on the table I closed my eyes and focused. Mentally calling for my status screen I opened my eyes and smiled seeing that it had worked. 







Selecting the last choice first I looked through the various settings available. There was everything from changing the font size to the color of the text. Leaving that for another time I backed out and selected the second to the last option. 


A drop down menu appeared listing out the various features. It was rather basic and functioned like any other 'help' option. Just random tidbits and explanations as to how the system worked. I sighed and went back to the first screen and picked the first one. This was what I had been dreading to do since I figured out what was going on. Not that I was scared of my stats, I figured that they'd be abysmal since I was just starting out. I was more worried that I had gotten screwed over and had a very limited system. Looking at the screen that was hovering in front of my face now those worries evaporated. 

Name: Blake Savage "Blake Corvin"

Race: Human?

Level: Lvl 1 Next Level: 0/100

HP: 100/100 Regen: (1 per min)

MP: 0/100 Regen: (locked)

SP: 30/30 Regen: (1 per min)

STR: 6 (This is how strong you are) 

VIT: 10 (Dictates how much HP you have)

DEX: 1 (How agile/flexible you are also dictates your SP)

INT: 30 (How smart you are)

WIS: 10 (Dictates how much MP you have)

LUCK: 120

Skill Points: 0

Money: $12,463 in Savings (access to ATM/Bank required to withdraw money not in Inventory Space) 

$109 Cash 

Inventory Space: 0/1000 (more space purchasable at Gamer Shop) 


Corvinus Bloodline: (Dormant) You are descended from Alexander Corvinus, the founding father, your blood carries the potential for perfect hybridization. 


'What the hell is up with all the question marks. Also who the fuck is Alexander Corvinus. Also that luck stat is fucking cracked. I didn't even get to distribute any points, I don't think I'm even able to distribute points to my Luck stat.'


Shoving the questions aside for later I looked at my stats and sighed. I had figured that I would have pretty low stats but this was something else. It was pretty sad just looking at my low levels. The money was a surprise, apparently the guy managed to save quite a bit despite having to pay for an apartment in the armpit of New York.

The 'Gamer Shop' was another thing that caught my attention. Thankfully this system didn't have a 'Gacha' feature. Those often led to some issues ranging from a headache to straight up breaking the universe. Making a note to explore the 'Gamer Shop' I tried something else. 


'Alright, this should be easy enough.' 


The screen in front of me shifted again and I sighed again. 

'I should have expected this honestly. If my stats were shit my skills aren't going to be much better. 




Gamer's Mind: (Passive) *Modified* Prevents outside influences from affecting the Player. This includes telepaths and psychoactive substances. Also instills a sense of calm in the Player. Player can toggle the strength of Gamers Mind from 10-100%, 10 being the lowest the Player can go while still keeping their mind protected. 


Gamer's Body: (Passive) Allows Player to live life as if it were a game. Damage is only applied to HP, pain is still felt by Player. Sleeping in a bed restores all stats and clears negative effects. 


Instant Dungeon: (Active) Skill Lvl. MAX Creates a dungeon around the Player where they can train or gather supplies. Dungeon must be cleared to 100% before Player can leave. Once cleared, Player will be able to come and go from the dungeon whenever they please. 


???: ??????? 


'Fucking again with the question marks. I guess I'll have to just keep going forward. Makes no sense to lose sleep over something as trivial as mystery skills that I probably can't access.' 


The 'Instant Dungeon' or 'ID' as most people referred to, immediately piqued my interest. Lots of stories that I read as a angsty teenager had characters that used the 'ID' to level up and get items that ranged from useful to actual dogshit. 


'Besides, grinding levels is a key staple in playing any RPG.' 


I selected the 'ID' option and another list popped up, scanning the choices I grinned at the 'dungeons'. 







I figured that the 'Empty' option was a mirror of the world I was in. Leaving that for another day I picked the first one and felt the world shift around me.


