
The Unexpected Companion

The King Robert Baratheon decided to stay for over a month at North. Meanwhile within this month Prince Joffrey already formed a deep friendship with both Starks Daughters With Sansa And Arya. While everyone else paid no attention to thier growing bond as they played. Queen Cersei was very happy watching his son play for the first time. She relieved her tension and worries when she watch her children play. While that Prince Joffrey also now take care of his sister as well. He even give lessons to his younger brother and be with him. This made Queen Cersei very happy. While the Other Starks were worried about Bran for being in a coma for over a month. During the last days of this trip, As Prince Joffrey was playing with Sansa and Arya as usual on this. While King Robert Baratheon summoned Ned Stark to discuss a Matter while walking like usual. Ned Stark was already worried about his son. Robert's sudden demand made him more anxious.

"What is the matter? You look worried."

"You are more worried, my friend, and it's understandable. There is news have arrived, after hearing it, I don't know what to feel."

"What is it?"

"The word has arrived that someone assasinated ahalf of the Dorthraki Clan overnight. Viserys Targaryen is dead. His sister is missing. It's been rumored they were all killed by just one person."

"Just on?"

"Yes, rumor also says it's the same person who slaughtered everyone in Eyrie."

Ned took a pause after hering this.

"I know, I shouldn't have bri g this directly but I had to I am sorry for your wife's loss."

"What else has been rumored about it?"

"Just that much, The massacre and burns were so much, it was hard to reconginse if there were even bodies there. Even ashes Were hard to find. What kind of animal did it is still unkown. And if its is the same person who killed all the Dorthraki warriors overnight it's a huge threat to all seven kingdoms."

"But isn't it all just a rumor?"

"It was a rumor for over a month but now it's been confirmed they were a slaughtered by one person All right and that's very troubling for everyone."

"Are you scared?"

"I am not scared, I am just curious and mad that can't figure who could who is it. If he's the same person he taken out both our frineds and enimes. It's hard to tell of he's on our side."

"If he's on our side Then why hide?"

"Someone that dangerous, our instinct would obviously would be to attack or kill him, he's smart to not show himself. And if he could kill us all, he would have done it but for a month there's no trace or news of him or her or whatever. Noone knows what even is it!"

Both of them looked at each other As Ned finally spoke up.

"If you are scared I can send someone with you to go."

"You know forget it, I can take care of myself. I don't need any of your knights. I will avenge you wife's sister by myself. I am not scared. I am worried if I encounred this person I might kill him before he could tell how he did all of this."

Ned smiled. He still thouht that it's all just rumors about what happedn in Dorthraki Even though he was concerned about what happened in Eyrie. It said it's happened while everyone was enjoying the welcome banquet at Night in north. That made it even way harder on Catelyn to take it. The news arrived 10 days later. It was already devastating to have her son in coma and hear the news about her sister but the description of how they were slaughtered to the point they were all unrecognizable made it even worse. Ned concluded whoever it was only wanted to erase the House Tully.

Therefore Ned was more convinced that the news about Slaughter of half of Dorthraki Clan is just a rumour or Atleast that's what he wanted to believe. The King Baratheon was set up to go to the capital. Prince Joffrey insisted Sansa to travel with him on his horse and ride along which she agreed. As they were about to go, Arya stopped and came before Prince Joffrey and Sansa 's horse. Ned tried to come at her and tried to tack her back but she resisted.

"No! I wanna go too."

As she shouted she wanted to come along. Prince Joffrey sighed and came down from the horse while assuring Sansa to stay yo horse and she would be fine. As he walked towards Arya and smiled in front her.

"Do you truly want to come along with us?"

"My Prince She's...."

As Ned was about to say Prince Joffrey raised his hand to stop Ned.

"I want to her what's she want to say."

"I already said it yes, I am worried about my sister and I will stay until I am assured she's safe by my own eyes."

"Don't you trust me and my eyes?"

"It's because of you that I am going in the first place."


Ned shouted at his daughter. Prince Joffrey looked curious. He smiled at Ned. As Ned looked at Catelyn and she nodded. Ned looked at Prince Joffrey.

