
So it begins

(A/N: well guys welcome to chapter 2, I want to get this fanfic to chapter 4 before I write for my other one as I'm still sorting some ideas out for it. Now I know some will complain for the character I chose but just give it a chance, I have many things planned for it, and I've also always wanted to write a Fanfic base on this chosen character. Hope you enjoy the chapter.)


"As Obito Uchiha" I said 

I suddenly appeared in an unknown room to me before, that was until unknown memories appeared and I suddenly knew where I was

" I'm Obito Uchiha now huh, and this is my house." I said as I started looking around 

It was a small house, consisting of 2 rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room.

"Luckily or unluckily for the old Obito, His or well my grandma passed away already due to old age so I don't have to worry about anyone while at home." I said while standing up from the floor 

(A/N: I did some extensive research about Obitos grandma but nothing came up, closest was she either died before or during the Uchiha Massacre)

As I stood up I went and directly went towards the mirror, as I figured it would be best to get accustomed to my new look

"Not to shabby if I'd say so, but these goggles have got to go, they completely hide my good looks." I said annoyed 

" There much better." I said once again looking at the mirror

"Now from the memories, I'm currently 12 years old and it's year 61 of the Konohagakure calendar, so that means I've got about one year before I'm "supposed" to "die". " I said 

" Before anything, I need to get some new clothes man, these are utterly disgusting, seriously it's like I was the original Naruto before Naruto, with him only wearing orange and all." I said while looking at what I was wearing

I went towards my drawer and took out my wallet which oddly enough was a toad wallet and also a sealing scroll I had 

" Seriously was I supposed to be Naruto before Naruto or something? " I said with a bewildered face expression 

" Alright one more thing to add to the shopping list, some new clothes, weapons, new wallet, and some food." I said making a imaginary list

I quickly counted the money and found out I had about 25,678 Ryo which the past Obito has been saving up to buy Rin a present 

" Oh well, clearly he's chasing the wrong thing, money over girls all the way" I said 

" Like they said in my previous life, a girl may be your girlfriend one day and not the next day, but money will always be money." I said with a shrug 

(A/:N: don't take that advice seriously, find a loyal and trustworthy girl instead. In my opinion at least)

I headed out, and without much surprise no one in the clan bothered to look or even say hi to me

" Truly only the genius are recognized in this clan." I muttered in a low tone 

I made my way out of the Uchiha compound and exited the gates, walking straight towards the market area of the village 

It took me about 10 minutes to finally reach it and headed straight in towards the first store, The weapon store

" Hello Takamuchi-san, I'm here to buy some new weapons, my old ones broke during my last mission." I said with an embarrassed tone and scratching the back of my head at the same time 

' Truly if I don't want to stand out, I need to make sure I still act like the old Obito would' I thought 

" Ha coming again so soon, you must learn to take care of your equipment Obito brat, go and take a look and come to pay afterwards." Said Takamuchi while taking a puff of his pipe 

" Hahaha Alright Takamuchi-san, I'll do that." I said with an embarrassed laugh 

' Just one more week before I show signs of changing, I can last that much." I thought with a serious expression 

I went through the store while thinking of what to buy that would help me on my first id-create world 

I quickly grabbed a Katana since I've always been a fan of it, I also grabbed about 20 shurikens, and 10 Kunais 

' The katana cost 8,500, while the Shurikens are 120 a piece and the kunais are 150 a piece so the total should be 12,400 which leaves me about 13,278 Ryo left for the clothes and food' I thought 

I went towards the counter and saw old man Takamuchi still puffing on his pipe

" Here Takamuchi-san this is about all." I said showing him everything 

" Hmm with all this is looks like your preparing to go out to war brat, and a katana huh never seen you use one before." Said Takamuchi 

" hahaha well it recently caught my eye and thought to give it a try, so how much?" I asked as I reached for my wallet 

" Just give me 10,500 Ryo brat, and instead use the rest to buy your grandma some flowers and visit her grave." Said Takamuchi 

" Ah, thank you so much Takamuchi-san I'll be sure to do so." I said as I gave him the cash and bowed 

I took the items and put them in a sealing scroll I had, not forgetting to bow once again towards the old man as I left 

" You truly raised a good grandson my old friend, if only you got to see him grow old." Said Takamuchi with a sad expression as he saw Obito leave 

*Backt to Obito*

As I left the weapon shop I quickly headed for the clothes store next, as I clearly can't keep wearing these old clothes 

Although Obitos grandma made these for him, I have no attachment towards her so I don't need to continuously wear them 

I bought some black anbu pants, a pair of blue, red, and white shirts and quickly left the store 

" Clothes only costs me 3,500 Ryo and the wallet was 350 Ryo which leaves me 11,328 Ryo left for food and the flowers." I said 

Obitos Grandma may not be mine but I must keep my word to that old man, I'm a man of principle after all

Afterwars I made my way towards the Food section of the market and bought some meat, rice, and dough for food.

