
Gamer ROB in a Multiverse? Maybe?

So, I am trying to do this out of boredom and to start writing in English again. I got this idea literally while showering a few days ago, so don't expect much because I have absolutely no idea where to take the plot and will also make a shit-ton of mistakes regarding characters and world-building. So, this guy finds himself in a room, with a ROB, and is thrown in an entire Multiverse made to be his playground. Oh, there's a system and he's not so sane, but those are details, right? I own jack shit, and you know that perfectly well. I mean, I guess that I got the idea for the MC? Maybe? Does that count?

Random_Random_3433 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 4

"Come out. I know you are there." he said, with a completely straight face, looking at a boulder. I struggled to keep my laughter in since I was in a completely different direction. Oh well, time to end him. Though… I can enjoy playing with my prey.

I dropped my cloaking and cleared my throat. "Ahem! Oh no~! You got me~!"

Ottar looked at me in wariness, probably from my armor.

"Who are you? Why did you follow me?"

"Oh, that's easy~! I'll give you a hint! I am here to get a boar's head."

He narrowed his eyes and took his sword in hand. I instead took my pistol. If this is enough, I don't see why I should bring out the big guns. Though, after this, I should probably get some more destruc- 'interesting' magic.

He dashed at me and punched with his left arm. I could see it, but I was honestly taken by surprise by his speed, so I got hit. By reflex, I used Fourth Magic to redirect the velocity vector back against him.

Damn, my stats are good, but still not at his level. I used Observe on him and saw that most stats were over 100, with the exception of DEX. That was at 'only' 80. I took some distance from him while casting Time Alter - Double Accel on myself. Yes, Kiritsugu Emiya's Magecraft.

I saw Ottar wince in pain for a second, probably due to his bones breaking. I tried shooting him with my pistol, but the shots just stopped after hitting the skin. I circled around him while firing at his knees, his neck, his eyes, a human's weak points. Double Accel allowed me to really do whatever I wanted with insane leeway. I was just too fast for him.

Despite my efforts, nothing seemed to penetrate his skin, though I could see some scratches here and there. Mm, I should learn enchanting after this, so that I can make my pistol usable in the dungeon. Well, since that didn't work, I took out the Whisper of the Worm and stood a distance from him.

"Hey, little boar, I just wanted to let you know that I have nothing personal against you. Actually, I respect you quite a lot."

"Mm… I will let you know that I respect your speed and that I have nothing personal against you as well. Now, fight: your previous attacks were laughable."

I upped my Time Alter to Square Accel and took aim. I could see Ottar moving at almost a normal person's pace through my scope. What an incredible man! So fast, so strong, such a delicious prey… I aimed at his left knee and fired.

Completely by instinct, Ottar moved his leg and managed to only get scraped by the bullet. Still, most of his knee was blown off by the sheer power behind the bullet. Well, my test was successful: a powerful 'fictional' sniper rifle can penetrate through high-leveled Adventurers.

Seeing no need to make Ottar suffer for a long time, I aimed at his heart. He was still trying to understand what happened.

"Any last words?"

"I respect you. You are the winner."

"Truly exceptional." I took the shot and obliterated his heart, along with a part of his spine. Even if he, by some miracle, survived this, it wouldn't be hard to kill him now.

But there was no need for another shot. The mark I placed on him disappeared, meaning my hunt was successful. I stored my rifle, Ottar's body, and his weapon, then decided to level up while rising to the surface.

While ascending, I found many Adventurers running to my previous location, obviously curious about the sniper shots. It was louder than anything they had heard before, after all. Probably even louder than the Monster Rex's roar, at least on the first few floors. I don't know about the Udaeus and after that.

Stalking Ottar took me a couple of hours since he mainly ignored the mobs or just obliterated them with a punch. However, it took me six hours to ascend to the surface.

I jumped to a random roof and started looking through my Status.

{Name: Jules Dumont

Race: Human

Title: ROB in Training; Coldblooded Maniac; Regicide

Level: 42

Class: Future ROB



STR: 212

VIT: 196

DEX: 159


WIS: 203

CHA: 59

LUK: 138

Free Points: 205


Gamer's Body - Lvl. Max

Gamer's Mind - Lvl. Max

Self-Defense - Lvl. Max

Knife Techniques - Lvl. Max

Pistol Master- Lvl. Max

Sniper Master - Lvl. Max

Survival - Lvl. Max

Mana Meister - Lvl. Max

Database - Lvl. Max

Merging - Lvl. Max

Area Scan - Lvl. Max

Aimbot - Lvl. Max

Enhanced Reflexes - Lvl. Max

Quickdraw (Pistol) - Lvl. Max

Gun-Fu - Lvl. Max

Stealth - Lvl. Max

Assassination - Lvl. Max

Bloodlust - Lvl. Max

Support Magic - Lvl. Max

Magecraft - Lvl. Max

3D Maneuver - Lvl. Max

Enhanced Balance - Lvl. Max

Linguist - Lvl. Max

Perks: (Collapsed)}

And then I checked my Falna Status.