A moment later I found myself in a ruined city, surprisingly the sky was normal colored and not red or some other color.

It was about a quarter past four and the sun was still high up in the sky. I was completely alone in the middle of the street I had appeared at and I heard groans approaching my direction. 


'Fuck I don't have a weapon. Nice going genius. Rushing into a dungeon you can't get out of until you beat it with no fucking weapon.' 


I scrambled behind a wrecked car and began looking around for a suitable weapon. There was a notification chime and a message popped up in front of me. 


Skill Learned!  


Observation: (Active) Skill Lvl. 1 (0/20)

Player can gather information through looking at certain objects. Information on people and creatures will be limited by Player level. 


'Fuck me not now. Shit! Well I'm going to find out if the damn UI is only visible to me or not.' 


The horde of zombies shambled by completely ignoring me and my bright blue UI that was sticking out of the corner of the wrecked car. 


'Thank fucking God.' 


I slumped onto the ground and looked at the new skill. It wasn't a surprise, at least not in that way. 'Observation' was one of the first skills that any 'Gamer' learned in all those stories I had read in the past.

Still I pulled my status screen back up and looked at the 'Skill Points' section. I had none, but side by side with the new skill I had it made sense. 


'Of course I'd have to invest points into my skills. It couldn't have been as easy as just leveling them up through use.' 


INT +1 for a reasonable deduction

'Oh fuck off.' 


[Scene Break] 




The zombie's head caved in as my foot came crashing down on it. I felt the blood soak through my sock and grimaced at the feeling. 

 I had tacked on four more points in my 'Strength Stat' after killing my twentieth zombie.

I had also gone up two levels and gained a few skill points for my trouble. I had found a wooden baseball bat but that had broken after the sixteenth zombie. Turned out melee weapons had a durability stat that deteriorated with use. 


Pulling up my stats I grinned in appreciation at the progress that I had made. It wasn't much but I was still moving forward. 



Name: Blake Savage "Blake Corvin"

Race: Human?

Level: Lvl 3 Next Level: 17/300 XP

HP: 110/110Regen: (1 per min)

MP: 0/100 Regen: (locked)

SP: 60/60 Regen: (1 per sec)

STR: 10 (This is how strong you are)

VIT: 11 (Dictates how much HP you have)

DEX: 4 (How agile/flexible you are also dictates your SP)

INT: 31 (How smart you are)

WIS: 10 (Dictates how much MP you have)

LUCK: 120

Skill Points: 10



The zombies dropped random loot, none of it was very valuable but none of it was trash either. Everything was useful in a way. I immediately stored the money into my inventory and currently had close to a thousand dollars cash from the twenty I had killed and the cars I had looted.

I had also learned that for each level I gained I would be awarded with five 'skill points'. Not a lot all things considered but at least it wasn't one per level. It would have been a nightmare leveling up skills had I only gotten one point per level up. 

I had also learned that my 'HP' and 'SP', which I assumed were 'Health' and 'Stamina' respectively, didn't go up with my levels. Rather, they went up according to my stats. Which was a tiny bit disappointing but made me realize that I could potentially exploit this in the future. 

I had also gained two new 'skills' while fighting zombies but hadn't had the chance to look at them yet. Ducking into an alley I pulled up my UI and navigated to the 'skills' section. The screen shifted and I looked at the recent updates. 



Skills: Gamer's Mind: (Passive) *Modified* Prevents outside influences from affecting the Player. This includes telepaths and psychoactive substances. Also instills a sense of calm in the Player. Player can toggle the strength of Gamers Mind from 10-100%, 10 being the lowest the Player can go while still keeping their mind protected. 


Gamer's Body: (Passive) Allows Player to live life as if it were a game. Damage is only applied to HP, pain is still felt by Player. Sleeping in a bed restores all stats and clears negative effects. 


Instant Dungeon: (Active) Skill Lvl. MAX Creates a dungeon around the Player where they can train or gather supplies. Dungeon must be cleared to 100% before Player can leave. Once cleared, Player will be able to come and go from the dungeon whenever they please. 


