
How it started

(A/N: Hey guys this is a new fanfic I started working on, if you've come from my other Fanfic, Template system in danmanchi, than you must know someone very dear to me passed away, while taking a break I lost some ideas for that fanfic but came up with this one. I will update that fanfic soon but in the meantime I do hope you like this one as well. I will try to update both fanfics when I can and as always I hope you like the chapter.)


(1st P.O.V.)

In a dark infinite void, layed a white shining ball, that shining ball is me. 

"Hi, I'm Xander and if you couldn't tell from this infinite dark void I'm in, than well you must be stupid, as clearly anyone can tell I've died." I said 

" How I die you must be asking, well let me take you back to ….I believe 2 weeks ago." I said

" Wait you must be wondering how I know how long I've been here too huh, well when you're stuck in a seemingly infinite dark void, counting time just helps, you don't even go crazy from it, clearly, did you know I'm stuck in a infinite dark void, well did you know counting time just helps you not go crazy?, did you know I'm stuck in a seem- wait let's get back to track." I said 

*2 weeks before death*

I was having a terrible day today, I failed my bench pr of 315, My girlfriend dumped me for my gym bro, and some lunatic ran into my car while it was parked in the parking lot. 

I had to walk all the way home, exactly 7 miles, and after a 3 hours gym sesh, I was so tired that I dint walk fast enough and missed the last bus leaving. 

Truly a terrible day, I dint see how my day could get any worse than it already had.

( A/N: He really raised the flag there)

As I got home I opened the door threw my gym bag on the couch and went to lay down on my bed. Just when I layed down and was about to bust out in tears a truck crashed into my roof and killed me on the spot.

Yeah you heard me, A LITERAL FUCKING TRUCK. I mean how the hell does that even happen?

How drunk, wasted, and high do you have to be at the same time to let that happen? I dint even get to see the bastard that killed me.

*Back to the present*

" Well now that all of you have caught up, you must be thinking "he died on a crappy day" or " damn his girl dump him for his gym bro, car got crashed into and he died all on the same day" right? Right?" I said 

" Yeah you can think whatever you want, truth is the truck did me a favor, I mean that girl was my everything, I was an orphan ever since birth, dint know my family, dint have much friends either, yea cliché, I know." I said 

"But, I did have my gym and that was enough, that's where I met her and my gym bro, but who would've thought she would have left me for him after our 2 year relationship. I mean, I really thought I was going to marry her." I said 

" So after everything that happened maybe just maybe, it would've been to much for me now that I think about it, maybe I would've taken my life sooner or later, and the truck just did me a favor." I said 

" That doesn't mean I'm not mad about it though. I mean just randomly dying is not a good way to die" I said 

" Hahaha man I'm going crazy, explaining my circumstances out loud to no one" I said with a laugh 

" I mean there is nothing or no one out here but me in this dark space, and I just went ahead and explained everything, it would really help if someone did listen, at least I would know I dint go insane." I said with a sad look

Now that I think about it, did I even have a sad look? I mean I am just a white shining ball, no?

"Well I know if I was the Mc of a book or fanfic just like some I've read in my past time as an otaku everyone would get a kick out of my ranting and situation." I said 

"I know this because if I was reading someone else in this exact same situation I would laugh and post memes on the chapter with the small hope that someone finds it funny and laughs" I said with a reminiscent look 

* Time skip no jutsu: 3 Months later* (A/N: Someone comment kakashi doing that 100 seals meme)

" Welp, all I can say is, I'm fucked. I'm not sure I can take much more of this any longer." I said 

" It's been 3 Months and 2 weeks since my death and I've been in the same infinite dark void." I said 

" Is this what happens after death really? I mean I was never really a devout worshiper of any religion. So I guess this is what I get huh." I said 

" If I would've known maybe I would've gone to church more, and maybe I would've gotten baptized or something." I said 

Then out of nowhere I found myself in a white space which completely blinded me. I mean it was so white, I'm pretty sure it was whiter than a fresh pair of Air Dorces.

( A/N: not a typo) 

In front of me was a tall being bathed in a white glow sitting down on a big throne.

I dint know what to do or say, since after all prior to this I've just spent 3 months alone in a dark space by myself, I'm pretty sure I forgot how to act in front of people, or maybe I'm just to nervous and scared right now I'm not sure what to think.