"I trust you with both of my daughters, My Prince."

"Don't worry, I will show them the capital and take care of them myself and you will them soon."

"Or rather I will take care of you though."

As Arya whispered this. Prince Joffrey heard it and looked at her with a smile which surprised Arya as she noticed Prince Joffrey looking at her She tried to avert her gaze but couldn't. Prince Joffrey turned to the carriage and called King Robert Baratheon.

"Father, Will it be alright if Arya comes along with us too?"

King Robert Baratheon was surprised by the tone. He wanted ti say something but or the first time he couldn't find the words abd hesitated to so. It was because he never truly said anything to his son that he wanted to now. Robert Baratheon thinking short time as an excuse he held himself back and also he was angry and sad at the same time that his friend declined his offer and request of help. He decides to express that a little through his answer instead.

"Whatever, anyone is welcome who wants to help The King or atleast his friend much like someone who don't, But As The Prince abd the one who suggested it you take responsibility of both of them."

"Yes,I will."

King Robert and Queen Cersei along with the retainers went ahead along with everyone rose. Arya looked a little confused as she looked at Prince Joffrey.

"So, How am I gonna go?"

"Oh, The King has told me to take your responsibility so you wil come with me on my ride."

"Huh!?, no wait. I am not ready."

Prince Joffrey came near and picked Arya on his arms.

"I asked if you were and you said you are."

Arya struggled to break free.

"Ahh... Not like this."

Prince Joffrey was carrying her towards his horse.

"So, you don't to go?"

"Hmmm, I want to alright I will adjust for my sister."

Prince Joffrey carried himself and Arya on the horse simultaneously. As Sansa was sitting behind Prince Joffrey and Arya on the front.

"Will this work? Won't the horse get tired?"

"Don't worry he won't.".

Prince Joffrey was holding the reins from under Aya's arms and hokding her gently through hus arms as she was in the front. Sansa was holding Prince Joffrey tightky from behind. As Prince Joffrey's horse took off surprisingly fast and swiftly. Soon it reached along with King Robert as Prince Joffrey's retainers struggled to follow up.

"How did you carry me that easily, I know I am small but not that much."

"Are you saying that you are heavy?"

"No! I am not!"

"Ha ha ofcourse not I know you are not heavy, you are gently light That's why I was able to carry yo

Arya stuck with back elbow to Prince Joffrey

"Tch.. You little."

"What was that... My prince?"

"Nothing, just a Little thing noone have to worry."

"Oh, Is that so?"

Arya stuck her back elbow again.

"Hey, why are you keep doin that?"

"Nothing just felt like it."

"Well, feel this that I am the one riding the horse."

'"Oh, then I will restrain myself."

Sansa held Prince Joffrey even more tighter out of jealousy. Prince Joffrey noticed this.

"Is something the Matter Milady."

"Yes, you."

"Hey, I am not asking you little lady, I am asking Milady."

"Her problem is also you."

"Hey, shut up."

"You do say unsusal words. That means too keep quiet, see I remember."

"If you remember then apply that you little sh.. Lady."

'"What Where gonna say?"


"Nah... You Were gonna say."

Seeing this Sansa lost her control.


"Yes, My lady?"

"W-Why are you talking with secret stage words with each other?"

"Oh, these are the words I made myself, we did played together I also taught too Milady."

"Hmmm... Yes, did you taught ne first or her?"

"It depends on who learned it first."

"Obviously I learned it first."

"I seriously doubt that, Milady would have learned it way before you."

"Na I learned the word you were about to say."

"Even if you did you learned shot words first much like Milday who learned beautiful and respectful words first."

"Blame the teacher not me."

"Yeah, I wonder who that be?"

"It's you."

"Oh yes, aren't I the greatest teacher to teach some little suit lime you."


"Ha ha ha."

"My prince, how can you carry us all three and still be ahead with horse?"

"Let's just say I trained the horse well."

"Poor horse."

"It is a rich horse little lady, it was gets rich grass to eat much like other horses."

