
Game of Thrones: The Golden Lion

Our Mc finds himself in the shoes of the bastard son of Tywin Lannister and here is the beginning of his ascent in the game of thrones.

Chick_Thief · Movies
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The lion fight

A day later, the tournament officially started.

Outside the city, a huge arena was prepared allowing all participants to have the space necessary to fight.

Around the arena, many participants spoke with their families or their lords.

Aslan was talking to his family. Tywin told him to bring the honor home but to avoid serious injuries. Jamie taunted his brother's luck and Cersei simply looked at his brother.

Under the eyes of the spectators, the participants began to climb on the arena.

Aslan climbed in his light leather armor to promote speed and a simple sword.

Lord Tully got on the rascals and made a long speech that Aslan found annoying.

Lord Tully spoke of the honor of the knights and the prosperity of his household.

When he finally gave the green light for the fight, the spectators started to shout and the various participants on the arena will throw themselves on their opponents.

Aslan found himself as on a battlefield. It was a messy field, Aslan couldn't recognize anyone.

However thanks to his experience on the real battlefields he managed to keep calm.

Two knights jumped on Aslan thinking that defeating a child would be simple.

Aslan simply stepped back and hit their helmet, knocking them out in one fell swoop.

Many men were thrown from the arena, but there were also deaths and injuries. There were vicious people and accidental injuries.

The fights continued under the excited eyes of the spectators, quickly the participants diminished.

There were only about thirty men left, including the best known.

People like Barristan Selmy, Oberyn Martell or Brandon Stark were surrounded by different men.

Aslan was surrounded by 3 men.

Aslan's eyes scanned the 3 men with concentration when suddenly one of them can no longer hold his patience.

He threw himself on Aslan with his sword and he was soon followed by the 2 others behind him, to block all of Aslan's movements.

Aslan dodged lightly and struck the first man's hand, quickly he bent down and turned on himself to strike the legs of the second man and make him fall and under the amazed eyes of the third man he struck his head with the hilt of his sword.

The surroundings were silent under the chain of Aslan. It gathered a dance for them and quickly cheers resounded around the arena.

Jamie looked at his brother in amazement, Tywin had a surprisingly proud smile and Cersei had a lost look.

The other important participants saw Aslan and quickly also got rid of their opponents. They were seasoned warriors, they couldn't let a child humiliate them.

Finally, there were only Aslan, Barristan, Oberyin, Brandon, Robert, Steffon and 4 other knights.

All 10 looked at each other when suddenly they split in pairs.

Aslan confronted Oberyn, Barristan confronted Robert, Steffon confronted a knight and the last two knights clashed with each other.

Oberyn and Aslan faced each other. Oberyn had the advantage of length with his lance but Aslan was much more experienced than Oberyn.

Elia, who was watching from the stands, had her hands tight.

Obery rushed towards Aslan whirling his spear. Aslan deviated the spear with his sword. Aslan still had short arms to face 21-year-old Oberyn.

Aslan was cornered in a corner by an agile Oberyn. Aslan was waiting for an error to be made by Oberyn to have a chance to defeat him.

Oberyn was arrogant at the most critical moments and that is what happened to him at that moment.

Oberyn confident in his victory decided to play with the child Lannister, the family who humiliated them 6 years ago.

Oberyn walked a little too close, carried by his confidence, exposing the wood of his spear.

Aslan smiled and as fast as lightning he used all his strength to strike the body of the spear, breaking it and disarming Oberyn.

He pointed his sword at Oberyn's neck showing him his defeat. The crowd was impressed with Aslan. From the age of 14 he defeat the red viper from Dorne.

Oberyn left the humiliated arena and an relieved and complicated Elia watched Oberyn leave the arena in anger. She also looked at Aslan who was on the arena short of breath.

Aslan's family was also impressed but also worried. Tywin was nervous because his son was a genius who could make the Lannisters prosper. He had made Lannisport the most prosperous city in Westeros. Lannisport is one of the 3 largest cities of Westeros.

A few minutes later, all the participants get rid of their opponents, leaving Aslan, Barristan, Robert, Brandon, and Steffon.

The five warriors looked at each other with a smile full of respect and fighting spirit, yet the 4 elders looked at Aslan with impressed eyes. Few children participated in the tournament as young, the most felt was Duncan Targaryen who triumphed over Barristan at the age of only 10 years old.

The five were on guard after taking their breath and set off for a general fight. The swords clashed in all directions, bringing the clash together in an orchestrated dance.

Silence fell around the arena to appreciate each sound generated by the swords.

The previously eliminated participants looked at this confrontation with serious eyes.

The five warriors clashed for a few minutes when suddenly Steffon Baratheon was struck by a forward slash from Barristan who sent him flying around the corner from the arena. Steffon did not get up and the Maestres had to intervene.

The last 4 warriors did not pay attention because a single second of inattention and it is elimination.

The warriors split into pairs again.

Barristan confronted Brandon and Aslan faced Robert.

Robert had a light war hammer, which under Robert's great build gathered a toy.

Robert tries to hit Aslan, causing an occasional hiss with his hammer. Anyone who gets hit with this hammer would have broken bones. Everyone held their breath, watching Aslan dodge the hammer.

Robert looked at Aslan and spoke arrogantly.

"Hahaha, you are an incredible kid, but you will have to surrender because if my hammer hits you you will be bedridden for a few months."