" Uh, hi there, I'm Xander nice to meet you big tall white glowing person or deity?" I said somewhat asking as well 

" Hello there young soul, sorry for making you wait, had to make sure the Omniverse I rule was working properly before we met." He said to me 

" I'm what your people would call A Random Omnipotent Being or R.O.B for short." R.O.B. Said 

" Well hi R.O.B., I'm not sure what I'm doing here so would you mind telling me?" I asked 

"Hahaha, certainly I can Xander, well you see, Your death was partly my own fault and ignorance." R.O.B. said 

" You see while overseeing Earth, one of the many planets with life on my Omniverse, I accidentally tap on the planet while swiping on it and it caused a certain truck to spiral out of control and crashing into your roof and thus your death was the outcome." R.O.B. said 

" I see…. very well while that is a shitty way to die, there's no use whining over spoiled milk. What's in the past is in the past." I said 

" Hmm, interesting, usually someone in your situation would get mad and ask for wishes or something to make up for it." R.O.B. said 

" Well, like a wise being once said, yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, and that is why it is called the present." I said 

" While it doesn't necessarily meet the standards for this particular situation, it helps me calm down, I know you dint do it on purpose and that's enough for me, I just have one question though , what will happen to me?" I asked 

" Will I go to heaven or hell or go back to that dark space." I said with a wondering look 

Wait would you look at that I got my body back, well sorta it's a spiritual body kind of like when Doctor Strange steps out of his body 

" *cough* well Since you took this situation with a calm head I will be giving you wishes, yes, just like those fan fictions you've read, though your lucky as if you did ask for them as they did, I would have sent you back to that dark space forever." Said R.O.B.

" Well thank you R.O.B., and I know you don't own me anything. So expecting a literal Omnipotent being to be sorry about the mistake he committed and give you wishes in return for it, well that's just stupidity." I said 

" Exactly Young Xander, honestly where do they get the idea that a R.O.B. will bow down to a human like that, we're Omnipotent beings after all." Said R.O.B.

" Alright back on track you get 3 wishes no more and no less so think carefully." Said R.O.B.

" Very well, but I do have a few questions, is there a limit to the wishes, and will I be able to chose any world of my choosing with the background as well?" I asked 

" Hahaha what a wonderful question young Xander." Praised R.O.B.

" No, no limits, however if your wish exceeds the world you get I will make restrictions or tweak the wish." Said R.O.B.

" As for the world, it'll be random and the background well that'll be up to me, so are you ready?" Asked R.O.B.

" Alright that's understandable, I like to work hard for my power anyway, though I'm just as human as anyone too so a powerful cheat will always be welcomed." I said with a smirk 

" For my first wish, I would like Satous system from the death march anime" I said 

" hmm a very powerful system indeed, allowed, but remember if the system exceeds the world you get, I will have to tweak it a little bit" Reminded R.O.B. 

" Very well that's understandable, for my second wish, I would like some of the skills from the gamer system, mainly being, Id create , Id escape, shop, gamers mind, and gamers body." I said 

 " Very well, allowed." Said R.O.B.

" For my final wish, I wish for a skill to let me traverse to other anime, movie, and game worlds, and every time I go to a higher world than my previous one, my system updates to that world thus allowing me to become more powerful." I said 

" Hahaha, well that's an interesting way to bypass the random world you'll be in, very well I'll allow it, now to see what world you'll get." Said R.O.B.

R.O.B snapped his fingers and a giant and I mean giant roulette came out of nowhere, within every option there was many worlds I knew.

Like Marvel cinematic, Dragon ball, One piece, God of War, Elden Ring, Naruto, kuroko no basket, Food wars and many more 

( A/N: yes I did use an actual roulette for this, the random world being random was true)

" Well give it a spin and see what you get." Said R.O.B.

I did as he said and went up to the wheel though I dint think I would move it.

I surprisingly did it easily, the wheel spun and spun until it finally landed on one name, and I couldn't hide my smile.

A world where I can unleash the potential of the death march system, the Naruto world.

" Hmm and interesting world indeed, unfortunately the system exceeds the world, so I will tweak it a bit, the system will only let you become as powerful as that world can allow you so that means, no more than Ōtsutsuki level." Said R.O.B,

" Well I can work with that, besides with the right timeline and background I can quickly become powerful, and even an ordinary Ōtsutsuki is way more powerful than a Kage level shinobi in the Naruto world." I said 

" Alright for my background, what will it be R.O.B." I asked 

" Well since you were nice company and did manage to humor me and make me laugh here and there, I'll transmigrate you as your favorite character from that world." R.O.B. said 

" Wait that means I'll be transmigrated a-…" I tried to say but was interrupted as a portal appeared and sucked me in before I could finish the sentence 

" Hmmm, well I hope you live a wonderful life Xander, and please do entertain me here and there as I'll be watching over you." Said R.O.B. After Xander left 

" Speaking of which I should get going, the new episode of the Solo Leveling anime came out." Said R.O.B. As he left the white space 

( A/N: man's got his priorities straight)

Quote of the day: The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall- Nelson Mandela 

End Of chapter 1


Well I hope you liked the chapter enough to give this Fanfic a try, I'll try to make it as entertaining and fun for all of you to read. I'm not as well versed in the Naruto lore as I was in the past so if you see a plot hole from me please tell me and I will fix it when I can.