
Gaming In The Underworld

I pulled an Elvis… not in a cool ‘I have an amazing singing voice and I’m suave as fuck’ kind of way. No sir not me. I pulled an Elvis in the most embarrassing of ways. I somehow died while sitting on a toilet dropping the fattest deuce. Now I’ve got letters floating in front of me telling me I died. That’s not why I’m angry though, I’m not even mad at the embarrassing way I died I’m mad at the fact that ‘You Died’ was in Comic Sans. Fucking Comic Sans! *All recognisable characters belong to their respective owners. I only own the OCs* *Status: Complete

Vargr_the_Skald · Movies
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Hybrid Theory

Pain, even with Gamer's Body. Even with my superhuman constitution. That didn't stop the pain from being stabbed with my own sword or getting ganked in the back by Viktor's silver daggers. My sword didn't hurt as much as the two daggers stabbed into my lungs. Searing pain flooded my body, like my blood had turned into molten metal. Burning as it slowly coursed through my veins. An alert popped up in the corner of my vision just as I fell to the floor. 



Lethal amounts of silver detected in the player body. Organ failure imminent.

Seek medical aid immediately. 


'What the fuck… I should be able to push them out. Lucian did it with bullets in the movie.' 


Blake, calm down, you need to focus.


'Hera? What the hell is going on?' 


Poison. The silver is poisoning your body. Your system is fighting it off but it can only do so much with the knives still in you. I've told Selene to come help you. 


'Wha? You can do that?' 


Of course, I'm a goddess.


In the corner of my fading vision I saw Markus take off after tearing a metal disk out of Viktor's chest. Selene ran to my side and held me in her arms. Pain flared in my back as she yanked the daggers out. I felt her fingers press against my neck, I blinked tiredly at her. Before my vision faded she gave me a look that conveyed a lot of emotion. 


"I love you Blake, Please be alright." She whispered. 


Leaning down I felt her lips press against my neck before a new pain shot through my body from where she bit me. I wanted to scream as my vision was filled with a blinding white light and my body stopped responding to my commands. 


I sat up with a gasp, it didn't take long for me to notice that I wasn't in the castle anymore. I was now in a large room made out of marble. Twelve giant thrones in a half circle in front of me. There was a crackling hearth in the center of the room and a lonely looking young girl prodding at the fire with a stick. She looked up at me and smiled. I felt warmth and comfort wash over me and I blinked rapidly. Something about this was familiar, like I had seen this all before. 


"You must be really special to be able to see my sister." A familiar voice said behind me. 


I spun around and stared. "Who- What the fuck?" 


"A bit coarse… but not an unexpected reaction." 




"In the immortal flesh." She smiled. 


"Why do you look like Angelina Jolie?" 


"Funny story that…"


"She went down to earth a few decades ago and saw the moving pictures that mortals made. She got curious and well, the rest is history." 


"So wait, you're telling me that Angelina Jolie is actually the goddess Hera?" 


"Yes? Why?" 


"Nothing, that just explains a lot." 


"What is that supposed to mean?" 


"What my darling sister is trying to say is that she's sorry for accidentally killing you, the Fates have allowed her to intervene in your life to make up for it." 


"Thanks Hestia, you just had to remind him." 


"I am so fucking confused right now… what the fuck?" 


"Look, we don't have much time as of the moment. I pulled you here to meet you in person for a short amount of time with the help of my brother. First of all, to apologize and secondly, to tell you that when you eventually do return here to this world that we may need your help." 


"Okay? That still doesn't explain a lot of things. Like my AI, are you actually talking to me, who gave me these powers, and is this all real?" 


"In that order, Yes I am, the Fates, and Yes this is all real." 


"Fucking hell, this is all going to get really complicated isn't it?" 


"Not as much as you think." 


"Right. So what now?" 


"Now? You wake up." Hera snapped her fingers and there was another bright flash of light. 


I felt like o was falling before suddenly slamming back into the ground. I sat up nearly headbutting Selene on my way up. If my senses were dialed up to 100 when I was a Lycan, then they were now set to 1000 ever since Selene bit me. I looked around the room then back to Selene who was looking at me warily. She got to her feet and I rushed back over to her pulling her into a hug. My meeting with Hera pushed back to a corner of my mind. I pulled Selene into a passionate kiss, her lips slightly tasted like blood, my blood. A groan snapped me out of my reunion with Selene. We both turned towards the noise. 


Viktor, surprisingly, was still alive despite the ragged wound on his throat and him missing most of the skin and muscle on his chest. 


"A- Abomination…" He growled out. 


Selene grabbed my arm before I could curb stomp Viktor. She shook her head, 


"Let me." 


I nodded then watched as she walked over to the bleeding vampire elder. She picked up my sword from where she must have dropped it after taking it out of me. 


"This is your last chance, tell me why? Why did you spare me but kill everyone in my village?" 


"You'll get nothing from me," he spat a glob of blood at her feet. "Cavorting with the enemy, siring an abomination, you are dead to me!" 


She sighed before flicking the sword faster than Viktor could react. The damascus steel blade rang out as it cut through flesh and bone like butter. Viktor gasped out one last time before his head fell from his body and rolled away. Selene looked down at his corpse and took a deep breath. I slowly approached her from the back and gently took the sword from her. 


"I- it's over, I finally got my revenge." 


I pulled her into an embrace, she leaned into my touch and let out her breath. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh. 


"You've got your revenge, but I'm afraid it's far from over Selene. Markus is still out there, he's going to be a danger." 


"Yes," She said as she turned around in my arms. "But for now, I'm finally free." 


I gave her a small smile, "Well then, what do you want to do with your new found freedom love?" 


"I don't know…" She gave me a kiss. "Let's figure it out together." 


"Together then." 


We spent a few more moments in each other's arms. I looked around after pulling away from Selene. Spotting Viktor's head I stuffed it into my inventory, Lucian would probably appreciate a souvenir after all. While Selene changed out of the threadbare rags she had been in I discarded my ruined armor and shirt. The Kevlar and ballistic plates did nothing against super strength and razor sharp blades. I also pulled up my stats while Selene was lacing up her boots so that I could check on the changes I had gone through. 


Name: Blake Corvin

Race: Hybrid | Class: Mage [Chronomancer]

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral 

Level: 400 Next Level: 0/20,000 Xp

Class Level: 100 Next Level: 0/0 Xp

HP: 5,000,000/5,000,000 (100,000 per sec)

(500% when transformed)

MP: 1,500,000/1,500,000 (100,000 per sec)

SP: 1,500,000/1,500,000 (100,000 per sec) 

(200% when transformed)

STR: 500 DMG: 25,000 per hit ( STR/2 x 100 )

Bonus 10% melee damage for every point.

(Current Bonus: 2,500%) 

DEX: 500

Bonus 10% effectiveness for all stealth related skills and sneak attacks for every ten points.