Observation: (Active) Skill Lvl. 1 (0/20)

Player can gather information through looking at certain objects. Information on people and creatures will be limited by Player level.


Unarmed Combat: (Passive) Skill Lvl. 1 (0/20)

How much damage the Player can inflict while unarmed. Can be boosted with certain melee weapons. Reduces damage received from unarmed opponents. 

Current Damage Bonus: 10%


Blunt Force Trauma: (Passive) Skill Lvl. 1 (0/20)

Increases damage dealt with bludgeoning weapons.

Current Damage Bonus: 100%


???: ??????? 


The skills were actually pretty self explanatory. There wasn't any beating around the bush and for that I was thankful.

The 'Blunt Force' skill was also pretty impressive. According to the description I'd get a 100% bonus to damage dealt with blunt objects.

Stacked together with the stats from a weapon, it could lead to some devastating blows. Pulling the lead pipe I stashed in my 'Inventory' I cast 'Observation' on it and whistled.  

Lead Pipe (Common) 

A common lead pipe pulled off the side of a building by Blake Corvin. Can be used as a weapon or broken down for materials. 

Damage: 12 HP per hit 

Durability: 782/1000


With the skill I just gained this simple pipe could deal 120 points of damage. I hadn't even figured out if there were 'critical hits' yet. I heard the shuffling of a zombie down the street and peeked around the corner of the alley I was in.

I spotted the zombie and grinned, I had been waiting for a zombie like the one I was looking at. The zombie was dressed in a dirty torn Army uniform. I could see a rifle still slung around its decaying body and a vest that looked like it still had a few magazines. I could also see a holstered sidearm on the zombie's leg. 


'Finally some good luck.' 


I patiently waited for the zombie to come a bit closer before I dashed from the alley with a battle cry. The lead pipe hissed through the air as I swung it down hard, braining the unsuspecting zombie. 


Critical Hit! Damaged x10


My excitement was short lived, the zombie's head practically exploded showing me in gore.

Now missing its head the zombie fell to the ground and lay still. I caught my breath cursing my low stamina. I didn't even know why my stamina was tied to my dexterity. Once I had recovered enough I crouched down next to the corpse and looked at the prompt that popped up. 


Loot Body?



Clicking on the 'yes' I watched the zombie disappear in a flash of gray light. A new notification popped up and I grinned. I would be forever grateful for the 'auto-loot' function my 'system' had. 


Items Added to Inventory:


HK416 x 1

SIG 226 x 1

M9 Bayonet x 1

Stanag Magazine x 5

SIG 9mm Magazine x 2

M61 Grenade x 2

Standard Plate Carrier x 1

Fabric x 40

Mystery Meat x 12 


I grimaced at the 'Mystery Meat' label. While I was thankful that my 'system' wasn't one of the sentient ones it didn't change the fact that my 'system' seemingly had a sense of humor.

I was also pretty happy with the fact that items stacked in my inventory or I would have run out of room a while ago. Quickly discarding the 'Mystery Meat' I stashed the pipe back in my inventory before pulling out the HK416 and observing it. 


Heckler & Koch 416 "HK416" (Common) 

A standard issue service rifle for the US Army. Acquired by Blake Corvin from a zombie.

Durability: 98,465/100,000

Damage: Varies 

Attachments: Acog sight (common), TacLite (Common), SilencerCo Suppressor (Uncommon)

Magazine: 12/30


'Fucking nice… durability is still great. Magazine is around half empty, and it came with a suppressor.'


I broke down the vest seeing that the durability was shit and I had no way to repair it. The magazines for the guns were still all full and the bayonet was still sharp.

I equipped the holster and pistol while slinging the rifle over my own shoulder. Now properly armed I continued my journey through the ruined city. 


