
Game of Thrones: This World is Mine to Discover.

Humm, i find myself in a predictment, i dont know where i am, and thats....curious, but in another unrelated note....IS THAT A 14 FEET TALL GORILA?! - - - - Disclaimer: I do not own any material or characters other than my own. If you are the artist of the cape and dont want me to use it please to contact me. Hey guys, hope you all doing well, this is gonna be my first novel, so be free to give me your suggestions and add this to your library, but no bad hate, or i will be sad ;). Anyway, hope you enjoy it Bye!

Touji_san · TV
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19 Chs

CHAPTER 14(Edited)

The rest of the Basilisk Isles were easy enough to conquer.

With Talor, their main force, down. There was no alternative for them, but to perish under the bestial hurricane.

And so resulting in the refuge of outlaws around Sothoryos being no more...

Because there was only speculation of what had really happened to it, people around the world would begin, from this day forth, to remind this as the day the 'Sea's Great Purge' was brought upon the scum living in the Summer Sea.

But that's a story for another day...

Right now I was sailing towards the Summer islands to, hopefully, get some integrants for my crew, as well as their general knowledge around magic.

If they have anything that is.

After my 'Great Purge', most of the slaves I freed decided to pick a ship and go back to their homes themselves since they were forcefully taken from it in the first place.

Those that decided to remain were war prisoners, exiles, and others who respected my strength and wished to follow me.

And that brings us to my current problem...

"My lord! How can you control water from your hands? And what about the animals that follow you, is that also your magic? Can you make a dragon appear too? If yes, can I see it?!" Multi questioned a short and dusk-skinned girl, that at the moment had literal stars in her deep golden eyes.

No, she's not Missandei.

In fact, Missandei is supposed to be born this exact year, so there is that.

This little bundle of glee is called Nissany, she's only 6 years old, and has already experienced the horrors of slavery, but, thank god, no man had touched her yet.

Some women slaves that I saved informed me that 'pure' goods are much more valuable when auctioned.

...I should have tortured those bastards much more...

"I-Is something wrong my lord? A-Am I annoying you, I-If yes I-" She started apologizing with little tears in her eyes when she saw me frowning my face a little.

Ah, shit. "No no, of course not! I love that enthusiasm of yours, little Nass, I was just thinking of something else. Don't cry, okay? You're much cuter when you smile" I smiled at her, getting on my knees, since I'm too tall, and patting her head.

"U-Un! Thank you, my lord!" She thanked me with a smile so big, that I thought she would blind me with it.

Fuhh, dealing with kids is a new experience for me.

Then again, so was poping a man's head open...

Damm. Guess I got thank you for that, old man.

I shook my head. "You don't have to call me my lord, you know? Just Art is fine." I spoke to her, only to receive a denial instead.

"I'm sorry, I can't do that my lord, you saved me, and gave me a home. This is the least I can do" She responded resolutely.

My eyes rolled up, "Your call, kid," I gave up, they don't seem to be letting this go. Looks like those formalities are taken very seriously in this world, "Just remember to always tell me if you need something, alright?" I reminded her, receiving a nod in response.

Since they're stubborn as hell and won't even ask for a blanket, I have to constantly remind them that they aren't slaves anymore and that it's okay to ask things of me.

I had to literally force them to take some of the gold coins I collected from the Isles when we board the ships.

That's another thing, I was freaking rich!

With all the money and jewelry I took from the pirates and corsairs I wouldn't need to worry about money for a long time...

I also took two ships with me, both being large enough to fit Noctur and the other small percentage of animals I brought with me, so that way he can come down and take a nap if he wants to.

I didn't bring all the animals for mainly 2 reasons:

1. I don't want people to freak out, more than they already will when they see a ship dominated by beasts only described in books by Westeros and Essos.

Noct is already intimidating, alone as he is...

2. Someone needs to stay in the Basilisk Isles and make sure no pirates, or any other outlaw, takes control of the isles anymore.