(Current Bonus: 500%)

VIT: 500

END: 500

INT: 500

WIS: 500

Luck: 120


Stat Points Available: 0



Gamer's Mind:

Protects Player from any and all outside influences. Includes but not limited to, telepathy, legilimency, psychoactive drugs, and brainwashing. Player has the option to temporarily disable this skill at will. 


Gamer's Body:

Allows Player to live life as a video game. All damage only affects HP, physical damage to Players body is negated. 


Corvinus Bloodline: (Active)

As a direct descendant of Alexander Corvinus, the founding father of immortality, your blood contains the unique properties that allow for perfect hybridization. 


Chaotic Neutral: (Archetype) 

You put your own freedoms over the ideals of Good vs. Evil. Nothing comes before your need to be free to do what you please. When faced with opposing factions you are your own side. +10% Rep gain from neutral factions. 


Corvinus Strain Hybrid: (Pureblood) 

Being descended from Alexander Corvinus your blood has adapted to the werewolf and vampire viruses making you the perfect Hybrid of both species. You can still access your wolf forms due to your bloodline. You have also unlocked the racial traits of a vampire. Being a hybrid of both species you lack the weaknesses of either. Silver will no longer have any effect on you nor will sunlight ever burn you. As a pureblood hybrid you can turn others by feeding them your blood.


True Immortal: (Due to being a Hybrid)

Both bloodlines have mutated your cells to endlessly replicate and heal you. So long as a single cell survives you can not be killed. Be aware, you can still take damage but your HP will no longer be able to drop to 0. 


'Holy shit, and I thought I was busted before…' 


I made a mental note to check on my skills later, I had a slight feeling that those had changed as well. Selene threw on her coat that I had brought for her and turned to me. 


"Shall we go?" 




It was still dark when we stepped out of the castle, Selene looked around at the carnage I had caused on my way to save her. She raised her eyebrow at the multiple vampires I had stabbed to death. 


"What? I had to make sure they were dead." 


"You stabbed the guy by the doors thirty times." 


"How did you even count that?" 


"I didn't, but you just confirmed it." 


"Like I said, I had to make sure they were dead." 


"Still a bit excessive." 


"Fine, he reminded me of my landlord from my previous life." 


She rolled her eyes, "While we're here I want to get answers about my family." 


"Alright, where do we need to go?" I asked as I pulled my Bugatti from my inventory. 


Selene beat me to the driver seat with a grin and I sighed. Admittedly she was the better driver so I couldn't complain. 


"Andreas Tanis, he was the coven's record keeper before Viktor had him exiled for apparently spreading lies about him. According to Viktor, Andreas told people that Viktor was not the first vampire." 


"Which he wasn't, Markus was the first vampire." 


"I know that now, but back then I was still buying into Viktor's lies. I was the one to drag Tanis out of the coven. I also know that as the coven's historian Tanis will have records of my family if not information on where to find it." 


"You know where he is then?" 


She nodded as she started the car. "It's about two hours or so away from here. In this car we can make it in a fraction of that time." 


"Just don't get pulled over, this car isn't registered." 


Selene smiled innocently, "They'll have to catch us first." 


I sighed as she floored it and the Bugatti shot off into the night. While we drove I looked at the pendant I had taken from Lucian while he was passed out on my couch. In my note I had left him an explanation as to why I took it and that I would return it to him once we got back. I also gave him free reign of my mansion until then. 


The medallion was just as it was in the movie, a dull good color with a light blue stone in the center. Pressing the stone caused four blade-like projections to shoot out of the sides. It was really reminiscent of the exploding throwing stars that vampires used and I wondered if the design of those weapons was based on this medallion or if it was the other way around. Shrugging I showed the necklace to Selene who stomped on the breaks when she saw it. 


"Where did you get that?" She said quietly. 


"Lucian, he wore it around his neck." 


"I'v- I've seen that before. I think that my father showed it to me when I was a child." 


"That highly likely. Also would explain why Viktor let you live aside from the whole looking like the daughter he murdered thing." 


"He kept me alive for a secret?" 


"Probably, I'm not sure. Don't you get glimpses of memories when you drink someone's blood?" 


"Yes… but it won't do much if I can't remember it myself. All I see is flashes. Short little glimpses of my sister, paintings on a wall, and a river." 


"Pretty vague, I guess we'll have to go talk to that Andreas guy." 


Selene nodded and I gave her the necklace. She continued to drive though now at a slower speed. Of course I had the suspicion that the ruins above Castle Corvinus probably held answers I was looking for but confirming my suspicions with an actual source was preferable. I didn't want to rush in blind, especially not against Markus. He was fast, much faster than other vampires I've fought before. It could have been the fact that he was also a hybrid. Or my own overconfidence in my own skills. Either way I wasn't taking any chances again. While Selene drove I pulled up my skills list and sighed. Not much had changed save two things. I had lost a skill or at least seemingly absorbed that skill into another skill while said skill evolved to a more powerful skill. Confused? Yeah, so was I. Looking at the only change that mattered I contemplated whether it was a good thing or a bad thing. 


Feast: (Passive) Lvl. Max

Evolution of Devour Skill. Consuming the blood of victims grants the player 1/4th of the victims level and the player gains access to the memories of the victim. Drinking the blood of a victim also heals 1000 HP per second. Victims bitten have a 10% chance of surviving and turning into a hybrid. 


It sounded pretty cut and dry to me, I drink blood, blood gives me things, and I could potentially turn someone. Though I was curious as to why the chance was so low. My stat bonuses were affected by my luck stat so in theory that '10%' could potentially be much higher. I didn't want to test it in the foreseeable future so I set a mental reminder to not leave anyone alive after biting them. Though if I were to turn anyone I'd want to turn Selene, mostly because it would allow her to walk in the daylight with me but also I'd rather that she was well protected and much more powerful than anyone would expect. She did save my life after all, I had no doubt that I would have died had she not taken the daggers out of me or bitten me. It felt poetic to bite her and in turn empowering her just as she did for me. 


"Did it- did it actually work? My bite I mean." 


"Are you asking if I'm a hybrid now?" Selene nodded. "As far as I can tell, yes I am. It's not like I have the sudden urge to rip into someone's neck and drink them dry, I just have this feeling that blood will nourish me. That and my powers tell me that I'm a hybrid." 


"I was about to ask that." 


"It also tells me that I have a chance of turning someone into a hybrid like me." 


"I see…"


"I was wondering if it was something you'd like. So that you can come out during the daytime." 


"It would be nice to see the sun again." Selene admitted. 


"There's also the added benefits of more strength and invulnerability." 


"Blake, I'm already immortal." 


"You can still die if your body gets damaged enough though. I'm talking about instantaneous healing and never having to worry about bursting into flames." 