{Name: Jules Dumont

Race: Human

Familia: Athena Familia

Level: 3

Stats: (Collapsed)


Hildis Vini - EX

Stortus Ottar - EX

Development Abilities:

Chain Attack - EX

Hunter - EX

Abnormal Resistance - EX → Abnormal Nullification - EX

Crush - EX

Strong Body - EX}

Good, good… This is coming up really well. I skipped to Level 3. If I remember, it's possible when you do something very high profile. I guess that hunting Ottar and clearing eleven floors counts as two. To me, the stats are useless since my Gamer stats would always outscale my DanMachi stats, but the Skills and Development Abilities are useful.

Hm... I remember that Ottar had a skill of some sort for beastification, but I guess that a human wouldn't be able to use it either way. But I also didn't know that Development Abilities could evolve. I guess that you lose some and win some. Well, time to give Athena the good news.

I reached the Familia's HQ in a few minutes while munching on an energy bar I got from the Shop. I saw that Athena was taking a bath with my map, so I decided to wait for her in the living room. I changed into my more casual outfit and sat on a couch. She took almost an hour to be done, during which I almost fell asleep.

"You're back! Did you sleep in the Dungeon?"

"I theoretically have no need for sleep, it's just something ingrained in my routine. Anyway, I got rid of Ottar already. Care to update my Status?"

"You're already done?! Show me!"

"Show you what, idiot Goddess! Any normal person would have occulted the evidence already."

"But you're not normal, that much is obvious."

I sighed and brought out Ottar's body. "Happy now?"

"Very much so. Freya will lose so much prestige now! And let's not talk about her Familia's strength! Ottar was basically carrying the weight of all those idiots. Anyway, show me your back!"

I took off my clothes and showed her my back while lying on the couch. She traced her finger along my back and placed a piece of parchment on top of me.

"Seriously?! Level 3?!"

"Well, I guess that killing a Level 7 while being a Level 1 is a great enough achievement. I have some magic stones and drop items to cash in, so we might as well go to the Guild later. If you want our Familia to gain notoriety, you should give Davan this updated Status. Though, I guess that people might think that it is forged. I think that your should wait at least a month before giving it."

"A month is still unbelievable, but better than a few hours. It would also make us inconspicuous with all the storm that Ottar's death will raise."

Like so, I slept a couple of hours, then headed to the Guild an hour before lunch. This time I went to an exchange booth and was greeted by a female elf.

"Good morning! How can I help you today?"

"I have some magic stones and drops that I would like to cash in."

"Certainly, just place them here on the desk and I'll appraise them."

I started dumping all the magic stones I gathered from the eleven floors, including drops from Orcs, Blue Papillos, Jack Birds, War Shadows, Goblins, and Kobolds.

"Eh? Huh? W-what's this?!"

"The things I want to cash in."

"A-are you a veteran Adventurer perhaps?"

"Nope, I registered yesterday with Davan."

She looked confused, stunned, and impressed. She shrugged it off soon enough, murmuring something about a monster or something, and started appraising. She finished after a few minutes, thanks to an automatic sorter for the magic stones.

"Thank you for your patience. The total is 14538490 Valis. Quite the sum for your first dive!" She passed me a sizable sack filled with coins, which I stored immediately. I could feel the gazes from several people on me. I marked them all as my prey, just to make sure and not waste any possible prey.

"Thank you. Have a nice day."

Upon exiting the Guild, I decided to take the back alleys, in case some fuckers tried to ambush me. They would become part of my strength anyway. As I expected, three Adventurers were following me. They should be Level 2.

I switched to my armor and activated the cloaking device. I saw them arriving a few second after.

"Where did he go?!"

"Oi, Klein! You said that you would be able to find him anywhere!"

"I don't know what happened! Damn, I thought he was an easy target!"

I heard enough, so I made sure the three were marked, then shot them all with my pistol. Rest in peace, you will not be missed.

I headed back to the Familia's HQ while making sure that no one followed me, again. I then brought Athena to a good restaurant in the city, since we now had more than enough money. Well, she already had enough money, but couldn't exactly use it publicly. Now, with a Child, she can start using Hera's 'inheritance'.