[Scene Break] 


Nearly an hour later I had killed more zombies and leveled up a few more times. Along the way I had stashed the rifle away to conserve the durability and the limited ammo I had. Instead I was using the lead pipe.

There was something infinitely more satisfying with bashing a zombie's head in rather than shooting them in the face from a few meters away.

Looting the last zombie I had killed I felt the ground shake as something large approached. There was the familiar chime of a notification popping up and I looked at it briefly before dismissing it. 


Requirements Met: 

Dungeon Boss Summoned


'Finally, I've been here for hours it feels like.' 


The 'Dungeon Boss' lumbered over and I felt a bit of fear before 'Gamer's Mind' washed it away. Gritting my teeth I put away the pipe and took out the rifle. Flicking off the safety I quickly observed the massive zombie and cursed. 


Billy Bob (Mutated Zombie)

HP: 1,000,000/1,000,000

SP: 200,000/200,000


'Fucking hell, what the shit is up with those stats?' 


Without another thought I dumped the entire thirty round magazine into the mutated zombie's face.

The shots echoed across the empty street and the zombie roared at me. I looked at the zombies stats again and grimaced. 


HP: 954,329/1,000,000 


'Fucking fuckity fuck! That didn't do jack shit.' 

 I dropped the spent mag into my inventory and summoned a fresh one. Slamming the mag home I dropped the bolt and took aim before an idea hit me.

Throwing the rifle back into my inventory I cursed as a meaty fist slammed into me sending me crashing into a car. 


-74 HP 


Nearly all my HP in one hit. I would have panicked if my 'system' didn't prevent it. Growling I struggled to my feet and winced. Looking down I saw my leg twist, snapping back as my injuries healed. 


'Fuck this guy. I'm not dying here.' 


I took the two grenades out from my inventory and ran at the mutated zombie. Slashing it across the belly I dodged the fountain of putrid guts and blood that shot out of the wound.

Pulling both pins I jammed both grenades into the open wound and I jumped back, running as hard as I could for cover while 'Billy Bob' chased after me. 


Dodging a swipe from the mutated zombie I dove behind a dumpster the explosion shook the street and I closed my eyes waiting for the shockwave to hit me. A wave of heat hit me followed by a spray of blood. All around me pieces of flesh and bone rained down. Billy Bob had been seemingly evaporated by the two grenades I stuffed into his stomach.


'Fucking hell that was more effective than I had expected.' 


Looking at the notification I figured out why.


Critical Hit!

Damage x 10


'I really need to figure out how the criticals work. Also I need to get more of those grenades. Those really saved my ass.' 


Zombie Dungeon Cleared

Rewards Added to Inventory

Experience Awarded Open Status Screen to Level Up 


I let out a laugh as I dropped down to my butt still crouched behind the dumpster. It wasn't raining zombie anymore so the street had gone quiet again except for my semi-demented laughing. Still chuckling to myself I opened my status screen and nearly choked on my own spit. 



Name: Blake Savage "Blake Corvin"

Race: Human?

Level: Lvl 27 Next Level: 436/2700 XP

HP: 180/180 Regen: (1 per min)

MP: 0/160 Regen: (locked)

SP: 80/80 Regen: (1 per sec)

STR: 20 (This is how strong you are) 

VIT: 18 (Dictates how much HP you have)

DEX: 8 (How agile/flexible you are also dictates your SP)

INT: 40 (How smart you are)

WIS: 16 (Dictates how much MP you have)

LUCK: 120

Skill Points: 135


That lone Dungeon Boss had jumped me twenty levels, I gasped at the skill points I had available. Another notification popped up and I grinned. 

Skills Learned:


Gun Nut

Mad Dash

Three new skills that sounded promising, I set looking at the skills in detail aside for when I got back home. I was feeling pretty disgusting covered in grime and gore from my tussle through the dungeon.

Pulling up the ID screen I selected the 'go home' option that had finally popped up next to it and nearly fell over as the world shifted around me again. I found myself back in my apartment and quickly took off my clothes and jumped into the shower.