She sighed, "It's something to think about another time. We're here." She stopped the car and cut the engine. 


Stepping out I looked at the modestly sized manor behind the iron gate. I spotted the camera mounted to a pole and put a bullet through it before it could rotate towards us. 


"Hope you're not planning on taking him by surprise." Selene snarked.


"There's nowhere for him to run. Does he have guards? I know he's exiled and all that but I remember him having some sort of security team." 


"That's not out of the realm of possibilities. He's always been paranoid ever since the Lycans overthrew the covens." 


"Makes sense, I do smell werewolves nearby so be on the lookout for those." 


Selene nodded before following me as I jumped over the gate. I took out my seax and crouched down low. Our footsteps crunching in the snow covered ground. The temperatures had just started to drop back in New York. Then again it was pretty early in November and the snow didn't really come in until later in the month. We continued to stalk towards the manors doors when the ground beneath us fell. I caught myself by slamming my seax into not the stone wall of the hole. Catching Selene's hand I glanced down and spotted the bottom not too far off. 


"Back up or continue down this tunnel?"


"Let him think we fell into his trap. It'll be easier to catch him off guard." 


I nodded at her and yanked my dagger out from the stone. Selene landed gracefully while I almost slipped on the damp cobblestone floor. I heard a soft chuckle behind me and turned to look at a grinning Selene. 


"I never thought that the big scary hybrid that everyone is so scared about would slip on a rock." 


"Hey! I'm still getting used to the powers." 


And it was true, ever since becoming a hybrid I had to consciously limit my strength. I found that out the hard way when I went to open a door ahead of Selene back at the castle instead I may as well have practically kicked the door down as it had shattered when I pushed it. The strange look Selene gave me afterwards also added to my embarrassment. 


"I hear someone coming." 


"Two werewolves, you take the left one, I take the right?" 


Selene smiled widely before drawing her pistol. I flipped the seax into a reverse grip. Two large werewolves barrelled into the tunnel-like structure we were in. Both hulking masses of fur and muscle running along vertically on the wall. I ran forward followed by Selene who began to shoot at her target. Her target dodged switching places with mine. I threw my dagger at the larger of the two wolves and dove into a flying tackle. Selene slid under my dive while reloading her gun. By the time she landed I had my target in a chokehold. She fired off the rest of her magazine into her target, dropping it from the wall. It got back up and roared at her. She threw several exploding stars at it and spun around just as the stars exploded, turning the wolf into minced meat. The werewolf I was choking out threw me off and I recovered mid air landing on my feet. In a burst of speed I tackled the werewolf again this time driving my fist into its chest. I transformed my fingers into claws before digging through its guts and finding its heart. Tearing my hand free I held its heart in my hand and sank my fangs into it drinking the still warm blood. 


+30 STR for consuming the life blood of an Alpha


'Interesting.' I let the husk of a heart drop to the floor just as Selene finished reloading her gun. I turned to her as she walked closer to me. 


"You missed a spot." She whispered as she licked the corner of my lips. 


I felt a shudder run up my spine, I looked at Selene's form as she continued down the tunnel. Her hips swayed a bit more than normal. She must have felt me watching her because she turned her head slightly just so that I'd notice the wink she gave me. I fought the urge to grab her and ravish her on the cold stone floor. I quickly set Gamer's mind back up to 100% before following Selene. She had gotten much more flirtatious since she bit me. I didn't know if sire bonds were a thing in this world, and even if they were I didn't know how it would affect me since I was a hybrid and not just a vampire. 


The tunnels eventually led us to a waterway below what looked like a storage room of some kind. I used my superior strength to pry apart the bars and give Selene a hand climbing up. Once we were both in the room I took stock of our surroundings. We were in fact inside of a storage room. Large barrels filled with what smelled like wine lined one corner of the room, while on another wall a few crates were stacked up to about waist high. Selene looked at me before gesturing toward the door. I gave her a short nod as I sheathed my seax and drew my suppressed p226. Selene flung the door open just as two scantily clad vampire women rushed at us. They bared their teeth and hissed. I could almost feel Selene roll her eyes before punching one across the face knocking the blonde vampire out. I pistol whipped the brunette a bit harder than necessary and looked up at Selene who sent me a quizzical look. 


"What?" I whispered. "I ha-"


"You had to make sure. Yeah I know, you've said it at least a dozen times by now." 


"Did not." I replied in mock outrage. 


She smiled. "Fine let's just get this over with. Tanis makes my skin crawl." 


We made our way through the manor as stealthily as possible, clearing different rooms before eventually coming to stop in what was probably the library. I pushed the door open slowly so as to not let it make any noise and Selene walked in once she realized that it was just Tanis and no one else in the room. I followed closely behind her and looked around. Just like the movie there were racks of weapons and glowing blue bullets. Selene saw the UV ammo and frowned, she glared at the man who had yet to notice us before stomping over and slamming the man's head down hard on the table he was at. There was a crunch and the man's nose shattered on the book he was reading. Tanis cried out in pain before spinning around and facing Selene. I fought back a chuckle as he paled and tried to scramble away only for me to blur over and grab him by his tacky silk robes. 


I hauled him back over to Selene and looked at her, she discreetly smiled at me before going back to glaring at Tanis. The man gulped when she holstered her pistol and took out her dagger. I still had no idea where she kept the damn thing in her skin tight outfit. 


"I take it, you know why we're here then?" 


"Information, obviously." Tanis scoffed before I kicked him in the back of the knee, sending him sprawling on the floor at Selene's feet. 


"Then talk, maybe I'll spare your life afterwards."


"Viktor will kill me." 


"Viktor is dead, killed by Markus. Answer her questions." 


"Then he is after his brother." The record keeper said. 


"William Corvinus, we know. Where is he being kept?" Selene reply while continuing to play with the dagger in her hand. 


Andreas Tanis looked around shiftlyly, I followed his gaze and spotted several traps. He eventually settled on a large tome on a pedestal of sorts. He tried to get up only for me to push him back to his knees. 


"Who's your pet Selene?" He sneered. 


"Her mate you mean? Blake Corvin, hybrid extraordinaire, pleasure to make your acquaintance." I said while digging my claws into his shoulder. 


Luckily Tanis hunched in pain as a blush had appeared on Selene's face. She looked at me and gave me a small smile. I hauled Tanis back up onto his feet and spun him around to face me. I straightened out his gaudy silk robe and gave him an evil smile. 


"Luckily for you, I'm in a good mood. Tell us what we need to know and I won't rip your guts out for insulting me." 


"Alright! Alright… I'll talk." 


"Good, now tell us everything you know about my family." 


"So you've learned the truth then?" Tanis said. 


"No shit Sherlock, now stop beating around the bush and speak plainly." I growled as I dug my claws deeper into his shoulder. 