" After all the expenses I'm left with 9,867 Ryo, enough to last me for the next 2 weeks or so." I said 

Afterwards I made my way towards the Yamanaka Flower Shop, I entered and saw many different kinds of flower some I've never seen before 

" Ah Obito, what brings you here?" Asked Inoichi 

" Hey Inoichi-san I'm here to buy some flowers for my grandma, I'm visiting her grave today." I said 

" Oh, than would you like some help or you got it?" He asked 

" I got them already Inoichi-san, I'll need an assortment of Red and white Roses." I said 

' From Obitos memories I remembered his grandma used to like these two roses the most' I thought 

" Very well let me get to the back and prepare them for you, that'll be 850 Ryo by the way." He said as he left towards the back of the store 

' Damn that's a lot.' I thought 

He came back quickly and I payed and left with the flowers making my way towards the graveyard of Konohagakure 

Whiel on my way I saw a store selling mask and saw one that he remembered the Future Obito would use.

" Is this fate or what?" I asked out loud 

I decided to buy the mask, in my last life it was one of my favorite mask that Obito used 

" Now all I need is the Akatsuki robe to complete the look" I mused while putting the orange mask in the sealing scroll

* Scene change no jutsu: Konohagakure Graveyard*

I quickly arrived at the graveyard and found my grandmas

I walked up to it and knelt down 

" I know I'm not the original Obito, but I promise you, I'll try to be a man that'll make you proud." I said as I put the flowers down 

" I'm not a man of many words, but, I know that the old Obito loved and missed you everyday you weren't there, I hope you find peace in the afterlife…Grandma." I said 

" Huh, well would you look at that." I said with a sad expression

Unknowingly some tears had started to fall down as I touched my face 

I stayed a few more minutes talking with her, unknowingly I had started to have affection for her , it might be Obitos old feeling affecting mine, but I dint mind it

I then left the Graveyard and headed back towards the compound, it was finally time to start my grind

On my way I saw Teuchis Restaurant and decided to stop by and eat the legendary ramen all Naruto fans dreamed of eating 

" One bowl of your most delicious Ramen old man." I said 

" Oh Obito nice to see you again, haven't seen you in 2 weeks." He said 

" Hahah well I had a lot of missions." I said 

" Ah that makes sense, the life of a Shinobi is always busy after all." He said 

I quickly received the Ramen and I must say, Naruto under hyped it, I mean it was so good I'm sure that if it was made in food wars it would cause a whole food coma to whoever ate it 

While eating I heard a familiar voice behind me 

" Obito-kun I dint expect to find you here." Said Rin 

" Rin-san, hi how are you doing?" I asked with a smile 

' Wow now I see why Obito was head over heels for her, she really is beautiful ' I thought 

" I'm okay, are you ready for tomorrow? It's another long day of D-rank missions after all." She said with a sigh

" Ugh don't get me started, seriously as the future Hokage I need to at least go on C-rank missions." I said with fiery eyes 

As I said that she chuckled a little 

" I'm sure we will Obito-kin. Speaking of which would you like to g-" she tried to ask but was interrupted by me

" Sorry Rin-san I've got to go, I need to do something right now." I said as I ran away, of course not forgetting to leave the cash for the food

" Hahaha don't worry Rin, you can confess to him later, he seems in a rush after all." Said Teuchi 

(A/N: W wing man)

" A-ah no you've got it all wrong Teuchi-san." Said Rin with an embarrassed expression as she peeked at Obito running

' Seriously I can't keep acting like that, it's draining me mentally' I though as I stopped running 

" Sorry Rin, but right now I don't have time for you I need to get on the grind." I said 

I finally made it back towards my house. I opened the sealing scroll, I quickly took out everything and put away all the groceries first, and than put some of the clothes in the drawer 

I than change into another pair of clothes and took out the mask and put it on 

He was currently wearing, the orange Akatsuki mask, some black anbu pants, a blue shirt with the Uchiha logo on the back, and some black Shinobi sandals/shoes.

" Not bad if I do say so myself." I said as I looked at the mirror 

" Now finally after a long day, it's time." I said 

" id-create." I said and suddenly found myself in a completely different world 

The end of Chapter 2

Quote of the day: Hard work is worthless for those that don't believe in themselves"- Naruto Uzumaki 


(A/N: Well I hoped you enjoyed Chapter 2, Honestly it's 4:37 AM at the time of me finishing this chapter and I've got classes in 2 and a half hours, so ima go and get a small nap before that, if you find plot holes please let me know as I'm tired and might've made some mistakes. Also for love interest, I've got 2 in mind already, I'm open for 3 maybe 4 so comment who you want in, the top 1 or 2 most popular of the votes will get in for the story so suggest and vote.