Seeing no better time than now I pulled up my 'skills' screen and smiled at the sight. 





Gamer's Mind: (Passive) *Modified* Prevents outside influences from affecting the Player. This includes telepaths and psychoactive substances. Also instills a sense of calm in the Player. Player can toggle the strength of Gamers Mind from 10-100%, 10 being the lowest the Player can go while still keeping their mind protected. 


Gamer's Body: (Passive) Allows Player to live life as if it were a game. Damage is only applied to HP, pain is still felt by Player. Sleeping in a bed restores all stats and clears negative effects. 


Instant Dungeon: (Active) Skill Lvl. MAX Creates a dungeon around the Player where they can train or gather supplies. Dungeon must be cleared to 100% before Player can leave. Once cleared, Player will be able to come and go from the dungeon whenever they please. 


Observation: (Active) Skill Lvl. 1 (0/20)

Player can gather information through looking at certain objects. Information on people and creatures will be limited by Player level.


Unarmed Combat: (Passive) Skill Lvl. 1 (0/20)

How much damage the Player can inflict while unarmed. Can be boosted with certain melee weapons. Reduces damage received from unarmed opponents. 

Current Damage Bonus: 10%


Blunt Force Trauma: (Passive) Skill Lvl. 1 (0/20)

Unleash your inner caveman. Increases damage dealt with bludgeoning weapons.

Current Damage Bonus: 100%


EOD: (Passive) Skill Lvl. 1 (0/20)

You love your explosions. Increases effectiveness damage dealt with explosives. 

Current Damage Bonus: 10%


Gun Nut: (Passive) Skill Lvl. 1 (0/20)

Your knowledge of firearms from your past life carried over to this life. Increased damage dealt with all guns and decreased reload times. 

Current Damage Bonus: 25%

Reload Times Decreased: 25%

Mad Dash: (Active) Skill Lvl. 1 (0/20)

You're fast as fuck boi… trades SP for a boost of speed. Speed increase depends on skill level. 

Current Speed Boost: 50%

Cost: 10 SP per sec. 


???: ??????? 



The new skills were good, what really caught my attention was the newest skill 'Mad Dash'. At level one I got a speed boost of half my sprinting speed. In theory, I could potentially become a speedster.

That is, if my body adapted to my new speed and held together. I imagined all the possibilities and shook my head. I toweled myself off and got out of the shower cleaner and much more refreshed. I took a seat on the grungy recliner and sighed to myself. Opening my skills again I dropped 80 points into Unarmed and Blunt Force.

The two skills would no doubt come in handy should I find myself in a sticky situation. With 55 points left over I dropped 20 into Gun Nut leveling up the skill. 

Remembering the 'Gamer Shop' I pulled up the menu and opened the 'shop'. The screen blanked out for a moment before another menu popped up. The menu was filled with various tabs and icons. I grinned at all the sections and opened the first one that caught my eye. 


Magic Items (Harry Potter):

Philosopher's Stone Price: $10,000,000

Elder Wand Price: $1,000,000,000

Harry's Invisibility Cloak Price: $4,000,000,000

Basilisk Fang Price: $10,000

Basilisk Venom Price: $20,000

Next Page…


I winced at the prices and flipped to the next tab hoping that the rest of the stuff would be much more affordable.


Miscellaneous Items:

Vampire Blood (Damon Salvatore) Price: $2,000

Enchanted Dagger (Skyrim) Price: $150

Blue Meth (Breaking Bad) Price: $500

Angel Blade (Supernatural) Price: $100

.44 Magnum (Dirty Harry) Price: $700

Clay Pot (Stolen from Hickok45's range) Price: $20 

Cheese Burger (Pulp Fiction) Price: $4


They hadn't been kidding on the 'Miscaleanous' part. The choices were pretty damn random.

I felt my stomach rumble and I glared at the 'Cheese Burger'. Cursing I confirmed my purchase and sighed as four dollars was deducted from my inventory. 