Tanis winced, "Your family, they built the prison that held William, your father was one of the best builders at that time. Viktor commissioned a fortress filled with secret passages and hidden rooms. He wanted to make sure that even if someone stumbled into the fortress that they would never find William's cell." 


"That's common knowledge Tanis, tell me why did Viktor spare me?" 


"H- Viktor spared you not only because of your resemblance to Sonja but also because you had been there when the fortress was being built. Not even Viktor knew of its exact location, he just held half of the key to the cell." 


"And this is the other half?" Selene said while holding up the pendant. 


"Whe- Never mind that, yes. That is the first half of the key. There's a larger piece that Viktor kept with him. One that he never let out of his sight." 


"The one in his chest you mean?" I asked. 


"You two are very well informed." 


"Well, it was pretty obvious when Markus ripped Viktor's chest open and retrieved a disk from his rib cage." 


"So Markus has the second half?" 


Selene didn't reply, she glared at the records keeper and frowned. 


"I don't remember the location of this fortress, not clearly anyways." 


"Blood memories." Tanis said, as if it was the answer. 


But it does, a vampire can access the memories of the ones they feed from. It doesn't matter if the memories are locked away or forgotten


'You know, I almost forgot about that. Thanks for reminding me, Hera.' 


"The answer is in my blood?"


I looked over to Selene who had a look of realization on her face. Our earlier suspicions had been all but confirmed. Tanis nodded before continuing to speak. 


"That means Markus will stop at nothing to get it once he realizes that you know where his brother is." 


"Fantastic." She sighed. 


"Any more questions?" Tanis asked hopefully. 


Selene remained silent, she was still clearly deep in her own thoughts. I released Tanis before shoving him towards the large leather bound book on the pedestal. He glared at me and I grinned at the vampire historian.  


"I have a question… Tell me about Alexander Corvinus." 

[Scene Break]

We left Tanis' manor a few hours later with some of our questions satisfied. Selene remained in a complitative mood as I drove to the coast where Corvinus' ship had docked according to the records keeper. Apparently the man had sailed here following Markus after they had cleaned up the evidence of the fights back in New York. The man worked fast, or at least the people who worked for him did. 




I glanced at Selene while I drove at a relatively sedate speed. 


"What is it?" I replied. 


"Thank you… for doing all of this." 


"You don't have to thank me Selene, I already told you. I'm with you till the end." 


"Stop being cheesy." She smiled. 


"You know, you ought to smile more. And I don't mean this in a flirtatious way, well maybe a little bit, but it's nice to see a smile on your face." 


"You sappy idiot…" She looked on. "Did you really mean it?" 


"You'll have to be a little more specific, did I mean what?" 


"When you called me your mate, back there when we spoke with Tanis." 


"Yes, I am in love with you Selene, and if you'll have me I'd be honored to be yours." 


"I- I feel the same." She said barely above a whisper. 


"So, does this make us mates? Partners? Boyfriend and Girlfriend?"


She looked at me alluringly before smiling. "Definitely mates." 


"It's settled then, I am yours as you are mine." 


"You know, a few hundred years ago that could be taken as a proposal." 


"Did I stutter?" 


She let out a cute little laugh before she realized what she had done and slapped a hand over her mouth. I grinned at her. 


"Well I'll be damned, the badass Death Dealer laughed." 


"Fuck off." She huffed while looking away. I could tell she was hiding a smile. 


"Why don't you make me." 


Her head snapped back over to me. "Maybe I will." 


I was half tempted to pull over to the side of the road and take her then and there in the car. Unfortunately we had arrived at the port where the Sancta Helena was docked. Cutting the engine off we got out and I stored the Bugatti back in my inventory. Selene began to walk towards the pier but I grabbed her arm before pulling her into an embrace. She returned the intimate gesture before looking up at me as I continued to hold her. Her eyes were half closed with her lips slightly open. I obliged her and kissed her while one of my hands found its way to the back of her neck to deepen the kiss. Selene sighed as her arms wrapped around my shoulders. Finally breaking away I brushed my thumb across her cheek as I tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. 


"I never got to say it back when you first said it so allow me to correct my mistake. I love you Selene." 


She smiled before giving me a peck on the lips. "And I love you Blake Corvin." 


I put my forehead against hers and held her for a while longer before finally letting her go. I looked over to the ship spotting armed guards approaching our position. I grabbed her hand and nodded towards the approaching men.


"Let's go then." 


She nodded as we began to walk in the direction of the 'Cleaners'. We met the mortal men half way and they immediately pointed their weapons towards us. I felt Selene's hand tense in mine and I gave her a comforting squeeze. 


"State your business vampire." The lead man said. 


"We're here to see your boss. You can tell him Blake Corvin and Selene are here to speak with him." 


The man frowned before nodding to his men as they lowered their guns. He pushed a button on his communicator. 


"They're here, what do you want to do Macaro?" 


An accented voice calmly replied and I could barely make out the words. He turned to look at his men before looking back at us. 


"He's been expecting you. Follow me."


He turned and began to walk back to the ship. The rest of the men moved past us and began to patrol the road we had come from. The lead Cleaner led us to the massive ship where he took us through a series of doors before stopping. He opened the last door and stood off to the side. Taking that as an invitation Selene let go of my hand and walked into the room we had been led to. Following closely behind her I looked around the ornately decorated room. It seemed that the 'captains quarters' of the ship had been converted into a suite. The floor was covered with varnished hardwood and the steel walls had been paneled with glass and exotic wood. A crystal chandelier hung above the room and shelves of books lined the walls. Baroque furniture was spread across the room and an old man sat behind a meretricious yet simple desk. He glanced up at us and stood up as we approached. 


"What can I do for you two?" 


"Just like that? No denying, whinging, or beating around the bush?" I asked. 


He looked over to me, his expression unreadable. "You're my descendants one way or another. What reason do I have to keep information from you?" 


"Good, that will make this quick then." Selene remarked. 


Alexander Corvinus nodded, before gesturing towards two open seats. Selene hesitated before taking a seat. I continued to stand while looking around the room. 


"Why haven't you dealt with your sons?" Selene asked. 


"Right to the point then…" The old man sighed. "That's exactly the reason my dear. They're my sons, my blood. No matter what they have become I can not raise a hand against my own family."


"Rather shitty reasoning but continue." 


He looked at me and shook his head. "You wouldn't understand, as a parent I can not knowingly harm my boys." 


"So you'll allow them to run amok slaughtering mortals?" Selene bit out. 


"It's not that simple-" 


"You know, it's hard to believe that I'm related to you old man. You've turned a blind eye to their evil. You clean up their messes, you know full well what they'll do if you continue to sit back and do nothing."


"Do not speak to me as if I don't know the pain they cause!" Alexander snapped. 


"So you know they're going to continue until there's nothing left?" 


"I- it's not that simple… I made a promise to my wife. A promise that I would protect our children." 