"I mean it has to carry a heavy weight of an idiot all the way"

"Yes, hat is poor horse for ccarying you as well, I am impressed you reconginse yourself little lady. You must be proud."

"I was talking about you."

"Yes, I was alsi talking about you."

"You little."

"You are the one who's little."


All the way Prince Joffrey And Arya tease each other as they reach thier destination. Sansa felt more and more jealous by this.

Meanwhile back at the Winterfell, As Tyrion journeys through the Night Watch accompanied by Jon Snow. He heard whispers from the crowd.

"The Golden Hero passed by not long ago."

Tyrion stopped to inquire. As Jon Snow got his attention and moved towards him

"Can you tell me about "This Golden Hero" where did you seen him?"

The passengers saw Tyrion with the many men behind passed by. They taught him as a one of huge lords.

"My lord, It's nothing it's the Hero that saved all the women of the North from Slavery, He was accompanying two young ladies on The horse. He must have rescued them too."

"What!? Did this Golden Hero was travelling with The King and many soldiers."

"What? The king. Even The King recoginises him. There were many soldiers but I thought they were following him."

"I thought he was the King."

Tyrion after hering this couldn't belive this.

"Joffrey Is The Golden Hero!?"

As he said that the Passengers by were listening closely. As Jon Snow and required.

"By Joffrey? You mean the prince? What about him being The Golden Hero?"

"Well, Let's just say my beloved nephew is being beloved by every women of your North. I will explain you on the way let's go."

They Both went ahead aa the passenger by realised that Thier Golden Hero Is Prince Joffrey the next heir of tje throne.

Meanwhile The King Baratheon and Prince Joffrey accompanied by Stark daughter stop at A Tavern of crossroad. As Prince Joffrey help Sansa ans Arya and gets off and help to set uo the camp. A boy arrives insisting Arya reluctantly goes with him. As Prince Joffrey and Sansa went to the inn. Prince Joffrey introduces and shows Sansa show the people around the camp. As He call the Hound.

"Sandor, Can you bring the her here."

Sansa gets confused and looks at

Prince Joffrey

"Who My Prince?

"Oh, it's a very special person you will like her."

Sansa clenches her hand as she sees her direwolf Lady comes in the tavern.

"Lady! You are here."

Snsa Smiled and held her in her hands and gets filled with joy.

"You were so busy that you forgot her."

"No, It's just My mother was worried and I don't know if I should."

Sansa looked at Prince Joffrey and tells everything her mind.

"Yes I do admit I did asked my mother to take care of her and convince of father to do so. I am focused more on you and fear That I might lose you."

"Lose me to whom."

"I don't mind you playing with Arya."

"Alright you don't mind then."

"Okay, I do mind it. It's like you are giving her all the attention."

Prince Joffrey loiked at The Hound and The Houdn understood and leave to give them space. Prinec Joffrwy came near Sansa hokding her cheeks.

"I am sorry, I was only looking Out for because She's Your Sister, and we Were playing together right, All The time I always see you."

Sansa smiled and further moved and kissed Princw Joffrey.

"I know, I waa just..."

"Jealous? I am sorry I tease you but it's only you that my heart belongs to and You can always ask me to prove it and I will prove it for you."

"I know my prince."

This time Prince Joffrey smiled and kissed Sansa as Sansa held Lady in her hands. After a while Prince Joffrey and Sansa went for a walk. As Sansa put Lady down and told her to stay. Prince Joffrey smiled.

"No, She can come too."

Prince Joffrey held lady in his hands.

"You lime her that much my prince?"

"Yes, My lady I think you should be worried about her more than Arya. She's the mist competition to you, Might have won if she weren't direwolf."

"It's because she's direwolf you live her."

"Maybe, but I do you love the most."

Sansa smiled.

"I just wanted to say that."

Sansa smiled even more as she and Prince Joffrey went ahead. After a while Prince Joffrey notices Sansa lips were dry and with hot sun shining he offered her a drink.

"My said that..."

"My princess can drink How much she likes."

