
Game of Thrones X Asgardian MCU [Dropped]

Son of the God of wisdom, MIMIR Takes up the mantle of the Gods in GOT universe, how will he get out of the clutches of R.O.B.,, how will North prosper under him? First 6 chap introductions of him from his original world, MCU https://discord.gg/TXRenRsfev https://www.royalroad.com/profile/352492/fictions . . Will seek the major universe MCU, GOT, etc etc First world GOT

STEVIOL_GLY · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Fiery women

Everyone forgot their pain, someone had his leg cut off, someone would not come home to see his child or wife, and someone would not live past a week, but they all were sad for Skaga only.

Suddenly the tent's mouth lightened up. Then comes smoke, white and black. And the whole of it was engulfed into a yellow hue.

Lila came outside with her hands carrying her child, who was burning with yellow and blue flames.

"Devil spawn! It was never allowed to name a child before 2 years and she now caught the ire of the Old Gods!"

"Devil spawn!"


"Walker, no it's the Other the elders spoke of!"

The old men of the tribe picked up whatever they could find- stick, wood, or iron, and raised their voices as if they were going to battle.

"Kill it! Kill it!"

"Kill it!"

Skaga watched and ran while covering the major wounds he had caught and tackled the leading old man of the group. Then he picked up his axe against the others, who had halted watching the strongest of the warriors before them.

"One step before me and I will free my tribe of some wastage of food and fire." The scene was quite endearing, but no one spoke.

"H-He is the Other! It is the duty of the first men to- to destroy the threat of the other!" The axe closed its distance to the elderly man's neck.

"He is my child, if he is the Night King himself then I would conquer the wall from him, fall back before kill you," Skaga said in a hushed voice, his wounds were coming up to him as his Adrenaline wore off and came back to him, and he was bleeding, nothing major but enough to worry about.

suddenly someone threw a piece of a broken axe, the metal part and it made its way to hit Lila's head, blood flowing from her head.

Skaga raged to attack the one who attacked but did not have the power to do so, instead he turned around to see his wife and his son.

Suddenly a huge fire raged around the two, engulfing the mother-sun duo.


No spec of the two was visible from the outside, as if even ashes were taken by the fire. The broken Skaga had his last remnants shattered down when-

"What is happening?"


"O god! Old gods!"

Skaga listened to the commotion and looked ahead, where the fire diminished for his wife and son to emerge, unharmed and without a spec of dirt.

The fire again emerged this time to engulf all of the surroundings, the tents, the people, everything.

Every minute-to-minute injury was healed, every wound was closed, missing limbs regrew and the snow melted around the vicinity. Then came a yellowish halo, where Skala was levitating in the air, closed down to his father, who carried him in his arms, while looking at his wife.

At this time the happiest man on Planetos was Skaga.




'Looks like the work there is done

Mimirsen and Oberyn had been received by the Lords of Westerlands, and now were roaming in the Market of the gold-shitting Lords.

The Lannister had freed them after the initial greetings, and none of their guests seemed to be too interested in entering their humble adobe of a castle.

"And here we are."

"Blacksmith? you are a swordsman?" Oberyn asked as the both of them stopped at the Lannister smith.

"Maybe one day, for today I want a spear, the obligatory kind." They entered to see an old man coming out of the inner room where an anvil and the forge were present.

"What may I be of use of, Milords?" The smith, clearly taught in the ways of the tongue along with the forge spoke in a respectable tone.

"I am in need of a Halberd."

"A what?"

"Halberd, a spear weapon which could be traced in Yi-Ti. let me show the main blade." He brought out the paper on which the blade was drawn along with the dimensions.

"Is this paper from free cities?" Oberyn asked as he had not seen such thin and clear paper in his life at the Citadel of his voyage in the free cities during his axile.

"No, I produced it myself. Here."

The smith looked t the image and understood his customer's demands

"Milord such weapon is not feasible the warcraft between full plate knights"

"Just forge it, it's for ceremonial purposes. Also, ask Lord Tywin to pay for it, he will see to it."

"Y-Yes Milord"


Giving the order to the Lannister smith, Mimirsen left for the castle where they had to stay for the night, while Oberyn left to tend to other important matters.




Inside the castle, Cersei Lannister was sitting with his Uncle Kevan and his younger brother, Tyrion at the feast thrown by the Casterly Lords for their guests.

Oberyn was not present in the banquet, while Mimirsen was sipping the wine he had been served.

'Bland, it ruins the taste of meat' He stares at the red liquid for a second. 'Good enough.'

"So what do you at Winterfell, Lord Mimirsen?" Kevan struck the conversation.

"Nothing of importance as of yet. Initially, the task was to stop every Stark to stop taking any utterly foolish decision. And history has proven that my ancestors were very good at their work."

"So you control the Starks? That's a very dangerous proposition, given nobody knows this fact from the dawn of time." Kevan countered.

"We don't control them per se, we just advise them on decisions against the prosperity o the realm of North. The last time we were needed, the Starks bent their knee to the Dragons, a cowardly decision it may seem, but it protected the men of the North."

"But now with the dwindling numbers of Starks, I am set to be the regent of Moat Calin, until Ned comes of age, or becomes capable of becoming a Lord there."

Kevan Lannister had received some juicy news of the conversation. Nobody knew what the proclaimed foster fathers of Stark were set to do, but nowLannisterknew of him gaining regentship at the Moat.

"Dwindling? Surely you jest. there has always been a Stark at Winterfell, they have 4 in line for the Stark seat right now."

"Well, we have our reasons, Now it has been late, I have to ride North from here to Winterfell, so I am in for some much-needed rest tonight." Jim stood up and left while a 7-year-old Tyrion stared at the leaving man.

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