"They're no longer your children, they've become no more than bloodthirsty beasts. Especially William."


"You don't think I know that! They're still my children." 


"This is going nowhere, let's go Blake." Sighed Selene. 


"Fine then, if you won't lift a hand then we will do what must be done." 


We stood up to leave just as the glass roof of the room exploded showering us with glass. Selene drew her guns and I summoned my sword from my inventory. Alexander looked up tiredly as Markus slowly descended. The elder vampire sneered at the old man. 


"Father…" He drawled as he landed. His body shifted back to his human form and he smirked at the look of disappointment Alexander gave him. "Save your words, I didn't come here to speak." 


Markus covered the distance between him and Alexander in a blink of an eye. The ancient immortal was pinned to the wall by Markus' wing. The old man grunted out in pain.


"Do what you will boy, you will never-" 


Alexander didn't get to finish his sentence as Markus drove his other wing into his fathers chest. The ancient man screamed in pain. Selene took this as a signal to attack and began firing at the elder vampire who simply released Alexander before charging at her. She dove out of the way and reloaded. I blurted forward accessing my new found powers and slashed at the vampire elder. Markus let out a shriek of pain as I cut off a portion of his wing. He slashed at me with his claws and roared. 


Blocking the strike I threw a fireball at his face only for him to dodge the flames by tilting his head. Selene brought her guns back around and fired at Markus' back making the elder growl out as the bullets tore through his flesh. I ducked under another swipe from his claws but I was too slow to avoid his wing which slammed into my chest sending me crashing into the shelf on the far wall. Jumping back onto my feet I caught sight of Markus lifting Selene up by the throat before he bit into her shoulder. Her cry of pain filled me with unbridled fury as my eyes began to burn. With a pulse of power I yanked him through the air before cutting his arm off at the elbow. He screamed again before kicking me in the chest and flying back out into the night sky with a flap of his damaged wings. 


I ran back over to Selene who held a hand over the bleeding wound on her shoulder. Helping her up she picked up her guns from where they had fallen and walked over to Alexander who lay in a puddle of his own blood. The old man groaned as he opened his eyes. 


"Stop moving, I can heal you." I said.


"No! I must atone for my sins." 


"You do realize that if you die then the humans will eventually discover the supernatural world and begin hunting us down right?" 


Alexander grimaced but ignored my statement. He gestured towards Selene who approached him. She knelt beside the dying man and listened as he spoke. 


"Did he get the pendant?" 


Selene nodded and I silently cursed, I should have put it back in my inventory, no point in whining about it now. Just as I was about to go off on the old man for being so careless as to let himself get impaled the remaining cleaners burst into the room, guns at the ready. The lead Cleaner who I dubbed 'Greg' as I didn't know his name took one look at the bleeding Alexander before he turned to his men and called out. 


"Quick get the kit." 


"No, It is time my old friend." Alexander quietly spoke. 


'Greg' nodded before leaving with his men presumably to sweep the ship for threats. Alexander turned back to Selene and slowly sat up.


"He's too powerful for you alone."


I fought the urge to clock the old man across the jaw, remaining silent. I observed the dying man as he continued to speak to Selene. 


"You're older than Markus, you could have killed him yourself, defended yourself." 


'Yes! You tell the old bastard Selene.' I shouted out in my head. 


"As I've said, no matter what he's become. He's still my son…" The ancient noble tiredly spoke. "You are the last hope left there is only one way to defeat him." 


'Several if I'm involved, but this is Selene's destiny, not that I believe in destiny. She needs this closure.' I thought. 


Alexander raised an arm and looked at Selene. He gave her a small sad smile. 


"Quickly now, before there is no more legacy left in my veins." 


Selene took his arm and went down to bite into his wrist but stopped short. She glanced back to me then to Alexander. 


"What will I become?" She asked. 


"The future." Alexander said softly while looking at the both of us. 


Selene bit into his wrist and drank his blood, for a moment I could feel some sort of power passing from Alexander to Selene. She stopped drinking and released his arm. Alexander glanced at me as if to offer me the same. I weighed the chances of something changing in me if I drank his blood. There was a possibility that it would enhance my own powers as well but there was also a chance that nothing would happen. I was his descendant after all. Corvinus blood already flowed in my veins. 


'Fuck it.' I approached and took his offered arm. 


He nodded at me before I bit into his arm. Warm blood flooded my mouth, flashes of his memories flew through my mind as I took the first gulp of his blood. Taking one last mouthful I pulled away and Alexander lowered his arm. He sighed again, his breathing had begun to slow down. I could hear his heart fluttering in his chest as it struggled to keep him alive. 


"Go now…" He said. 


I stood up and wiped off the blood on my lips and looked at Selene. Taking her hand we made our way out of the ship in silence. Out by the pier the remaining Cleaner were waiting by a helicopter. Selene and I acknowledged the men. 'Greg' had a grim look on his face when he spoke. 


"We can take you to the fortress. You'll need help to bring Markus and William down."


I shook my head, I had decided that the Cleaners had to continue doing their jobs. I didn't want to risk humans finding out about the secret world and hunting down vampires and lycans. I wanted to prevent the events from 'Underworld: Awakening' from ever happening. 


"I can fly Selene and myself there. You guys need to continue your mission. We can't risk humans finding out about the supernatural. It would be disastrous." 


"Very well, what shall we do?" 


Just then the ship behind us exploded into a fireball, a shockwave of force blew past us and we all turned to look at the flames consuming the ship. I turned back to the remaining Cleaners. Handing 'Greg' a slip of paper with my address I let out a sigh. 


"Your mission continues, I'll find the operation myself. You have the most experience in how things run. Nothing changes, recruit more men if you need to. Just make sure that humanity never finds out about the hidden world." 


'Greg' nodded, taking the slip of paper. He stuck out his hand and I took it, giving the man a firm handshake. 


"We'll be in contact then… boss." 


He began giving orders to his men as they moved out to hidden vehicles and drove away leaving Selene and I standing by the chopper. She looked at me, a question on her lips. 


"Will you really continue Corvinus' legacy in keeping things hidden?" 


"I've seen the aftermath of what happens should humans discover our species. It's not pretty, so I'll make sure that the Cleaners continue to do what they were formed to do. For all of our sake." 


She nodded before turning to the helicopter, "do you even know how to fly this thing?" 


I looked over to her and grinned. "I thought you did?" 


"No, I don't Blake. So how are we going to go after Markus?" 


"Relax, how hard could it be to learn how to fly a helicopter?" 


She rolled her eyes at me before moving towards the AH-6 Little Bird. I shook my head with a smile before calling out to Hera. 


'Hera can you bring up any changes to my perks or skills?' 


You got a new perk, your skills remained the same though 


A screen displaying my perks appeared in front of me and I glanced at the recent change. 


