
Game of Thrones X Asgardian MCU [Dropped]

Son of the God of wisdom, MIMIR Takes up the mantle of the Gods in GOT universe, how will he get out of the clutches of R.O.B.,, how will North prosper under him? First 6 chap introductions of him from his original world, MCU https://discord.gg/TXRenRsfev https://www.royalroad.com/profile/352492/fictions . . Will seek the major universe MCU, GOT, etc etc First world GOT

STEVIOL_GLY · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Midgardian days IV

"What are the stones and where can we find them?" Steve Rogers asked

"Thor, Explain to them," I asked Thor, I would of course correct his wrongings.

"What are the stones you speak of Uncle?" Thor asked, his rage had not calmed down but he was civic to speak to.

"You have not been told? What the fuck is Odin doing not teaching his heir of the infinity stones?" I grimaced like he is 1500 years old, heir to the Asgard throne, God of hamme- Thunder and a fcuking thousand things but he is not taught of "The Infinity Stones"?


I took the main stage to explain the Avengers of the infinity stones.

"From the dawn of the universe, there was nothing. This was also the origin where only one point exist in the whole multiverse. *Boom*

The Big Bang sent six elemental crystals, hurdling across the virgin universe. These Infinity Stones each control an essential aspect of existence, They are manifestations, embodiments of the six concepts which govern the Universe."

"Each of them is shit-level powerful, and holding on in your hand gives you a one-way ticket to the afterlife because their power is not for a mortal can handle. Even an Asgardian can at most hold one without damage to oneself, but I very much doubt that.

Space. Reality. Power. Soul. Mind. And Time. And they are closer to you than you think they are.

They were scattered around the universe, but somehow in the previous century, they started coming close to Earth, more specifically the Nine realms and their meeting is not, will not be peaceful.

Space stone was first in the hand of Odin, which he for some reason left on earth, and was brought back to Asgard in 2012, you may know it as the-"

"Tesseract! That explains how I returned to Asgard without the Rainbow Bridge, Allfather just said it was a measly teleportation Artifact!"

"Yes, I don't know why he hid this fact from you, moving on." I took a sip from the during I had been served earlier.

"Reality stone, or Aether as you may call it was on earth in 2010 and was sent to the Collector, as Asgard already had the space stone, and Odin at least knew that keeping Infinity stones nearby each other is a foolish thing to do."

"Collector?" Steve asked.

"An Elder of the universe, one of the powerful extraterrestrial beings who are among the oldest sentient beings in all the cosmos," I explained.

"Power stone is to my knowledge hidden on a planet called Morag, don't ask how I know that."

"Soul stone requires a hefty sacrifice, so it's also hidden and safe somewhere, even I didn't know where."

"Mind stone was earlier before you, in the hands of Loki in 2012, embedded in Loki's scepter."

"Wait then Loki can use a stone on his will, Even Natasha held the scepter, she didn't die?" Tony asked

"Because she did not hold an infinity stone, he held a scepter, which can tap a measly amount of power of the Mind stone. If the stone is removed the scepter is worth nothing, and you have an object that could blast half this city without any effort."

"So we can use the stones with it being embedded in some weapon?" Tony continued.

"It's complicated. If you use a very small amount of power of what the stone could provide, then theoretically yes. But very carefully."

"And finally there is the time stone, which I would consider to be at the safest place, in the hands of Sorcerer supreme on earth."

"Sorcerer supreme?" Maria Hill asked

"There have been sorcerers. proficient in the mystic arts who protect the earth, the center of the universe from the harm of beings of other dimensions, before them, the Avengers are what an ant is to a meteorite, The sorcerer supreme guards the Time stone and is the strongest and nearly all-knowing, why she has not stepped in the game can mean two things- that this world will be safe-

"Or it is doomed to end." Thor continued the sentence.

"So you can see that there are already 3 infinity stones on the earth, 3 outside. This is outrageously dangerous. Time stone is the original stone which should have been the only stone that should be here.

Space stone from Odin to Earth to go back to Asgard.

Reality stone from Malekith the dark elf on earth back to Asgard and then Collector.

Mind stone which should have been on Titan to Earth via Loki.

Once is a coincidence but this even happening twice is already deadly, much less happening thrice."

Everyone had a grim expression on their face, the events had no logical explanations yet had a dangerous conclusion.

"What should we do?" Tony asked which was a surprise, yet not a surprise at the same time.

"Either enjoy what time we have left, three years you can do wonders. There could be more than three but we should take three as no good having our hopes up, or go to 177A Blecker Street to meet the current Sorcerer supreme and find someone to destroy at least the time stone, without it all others could not be returned from ash if destroyed. Remember You could do anything. I have no control over your lives, do anything you want. Now I would be returning on the path I have chosen, to live a life of exile with my waifu. Oh, remember you have a dangerous murder bot on the run, for starters defeat him at least."


"That was a lot to take in, I am contacting Fury," Maria said while leaving the Avenger's hall.

"We need an Ultron, just a better one," Tony murmured to himself.

"Tony, focus on the task before yourself, after this Ultron mess we would be meeting the Sorcerer Supreme." Steve continued "Avengers, the most dangerous task we could have landed is before us, I would give you a chance to bring anyone you can to help and leave if you want, as harsh as was, he was right. If three years is all we have, we should be with our loved ones. Anyone to take on that offer?"

" "

"As expected. Tony, if you would." Steve asked him to come up and continued "Captain as I may be, this is out of my limits, we need not a spiritual or motivational leader, we need a smart leader, step up."

"Firstly, We can't let this news go out as it would cause mass panic in peoples' hearts. also, Ultron needs to shut down, I have already stepped up F.R.I.D.A.Y. We would discuss this world-ending catastrophe after the one we already have at our hands is dealt with."

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