So I left the majority of my forces to guard them.

They seemed to enjoy coming back to those pieces of land. It was theirs, to begin with...

That, and after my manly(...) goodbye to Tamnrell, Kimtharr, and the rest of the children, I also asked for their help to keep an eye out for the scum as well.

But only at the distance, informing me if necessary, by a small-size wyvern, since they are faster and harder to shoot down.

Thus, I only brought Mr. Fluffy, together with his cuddly troop, some poisonous snakes to guard every single one of my crew, and some other varieties of hundreds of birds, small wyverns(also for protection and sending information), and lastly, agile and sneaky little lemurs.

Seriously, they can robe you with so much dexterity that is scary...

Finally, if necessary, I can call upon many deep-sea animals that will be willing to help me.

With them at my side, I have no reason to fear sailing on these seas...

The warm, summer wind blew my hair, as the ship sailed west. "Xue, how long until we arrive at our nest stop?" I asked the tall Lingii lady with enchanting golden eyes and long silky black hair.

Xue was a daughter of a noble who arranged for her to marry an older suitor for political reasons. So she escaped, looking to buy a ship and then sail towards Yi ti.

She was captured, however, when trying to sell her jewels by slavers that happen to be passing those parts, along with 2 of her servants, 1 middle-aged man dressed as a Chinese butler, and a teenage girl.

The latter in which decided to take care of me instead. Hence, why she's diligently standing by my side now, in a silky oriental maid outfit.

The noble girl hummed, "Huì (Translation: Yes) There's still 1 week and a half, worth of time if we stay at the current speed," Her voice held a slight Asian accent," That is, without interruptions, my lord" She answered, turning from the helm.

Turns out the Lingii have a wonderful memory, along with a keen instinct for politics.

As a result of this, she has shown to be an excellent navigator/secretary candidate, so I promptly accepted when she asked to come with me.

When I sought the reason behind it, she explained it carefully: ' I have no place to go, if I return to my land I'll be hunted by my father, along with being severely punished afterward. Hence, if I am to stay somewhere, is better to be with someone with the strength to back me. And you seem like a good man, so more the reason'.

Understandable. Her people are very secluded after all.

Combine that with their superior traits, and well...they are a sight to any slave market.

She, along with the other two, are well mannered and seemed to get along enough with the others, so I didn't see any issue with it.

"I see. If something happens, or a ship appears, call me, no matter the occasion" Receiving a nod from her, I turned to the copper-skinned warriors located on the deck.

They seemed uncomfortable traveling on a ship...

Poor men, Dothraki don't do well in the sea, " You guys need a bucket?", I asked, calling their attention.

Humm, whatever. It's not like I have much to do anyway," Heh! These are supposed to be the infamous Dothraki?! Come on, on your feet!", I commanded, which seemed to wake them from their stupor, "Who among you wishes to teach me on how to use a sword?" I smirked at them.

I need-scratch that. I WANT to learn how to use a sword.

What kind of person would I be, if I came to a medieval world and didn't learn how to properly utilize it?

"Swords at anna! Now! (Translation: Swords at me! Now!)" I yelled, pointing at their holstered weapons.

And yes, I have been learning a bit of their language. With my talent, it's a pretty easy thing to do...

I felt a tug in my shirt, so I turned to the source, "Are you sure of this, my lord? Won't you get hurt?" Asked Niss nervously, seeing as I was outnumbered by a dozen of them.

The sun was high in the sky, signaling the morning's end, "I'm not the one you should be worrying about, my dear" I reassured her, cracking my knuckles and getting in a fighting position, as my opponents were already better, and much more excited...

Damm battle junkies.

Nass distanced herself from the deck, as did the others. "Time to teach you lot who has the longer pack in this ship" I smiled coldly, gesturing them to come at me.

Ohh, this was going to be a fun trip, just.....not for them.