
Gamer ROB in a Multiverse? Maybe?

So, I am trying to do this out of boredom and to start writing in English again. I got this idea literally while showering a few days ago, so don't expect much because I have absolutely no idea where to take the plot and will also make a shit-ton of mistakes regarding characters and world-building. So, this guy finds himself in a room, with a ROB, and is thrown in an entire Multiverse made to be his playground. Oh, there's a system and he's not so sane, but those are details, right? I own jack shit, and you know that perfectly well. I mean, I guess that I got the idea for the MC? Maybe? Does that count?

Random_Random_3433 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 2

After my little thinking session, I pulled up the system's map and tried finding a cave or something. I moved towards the North, since I roughly remembered a fan-made map from the wiki. There should be some mountains in the North, which means monsters and caves. Perfect for me.

While walking, I started formulating some theories. First, I can use my Magic perfectly, but my output is limited. I will need to find a way to improve on that, probably a Mana Manipulation/Circulation skill will do fine. Second: I can, probably, roughly emulate Accelerator's Vector Manipulation to make myself faster and fly. Third, though I didn't feel anything while killing the Goblin, I am not sure whether it is due to Gamer's Mind or myself. I am pretty sure that I am desensitized due to video games and my own outlook on life, so it's probably a mix. Fourth, while I can easily become a beast in close-quarters combat, it isn't my forte. Never has been, never will. I remember being a good shot in archery and with guns, that one time I tried shooting targets, so I will probably specialize in that.

Fifth, I found the cave I was searching for. Luckily, it doesn't seem to be inhabited, so I can settle here for a few days. Making sure that no monster or wild animal was nearby through Fourth Magic and the system's map, I focused on my Shop. I have different sections for weapons, armor, books, skills, bloodlines, trinkets, miscellaneous stuff, and summons. I will not dabble in summoning people just yet, since I want to first get a decent moveset.

For now, I can influence time, space, matter, vectors, and am immortal. I have no real attack, though I can probably invent something with Second Magic and Fifth Magic. I went to the weapons section and got myself a Smart Pistol from Titanfall. Such a great shop and a great man: I forgot to ask for a Multiverse shop, but Morgan ROB must have thought of it for me. I will offer him a drink when I see him again.

'I'll wait for that time.' I heard. I smiled a little and went back to shopping. Since I am getting stuff from Titanfall, I also got the Pilot suit for my armor and several mags for the pistol. This will suffice against weak monsters and the early floors in the Dungeon.

While trying to change into my new armor, I got the skill Re-Equip, so I can just leave the suit in my Inventory and use the skill when I need it. It's also a passive, so it will automatically equip my specified armor while in combat. Oh, my scarf remained even after putting on the armor, just that it was outside of it, around my neck.

I then focused on books and skills. Now, they should be roughly similar, but I better check. Books has a shit-ton of,well, books on different things, which I can either read or learn through the system. It's not only stuff which will be represented by a skill, but also novels, comics, manga… Skills on the other hand allows me to buy pre-made skills from all over the Multiverse.

I got a book on survival and learnt it through the system. I got the skill Survival, which helps me in anything related to the outdoors, tracking, hunting… I don't need to eat, drink, or sleep with Gamer's Body, at least theoretically, but I will still have the urge to do so due to being normal until a few hours ago.

I got the Mana Circulation, Mana Manipulation, Observe, Merging, and Area Scan skills. They instantly maxed and Observe 'evolved' into Analysis, then Database. I like this, quite a lot. Basically, it's a passive that creates a database with everything that I've seen, learned, and experienced, plus it fills in what can be deduced. It also functions as an active observation and analysis skill. Mana Circulation and Mana Manipulation maxed, but didn't evolve, so I used Merging on them, gaining the Mana Meister skill. This will be sufficient for now. I will kill some monsters around here, possibly marking them with my Hunter's Mark, and level up. A couple of days, then I'll head to Orario. For now, the sun is setting and I feel mentally exhausted, so I'll sleep, obviously with my weapon next to me.

The next day, I woke up only to find a wolf staring at me.

"Hello there." It growled at me, so I quickly took my pistol and shot its head. Fuck you, doggo. I liked dogs, so I kinda felt bad about it, then I saw that it was a male, quite young, and riddled with wounds. A young wolf, probably forced to leave the pack after becoming a burden. Probably injured during a hunt… Poor thing. Well, it would have most likely died in a few days to a couple of weeks, so I stopped feeling bad about it.

I put its corpse in the Inventory and bought an energy bar for breakfast, after which I used Area Scan. I felt a wave of magic leave me and act as a sonar. Interesting, I can easily replicate it, but this seems to be undetectable. How convenient. I found several monsters and wild beasts. I also seem to have found a colony of some sort, probably Goblins.

I checked the pistol and started moving towards my first targets. I found that I could mark beasts and monsters quite easily through the map, so I will just kill everything in sight.

The beasts were not a problem at all and they were all quickly killed. The Kobolds were a little harder. They had some sort of hierarchy, which I don't remember reading about, and had a 'sentinel' of sorts. The sentinel saw my visor's light, which was totally my shortcoming, and alerted his group. Since I thought that it would be a good chance to practice, I decided to attack them from the front, without hiding and shooting them one by one.

The Kobolds did have some rudimentary weapons, mainly sharpened sticks. The leader however had an actual steel sword, which must have been pillaged from a dead Adventurer.

