
Gamer ROB in a Multiverse? Maybe?

So, I am trying to do this out of boredom and to start writing in English again. I got this idea literally while showering a few days ago, so don't expect much because I have absolutely no idea where to take the plot and will also make a shit-ton of mistakes regarding characters and world-building. So, this guy finds himself in a room, with a ROB, and is thrown in an entire Multiverse made to be his playground. Oh, there's a system and he's not so sane, but those are details, right? I own jack shit, and you know that perfectly well. I mean, I guess that I got the idea for the MC? Maybe? Does that count?

Random_Random_3433 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 1

So, I was minding my own fucking business one day when suddenly I find myself in another place. What place? It looks like my university professor's office. The fuck did that pedo do? Did I get fucking kidnapped? He's an old man and I am still over 70 kilos, so I guess he wouldn't be able to do so… Did he get help? I need to find a weapon. A pair of scissors or maybe an old trophy?

Now, you might be wondering why I am sure that my professor did something strange. Well, it's because he had a couple of 'interesting' dealings with the police, but he was found innocent every time. I'm not buying it, in particular since one of his supposed victims was a girl I knew and had a crush on. She committed suicide, so I'll never forgive that old bastard..

While I was thinking about the pedo, I failed to notice the man entering the room. I say man, but we're talking about a legend here. Not a mere mortal, but something more… Someone who's tales will be passed down for generations to come! I turned around once I heard the door close and I saw HIM. Morgan fucking Freeman.

"Nope, not Morgan Freeman."

"Mind reading… So, I guess that you are some sort of God or maybe a ROB, right?"

"Let's go with ROB. 'God' as in your religious figure doesn't exactly exist. No, that's not exact: it's just that there are too many beings that fit the bill."

I nodded sagely and waited for Morgan ROB to continue. But he didn't, so I motioned for him to go on.


"What do you mean 'what'? Why am I here?"

"Oh, that! Sorry, I have way too many things on my mind. Ahem! You would be the lucky-unlucky winner of the 'Godly Raffle'! *Clap clap clap*"

"Yay? What does this entail exactly?"

"Let's start from the beginning. Well, not the beginning, but from the important things. I know you are familiar with the terms 'Omniverse' and 'Multiverse'. Now, the thing is that every moment, new worlds are getting created. Every single different choice we make leads to countless different parallel universes that then merge together or remain separated. When you imagine a universe, for example an Anime, you are actually creating one." He took a pause. "Now, there are some universes that we 'reserve' and then send people to mess around in and provide us with entertainment and, more often than you would think, fresh blood."

"Question: who is 'we' and what does anything you just said have anything to do with me?"

"Goddamit, Jules!" Yes, I'm Jules. "You're a goddamn weeb! You should have more or less understood where this is going! Ugh… 'We' means the Council, a group of ROBs that oversee one or more Multiverses, depending on your rank, experience, power level, and so on. As for why this is related to you, we decided to send you to one of those Multiverses that we 'reserved'. You will, possibly, become a new addition to the Council and the administrator of your own Multiverse when you are done with your adventure. Of course, we can't send an average… A below-average human-"


"-to a dangerous place like another universe, so you will get wishes."

I took a few minutes to internalize everything. This is a good thing. My parents are dead, I didn't have a wife or anything, just a girlfriend I recently broke up with. Nobody will miss me and I will miss no one…

"How many wishes can I work with? And where will I be sent?"

"Boy, I am a ROB, emphasis on 'Omnipotent'. Ask away, however many things you desire. Ah, no Omni powers, just because that would weaken me and become a hindrance in my daily routine. You will be sent to a Multiverse you consider 'fiction'. Anime, Manga, Novels, Movies… You get to choose your first world, since it will just be something interesting for us to watch."

Ok… This changes things a little. "I will think of my wishes a little. If I am taking too much time, please tell me." Morgan ROB nodded and I started thinking.

I need a way to fight, a way to protect myself, a way to progress fast, longer lifespan… I think I have a decent idea.

"Ok… Let's see… How about the Five True Magics from Fate?"

"Done. Well, not yet. I forgot to mention that you will be transmigrated to whatever place you want, so you will create your body, choose the timeline, and all that good stuff. Your wishes will be implemented afterwards."

"Got it. Since I got those… A Gamer system? One with a shop, if possible. Oh, with the stuff being free."


"Instant Mastery and Comprehension?" He nodded. "Power stealing?"

"When you kill anyone you mark, you will get their power. Be it human or not. Kinda like Kindred's ability from League of Legends. It seems like you played that game for some time."

"Indeed I did. For my last wish: absolute immortality."

"The immortality was already a given with the Gamer system and the True Magics, but I'll add it just so you chill and are reassured. You sure that is all? I forgot to mention it again, but this place isn't affected by time, so we can spend literally an unlimited amount of time here."

"Hm… Can you add the ability to summon people from the shop?"

"Sure. That's actually a pretty common request. Nothing out of the ordinary."

"Cool. Let's see… Can you send me to Danmachi? I'd like to be 18 by the time the plot starts and at least two years for me to create a foothold in Orario."

