
Gamer ROB in a Multiverse? Maybe?

So, I am trying to do this out of boredom and to start writing in English again. I got this idea literally while showering a few days ago, so don't expect much because I have absolutely no idea where to take the plot and will also make a shit-ton of mistakes regarding characters and world-building. So, this guy finds himself in a room, with a ROB, and is thrown in an entire Multiverse made to be his playground. Oh, there's a system and he's not so sane, but those are details, right? I own jack shit, and you know that perfectly well. I mean, I guess that I got the idea for the MC? Maybe? Does that count?

Random_Random_3433 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 5

Soon enough, a week passed. I entered quite the boring routine in these days: wake up late in the morning, go to the Guild to cash in my drops, tour the city or eat out with Athena, go home, sleep some more, go to the Dungeon during the night until morning, sleep until late in the morning, repeat.

I am probably among the richest Adventurers in Orario. Surely in the Top 20. I have an average income of 20 million per day thanks to my overwhelming LUK attribute. I ended up getting some new magic, to get more options: Apocalyptic Magic, Explosion Magic, Elemental Magic, Enchantment Magic, Runic Magic, Blacksmithing Magic, Sin and Virtue Magic. To be honest, I descended up until the 37th Floor and didn't have any particular problem killing the mobs. My pistol was getting 'out-leveled', but it could still be used until the Deep Floors.

I started looking through my Status while lazing around in the bath..

{Name: Jules Dumont

Race: Human

Title: ROB in Training; Coldblooded Maniac; Regicide; Nocturnal Hunter

Level: 132

Class: Future ROB



STR: 750

VIT: 652

DEX: 1000


WIS: 589

CHA: 87

LUK: 209

Free Points: 0


Gamer's Body - Lvl. Max

Gamer's Mind - Lvl. Max

Self-Defense - Lvl. Max

Knife Techniques - Lvl. Max

Pistol Master- Lvl. Max

Sniper Master - Lvl. Max

Survival - Lvl. Max

Mana Meister - Lvl. Max

Database - Lvl. Max

Merging - Lvl. Max

Area Scan - Lvl. Max

Aimbot - Lvl. Max

Enhanced Reflexes - Lvl. Max

Quickdraw (Pistol) - Lvl. Max

Gun-Fu - Lvl. Max

Stealth - Lvl. Max

Assassination - Lvl. Max

Bloodlust - Lvl. Max

Support Magic - Lvl. Max

Magecraft - Lvl. Max

3D Maneuver - Lvl. Max

Enhanced Balance - Lvl. Max

Linguist - Lvl. Max

Apocalyptic Magic - Lvl. Max

Explosion Magic - Lvl. Max

Elemental Magic - Lvl. Max

Enchantment Magic - Lvl. Max

Runic Magic - Lvl. Max

Blacksmithing Magic - Lvl. Max

Sin and Virtue Magic - Lvl. Max

Perks: (Collapsed)}

And then I checked my Falna Status.

{Name: Jules Dumont

Race: Human

Familia: Athena Familia

Level: 4

Stats: (Collapsed)


Hildis Vini - EX

Stortus Ottar - EX

Jaeger - EX

Opening Shot - EX

Development Abilities:

Chain Attack - EX

Hunter - EX

Abnormal Nullification - EX

Crush - EX

Strong Body - EX

Tracking - EX

Existence Concealment - EX

Assassin - EX}

Pretty nice, I'd say. But it isn't time for me to be happy about my status. It is time for my 'companions' to arrive. Athena was doing her own things, sending letters to Loki about a future alliance and becoming their expedition members, so I just went out on my own, much better that way.

I quickly exited Orario like nothing thanks to my Stealth and Existence Concealment abilities. I headed to a forest about half an hour of jogging from Orario. This meant about a hundred kilometers or so. What an improvement in just a week. I checked on the map that no one was anywhere near me, then started looking through the Summoning section of the Shop. As I had seen previously, I can summon anyone, literally. But, obviously, why would I summon just anyone?

I selected my first companion in this world and many others, then looked as a magic circle started manifesting and shining brightly. I also noticed some command spells etching themselves up my arm, detailing a coiling Dragon made of glyphs. Even with my Linguist skill, I couldn't understand them.

Soon, a familiar brunette with a skimpy outfit and a massive floating… Thing(?) by her side.

"The goddess Ishtar has come in response to your summons, Master. As the Goddess of Beauty, I rule over Venus, fertility, war, and destruction."

I gave her a smile. "Welcome to DanMachi, Ishtar. Exactly how much do you know of your current situation?"

"I have been informed of everything, Master: your true identity, a rough psychological evaluation, your powers… The man you call Morgan ROB gave me a crash course on you! I am sure that we will have a ton of fun!"

"Indeed we will... Well, I should present myself just for the sake of it. I am Jules Dumont, Transmigrator, professional bad guy, currently affiliated with the 'Goddess' Athena. I look forward to adventuring with you, my dear Ishtar." I said in a calm voice.

