
Game Of Thrones: The Wolverine

Chapter Release | 4th Day Of Every Month [Only AfterFirst 10 Chapters Are Uploaded] ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌ A man with playfulness, joyful, caring, and above all loyal and devoted to his family. But, to his enemies he is a man with fierceness, strength, cleverness, endurance, courage, and the ability to stand and hold his ground! He's a Wolverine! ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌

Author_Ed_Dew · TV
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12 Chs

10 | Grass

Hundred years, that's how long I have been married to Hugh. I'm the same age as him, only him being older than me by seven months. When we were kids, instead of playing with the giant children he would always come to us to know about his ability to wield magic and we were eager to teach him too. Everyone thought that he's a natural born warrior after his battle with the bear was spread around in every tribe and clans of both the giants and ours.

His gentle side is only for his family, to his enemies he's a ruthless person. I only knew about it after he saved Bry and her father. Even when he saved his children and grandchildren from the wild animals by killing those wild animals he was not that ruthless. I know that because I have been with him for a hundred years, so yeah he's a person who you don't want to have enmity with.

Apart from that, he's been taking care of all of us even though our children want to be independent, and he does allow them to be independent. The only restriction he gave them is that wherever they were, they should come back home, that's all he said to the boys.

When he first said those words the kids always said that the whole world is their home, and to that he said something along the line "Your home is where your loved ones are gathered. Do not forget about it." And to this day all of his six sons have followed the advice to the tee.

And after eighty years or so, he built 'Ymir', so that his family will have a symbolic place to call home. When I asked him why he named the castle Ymir he told me that, 'It's the name of a giant born from the water formed by melting of the ice by fire when the world was created.' and when I asked him where he heard that, he told me that he dreamt of it. So I believed him as we Children of the Forest have the ability to see past, present, and future in visions. Maybe he saw the creation of our world and witnessed the birth of this giant Ymir. And when I asked him if he could see the future he said that he could do it, but even if he could see the future he said that he won't do anything to change it as it's only one of the possible futures for him and this world and that there are thousands of more possibilities.

Well, he did say that the future of this world is already shifting in a different direction than it should have gone. And when asked about the cause of it he said that it's because of him, a hybrid born due to the union of giants and children of the forest, which should not have been possible. Even if that's the case, I still love him as he will always protect us and help us to protect him in dire times, he had promised us that when hard times come he won't be bearing everything on himself and make us feel useless.

Right now, I'm doing enhancements to the three swords he made out of his claws. I didn't like the fact that it hurt him so much, but if the swords can be bound to the ones who have his blood and the name Howlett, which is the newly created House Howlett for his children with Bry, Howlett Clan for his giant children and Howlett Tribe for his children with me. And the castle Ymir is the home for all three species, he had all planned out as the humans will reside in the rooms in the castle, the CotF will reside in the forest and the giants will reside in the castle that Hugh built in the cavern system which was made when his children were of age twenty for fun. All of these three places are connected to the hot springs at the bottom of the castle. He did say that he will try to get some of the friendly giants and CotF to live here with us. When I asked him if his sons will be alright with it he said that "Let's make it so that no one of my blood will harm the giants or the CotF without any kind of provocation from the giants and CotF. Same with the giants and CotF let's make it so that they won't harm or provoke my blood. All of this can be attained by magic, right?"

And that's the one thing I like about him, if there's anything he can't solve in a normal way in human standards he goes straight for the magical method.

I was brought out of my musings when I heard the door open, so I turned around only to be frozen on my seat as what came inside was a Sabretooth, which is one of the most dangerous animals in the wild. And seeing the animal, I only had one thought 'Is it a stray that came for prey or is it brought here by Hugh?' As he has this tendency to bring some wild animals and domesticate them as he would say. And true to my thoughts, Hugh came in with little Jimmy in his hands and pregnant Bry beside him. Jimmy looks eager to ride on the Sabretooth and Bry just looks amused at my reaction to seeing the Sabretooth.

"Grass, meet our new family member, Diego!" Hugh told me. And I just sighed at that and thought 'He's at it again.'

But before I could say anything, the joyful atmosphere of Hugh turned into a distressed one. Noticing his change all of us looked at him, even Jimmy and Diego looked at him sensing his change. Seeing that we were all looking at him he sighed and said "I have been expecting this, but never thought that it would happen this early."

"What is it?" I asked him since I know that he won't be distressed unless it's a serious matter that might affect all the family members of his.

Looking at me he had a sad smile and said "It's a war."




❌❌❌❌Chapter 10 End❌❌❌❌


With this, part one of Volume One Dawn Age has come to an end. In part two it will be focusing on war and the roles played by each of the species for the war to happen.

Hope you enjoyed all ten chapters in part one and I would regrettably inform you that this novel will only continue from March 1st onwards.

There won't be any more updates in this novel until D-Day. I believe that you all will support me when I come back to this novel again.

So I wish you all an advanced Happy New Year!

