
Gamer Potter in the Marvel Verse(Rewrite)

Harry Potter died in the cupboard underneath the stairs but fate had other plans and brought a replacement to fulfill his destiny. I do not own any characters or the fictional world beyond my SI and any OCs. PS I'm writing for fun meaning there won't be steady updates and any criticism is welcomed.

Dao_of_laziness420 · Movies
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Recovery and Training

I woke up to a cracked white ceiling and the detergent smell of anti-septic. My body felt sore but nowhere near the level, it did when I was getting whaled on.

[You have slept in an uncomfortable position 56% of injuries healed]

Groaning I swept away the notification to take a look around. Nobody seemed to be around. 'Wait a minute I can sense magic in the school a large amount too. Slowly checking for people around I made my way to the exit.

"Can't we just obliviate the muggles and leave!" a female voice whined.

"You forgot something in that sentence!" a rather stern voice reprimanded.

"Can't we just obliviate the muggles and leave sir?" she said sounding more professional.

"I know this is your first outing but we have to fix anything destroyed by the magical outburst and in some cases obliviate the kid of the experience as well," The man said entering the room and passing by my still form hiding behind the door.

"Okay but why obliviate..." Nobody is touching my fucking memories I slinked out sliding away a notification. Deciding not to go to class I walked out of the school with a slight limp.

Passerbys gave me weird looks but all I wanted was to hit the hay. I have a fucking system and magic, and they still beat my ass. Fuck all of them and that sham of a school. I'm not leaving home for that until I can beat those little brats in a straight fight without magic.

After about 10 more minutes I was in front of the door and I thanked whatever deity was watching over me. Petunia seemed to be gone. Entering my room I poured as much magic as I could into the door and room with the command 'Don't notice me.' I instantly felt more exhausted.

Jumping onto the bed I pulled out some water and soup. I slowly ate as the events of the day circled around my mind. I could have easily turned a corner and made myself invisible or just kept do not notice me field yet my dumbass was treating everything like a muggle would have. Pulling up my inventory I picked out all the books that are useful to me.

Tengu: The Mountain Goblin by John Donohue, Martial Arts Lvl 1 0%

The Way of the Sword by Chris Bradford, Sword Fighting Lvl 1 0%

The Way of the Warrior by Chris Bradford, Martial Arts Lvl 1 0%

The Cuckoo's Egg by Clifford stole, Hacking Lvl 1 0%

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller, Detective Lvl 1 0%

... Martial Arts Lvl 1 0%

... (ERrOr !@#@$#^*%#@!) Sixth sense Lvl 1 0%

... Pickpocketing Lvl 1 0%

... Intimidation Lvl 1 0%

... Acting Lvl 1 0%

"I don't know why there's an error on that one but best to leave it for last. Awkwardly settling in I began to read.

Omniscient POV

Sometime after school, the Dursleys started looking for me and when they opened my door they found the disgusting sight it always is. Vernon was the first to give up after they checked the cupboard and the attic. With Dudley, and then Petunia giving up right after. There would be continuous check-ins but the past few times Harry ran away he was always brought back having forgotten he ever attempted to run. So Harry stayed in and read with the aid of a glowing ball of light watching skills roll in after each successive book. His focus ironclad.

By the start of the ninth day, he finally left his room and started his workouts once more except he pushed himself to his very limits with each exercise. He ran for a solid 45 minutes gaining 1 dex then started his pushups and every time he would fail Terry would appear in his mind and he would force himself to keep pushing gaining 3 str. Then he finally moved on to katas slowly moving along them and then trying to rush them. Repeating constantly brought him 3 points in dex.

Harry POV

I lay down unable to fully move my muscles aching and in pain. Slowly I forced myself my muscles spasming underneath me. 'I will get strong and I will take control. I will never be helpless again!' Charming myself to be unnoticeable I slowly limp back home and collapse in bed. As has become ritual-like for me I charm the whole room again reinforcing the original charm from all those days ago with most of my magic. While in bed I eat my laced food again and shift my now cramped body into a more comfortable position.


[Name: Harry James Potter

Age: 7

Lvl: 3 0/20 exp

Mp: 920/17950

Str: 11

Dex: 13

Perc: 12

Int: 16

Wis: 13

Cha: 20

Points: 6]

My goal, for now, is to hit the level of an average(15) adult with each point in strength giving me the ability to lift 2.5 KG. I'll keep grinding and when I get there I'll teach that brat to stop fucking with me.




MetaMorph Lvl 5 4%: You can currently change your eye color, hair length, and nail length.

Observe Lvl 20 5%: You can see a person's most prominent stat and some details about them.

Meditation Lvl 17 12%: You can connect with your magical energy.

Magic Energy Manipulation Lvl 29 21%

Intent casting Lvl 9 78%

Dishwashing Lvl 4: A technique to wash dishes. With greater mastery, you can clean any dirty spot. 20% increase in dishwashing speed.

Cooking Lvl 15: A rather good cook who knows their way around a kitchen. Food made by you will taste 15% better.

Martial Arts Lvl 3 0%: You are now barely efficient in using your body for fights.

Sword Fighting Lvl 1 0%: You know some theory on how to swing a sword. 5% more damage when wielding a sword.

Hacking Lvl 1 0%: You will be 5% more effective in hacking.

Detective Lvl 1 0%: You will gain a 2% keener eye for details.

Pickpocketing Lvl 1 0%: Plus a 5% chance to pick someone's pocket without them noticing.

Intimidation Lvl 1 0%: Plus a 5% chance to scare off enemies when activated. Also affects allies.

Acting Lvl 1 0%: Plus a 5% to be believed when acting.

Sneaking Lvl 1 20%: +10% chance you won't be found out when sneaking about.]

I still haven't read the Sixth Sense book yet as it's all about eldritch horrors and I don't want to meet any of them let alone get their attention. Surely there's a way to get the skill other than reading that book. Shuddering I dig into the bed more and sleep.