
Game of Thrones: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

This is just me scribbling nonsense, don't take it too seriously... Basically, MC is a Martell, he was born before the war of the usurper and right after the war of the nine penny kings. he would lead the Dornish to the road of independence, with guns and cannons... MC x Ashara, not a harem. This is more of an idea rather than a full story, you can tell by the way I wrote it, so I probably won't update this at all. also, it's an IDEA, don't complain about short chapters, I'll turn it into a full story once my other fanfic is finished, assuming that nobody wants to pick it up. lots of cringy sentences, illogical events, etc. you have been warned lol. if anyone wants to refine it or rewrite it entirely, feel free to do so. I don't own anything, including the cover.

mark_kiple · TV
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41 Chs

The Rebels

[Meanwhile, in the Vale]

A council of men was standing around a war table, with a map of Westeros in front of them, all of them looked disgruntled and furious. There were a lot of letters on top of the table, and they were reading them one by one.

"Traitors!" shouted the Storm Lord, Robert Baratheon. He was the most furious out of all of them, he slammed the table so hard that it made a crack.. "They were born in the Stormlands, they are my bannermen, and yet they betray me once they have a chance!"

"The Reach refused as well, they sided with the Throne." said Eddard Stark, the Quiet wolf, he looked tired and depressed, as his father and brother just died, and his sister got kidnapped. "Westerlands and the Ironborns stood neutral."

"Riverlands will join us," said Jon Arryn, warden of the East. "But they have some conditions… they didn't speak of what the conditions are…" he then took another letter, reading it. "As for my bannermen… some of them refused."

"So, we have all the North, some of the Stormland lords, some of the Vale lords, and maybe the Riverlands." hummed Eddard.

"What about Dorne?" questioned Robert roughly. "Princess Elia was that cunt's wife, he dishonoured her, surely Dorne will join us?"

Jon Arryn only shook his head. "They refused, joining the Throne."

"What?!" roared Robert. "What in the seven hells are they thinking?! Are they cowards?!"

"I wouldn't blame them Robert." Eddard said. "The Princess is in King's Landing as a hostage, and Prince Lewyn is also a Kingsguard, they have no choice."

"What Ned said is true." nodded Jon Arryn. "Dornish is known for their kinship, they would fight to the death if it means preserving their Princess's life."

Robert snorted. "Then we must kill her Dragonspawns before-"

"Robert!" Eddard Stark warned sharply. "We do not kill children."

Robert just grumbled and sat down to calm himself. "So, what should we do now? My hands are itching for a battle."

"You two get back to your homes, gather your forces," said Jon Arryn. "I will deal with my rebellious bannermen."

"How are we going to go home? The vale is surrounded by loyalist forces." questioned Eddard Stark.

"You will go to the Three Fingers Ned, there, borrow a fisherman's boat or something similar." advised Jon. "While you Robert, you can take a ship from the east, then sail to your castle immediately."

Robert snorted and said. "I'll go bash those traitors heads myself, Stannis is in Storm's End, he can stay there."

Jon Arryn nodded. "Very well, we would meet again near the Stoney Sept, we can discuss our plans there."

After that, the three Rebels split up, dealing with their own problems.