$31,996 remaining in inventory. 


'Huh I guess my inventory acts like a bank of sorts with the money I put in it. I'll have to go take the money from my account out of the bank. One can never be too safe with banks.' 


+1 INT for a reasonable deduction. 


'Oh eat my nuts you condescending fuck.' 

There was a flash of gray light and a wrapped burger appeared on my lap. The burger was still warm and without a second thought I inhaled the damn thing. 

'Hey… that's pretty good.' 

Finishing the burger in two more bites, I chucked the empty wrapper in my inventory before breaking it down for materials. That was another function I was thankful for.

Everything in my inventory could be disassembled for raw materials. The better the condition the more I got out of it. It was a time saver in the processing field. 

'I'm gonna live my fucking life how I want to live my life in this world. No one is going to rule over me and I sure as hell am not gonna get stuck with a bullshit nine to five job.' 

Making up my mind I browsed the 'store' and bought new furniture for my 'new' place. I even had enough money left over for a new TV, game console, and a multiversal Wifi router. I set aside five grand for rent and began the process of cleaning the entire place. 

I wasn't a germaphobe by any means, nor did I care all too much for home decor. It just felt cathartic fixing up the place and having something I was somewhat proud of in my new life. Smiling to myself once I finished remodeling my apartment, I shoved all the old furniture into my inventory and sold them on the 'Gamer Store' for a decent chunk of money.

Apparently some collector was on the market for shitty furniture. 

'Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Or so they say. If some rich asshole wants to pay me five grand for a rickety old table, who am I to judge.' 

Nodding at the now completely changed apartment I pulled up the ID menu again and smiled. 

'Time to grind levels like nobody's business' 

[Scene Break] 


A week passed and I was on a roll. I had gone up another twenty levels. Dumping my points into Blunt Force and Unarmed as usual, I had become a force to be reckoned with. I was exploiting the fact that my skills leveled up with points instead of experience and use. Soon I was practically vaporizing zombies with single swings.

I had even bought a supply of baseball bats from the 'store'. I must have cleared the zombie dungeon nearly seven times before the experience I gained from it slowed to a trickle. It was almost time for me to move on to the Demon dungeon.

I had bought supplies specifically for my excursion into the new dungeon and was now double checking all my equipment before I entered the dungeon. 

'Shotgun and spare guns, check. Ammo for all the guns, check. Baseball bats and other bludgeoning weapons, check. iPod loaded with Doom Eternal soundtrack, check. Everything seems to be in place. Time to get this show on the road.' 

I opened the ID menu and selected the Demon option. Grinning, I confirmed my selection and felt the now familiar shift of being sent to another dimension. Shouldering my new Benelli M4 I charged head first into the horde of demons rushing at me. 




The Benelli was a thing of semi-auto beauty. The shotgun turned four more demons into mush. Fifteen rounds of buckshot, a dozen dead demons later I reloaded the shotgun with speed loaders I had in my inventory.

With all the levels I had invested into Gun Nut, reloading the fifteen round tube took less then a second. Coupled with the speed loaders, I could out gun any competition shooters. 

Dropping the bolt on the shotgun I continued to shred through the demons ignoring the notifications in favor of killing as many of the demons as I could. Dropping the Benelli back in my inventory after another reload I pulled out the M249 SAW I found in a military checkpoint in the zombie dungeon.

I had found out that guns, despite having a 'durability' could be repaired fairly easily with maintenance. A simple cleaning would restore a quarter of the gun's durability and replacing worn down parts could repair it completely. It was a broken feature but I wasn't going to complain.


The SAW tore through the horde of demons and I let out a maniacal laugh. With my headphones in and the Doom soundtrack blasting I couldn't even hear my own voice. Once I burned through the belts of ammo for the SAW. I swapped it back out for the HK416 now chambered in .50 Beowulf.

