
The First Survival Step

Alright, Bring it on. I will overcome of whatever you throw at me. Alright The Game Of Thrones World. I know a little but I gave to think about everything I know. I didn' paid attention after King Joffrey left the show. The First Survival Step is always make allies. Having friends than enemies always works out. Even though I was surrounded by enemies in my world. But this one I know almost nothing about it. I have study it. This idiot King is still meeting Starks. While Sansa is still looking at me. Oh wait that idiot went away. Alright let's disguise as the Romantic Friendly Prince. I approached Sansa and offered her to go with a walk with me. I learned many things about her and her likings. I noticed son Whore houses along the way. As I thought of something of extra survival step edition. I learned Sansa love books and stories of Valour and Bravery. Kinda possess me off because Assassins aren't considered brave for killing shadows and behind. Tch... What do they know about it. As I for making Sansa impressed said a poem like a song. Even though I said it's inspired by seeing Sansa which is kind of true. It's way more based on me of how I got trapped here and I can't think of anyone but the one who sent me here even when I am Not thinking about it. I am kinda impressed how I thought all about in a Ryume. As I walked back with Sansa. O met her direwolf. Alright Let's make her sympathize with me. I will tell her my father tortures me. Yes, From the looks of her eyes she's co pmetely feeling bad fir ne. Yes remember that whenever you wanna be against me. It's all my father's fault I am like this. Alright let's go to the Whorehouses, I will make North restless vy making all the women free. I already am a Lannister and Prince I am filled With gold. The soldiers and men of the north would not be anke to focus on traning if they Don't get Pleasure. Even in real World when porn was invented in internet people couldn't live without it. It kinda became One of The Assasin's best weapons to distract and kill your target without notice. I entered The whore house as one of girl looked at me with smile.

"You look like from Noble Family, do so are you looking for some noble fun?"

"Fun? No I am here to wait.."

Hmmm well a little bit of lot of sex doesn't hurt that much to me. So As Prince Joffrey freed Every Whore House Girls after visiting them all throughly. As Acoorung to them I brought but I didn't wanted them to work like that so I did say Soon some men did came for begging acvordimg to them for services. This was not right and I am Being unfair or something. So I challenged them all to a duel or more like me against them all. I barely used my pinky finger to deafeat them all at once as I declared my victory.

"The Girls aren't property or things that are to be won or connqured. They have their free wills and right to live way more than tou filth that think otherwise. I declare Every Woman and girl to be free from being slave and Force to sell Thier bodies for you filth and provide them of a person should live."

As one of the girls looked at me and said.

"But.... We are doing it all of our free will."

I looked at her as she was ruining my plan

"Ah.. No you were not you were forces N directly as made you think you were slave and According to Old Gods It's forbidden. Do you understand."

"Huh.. But."

I given her a pouch of gold as she took and agreed.

"Oh, yes we were forced to do as a slave 's nad it's wrong and we are not some properties."

"That's what I said and unless you want to make enemies of the king and Everyone, you all are now fieviden to go to whore house Because that's A form of slavery."

One of the guys yelled.

"Who are you to decide that?"

As one of The beaten guys still deeply wounded try to There then me.

"Y-You brat."

"If you want to call me brat then I would prefer golden rich brat if you may that sounds way more rich which I am."

I kicked him and looked at other girls hinting them to Fight back as they did. As I lokked back the other guy who questoned With some blood that got on my face of those beaten guys I smiled.

"Well, I am The Prince Of This Kingdom so There You go."

Everyone got shocked and began to question thier own prince. I mean they don't know there own Prince, Are they stupid? I guess that no internet here means it sucks.

I pinpointed the Sword's Symbol along with the seal I 'Borrowed' from the king.

"Alright, listen all of you if someonw asked About me, You all will Not reveal Who I am, I don't like being praised and all."

As The whispers began of I am too kind and selfless. Well then Let's add oil on The fire of praises.

"Not to mention many people of royal family would see this as a weakness of me caring about you all. I want every one in my kingdom to feel Free not just in name but in reality as well. I want you know The Freedom. Even if it's cost me thousnds of gold and throne. I would rather be your hope ti freedom than just a name in king on throne."