I dashed towards the sentinel and kicked it away. I had strengthened a little thanks to my previous hunts, so I managed to down it. I shot it's heart while moving towards my next target. The Kobold this time thrust it's stick at me, so I ducked and shot its hand. The half-doggo dropped its makeshift spear, so I grabbed it and threw it at the leader. It got hit in the neck and fell down. I finished off the previous Kobold and stood up.

Three down, ten to go. I used the cloaking device and turned invisible, then circled towards their open backs. Since I saw that they offered no real challenge, even though I didn't have any particularly overpowered attack method, I just used the 'aimbot' and swiftly killed the ten monsters.

Having learnt from my mistakes, I made an impromptu ghillie suit to hide the light from my visor and Jump Kit. I continued to slaughter the monsters in the forest I was in until the end of the day. By the time I was done, I had killed two wolf packs, a couple of bears, three deers, a group of 13 Kobolds, and an entire Goblin tribe. The last one was quite 'interesting' since I faced it like a stealth mission in a game. Yes, I know, this is not a game, but it still worked!

I went back to my cave and checked my Status.

{Name: Jules Dumont

Race: Human

Title: ROB in Training; Coldblooded Maniac

Level: 21

Class: Future ROB



STR: 62

VIT: 71

DEX: 58


WIS: 74

CHA: 35

LUK: 102

Free Points: 100


Gamer's Body - Lvl. Max

Gamer's Mind - Lvl. Max

Self-Defense - Lvl. Max

Knife Techniques - Lvl. Max

Pistol Master- Lvl. Max

Survival - Lvl. Max

Mana Meister - Lvl. Max

Database - Lvl. Max

Merging - Lvl. Max

Area Scan - Lvl. Max

Aimbot - Lvl. Max

Enhanced Reflexes - Lvl. Max

Quickdraw (Pistol) - Lvl. Max

Gun-Fu - Lvl. Max

Stealth - Lvl. Max

Assassination - Lvl. Max

Bloodlust - Lvl. Max

Perks: (Collapsed)}

Yup, killing is the way to go. I have the feeling that I don't get all of the stats from the monsters and beasts I kill, but I will need to test it out on humans. No, probably it's just that my system's stats are not the same as this world's, thus I didn't get the same quantity. I mean, if they were the same, Bell Cranel would have been three times stronger than a normal human by the time canon started. Anyway, I have pretty good stats thanks to my mindless killing, but I do not agree with my new Title: I am not 'coldblooded'! A human is warm-blooded!

I got another energy bar from the shop as my dinner and started reconsidering my plan. While staying another day in this forest won't exactly be detrimental, I think that it is better for me to get to Orario, as the Dungeon would be a great source of EXP, plus the Falna system might actually give me some other advantage. I mean, right now I should at least reach Level 4 standards, just as a feeling, so it's not like I can't live without a Familia.

The next day, I woke up as early as sunrise and got another energy bar for breakfast. While munching on my 'delicious' breakfast, I contemplated how to get to Orario and how to speed up my trip. I can easily cross-reference my map with one bought from the system, which might actually just get combined, so I don't fear losing my way or never finding the city. What I do 'fear' is the distance. While I became much faster and stronger than a human, I am still going to travel several hundreds of kilometers, though that's just a feeling.

I decided to get my first set of magic from the shop: Support Magic. Since I was there, I also got Magecraft for the Enhancement and Tracing. Well, I could just buy the 'Skill Sets', as the Shop calls them, and get the entirety of a certain character's skills, but I don't really need that now.

Before heading out, I bought a world map from the Shop, so it was much more detailed than anything in this medieval place. As I expected, it directly combined with the system's map function. I forgot to mention, but the map function only shows the areas I've been to. I don't remember the original Gamer manhwa, but I'm pretty sure that this is a downgrade. Well, who cares when I can cheat with the Shop?

I saw that the distance to Orario, in a straight line, was around 200 kilometers, though I could take a detour and go through a road, which would bring the distance up to 220 kilometers, roughly. I decided to go through the most direct path, just to gain more experience aka cheating. 3D movement and enhanced balance was something I needed, but they didn't show up on my Status. I decided to buy them through the Shop, just to be sure.

I started running through the forest while using my Jump Kit to boost myself and jump from tree to tree. Damn, I feel like a chuuni ninja! While going, I decided to Trace a mag for my pistol, so that I wouldn't have to constantly buy them from the Shop when I'm out. It was also eco-friendly since the Traced mags would disappear after some time. Actually, I could make them with First Magic… Why didn't I think of it before? Oh well, same thing. Well, I might have to buy a certain skill from the Shop to make First Magic even more useful…

Anyway, it took me about four hours to get to Orario's outskirts, where I started seeing some production-oriented Familias and merchants. I saw an enormous line at the gate, so I did what every well-mannered man would do: activate the cloaking device and climb to the top of the walls, then jumping down. What? Did you seriously think I'd wait for who knows how long? Fuck that, I ain't got no time to lose! Though… I have no idea where the Guild is…

I unequipped my armor in an alleyway and bought Han Solo's outfit from the Shop. What? I'm a fanboy, sue me! Ahem! The outfit came with a holster, so I kept my pistol with me.

I found a kind lady on the street and got the directions to the Guild, so I started heading there. I also did a quick Area Scan to see what kinds of people there were in the Guild. TL;DR, there are only a couple of Level 1 and 2 weaklings and a single Level 4, which I guess would be a bouncer of some sort? A shame that I can't remotely Observe them. How do I know their Levels if I can't Observe them? Their response to Area Scan: a stronger person will produce a greater response, giving me an idea of what Level they are. Plus, gut feeling.