Corvinus Bloodline: (Active)(Patriarch)

As a direct descendant of Alexander Corvinus, the founding father of immortality. Having consumed the purest of immortal blood from Alexander Corvinus you have risen to the head of the bloodline. Your blood, willingly given, can be used to create hybrids and enhance the strength of those who consume small amounts of it.


It seems nothing major had changed, though my theory on why Lucian wasn't a hybrid after using my blood was confirmed. It had not been 'pure' enough to turn him into one. Now that I had consumed Alexander's blood the procedure should be much easier. I made a mental note to ask Lucian if he still wanted to be a hybrid, though I doubted that the man would take me up on the offer seeing that all the people he wished to get revenge on were either dead or about to be dead. 


Navigating the menu I pulled up the Gamer Shop and found the Instructional Books section. I found a basic skill book on piloting aircraft and purchased it. The money disappeared from my inventory just as a skill book popped up. I selected the book and braced myself for the influx of knowledge as I learned the skill. I pulled up my Skills menu and looked at my new Skill. 


Aviator: (Active) Lvl. 25 (0%)

You can fly most common aircrafts and not crash. Your level determines the success of aerial maneuvers you attempt. Each level reflects the success rate of a maneuver by 1%. 

(Current success rate: 25%) 


Closing the menu I looked over at the Little Bird. I got into the pilot seat and looked over to Selene who glanced at me. 


"You ready?" 


She nodded, "Just try not to kill us." 


"Ye of little faith love, buckle in." 


She rolled her eyes at me again and I smiled as I started up the chopper. The blades spun up and the instrument panel lit up. I checked the fuel gauge and found that we had a full tank. Calculating the distance in my mind I summarized that we had enough for a round trip to the fortress and to the docks. Letting out a sigh I made the final checks on the choppers systems before pulling up on the collective making the helicopter lurch upwards into the sky. Slowly the Little Bird rose until we got high enough for me to push forward on the cyclic moving the helicopter forward. Selene looked over to me with a raised eyebrow. 


"What? Didn't think I could do it?" 


"I had complete faith in you my love." She replied with a smile. 


Flying a helicopter turned out to be much easier than I had expected. My Aviator skill even leveled up several times as we made our way to the fortress. The flight took almost a whole hour, when we finally arrived I landed the chopper on some flat ground by the river. The fortress loomed in the distance. The moonlight giving it a haunted appearance, I was more surprised to learn that I had been wrong and that the fortress was in the opposite direction of Castle Corvinus. Hopping out of the helicopter Selene took stock of her weapons and ammo. I belted my sword on my hip and put a fresh magazine into my p226. 


Together we made our way to the lone fortress traveling by the river bank that ran through the old structure. Along the way I spotted splotches of blood signaling that Markus had beaten us to the fortress. Pointing out the blood to Selene she nodded in understanding and drew her guns. Inside the fortress some of the walls had crumbled and areas of the structure were flooded. Selene looked around, taking in the crumbling ruins. 


"I- I remember this place. Now that I'm here again… it's all coming back to me." 


"You know where to go then?" I asked. 


She acknowledged with a glance, "I do, it's this way." 


I followed her through a series of corridors. She stopped occasionally to look or touch a few faded paintings on the walls we passed by. I remembered that she and her sister had painted those when they were children. 


"They held up remarkably well through the centuries." 


She turned to me. "I remember my father reprimanding my sister and I after he found out that we had 'vandalized' the walls." A small smile found its way on her face as the memory played out in her head. 


We continued on eventually coming to a stop before a wall that had clearly been raised to the ceiling judging by the scratch marks on the stone. The corridor ahead was flooded and the water was waist deep. Pushing forward we continued to delve into the depths of the ruins before we came to a turn. Further ahead we heard Markus' voice followed by a guttural growl of a large werewolf. Selene gave me one last look before we stepped into the chamber where Markus stood in front of a large albino werewolf. William was nearly as big as I was in my bipedal Lycan form. The brothers faced Selene and I as soon as they heard us enter the room. William growled and Markus sneered at Selene. 


"Come to destroy my brother have you?" 


Selene raised her gun and aimed it at William. The werewolf roared at her, every instinct in my body screamed at me to slaughter the two of them. The two of them were dangerous. Unstable and violent, the Corvinus brothers, mainly William, would kill a lot of people if given the chance. Then I really thought about it, what did the two really do that made them 'monsters'. Markus wasn't inherently evil per say. Sure he was overconfident and a bit of a dickhead but all he really wanted to do was save his twin brother. Even William, underneath the mindless beast was a man who jumped in front of a rabid wolf that was attacking his brother. The carnage the two had caused stemmed mostly from Markus trying to help William. I frowned and snapped my fingers activating Time Lock. The world around me grinding to a stop I opened my menu. With my current MP pool I could maintain Time Lock  indefinitely with how much MP o recovered per second. It was broken, and I had previously refused to over use the skill. I didn't want to become completely reliant on my brokenly overpowered skills. That said, it certainly had its uses. 


A part of me wanted to spare them, they were technically my family. Still the fucked up shit the two had done was countless. Alexander had memories of the two brothers committing atrocities after learning about their  immortality. Deep down Alexander had been ashamed of the twins, but he couldn't raise a hand against them. That had led to his downfall. Even if they were family, the brothers were still a liability. Rehabilitating the two was a toss up, Markus could potentially be swayed to stop being a cunt whereas William had been trapped as a beast for too long. There was not a shred of humanity left in those eyes. Even then, I didn't quite have a cure for lycanthropy laying around. In turn that would ensure that Markus would never change due to wanting to 'protect' his brother. 


Cursing under my breath at the difficult position I found myself in, I called out to Hera, praying that I could still communicate with her even if I had frozen time. 


You can still speak with me, what do you need Blake


'I'm at an impasse. They're technically family therefore sparing their lives is ideal, but they are also a liability to innocents. What should I do?' 


I'm the goddess of family Blake, I'm the wrong one to come to with a question like that, I will say this though, killing them is the easy choice. Sparing their lives and teaching them the proper way to live is going to be difficult but not impossible. The final choice is up to you. This is your life we're talking about here, your family. You already know what you must do, so just do it. 


'That doesn't make it any easier, fine then. I've made my choice.' 


Hera remained silent, I looked at the two brothers before stalking forward while they remained fixed in place as time was still frozen. Taking a knife from my inventory along with two glass bottles I cut both brothers and gathered enough blood to fill the eight ounce bottles. I stored the bottles of blood after labeling them in my inventory before returning to take my spot next to Selene. I had contemplated slitting both their throats while time was still frozen but decided that I had to pay Markus back for stabbing me with my own sword. Assuming the position I was in before I froze time. I snapped my fingers and time resumed. 