Not everyone belives me but most if them were looking and cheering me on After this victory and 'freedom' of girls. I have being started to hear Myself called as The Golden Hero from the girls family and friends with girls themselves calling me that. Well, it does feel better than The Golden Brat. Why wasn't I called that In The Assassins World. I was also The Golden Hero for the assassins right? It's true I annoyed them but I was just being the best. It's not my fault. I still can't Believe I got trapped here. Me, there was a time when I was known to trap the death itself. and now... Ah...Anyways As I came was going back I noticed the forrest. There's not much time before the banquet. I went to see The Hound to inquire about this World and maps. I now call him by his name. As I pin pointed him ways and drawn maps by his memories. He seemed impressed While I don't care, As I still know it's not perfect and filled with uncertainities. I did mark a shortest way to visit Stark's Sister. But I have To prepare some tress to make me reach their quickly. As I did my work with 3 trees. The night already arrived. I went quickly to the Banquet. There I met Prince Joffrey's mother. Who is my mother. I never felt a mother's live but always wish I did. I knoe my real would gave loved me like this too, she dis loved me after all she went through the pain to give birth to me,much like my useless father who did nothing at all. I felt this is the best thing that has happened to ne after arriving in This World feeling the warmth of The Mother's Live. I went With Sansa to sit alongside here. I noticed Arya going to greet my mother. I stopped her and asked where She's going. She said what I thought, it's a surprise Wasn't Sansa supposed to be the one who greet my mother. Ah, wait she already did with me. Dammit it must be a Paradox I did felt Catelyn Stark looking at Arya for her behaviour this morning, With Sansa doing so well and happy. Arya must felt unease with her mother's gase even thought it wasn't big deal for Arya it is, ah.. She wound think she could brush it off and win favour and never talk about it ever again. But what if my mother said to her what she was gonna say to Sansa. Arya's hatred wound even grow more than show from the start. Much like Sansa she's Not understanding at all. It's funny How the ones kinda switches afterwards. Even so I stopped her but insisted regardless. Alright, get disrepected idiot see if I care. No seriously do, because I will pretend to care, which I did. I started to Win Arya's favour while I got the chance but Sanasa seems jelaous. But why? Like She's a child. Ah... And this brat no good either. Ahe's adding fuel to fire thinkkimg she's adding water to it. After the banquet I bid myself from these 2 who were about to fistfight from mouth i guess I wet near Starks room waiting for the messenger from Catelyn's sister. As soon as he arrived I killed him silently. The blood is still dripping though. I made sure That the letter he carried doesn't get stained which ended up making a slight noise. Dammit, it's small noise but still big enough to be heard if they are awake, I cover That up instantly as I knocked the Door as soon as the noise was made. It's better to cover that up as A knock on the door and position myslef that he would see me and position myself so That they won't have chance to glance around. It's better to do that make them think I wanted them to open the door or else they would do it by themselves and inquire further while looking around. As Ned Stark opened the door I smiled innocently and made up a story, the blood would flow here if I don't enter quickly. As I insisted talking in private in room and closed the door and made the reason to come up to them. After the made up conversation I quickly cleaned the blood with body itself and put it side as I was about to overthriw a dripping blood with the leg the blood flow was about to go inside the room I swiftly cleaned it with my foot sneaking my head in the room and made uo another story of Why I came again. As I swift kf cleaned it back. I took the body and slammed it on the ground. I looked at the forrest again. I took the body and buried it burn there. This techniques is called Burn Burried... Okay who cares about our creativity. I think it's sound stupid too, We were thinking about disposing the body not thinking about it's technique name. It basically involved just acid nowadays. So lame and uncreative. But in ancient times of Assassins actual fire was Actually used, covering smoke woth clothes and sands. I always wondered how they did that, many people tried to do it in modern times to save money but failed and their tracks were found. But I took the risk because I had time to do it and I succeeded. How? Well that's asecret I never shared. Even with all the assasins paying for that i did took the money but tricked them in just saying which they alreday knew. Earning more points to my Goldne Brat Title. Anyways From that day I always used this method. I would do this with both borrowed clothes of Starks and sands and with this far off in forrest noone would notice for now. If they notice it now they never will, I would also leave the worms Which I gathered to decomposed them. As I was about to leave. I finally seen that annoying blue screen again. Asking what I am doing. What do you think I am doing. I am gonna travel to... Wait another scren appeared as.

'You are planning to travel Tk Dieathroki with it?'

Well, I Will further visit Lysa and kill her and her troooes and then there yes.

'Yiu can't do That in one night.'

Huh!? You may have trapped me here but did you forget who I am? I Am The Golden Brat I once made an entire airplane dissappread From The World's eyes do you wanna know how. Another message apoeraed.