Sansa took the Prince Joffrey's offer with a smile.

"Can you read the mind as well,My Prince."

"I can feel your heart my princess."

As Prince Joffrey and were about to kiss again, they heard a loud fighting voice forom a distance. Sansa looked worried but Prince Joffrey assured her and after dropoing the direwolf Lady on ground safely he held Sansa's cheeks.

"Don't worry from the sounds it sounds like some amatures are playing with wooden swords."

Prince Joffrey came near and kissed Sansa deeply as after a deep kiss They Both let go. The saliva was still dripping from Both. As both of them Smiled the sounds still continued as prince Joffrey wiped Sansa's from her face face abd then rubbed of his.

"It must be your sister Arya and that boy who are the amatures playing the swords. Let's give them a surprise."

Prince Joffrey held Lady in one of his arms as held Sansa's hand on other and went to the sound of direction. As they see Arya dueling with the boy With wooden swords as she was landing every hit. The boy stopped as he saw Prince Joffrey. As he did Arya strikes her swords out of his hand. As she gigglws.

"I won."

As Arya declared her victory, Prince Joffrey started to clap. Arya noticed Prince Joffrey who was watching from behind. As Prince Joffrey continues to praise her.

"That's a fine swordsmanship. Arya you know very well to use swords."

"Ofcourse I do. I can even bet you."

"Oh, really."

Prince Joffrey gazes his eyes on the boy.

"You must be her friend. May I asked your name?"

"I am Mycah my lord."

"Mycah, may I join and use your wooden sword to play as Well."

Mycah couldn't utter Words. He quickly picked the sword and given it to Prince Joffrey.

"H-Here My Lord."

"No need to be nervous. Arya's friend Is my friend."

Arya smiled.

"Hmph. You are gonna be more easy to beat. I bet that sword you held on your wrist is just for show."

Prince Joffrey smiled as well.

"You are right, This sword is for show because I don't need a sword to beat my enimes my hands are way more than enough."

"Tch, you are overconfident."

"Let's see tyat with out match, shall we Arya?"

Arya looked and Prince Joffrey as she made herswlf ready to attach she used her full speed and all her force to tackle Prince Joffrey with an attack. Prince Joffrey moved out of tye way as he moved his sword backwards from The front direct of Arya he caught Arya's Sword and by usin pushed sword in front direction and swung it aling side Arya and caught her in arms as send her sword flying straight in the river. He was velding Arya I one arm and pointing the sword with other hand on Arya's neck.

Prince Joffrey smiled.

"Ah... I guess I lost your Are too beautiful to kill."

"Hmph... Ah let go."

Prince Joffrey removed his hand From he was helding Arya. Causing her to fall..

"Ouch... You."

"You told me to let go."

Prince Joffrey smiled again as he said that. As Arya's direwolf Nymeria came running and with excitement stopped near Prince Joffrey. As Prince Joffrey pet her, Nymeria Rolled and started ti enjoy it. Arya's jaw dropped with surprise.

"How come Nymeria so fond of you."

"Oh yes every time I came ti play with you I was actually making friends with her instead. I guess she knows I am more of better master to her than you, right Nymeria?"

Nymeria nodded with her toungue spread out.

"You so that was your real intention."

"Ofcourse I have to win the favour two beautiful girls as you are part of Sansa's family."

"Huh... Two what?"

"Nymeria and You."


Arya girl freeze as Prince Joffrey said that. Mycah stand thier with the feeling of very jealous. Prince Joffrey noticed it and stand up.

"Alright, the I will leave you two friends. Continue your play. You are lucky Arya you can make friends everyone. My father never allowed me to make friends very often unless he benefited him."

"Huh.. What do you mean?"

"Jus an old wound that will never heal."

Prince said that with a butter smile as walk towards Sansa and offer her hand.

"Let's go Milady."

Sansa accepted Prince Joffrey's hand.

"Yes, My Prince."