Sure, each magazine held ten less rounds than when it was chambered in 5.56 NATO. But the amount of rounds didn't matter when each bullet tore through multiple demons like wet tissues. 

Ammo was actually pretty cheap in the Gamer Store. I could run all the guns I had for hours with a fraction of the money I got out of the dungeons. Swapping weapons again I took out a baseball bat and smashed the nearest demon over the head. 


I almost cracked up at the sound the bat made, which I only heard because the song I was on had a beat drop that matched perfectly with the swing of the bat. I continued to smash my way through the horde and finally cleared enough enemies to give myself room to breathe. 

The remaining demons screeched at me and retreated to wherever the fuck they came from and a notification popped up. 

Requirements Met:

Dungeon Boss Summoned

A pillar of fire erupted several yards away from me and a hulking demon stepped out of the flaming column. The giant demon roared and glared at me with two glowing red eyes. 

Baron of Hell 

HP: 2,000,000/2,000,000

MP: 15,000/15,000 

'That's not that bad actually.' 

As soon as the thought crossed my mind the demon roared again and two flaming arm blades sprung out of its limbs like tonfas. 

'Fucking shit, I just had to jinx it.' 

Bringing the shotgun back out I didn't wait for it to charge me and began blasting it with the buckshot. 






'Oh for fucks sake, of course it shrugs off buckshot.'

I quickly reloaded slugs into the shotgun and dodged a swipe from an arm blade. 

'Fuck! This asshole is fast too!' 

Dodging another swipe I blasted the demon in the face with several slugs to absolutely no effect. Growling to myself I yanked out the earbuds I had in and stored my iPod back in my inventory. Tossing in my shotgun I took out an AT4 and grinned.

Shouldering the rocket launcher I took aim before sending an 84mm anti-tank warhead straight at the demon's crotch. 

Critical Hit!

Damage x 10 


Baron of Hell

HP: 11,905/2,000,000

MP: 435/15,000

'Still alive eh? Well fuck you too buddy!' 

I took out another AT4 from my inventory and took aim after discarding the empty launcher. The demon's eyes widened in panic, I sneered at the demon before flipping it bird and sending another warhead towards it. This time aimed directly at its face. 


A small shockwave ruffled my hair from where I stood as the demon was erased with an explosion. Bits of flesh and drops of blood rained on me as I rode my adrenaline high still grinning wildly. 

I discarded the spent launcher in my inventory watching it stack with the other empty tube. The clear notification popped up and I ignored it as I began looting the hundreds of demon corpses piled around me. Nearly an hour later I checked my notification box and smiled.

Dismissing it I exited the dungeon and hopped into the shower. It had become an after dungeon routine of mine. Pulling up my stats I felt a spark of excitement shoot through me. I had lowered the effects of Gamer's Mind to about 20% so that I wasn't a brain-dead psychopath with no emotions. 




Gamer's Mind: (Passive) *Modified* Prevents outside influences from affecting the Player. This includes telepaths and psychoactive substances. Also instills a sense of calm in the Player. Player can toggle the strength of Gamers Mind from 10-100%, 10 being the lowest the Player can go while still keeping their mind protected. 


Gamer's Body: (Passive) Allows Player to live life as if it were a game. Damage is only applied to HP, pain is still felt by Player. Sleeping in a bed restores all stats and clears negative effects. 

Instant Dungeon: (Active) Skill Lvl. MAX Creates a dungeon around the Player where they can train or gather supplies. Dungeon must be cleared to 100% before Player can leave. Once cleared, Player will be able to come and go from the dungeon whenever they please. 


Observation: (Active) Skill Lvl. 1 (0/20)

Player can gather information through looking at certain objects. Information on people and creatures will be limited by Player level.


Unarmed Combat: (Passive) Skill Lvl. 4 (0/20)

How much damage the Player can inflict while unarmed. Can be boosted with certain melee weapons. Reduces damage received from unarmed opponents. 

