
Game Of Thrones: The Wolverine

Chapter Release | 4th Day Of Every Month [Only AfterFirst 10 Chapters Are Uploaded] ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌ A man with playfulness, joyful, caring, and above all loyal and devoted to his family. But, to his enemies he is a man with fierceness, strength, cleverness, endurance, courage, and the ability to stand and hold his ground! He's a Wolverine! ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌

Author_Ed_Dew · TV
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12 Chs

11 | War I: Prelude

One of the First Men:-

We invaded this land almost a decade ago, we came here by crossing via a land-bridge that connected Essos to the southernmost part of the land.

At first we were only settling down near the area where the land bridge is situated. But slowly and steadily we started to take over most of the lands in the South.

With that we also started to cut down trees for timbers, so that we could make some sturdy keeps, in order to be safe from the wild animals present in this land.

And we did that for almost a decade and now there are even settlements in the North too, but not as much as in the South.

The prior inhabitants of this land before the arrival of humans were two species, the Giants and Children of the Forest.

But, there is another species present here, and no one has seen it at all. It's always lurking around in the shadows and they are all spooky for us.

Then, these Children of the Forest, and the giants have slowly started resistance as we have started to cut down the trees with faces. Believe it or not, a tree with the face of man is scary at night, and we need more logs for building log cabins and for fire because winter is coming.

But the children of the forest were not having it, they started to attack us with some crude weapons made out of some kind of glass materials, their weapons are mainly primitive and their magic is spooky too.

So we also started to retaliate as best we could. That's what happened for the past three years, but now, they have gone above and beyond what we thought they would do. They used magic to destroy the land bridge to Essos from here. With that, all the humans decided it's time for war, and the bells have rung, war is inevitable.


One of the Children of the Forest:-

We along with the giants were the inhabitants of this land, this is our home land. We both lived in this land for many years without any kind of problems that could have escalated into war. Sure we did have our differences and we had skirmishes sone time's, but all of that came to an end after the birth of Hugh, as he likes others to call him.

He was born to PoPo the giantess and Snow, one of us, those who sing the song of earth. How Snow had the guts to bed a giant is beyond everyone, but his son came along well.

Hugh was and still is curious about warging and other magical abilities that we have. He did learn some of it, enhancement being one of them.

Anyway, a century after his birth, humans came to this land. At first we were fascinated by them, but after almost a decade they have started to hurt the forest and cut down God trees. They invade our land and have the gall to disrespect our gods and our lifestyle.

So we decided to break the land bridge that connected our land with the land where the humans came from. And right after destroying the land bridge, Hugh had sent out a message to all of us and the giants too, informing us of the inevitable war that we will have with the humans. He also offered asylum for the ones who cannot go into combat, mainly children and old ones, and he proposed to make his castle and the area around the neck that connects the North with the South to be our residence with the forest all around the land.

A part of the giants and us agreed with him as that was a good plan to do so. But almost half of us and half of the giants disagreed with him saying that the whole land belongs to them and they will have it in any way possible even if it has to be a war with the humans who have invaded our land.

But, without even batting an eye to those who refused his offer, he took in all the ones who agreed with him to his territory as he calls it now the Land Of Wolverines, named after his favourite animal if I believe so.


Son of Hugh (Giant) :-

Father is a great giant, he has knowledge that is not known to other giants, he has ways to bend the magical powers that the squirrel people don't know.

He has looked after us with lots of love and care, he loves us all in a way that we don't even understand yet. He had taken in a human wife and he had a son with that woman. James was his name, James Son of Hugh, that's how his mother called him.

And another baby is on the way, but the happy occasion has been ruined thanks to the efforts of some of the squirrel people.

I don't know what happened, but father told us to inform every giant that they have an option to come here and live in the neck from now on, so that the angry humans won't kill us, as he promised to protect them as much as he could.

But only four to five hundred agreed to come, and the rest all decided to go to war with those humans. Father didn't mind it as he said "All giants for himself." I don't even know what that means. And I didn't pry to know what that meant as father from time to time said some profound words.

Right now, we're preparing for any kind of siege that would be done by the humans who will see the castle. Father had told us that the humans will try to take over the castle as it is a treasure in their eyes, and he told us "Whatever you do, make sure you protect your home, and your family."


Jimmy Howlett:-

Dad had brought a cat with him this time and he named him Diego. He's a funny cat and he has sharp teeth. He lets me ride around the castle with him and it was the best day ever for me as dad bought Diego.

But all of that started to go away, war was it? Dad said that there will be war for a long time and that when I'm old enough I would have to join in the war too. Dad had promised us that he will try to end it soon so that me and my brother or sister won't have to join in on the war with the first men.

Looking at Diego I said "War is a bad thing Diego. Promise me that you will not start a war."

Diego just looked at me and yawned, then he started to lick on my face and I started to feel ticklish.




❌❌❌❌Chapter 11 End❌❌❌❌