William barrelled towards us a blur of white fur, Markus took his vampire dominant hybrid form and rushed towards me. In one fluid motion I dodged Markus before dumping a magazine of silver rounds into William's side just as Selene shot the albino werewolf in the knees. Markus roared in anger at the sight of his injured brother. Taking to the air he flew towards Selene who ducked underneath his attack. William growled as he stood up and charged at me, the injuries healing faster than I had expected. Throwing my gun into my inventory I held my sword with both hands and swung it as hard as I could just as William zoomed past me. The blade of the sword sang through the air, there was a wet squelch and William fell to the ground missing his head. 


Selene was thrown toward me as Markus kicked her away upon witnessing his brother's death. The elder vampire roared again and shot towards us. I helped Selene up just as Markus was a few feet away. Grabbing Selene by the arms I helped her kick Markus in the face by swinging her through the air. Setting her back down we watched the vampire elder slam into William's old prison. Markus was dazed by the glazed over look in his eyes. Covering the distance I stabbed my sword through his gut impaling him to the metal coffin. The vampire screamed in pain as I pushed the sword through his spine and out of his back. 


"That's payback for stabbing me asshole. Enjoy your time in darkness." 


With that I punched him in the face breaking his nose and shattering his jaw. I dodged a weak lunge before yanking the circular key from its place in the coffin causing the contraption to begin slowly closing around Markus. Selene approached my side and pointed her freshly reloaded gun at Markus' head before pulling the trigger. Blood splattered in the coffin before it closed, splashing a bit on my lower lip. Licking up the blood I heard a notification pop up but ignored it instead turning to Selene and pulling her into a heated kiss. We broke away just as Markus' muffled screams faded away as the metal prison sunk into the wall. 


"It's done then?" 


"Yeah… it's done." 


"Good, because I really need you right now." She said in a low voice while eyeing me seductively. 


"Maybe let's get home and grab a shower first? We're both covered in days worth of dirt and blood." 


"Can you not just vanish the blood and grime?" 


"I could, but do you really want to have sex here in this damp ruin?" 


"Fair point. Let's go home then." 


"Home." I said while smiling at her affectionately. 

[Scene Break]

We didn't last that long. The second we got to Budapest Selene swerved precariously and sped towards a nearby hotel. The receptionist at the lobby glanced at our dirty appearances and was about to raise a fuss before I dropped a large stack of money on the front desk. She gave us a key and a room number. The elevator doors had barely shut before Selene threw herself at me and smashed her lips against mine. My hands flew to her shapely ass and lifted her. Her legs wrapped around my hips as we continued our tongue battle. I almost missed the fact that the elevator had stopped on our floor. The door had opened and an elderly couple watched us in shock as we stumbled through the doors still locked in the kiss. The older couple muttered something in Hungarian. I didn't care to figure out what they said as we struggled on our way to our room. 


We separated momentarily so I could unlock the door. Selene practically threw me inside the room before slamming the door shut and looking at me hungrily. She licked her lips and gave me a saucy smirk as she slipped out of her leather bodysuit. My eyes took in her naked glory before she sauntered into the bathroom beckoning me forward with a slender finger. 


My clothes basically vaporized as I tore them off before following her into the shower. She turned the shower on and sighed as the warm water waged over our naked bodies washing away the grime. Selene gave me a quick kiss before turning her back to me. Grabbing the complimentary bar of soap I began to lather her back while tracing her curves with my hands. She let out a breathy  moan as my hands caressed her thighs. Her hand snaked around and grabbed my rock hard erection giving it an experimental tug. 


"We'll never finish showering if you continue that love." 


She turned around to face me still smiling, I captured her lips with mine as she continued to jack me off. Breaking away she gave me a wink as she took the bar of soap from me and started cleaning me off like I did to her. 


"We've got all day." She whispered. 


Pulling her into another kiss I held her close as I savored the taste of her lips. 


"You know, I've never made love in the shower before." 


She looked into my eyes as she bit her lip. She began to trail kisses down my chest eventually getting lower as she got on her knees. 


"Who said anything about making love? I want you to fuck me Blake." 


[Lemon Start]


Before I could respond she took my entire length down her throat. I grunted out in pleasure as I felt her nose touch my crotch. I nearly punched a hole through the shower wall as she pulled back while still making eye contact with me. Her eyes took on their iridescent blue color. I felt her teeth lightly scrape against my cock as she continued to metaphorically suck my soul out of my dick. I bit back a groan as my hands reached down and held her hair out of her face. 


She choked and gagged as I began to fuck her face. She never once broke eye contact with me. Obscenely erotic sounds filled the bathroom as I thrust into her throat again and again. I thrust hard and she gagged hard, her throat contracting around my cock. Pushing my orgasm back I pulled her back onto her feet before spun us around so I could pin her to the shower wall. Her lust filled gaze drove me forward and I attacked her lips. Balancing herself on one leg I took her other leg and raised it to my shoulder. She was unsurprisingly very flexible. Our tongues locked in a duel, I reached down and grabbed a hold of my member before lining it up with her soaked entrance. She let out a scream of pleasure as I sheathed myself inside her with one thrust. 


There were no words exchanged, just the primal urge in both of us to mate with the other. I gave her a moment to adjust before I started slamming myself into her hot quim in long deep strokes. Her cries of pleasure rising above the sound of the water hitting our bodies. I let out a growl as I picked her up completely, her legs flew around my waist as I supported her weight with my arms. Lifting her I began to thrust harder as I lifted and dropped her onto my pistoning cock. She let out a long drawn out moan as I felt a splash of warm liquid against my cock. 


"Who told you that you could orgasm?" I growled into her ear.


I felt her shudder against me as I continued to batter her womb with my tool. I didn't let her come down from her orgasmic bliss, her nails dug into my shoulders as I showered her neck with kisses. She collapsed backwards into the shower wall as her body was rocked by another orgasm. Seeing my opportunity I latched onto a pink nipple and gave it a hard suck causing her to shoot back up and press her body against mine. I grunted in mild annoyance at being denied access to her breasts and pulled out of her. She gasped at the sudden loss and glared at me only to yelp in surprise as I threw her over my shoulder. 


Stepping out of the shower I shut the shower off and dried the both of us with a snap of my fingers. Walking back into the room I threw her onto the bed before jumping in after her. She looked at me with thinly veiled anticipation as I kissed her taut stomach working my way down to her legs. 


"Please, I need you inside me." She moaned out. 


"You'll have to wait love, I have to punish you for cumming without permission." 


She let out a groan as I went back to my ministrations. I kissed the inside of her thighs getting another breathy moan from Selene. Spotting my target I dove into her pussy, my tongue digging into her dripping slit. Her hands grabbed onto the headboard of the bed as I lapped at her juices. Teasing her clit I gave it a kiss before sending a concentrated burst of magic to it through my tongue. Selene let out an unrestrained scream as her dams burst. Her sweet juices splashed into my mouth and I relished the taste. Her hands grabbed me by the hair and pulled me up with surprising strength. Pulling me into a kiss she moaned into my mouth as I abruptly slammed by cock into her soaked snatch. Selene bit my lower lip drawing blood. She greedily sucked at my lip as I mercilessly pounded into her. Pulling away from the kiss, I licked my lower lip still tasting blood. I grabbed her legs and lifted them towards her so that her knees were nearly touching her collarbones. 