' don't care'

Tch.. and here I though this system couldn't annoy me more.

'I know you will succed.'

Ha, ofcourse I will you finalky realised which I am so let's just make a deal and make me out befire I slaughter this entire world.

'You are not allowed to that.'

Oh yes I won't di That as soon as you get me out of this damn world.

'You are not allowed to travel with Your skills.'


'I take your knowledge for travelling isntanty.'

Hey, don't you dare. Suddenly I sen a white screen and I forgot what I was about to do. This damn system aren't usually systems supposed to help me. One more mesage came.

'If you want sightseeing then I will make you fly there'

Huh now we are talking. But this system pranked me and transported me to Dorthroki made me fly over there for minute And made me transport back. Hey you stupid system now you have pissed me off.

I can tell you about the dragons eggs. In exchange for that.'

What the hell am I gonna do with That I was just this close to get the real ones in Dorathaki.

'The dragon eggs in Winterfell.'

Huh! Were there dragon eggs in winterfell. Did I missed that as well. Alright but this time if you pranked me again. I was transported back to the Banquet hall. Tch.. YOU.

'How does it fell, Cold feet. Too bad ai can't mess with You more."

Huh? What the hell You bored doing prank S on me.

'I can only appear 3 times in this world, the first I givenyou the messages based on what you say, this was the Same thing, and third time would also be the same.'

Ah dammit it disappeared. Ah... It had power to that and both times it used it to mess uo with me. Who is this person? Huh what the hell. Tch but even so this system is stupid after all. So what if you took one of knowledge. I can learn and master it again. In exchange it truly given me a hint, Even so it's still a risk. I quickly went and started to reaserch the histlry of Winterfell. That lead me to a crypt that I dug from. And yes. Yiu shouldn't have mess with me. But still I only fou d one egg. I had to dug out a corpse too I kinda feel bad But I would burry it again. Alright now as expected the system again to mess with me again. But This time I was prepared I grabbed the system from within. Since it's an encrypted message I noticed it appear Al way at specific direction and when it pranked me to transport and made me fly I notices it's patterns it still have similar pattern that means I will planning to do the same. Too bad ot won't know but I succeeded as always. No I can Transport myself to anywhere. You know what they say, if You want to change the system, be in the system and then change the system from within. Even thought it has it's limit and time limit to add on another layer on too. I wanted to transport to Lysa's place and kill her and her army but I ahve to make hold on that. I will just transport to Dorthroki. As I did. I Swiftly stole the dragon eggs and transportes but due to error transports to Pentos. Dammit error already, the limit has begin too. I found that I was standing right in Daenerys bedroom. As she was looking at you as she was about scream. I quickly grabbed transported alongside. As I did she did scream out the guards.

I pushed my hand on her mouth.

"Wait I am your friend."

As I pulled out my hand.

"I know you don't want to get married. Your brother's just using you for the power."

"How does that make you my friend?"

"Good question. Well let's just say do you know where you are."

"Me neither and so do they."

"How am I supposed to survive here though."

"That's your problem not mine."

"You... "

"I am joking According to the system."


"It's a hidden valley, it was not even in The show unless you wan to go out you have to fell from here."

As I pointed it out.

"You will have plenty of food and all so just stay hidden here. You can live here peacefully."

"Who are you?"

I smiled and said proudly

"The Golden Hero."

She doesn't seemed impressed.

"Well, then peace out"

As I made leave out sign and went she tried to stop but I didn't listen as I had time limit and transported to Stark's Sister Castle. I am still mad she didn't show any gratefulness. I original ally going to kill her maybe I will do that the next time I meet her. The system was blurting out. I used the last resort I uses sone of it's best last equipments to disguise myself as the messager. I could have done without it but with it I. Literally look like his clone or twin so thing like he came back from the dead too soon. Alright I went inside as I met Lysa.

"You came too soon."

"Yes, I found Ned Stark along the way so I delivered him the message."

"Didn't I told you to deliver to my sister?"

"I forgot."

"You forgit that."

"I forgot to mention You sister was with him."

"Doing what?"

"Doing what couples do with each other."

"I didn't...so what dud my sister say?"

"She burned your the letter as Soon as she she saw it."

"And then what?"

"And then I taught she hates You or something but then I thought she's doing that to protect you". She lokked at me with a cold gaze.

"Ned Stark had decided to be the hand of the king and protect him abd keep a close eyes on kannisters."

"Is there anything else?"

"They told me to deliver this letter."