As they were about to leave, Mycah quickly about another stick and insisted Arya to continue to olay. Arya decided to continue. As soon as they began the match, Mycah seemed to despaate I impress Arya with his skills as he trades a blow below Arya's knees. She fells down and somehow the land alongside her slides making her fall into the river. Prince Joffrey notices this and quickly jumps in the river. He swims and takes Arya into his arms and come As hide as he drops down. Arya screms in pain. Prince Joffrey notices the wound on Arya's leg caused by the blow.

"Don't worry Arya, everything Would be fine."

Sansa came near Arya looking worried. PRINCE Joffrey touches her hands with his own one hand.

"Sansa, go to the inn and inform he Maesters that Arya got wounded on the right leg and prepare a bed for as well, I will come and carry here there."

"Alright, My Prince I will go right away."

Prince Joffrey nodded as noticed that

Mycha was looking scared and confused.Prince Joffrey looked at him.

"Mycha you go and isn't tell you were involved in this, My father is not kind and will not take this lightly. You go, I will handke this and take the blame."

Mycha looked at Arya in the eyes andthen soon ran away. Prince Joffrey took some water and washed Arya's wound with his own one side of handkercheif as he tore it and wrapped it around hee wound by the unaffected handkerchief area, and then picked Arya in his arms and prepared to move. Arya looked at Prince Joffrey.

"What do you mean you will take the blame?"

"He will be more forgiving if he knows I did it and besides I am used to his punishments."

"Still why Would YOU take The blame?"

Prinec Joffrey looked at Arya and then told her his mind.

"Once I made A feined, she wasn't from the noble family. According to father if you are not from noble family you are not special you are just commoner. He was furious to know it. He did show he was okay while meeting her with other but at one night he found he made his gurds rape her and fed her to dogs. They staged it as an accident. I was there a he knew it. He calle his gurads took me sla.ed to ground right in front. He smiled and mademe watch it all. I saw her final breath and couldn't do anything at all. From then I always asked someone thier noble status before asking if they are ginna be my friend. I don't want anyone else because of me or while I just watch it all."

As Prinec Joffrey told that. He arrived at Inn and carefully dropped in ine of the inn rooms beds along with Maester treating her wound."

King Robert came asking what happened.

Both Prince Joffrey and Arya said at the same time.

"It was my fault."

As Prince Joffrey looked at surprise with Arya, she continued.

"I was playing by the river by myself, I hurt my knee and suddenly the land around the river slip And I fell down. Prince Joffrey rescued me and carried me here. Thank You, Primce Joffrey."

"I, Ah."

"As Primce Joffrey was trying to say. King Robert smiled.

"Is that so, Jofferey follow me I want to talk to you."

Prince Joffrey looked at Arya as she nodded, and then followed King Robert.

"Father, I know you want to ask why said it's my fault and what she said is kind of true but it was my fault."

"Sansa already told me everything of whose it's all butcher's boy fault."


"Yes, Ha Ha Ha, I am proud of you my son you rescued your future wife's sister and even protected her friend. I Will deal with him."

"I think if he got punished Arya Would get hurt from Seeing her friend hurt as well."

King Robert looked at his son with surprise.

"Then I leave his punishment with you, do it as you well. This is the first time I feel you would make even better decision than me."

As King Robert walked away, Sansa came from behind. Prince Joffrey looked her.

"I am sorry, Milday it seems I ruined our walk."

"No, My Primce you made me admire you even more by refusing my sister and standing uo for her friend."

"Yes, But still let me make it right fir you."

Primce Joffrey came close near Sansa and kissed her as they kisee they deeply they moved to another room

"My prince aren't 's You feeling cold from The wet clothes"

"Yes, a Little."

"Then remove them and let me make you warm."

Prince Joffrey's removed his clothes and then kissed Sansa as he strip her ad they both pushed themselves to bed and spend the night and slept together in in the bed for the entire day and night. After spending and slpeing with Sansa, They both slep togther next to each other. After a while As Prince Joffrey woke uo in the middle of the night as he woke in the arms Of Sansa. Both of them naked as Prince Joffrey looked At Sansa peacefully he kissed her. As he got up and smiled. Back in the Winterfell, Bran stopped his breath and he died.