
Game of Thrones: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

This is just me scribbling nonsense, don't take it too seriously... Basically, MC is a Martell, he was born before the war of the usurper and right after the war of the nine penny kings. he would lead the Dornish to the road of independence, with guns and cannons... MC x Ashara, not a harem. This is more of an idea rather than a full story, you can tell by the way I wrote it, so I probably won't update this at all. also, it's an IDEA, don't complain about short chapters, I'll turn it into a full story once my other fanfic is finished, assuming that nobody wants to pick it up. lots of cringy sentences, illogical events, etc. you have been warned lol. if anyone wants to refine it or rewrite it entirely, feel free to do so. I don't own anything, including the cover.

mark_kiple · TV
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41 Chs

Journal of the Prince

[Prince Morian's Workshop Journal]

(2nd day of the third moon of 281 AC)

Rhaegar had done it, he had given the blue winter roses to Lyanna, and I did nothing. I can already hear the trumpets of war, and I can see the path towards a free Dorne. But there is much to be done. Spring has passed in only two months, and time moves forward.


(3rd day of the fourth moon of 281 AC)

Arguing with brothers is not always easy. Doran is a headstrong man, but he is cautious, and would do anything to protect his people. Yet he is blind towards the truth, the mad king is weak, his men are weak, his son is selfish. They had insulted the Dornish, the smallfolk are enraged by the prince's doings, Elia was pregnant, yet he still did it, as of now, I still couldn't understand Rhaegar's thinking, he had planned the tourney so well, he was loved, he was cheered, he was preferred, yet he threw it away for a hyperactive northern girl.

We Dornishmen are always the hated child in this kingdom, we simply do not belong in the seven kingdoms, different skin, different cultures, different thinking. Oberyn proposed to my brother that we should start a rebellion, strike while the metal is still hot. Our people's blood is boiling right now, yet he did nothing, Elia's image was smirched, yet he did nothing, Dornish pride was mocked, yet he did nothing.

But perhaps it is for the best, our army is not trained and armed yet, our resources are not many, but I will make sure that, when the war happens, Dorne will come out on top, using sheer firepower.


(15th day of the fifth moon of 281 AC)

I have identified many problems in these past couple of weeks. The most obvious one would be metal resources. We are not the westerlands with their mines and not the crownlands with their steel-making, but Dorne has me. I have designed blast furnaces and it is already under construction at the port. With this, steel will be much more common in Dorne, and cast iron would be much cheaper, thus more cannons.

Secondly, at first, I didn't have much thought about the significance of guns in Westerosi warfare, I just thought that whoever has guns wins, but with the Dorne having minimal resources, and our overall different tactics that we used, I have to think about it more.

Dornish tactics have three overall key aspects: Range combat, mobility, and endurance. Horse archers can fit those aspects, but they are hard to train, they must be trained from birth in order to be efficient at it. Archers can be effective against light-armoured troops, but we bordered the Reach and the Stormlands, known for their heavy cavalry, so again, not ideal.

Crossbowmen can penetrate their armour, but they are expensive to make, and slow to reload, they would be run down by the cavalry before they can do heavy damage. So I looked towards guns. With guns, I could have different designs for different scenarios. I need a gun that can be shot from horseback, low reload time, good accuracy, and a relatively long range. With good accuracy, I need to have its barrel rifled, which is already expensive, not to mention I need to make custom bullets, which are more expensive to make.

So I designed a gun that has a medium reload time, so the soldiers won't waste their bullets, bolt action, for slower reload time but not too slow, long barrel for range. As for the bullets, I used the Minié ball design for high damage and less resources, it may have taken a bit of time to make more of it, but it was still a bit cost effective.

I also made improvements in the cannons. I made the ammunition much smaller for decreasing the resources spent, I gave the cannon maker in Yronwood the Culverin design for better range and accuracy, and so production began.

I had sent Qyburn to Ghaston Grey, as my brother finally approved the use of human experimentation there. I gave Qyburn the papers about biological weapons that I wrote in my younger years. I had also made him swear not to dwell in necromancy, because as much as it was beneficial, we still don't know the consequences of it. Aside from biological weapons, I had also begun research in chemical weapons. I researched chlorine gas, but it was still in the early stages. Quicklime however, is a good cannon ammunition for extra damage to men and morale. If it touched water near men, their skin could be peeled off instantly, so I ordered a bunch of limestone to be turned to quicklime.

And so the military revolution of Dorne began.


(1st day of the sixth moon of 281 AC)

The production of the guns is slow, as the guns and the ammunition needs a lot of attention to detail unlike the cannons, which we make using clay as mould. So far, only 30 guns, and a couple hundred rounds, which are already many, but not enough. I also started the production of brass for better ammunition and cost effectiveness of the bullets, as brass can be recast again.

Aside from military weapons, I also began the construction of stronger trade ships. Our wine's quality has significantly improved this year because of the new wine press, and the price is going up. Lemons from our plantation also have a lot of demands now, as for some reason, this world didn't know how to treat scurvies.


(28th day of the seventh moon of 281 AC)

This is going to be my last entry for a while. I will take a break on developing things for a few months, as I'm getting married. Doran had arranged a small wedding right here in Sunspear for me and Ashara, why a small wedding? Because I requested it, the production of new inventions are already straining the coffers, I don't want to strain it more.

After I'm married and spend time with my bride however, I will focus on developing the army and the navy, developing tactics to suit the guns and needs of Dorne, and then training them, making their hands bloody.