Current Damage Bonus: 40%


Blunt Force Trauma: (Passive) Skill Lvl. 8 (0/20)

Unleash your inner caveman. Increases damage dealt with bludgeoning weapons.

Current Damage Bonus: 800%


EOD: (Passive) Skill Lvl. 2 (0/20)

You love your explosions. Increases effectiveness damage dealt with explosives. 

Current Damage Bonus: 20%


Gun Nut: (Passive) Skill Lvl. 5 (0/20)

Your knowledge of firearms from your past life carried over to this life. Increased damage dealt with all guns and decreased reload times. 

Current Damage Bonus: 125%

Reload Times Decreased: 125%


Mad Dash: (Active) Skill Lvl. 3 (0/20)

You're fast as fuck boi… trades SP for a boost of speed. Speed increase depends on skill level. 

Current Speed Boost: 75%

Cost: 7 SP per sec. 


Bigger Fish: (Active) Skill Lvl. 1 (0/20)

You are the bigger fish… While this skill is active you will always be slightly stronger than your opponents. How strong will depend on the skill level. 

Current Level Boost: +10 Levels

Cost: 0 MP


Overwhelming Aura: (Active) Skill Lvl. 1 (0/20)

Killing intent eat your heart out… your imposing aura projected from your body. Induces fear and intimidation into your opponents. Higher skill level will allow for intimidation of high leveled opponents. 

Cost: 10 MP per sec


Devour: (Active) Skill Lvl. 1 (0/20)

You are what you eat… Allows you to eat your opponents absorbing their skills  and a portion of their level. Levels consumed are based on skill level. 

Current Consumable Level: 25%

Skills Consumable: 1 



The new skills were broken. Again I wasn't going to complain. Especially with the potential they gave me. The question marks in the skill section had finally disappeared. Now in their place was a skill that I had not expected to get until much later.

I cursed at myself for getting rid of the 'Mystery Meat'. Had I known I would get a skill that let me steal skills and levels I would have kept the meat. Hopping out of the shower I quickly put my soiled clothes back on and replenished my supplies.

The world shifted as I re-emerged in the demon dungeon once again. Hoisting the M249 I smiled at the oncoming horde. 

Hours later and thousands of rounds of ammo expended I sat down on the blood soaked ground looking at the sea of corpses around me.

I took a quick break to steady myself and clear the adrenaline coursing through my veins. Ten minutes later my hands finally stopped shaking and I looked back around me. I figured out that the dead demons didn't disappear once you restarted the dungeon so long as you stayed inside the dungeon.

This led to me clearing the dungeon nearly a dozen times before I decided that the mountain of dead demons was enough. I didn't even know how the skill worked. 

Standing up I pulled up my Skills Menu and selected Devour.

A notification popped up and I slowly read it so that I didn't get bamboozled into something stupid. 


Devour Activated

Scanning surroundings 

Scan complete 

8,424 Common Demons 

3,874 Hell Knights

487 Marauders

8 Baron's of Hell 

Calculating gainable levels

Calculation complete 

Levels gainable: 278

Scanning for transferable skills 

Scan complete

Skills transferable: 2 




It was a no brainer, the levels I would gain was ridiculous. The amount of skill points I could allocate with that would possibly max out some of my skills. Without another though I clicked on 'yes'. The screen disappeared once I confirmed my selection and I grinned. There was a flash of light and all the demon corpses disappeared.

The loot transferred to my inventory nearly filling it up completely only leaving ten spots left open out of the thousand that I had. 

I left the dungeon and returned home stripping naked again and hopping into the shower once more.

I washed the filth off my body and waited for the notification to pop up saying that the process was complete. After drying myself off I changed into a clean set of clothes after tossing the soiled set into the wash. Laying in bed I looked up at the ceiling with a smile. 

'Life is good.'

A chime notified me of the completion of the process. I pulled up the information and started to scan it only for my vision to black out and for my mind to drift off into unconsciousness.