"So… What are we doing now?"

"Now, I will be summoning two other companions." I said, and selected my second companion through the Shop.

Another magic circle, and another girl in front of me. Pale complexion, enchanting white eyes, short, white-blonde hair, and that sexy black armor.

"Servant, Avenger. Summoned upon your request.Wait, that's wrong. Avenger, Jeanne d'Arc. Where can I release my hatred?"

"The crazy bitch!" shouted Ishtar.

"The floating bitch!" shouted Jalter.

"Two beautiful girls!" I shouted. They stared at me. "What? It's true. Anyway, I will assume that you got the crash course on me like Ishtar here, right Jalter?"

"Jalter?! Well, I guess it's fine… Yeah, I got the info from Morgan ROB. Oh, how much I like that guy! He confirmed the fact that religion is bullshit!"

"Good, good. You will soon get a place to release your hatred, dear Jalter. For now settle down and maybe try to get along with Ishtar. There is no Holy Grail War here, so don't even think of getting away from me for quite a while."

I ignored the two blushing girls and looked at the Shop. Now I need a tank. And I know who to pick, even though she isn't specifically one. One last click on my interface and one last magic circle. Out came one last girl, similar to Jalter, just more… Flat…

"...I have come in response to your summon. Are you the one who is to be my Master? Argh, what a stupid question. I am Artoria Pendragon Alter."

"Again, I am just going to assume that you got an introduction from Morgan ROB." She nodded, so I continued. "While I already introduced myself to Ishtar and you all should know about me, I will do it properly. I am Jules Dumont, Transmigrator, professional bad guy, future ROB, currently affiliated with the 'Goddess' Athena. I look forward to adventuring with you three, my dear ladies." I even gave a curt bow.

"Master, this is all good and well, but where are the treasures/enemies/foodstuffs?" they all asked together.

"Easy, in a city about 100-110 kilometers that way. Follow me and we will get there soon."

"Master, not that I doubt you, but are you fast enough?" asked Jalter.

"Oh, how cute! You're worried about me!" She blushed and started stuttering. Oh, what do I do to women? "Don't worry. even if I don't outrun you, I doubt that I will fall behind while running."

After that, we started moving. Ishtar was flying on her bow-thing, while me, Salter, and Jalter were running. I picked on the latter a bit because she was too stuck up. I had to draw out her gentler side, her 'dere' side. We arrived within 20 minutes, but this time I had to get in line. Fortunately, there were only a couple of merchants with their convoys.

I had Ishtar unsummon her weapon since it was drawing a little too much attention. Well, all of my lovely companions were drawing attention. After all, they are all drop-dead gorgeous ladies, accompanied by arguably the sexiest man in Orario. Anyway, our turn arrived after a few minutes and I showed my identification papers to the guard. Adventurers have it easy and basically have free entry to the city. Ishtar, Jalter, and Salter were also let in immediately since they were my 'party'.

I led them through the main street until we arrived at the Familia's HQ.

"Here we are: home, sweet home. Come, I'll lead you to Athena. I have the feeling that you'll be able to become much stronger than how you are now."

I found my Goddess sleeping on the couch, so I had to prank her. I made an ice cube with magic and slipped it in her dress.

"Kyaa! Cold, cold, cold! Argh, damn you, Jules! Huh? Who are those three?"

"My companions. Remember how I told you that they would be arriving within a week? Well, here they are. I present to you the finest archer you'll find on this planet and connoisseur of gems and all sorts of shiny things: Ishtar!" Jalter and Salter clapped. "Here we have the edgiest, tsundere-est, angriest saintess in the history of manking: Jeanne d'Arc aka Jalter!" Ishtar and Salter clapped. "And here we have probably the most normal of us all. The adorable, super powerful tyrant: Artoria Pendragon aka Salter!" Ishtar and Jalter clapped.

Athena had a blank look on her face. "Are you done being a three year-old or do I have to regret allowing you into my Familia for a few more minutes?"

"I'm done."

"Good. Now, come with me, you three. I'll give you all Falna. In a separate room."

The process took a few minutes and Athena came out looking as if she had just run a marathon.

"You do know that you are all monsters, right?"

"Did I not mention it before? We are all very strong people and can easily get the Familia to A-rank within two years. Actually, with Ottar out of the game, we might be able to get S-rank within two years." My three companions looked smug as fuck when I said that they were powerful.

Since I was there, I checked their Statuses. Let's see…

Ishtar had STR and VIT at 500, DEX at 600, INT at 1000, WIS at 900, LUK at 900 as well, and, surprisingly or maybe not, CHA at 100. She had Magic Resistance at Lvl. 90, Independent Action at 85, Divine Core of the Goddess at 80, Shining Great Crown at 90, Mana Burst (Gem) at 95, Manifestation of Beauty at Lvl. Max, An Gal Tā Kigal Shē at 98, and Gugalanna Strike at 95. Pretty fucking nice.