"Then I'll send you there as a 15 year old. Old enough to be an Adventurer and three years for you to gain some power and experience. Oh, just a heads up: you won't be able to sustain a Divinity straight away, so don't even try."

I nodded and was presented with a character customization window. Good thing that there are also pre-made models, cause I'm shit at customizing. I'll go with the most obvious choice and my favorite actor: Han Solo aka Harrison Ford. I am sure those two are the same person. Like, a previous life or something. And, I mean, just look at the man! He's fucking sexy! No homo, just pure appreciation from a perfectly straight dude.

Before confirming my choice, which I had the feeling would lead to my transmigration, I turned to Morgan ROB. "You do know that I am not exactly a good person?"

"Of course I know. I also know that you can do some good. I would classify you as a chaotic individual: if you want to do 'bad' you do so, if you want to do 'good' you do so. But, I guess that you meant 'would it be a problem'. The answer to that is no, you are free to do anything you want. You can kill everyone, help everyone, live an average life, become a ruler… Just do your thing, that alone will be interesting for us to watch. Oh, you will have your privacy, so don't worry about that."

I nodded. "Well then, this is a goodbye, I guess. Thank you for those wishes, I'll see you in a few decades or however much time it will take." I confirmed my character choice and blacked out.

I woke up again with a massive headache. I was sprawled on the ground and had some difficulty moving my body. I picked myself up with some difficulty and looked around: I was in a forest, seeing that my surroundings were filled with trees, clear skies, birds chirping around, a Goblin running at me… Wait.

I focused on the shitty Goblin and saw that it was a lone monster. It was quite small, probably a youngling or a weak one. It had a stone knife on him, which automatically made it a threat to me. I do have immortality and an immortal soul through the True Magics, but I sure as hell don't want to get stabbed.

I tried getting in a stance and heard a *ding*, then I moved a little and got in a better stance. Right, I didn't check on the system or anything else. This must have been Instant Mastery doing its job.

The Goblin lunged at me and thrust its knife forward. I grabbed and twisted its wrist, making it lose its grip on the weapon. I then kneed it in the stomach and took some distance.

I instantly fell in love with my Fourth Magic, since it kinda acts like an Observation Haki: since I know the position and movement of all atoms, I can 'sense' my surroundings. I am sure that if I increase my mental capabilities, I will be able to increase my output and become roughly Omniscient.

Anyway, I knew that the knife was closer to me than to the Goblin. Seeing as the monster was still stunned by my knee strike, I dashed forwards and picked up the knife. I arrived in front of the monster and plugend the weapon inside its throat, killing it.

I had heard several *ding*s during this little fight, so I looked at my system's interface.

{Name: Jules Dumont

Race: Human

Title: ROB in Training

Level: 2

Class: Future ROB



STR: 10

VIT: 10

DEX: 11


WIS: 13

CHA: 20

LUK: 100

Free Points: 5


Gamer's Body - Lvl. Max

Gamer's Mind - Lvl. Max

Self-Defense - Lvl. Max

Knife Techniques - Lvl. Max


First True Magic - Lvl. N/A

Second True Magic - Lvl. N/A

Third True Magic - Lvl. N/A

Fourth True Magic - Lvl. N/A

Fifth True Magic - Lvl. N/A

Hunter's Mark - Lvl. N/A

Instant Mastery and Comprehension - Lvl. N/A

Absolute Immortality - Lvl. N/A}

First thing I thought was 'Long'. Good thing that I can collapse the different parts of the interface, otherwise I fear that they would get quite bothersome. Second thing I thought was 'Damn, Harrison Ford is sexy even in Danmachi!'. I mean, 10 should be the normal human standard, and I am currently twice as charismatic. My luck checks out since I won a Godly raffle. WIS and DEX must have advanced during my fight. WIS probably because of my considerations on the Fourth Magic and quick thinking.

*Ding*... Yup, I got it right and got another point for both of them. Self-Defense and Knife Techniques also checks out, so no problem there. I checked the interface and it had my Status with a 3D model of my body, a separate tab for my Inventory, and yet another for my Shop and Summoning. I guess that Morgan ROB considers Summoning a type of purchase. *Ding*... Yup, another point for my WIS.

INT should be my 'processing power' and is enhanced by Fourth Magic, but that wouldn't explain why I am not Omniscient already. My WIS is probably limiting it. *Ding*, got it right.

I immediately got my scarf from the Inventory and wore it. Now I feel complete, even though it is just a plain beige scarf. Time to plan my next moves. I need: to find Orario, not too difficult, find a Familia, might be harder depending on which new Gods and Goddesses descended in the past months, train, and improve. Training should come first: I have three years and a perfectly suitable playgr- forest to train in. I'll spend a few days here to comprehend my new powers. Instant Comprehension will come in handy here. *Ding*, another WIS point. I feel like it shouldn't be this easy. I have the feeling that it's due to my Title and Class. *Ding*, and the WIS increase confirms it.

Great, now it is time to start my adventure to greatness, possibly while entertaining Morgan ROB and his friends/colleagues aka my future colleagues.