Selene cried out again as I took her in the new position. I glanced down at my glistening cock as it plunged into her. She grabbed her own legs freeing my hands as I roughly grabbed her thighs. I felt her walls flutter around my cock as she orgasmed again releasing her legs. She tried to wrap them around my hips but I pulled away and flipped her onto her belly. I spread her ass and pushed back into her, earning another moan for my efforts. Seeing her puckered hole I wet my thumb and started teasing her back door. With my free hand I grabbed her by the back of her neck pinning her to the bed. I eased my thumb into her ass causing Selene to scream out again and for her pussy to clench hard around my prick. Releasing her she raised her hips a bit letting me slam into her deeper as I continued to massage the inside of her asshole with my thumb. Grabbing her by the hip I lifted her to her hands and knees while still thrusting deeply into her. 


Pulling my thumb out with a pop I grabbed her sides as I fucked her harder pulling her back into me enhancing my thrusts. Her moans and cries of ecstasy were almost continuous at this point. My balls slapped against her clot as I continued to hammer into her. Seemingly having enough of being dominated she blurred with vampire speed as she flipped me on my back before mounting me. Her eyes had taken a brighter glow, she was still lost in the pleasure. A trail of drool leaked out of the side of her mouth as she impaled herself on my cock. Sitting up I kissed her, holding her close as she began to grind her hips in rough circles. Selene pushed be back onto the bed, her nails cutting into my chest. I grunted as she suddenly started bouncing on my member. I met her half way with thrusts of my own, our movements synchronizing as she rode me. She clenched around me again, her orgasm causing her to throw her head back in a silent scream. Her movements were reduced to her grinding herself against me and I sat back up and held her close as I began to thrust up into her while she instinctively squatted over my hips. I fell back into the bed as she pushed me back once again. My cock slipped out of her, her eyes met mine and she took me into her mouth again. I groaned through gritted teeth as she deepthroated my length effortlessly. 


Eventually coming up for air I pulled her into another kiss as I sat up and got out of bed. Leading her over to the wooden desk I spun her around and bent her over. She moaned loudly as I thrust into her roughly. Her hands slapped onto the desk as I grabbed her hips and fucked her silly. Standing on her heels to compensate for our height difference she stood back straight before reaching back and grabbing my hair. My hands slid up to cup her breasts as I kissed her shoulders. Quickly pulling out again I sat her on the desk and pulled her towards me. Her hand wrapped around me and guided me back inside her. My own climax had built up and I thrust into her roughly as her arms found their way around my shoulders. I reached up and teased one of her nipples. She stared into my eyes before kissing me deeply. She broke the kiss and buried her face into the crook of my neck. My thrusts grew forceful and erratic as my own impending climax built up. I felt her warm breath tickle my ear as she whispered. 


"Mark me, make me yours." 


"Fuck," I grunted out. "Are you sure?" 


"Yes! Claim me!" She cried out. 


I felt her fangs sink into my neck and I growled. I felt my own fangs elongate before I bit down on her shoulder. She threw her head back as she climaxed. I withdrew my fangs from her shoulder and watched as the puncture marks closed. Her lips found mine, I tasted my own blood on her lips. 


"Fuck Selene, I'm gonna cum." I grunted out. 


"Inside me! Pump a baby into me." 


I cried out in pleasure before pushing myself deeper into her. I felt her shudder as her walls contracted around me, pulling me deeper as I blasted ropes of hot spunk into her womb. She bit into me again this time pulling my blood into her mouth as she took in my fluids through both sets of lips. I reciprocated her actions and bit into the same spot I had bitten earlier. I sucked on the wound and her exquisite blood flooded my mouth. Taking a mouthful I got flashes of her memories, her love for me, and the memories she had of the times we shared. My cock slipped out of her and I carried her over to the bed. Selene had seemingly fallen asleep, smiling at the slumbering woman I got into the bed next to her. Pulling the blankets around us I held her close and soon followed her into the realm of dreams. 


[Lemon End]


I woke up a few hours later feeling more refreshed than I have ever been in weeks. Selene was still asleep so I pulled up my notifications and scanned through the new messages starting from the first one. 


Affection with Selene Maxed New Perk Unlocked 


Perk: Moon's Lover: 

Perk rewarded for reaching 100 affection with Selene. You gain a 200% boost to all stats under the light of the moon. Player also gains experience 50% faster in the same conditions. 


Selene added as Life Mate


User Input Bypassed

Selene Impregnated 


My eyes bulged at the last notification. I felt a weight settle into my gut. I quickly cast Time Lock and jumped out of bed cursing loudly before looking at the notification again.


'Hera! What the fuck. User input bypassed?' 


Sorry Blake, the Moirai forced that to happen 


'What. The. Fuck! The fucking Fates? Why are they interfering? Why now?' 


They didn't say, they just said that it had to happen 


'That's a load of shit, FUCK!' 


I'm sorry…


I sighed, closing my eyes. I took a few deep breaths before opening them again and dismissing the notifications. 


'It's fine Hera, it's not your fault. I should be happy, I- I am happy… I've always wanted to be a dad. I guess I just have to speed my plans along.' 


I swear on my divinity Blake, I'll make it up to you when you finally get to my world 


I didn't reply, I turned back to the sleeping Selene and sighed. Unfreezing time I used Observe on her and caught a glimpse at the changes to her stats. 




Selene Lvl. 400

Race: Corvinus Strain Vampire (620 Years Old)

HP: 3,000,000/3,000,000

SP: 200,000/200,000

MP: 10,000/10,000

Allegiance: Vampires

Affection: 100

Status: Death Dealer, Life Mate

Bio: Selene was sired by Viktor after he murdered her entire family upon their completion of his fortress. He spared her due to her likeness to his daughter, Sonja. Selene has avenged her family by striking the killing blow on Viktor. After drinking the blood of Alexander Corvinus she has gained immunity to sunlight. Her goals realized she now seeks to build a life with Blake Corvin, her life mate. She is currently carrying their child. 




'Well that confirms it, I'm going to be a father.'


Selene let out a yawn as she slowly sat up and looked over to me. I gave her a smile before joining her in bed. She snuggled into my arms and I held her close. I had promised her that there would be no more secrets between us. I was afraid of how she would react. Holding my breath I looked down, Selene was tracing small circles on my chest as she looked at the sunlight streaming through the crack in the curtains. 




"Yes?" She said as she looked up at me from her spot in my arms. 


"I need to tell you something."