The Lannister family clenched their fists but the crowd acquired because Aslan was still a 14-year-old teenager, there was a difference in strength between the two due to age.

Aslan said nothing and continued to dodge but the tiredness was felt soon.

Aslan couldn't be quick any longer and soon he had to start deflecting and countering Robert's shots. Aslan felt like he was supporting a mountain when Robert hit him.

Under dozens of blows, Aslan was soon unable to hold on and he spat out a sip of blood.

The crowd saw blood spurt from Aslan's mouth gasped. Tywin wanted to intervene to stop the fight but the duels were sacred in Westeros, if he intervened he would stain the honor of the Lannisters and also that of his son. Jamie and Cersei were worried about their brothers, but there were also two other worried people in the crowd.

Aslan, who smelled blood in his mouth, was stunned.

"Blood ... since I arrived in this world I have not bled and no one has defeated me ..."

Aslan felt anger rising in him and he looked at Robert with his crimson eyes that shone like ablaze.


Aslan used the last forces of his body to push Robert away and try to hit him.

Robert was surprised for a moment but soon he laughed wildly.

Aslan forgot the defense and a single objective invaded his mind, defeating his opponent.

Aslan punched Robert with all his might as Robert struck Aslan with his hammer, causing a loud whistle in the air.


Aslan was thrown like a rag doll from the arena.


Five cries came out of the crowd.

Tywin, Jamie and Cersei rushed toward Aslan's body, as the crowd watched the source of the other two screams.

In the Tyrell camp, Olenna, Mina and the various knights looked at Janna in surprise.

Olenna mostly looked at her daughter in amazement before saying.

"Janna, you ..."

"Not now mother."

Olenna watched her daughter who dared for the first time in her life speak authoritatively to her with surprise. Janna looked at Aslan's body in the distance with concern.

In another camp, Elia looked at Aslan's body with mixed feelings. Oberyn looked at his sister in surprise, but surprisingly he chose to say nothing. The two brothers and sisters love each other very much and Oberyn has been protecting her from a young age and it was the first time he saw her so worried.

Tywin looked at his son's broken armor in disbelief, then found that his son was bleeding from his mouth and was having trouble breathing.

"A Maestre, quickly call a Maestre!"

The Maesters arrived and angry Tywin turned to the arena wanting to insult Robert when he froze.

The crowd watching Aslan noticed Tywin gazing in amazement at the arena and when they followed his gaze, they also froze.

Robert was standing with a sword impaled on his right shoulder. Blood on the lips with misty eyes.

Robert staggered and fell, dropping his hammer. Quickly the Maestres rushed to cure him.

Everyone was amazed by this turn of events.

The two fighters had made a tie, neither of them emerged victorious from the fight between the two fighters.

The two were quickly taken to the hospital wing under the astonished eyes of the crowd.

The fight between Barristan and Brandon ended in victory for Barristan, but everyone still thought about the spectacular fight between Aslan and Robert.

In the infirmary were relatives of Aslan and Robert's brother Steffon, who was still injured after Barristan's coup.

A Maestre moved to Tywin's side after examining Aslan.

"Lord Tywin, your son has broken ribs and will have to limit his movements for the next 3 months, otherwise he will end up paralyzed."

Tywin nodded gravely after hearing the Maestre.

Tywin decided to have a wheelchair built as soon as they returned to Castral Rock.

As for Robert, fortunately only 1 month of healing, Aslan's sword only injured the muscles and did not touch any bone or vital point on the shoulder.

The next day, stories about the impressive tournament began to circulate around Westeros. Aslan was at the center of stories because of his impressive fight and passion.

There are also stories of Janna Tyrell and Elia Martell's reactions to Aslan. Rumors about the relationship of the 3 began to spread in the shadows, becoming gossip of interest to the entire population of Westerosi.

The Lannisters returned to Castral Rock the next day, without participating in the festivities. The Baratheons also returned the same day to bring Robert back to the Stormlands.

The trip took twice as long to avoid stirring Aslan's injuries. Along the way, Cersei is the one who spent the most time with Aslan's sleeping body.

Cersei since Jamie's abandonment she had become silent. In this timeline, Jamie had not become deeply connected to Cersei due to his young age and since his engagement with the beautiful Jeyne Swann, he forgot Cersei.

Cersei turned her attention to her older half-brother, Aslan, for an unknown reason.

Aslan slept for 3 days and only woke up 2 days from the Westlands. Leo spent his time alongside Aslan, standing guard with Aslan's 100 soldiers.

Looking at himself, he found himself lying in a car with Cersei asleep at his bedside.

What is f * ck ?! "Aslan said to herself.

As he tried to get up, he felt a stabbing pain in his ribs, which forced him to wince, waking Cersei.

Opening his eyes, Cersei saw Aslan looking at her strangely. Cersei started to cry and threw herself on Aslan's body.

"You are alive! You are alive! Please don't abandon me too! ... Sob ... Sob ..."

Aslan was surprised by Cersei's tears. Soon he put his arm around the 13-year-old girl.

Cersei cried for 10 long minutes and Aslan understood that Cersei was in trouble. Aslan suspects that Cersei may have the phobia of abandonment.

Cersei lost his young mother and Tywin was never really an exemplary father. He was constantly at King's Landing and wanted to use Cersei in a useful marriage.

Aslan calmed Cersei who was on his chest, hiding his pain to avoid worrying him for the moment.