I handed her a decoy letter with thier seal and handwriting on it.

"Hmm it's quite an interesting plan but also very risky. But then again."

"So should we not follow it?"

"No, We have do it I will do anything to take thise snakes out and to protect my son."

"Very well, I will begin the preparations right away."

Now, I can Have an excuse to Have messenger dead from both sides. Alright time to spread the rumours about The death of everyone and Dorathaki. Well since I have time I can creat rumour tomorrow as well. Hmmm the time limit is almost over. As I transported back into the forest. The time limit was over. As I returned to As Prince Joffrey. As The Message arrived.


The System still here, tch isn't it supposed to.

'You can save me if you do I will bring you to the your world.'

What makes You stupid system I trust it. I would go back to my world somehow by my own, I can trust anyone but You.

'Alright, but just you stupid Golden Brat You have just delayed everyone's fates nothing else.'

Everyone? Did Daenerys leave the hidden valley? Was that even hidden valley? Or did System even in it's weakest form tricked me! Damn it maybe I should have just killed her and everyone else.

'In 3 minutes, right too bad I won't be able to see your own death live and interfere with it personally.'

Hu? Personally? I will still get interfrered? And live? Is this system not dead? Ofcourse it isn't or else I Would go back to the world but does that I mean this system can watch from somewhere and wait if the system is dead and I ma still here does that mean I am trapped here forever or something, Nah.

'Ofcourse you are, You are trapped there's nowherr to go, without me you are gonna die like have to, I will be enjoying seeing thag Golden Brat so just die already.'

The system disappred as I wondered who the hell this person that hates me so much, nah the question is who doesn't hates me so much? I kinda am famous in my world. Damn I feel proud now. Alright the morning almost here. I didn't slept at all. It almost feels like a dream Well I hope not. Even so I have to be alert as always. I went back to see My sister and give her some surprise. Tch Dammit but someone annoyed me on the way? Why is This kid asking me so much questions? Does he want candy? Ah.. Wait money but I don't have it right now. In Dorathraki and all I did grabbed sone other items as you can sees my hands full. Even so I feel bad and I told him I will give him some money the next time I meet him. Oe Atleast that's what I told him. Well, I am hurry right now. As I went to my sister. I felt something else. I never had a sibilng, I don't know how to feel. I given her The Dragon Eggs as gift and told hwr to keep it a secret and just decorate the room as decorations stones or something. She seemed surprised but in the end accepted it. I came back As I kept The Dragon Egg I found in North. I don't about this one. I have to be careful. I also decorated my room it as a decoration stone. Well, I know Bran is supposed to fell and survive, I will let it happen. As He did. After sometime when they help him to pick up. O blended in and help them along the way. I also went to pay consolation. During these consolations I did mixed poison in the medicine that they Would never notice. I also given it to the direwolfwhich would make him go crazy and oh well it would be a sight to see That I won't be able to because I won't be here. Alright after that I also learns the kid was Tyrion damn int I didn't see him. I almost forgot about him.In a sense I did forgot about him as I remembered hik in the conversation. Amd so after remembering hik I decided to Be friend and olay With Arya ans my Sister too. With my Sister I played genuinely. With Arya Well sometimes I was into the game and end up enjoying itm I was making sure she end up living me and nit hating me to the death. I think I did too much why is this brat insiting to go. Isn't she not supposed to do that. She certainly loves her family the most. Did her family and her make some plans? I talked to her and she genuinely wants go. I don't understand Why, Damn it. I did everything to make her liking me but Not this much. I allowed hee to come with us. As I planned to take outvduring that time. And that time arrived as she was dueling I pretended to play and fight. As I break the land's weak spots to make it slide. Good luck Dying, One more threat was one. But it was soon. That son of a bitch butcher brought another stick to pay out of his ass. Serious where did you brought it from? Do you transportation system too? And here I gine with the acta of throwing her stick all the way to river so falls alone. Damn I didn't had enough time with Sansa round to escape. Arya did fall but infont of me. Sansa i s also watching. Damn it, I went ahead and saved her. I told Mycah to Tell he wasn't herr to my own safety. As I carried Arya to the inn. My father seemed proud. And Sansa Seemed impressed as well. All worked out well all according to not at all with the plan. After that I and Sansa slept together. As In the middle of the Night I knew the poison I given to Bran has worlds out and he has died. Alright even after all of this, My First, One and only Survival Step has began. Have Many Friends to be around and No Enemies to Be Alive.