Jalter had STR and DEX at 900, INT and WIS both at 950, VIT was at 400, CHA at 40, while her LUK was a measly 200. She had Avenger at Lvl. 80, Oblivion Correction at 90, Self-Replenishment (Mana) at 95, Self-Modification at Lvl. Max, same with Dragon Witch, Ephemeral Dream at Lvl. 90, and, finally, La Grondement Du Haine at 95. Also very nice.

Salter had STR and VIT at 900, INT and WIS at 975, LUK at 400, CHA at 20, and DEX at 300. She had Magic Resistance at Lvl. 80, Instinct at 80, Mana Burst at 90, Twilight Star at 90, and finally Excalibur Morgan at 98. She's broken. While she has lower DEX than everyone else in the party, she had Mana Burst and Instinct that made her a fearsome foe with that alone.

But now… I feel like I should get myself some skills, so as to not become outmatched. Yeah, totally not because my ego is in danger! Anyway, I quickly used Fifth Magic and stopped time. I went to look into the shop and bought a few Skills I liked: Self-Modification, Detective's Instinct, End of the Spider Thread, Inherent Insight, Abduction: Hypothetical Reasoning, Dragon Reactor Core, Twilight Star, Wisdom of Dún Scáith, God-Slayer, and Magic Nullification.

I then fused together Database, Detective's Instinct, End of the Spider Thread, Inherent Insight, Abduction: Hypothetical Reasoning, and Twilight Star. I got Truth at the Cusp of Twilight. I merged Mana Meister, Dragon Reactor Core, and Magic Nullification and got Being of Magic. Lastly, I fused all of my magic, including Hildis Vini, and got Fragment of the Akashic Library

{Name: Jules Dumont

Race: Human

Title: ROB in Training; Coldblooded Maniac; Regicide; Nocturnal Hunter; Aspiring Heroic Spirit

Level: 132

Class: Future ROB



STR: 750

VIT: 652

DEX: 1000


WIS: 589

CHA: 87

LUK: 209

Free Points: 0


Gamer's Body - Lvl. Max

Gamer's Mind - Lvl. Max

Self-Defense - Lvl. Max

Knife Techniques - Lvl. Max

Pistol Master- Lvl. Max

Sniper Master - Lvl. Max

Survival - Lvl. Max

Being of Magic - Lvl. Max

Truth at the Cusp of Twilight - Lvl. Max

Merging - Lvl. Max

Area Scan - Lvl. Max

Aimbot - Lvl. Max

Enhanced Reflexes - Lvl. Max

Quickdraw (Pistol) - Lvl. Max

Gun-Fu - Lvl. Max

Stealth - Lvl. Max

Assassination - Lvl. Max

Bloodlust - Lvl. Max

3D Maneuver - Lvl. Max

Enhanced Balance - Lvl. Max

Linguist - Lvl. Max

Command Spells - Lvl. Max

Command Spell Regeneration - Lvl. Max

Fragment of the Akashic Library - Lvl. Max

God-Slayer - Lvl. Max

Self-Modification - Lvl. Max

Wisdom of Dún Scáith - Lvl. Max

Perks: (Collapsed)}

And then I fused Stortus Ottar with Jaeger, Chain Attack, and Hunter, obtaining Unrelenting Chase. I also fused Strong Body with Abnormal Nullification, obtaining Untouchable Body. I then fused Tracking, Existence Concealment, and Assassin to get Covert Operator.

{Name: Jules Dumont

Race: Human

Familia: Athena Familia

Level: 4

Stats: (Collapsed)


Unrelenting Chase - EX

Opening Shot - EX

Development Abilities:

Untouchable Body - EX

Crush - EX

Covert Operator - EX}

Mm, very nice, much more compact and I actually feel stronger. I am still not ready for a Divinity, but I am getting closer. As a gut feeling, which is now backed by an actual skill (Truth at the Cusp of Twilight), I think that a century of mob grinding will suffice. That is only considering stats, but if I factor in my Skills and so on, I'd say two or three more decades. It is quite short for an immortal, so that's perfectly fine for me. Plus, it's not like my journey will finish there.

I unfroze time and acted as if nothing happened, though Ishtar looked scared for a moment. Must be my God-Slaying skill that threatens her nature as a Divine Spirit.

"Ok then, we should get you three registered as Adventurers for the Athena Familia, then we can go for a quick dive in the Dungeon. We should be able to go up to the 50th Floor quite easily, if we speedrun the upper floors."

I led Ishtar, Jalter, and Salter to the Guild and had them register with Davan. He looked lifeless after seeing their Level 1 Statuses. Heh, scrub, git gud. Oh, apparently, we will become a B-rank Familia once my dear companions reach Level 3. I think that it should be possible to do so within two weeks. I am sure that we will all have some crazy Alias by the end of the month. In fact, the Denatus is scheduled in a little over two weeks from now, something like 17 days.