
Game Of Thrones: Fireborn Overlord

A man reborn after death with a single granted wish by God. The wish to be able to summon an army of fire, warriors of flame. Undying souls just like himself. A true knight of light against the horrors of the dark. Or will he himself succumb to darkness, abandon every ounce of his humanity and reign true horror over the known lands. May everything burn to ashes and be swallowed by chilling death. Now dance in the song of Ice and Fire! -------- . Updates: spontaneous since a trial story Disclaimer: As always, since this is a fan-fiction it will remain non-profit based. All rights of certain characters, as well as the worlds, are copyrighted to their rightful owners.

Soulcrystal · Book&Literature
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8 Chs

Fate of People

Logan looked straight at a round target made from wood. It was wrapped around with a white cloth and was marked with some paint in the middle. It was an archer´s target.

To get some practice and also kill some time while the others put up the camp, Logan decided to do some archery. So he carried over a Longbow and some ammunition in form of arrows from one of his soldiers to this archer´s target.

Currently, he was equipping a bracer. He put it on his left forearm because of his right-handedness. It is also where he would hold the bow. He didn't plan to injure himself unnecessarily if the string hit his inner side of his arm because he had shown some lack of concentration while pulling the string.

Come to the point of injury. While he was not sure how much of an injury he could sustain and still function normally, he really didn't want to test those waters out any time soon. Being Undead ist one thing but feeling constant pain another.

With that precaution done he vaguely aimed at the target and pulled on the string of the bow until it was about enough power. Any more and the string would likely break. With his current body, he noticed it was not a problem to exert unnormal amounts of strength.

But even that had some limitations and he could not go and become some Superman.

Nevertheless, when he let go of the arrow, it flew straight at the target and it even nearly hit the bullseye.

Logan only frowned at that outcome.

´Am I too close?´ He checked his range and saw that he was actually a good 50m away from the target.

Feeling that this range was not good enough he distanced himself even further until he was at a range of about 75m.

This time when he shot the arrow it deviated a lot more but it was still a clean hit on target.

With a slight smile, Logan increased the distance to 100 meters. Now it became very hard to clearly see the target and aiming became a matter of millimeters. This distance was probably already unrealistic in competition but he still wanted to see if he could hit it.

And just as he thought his arrow this time around barely hit the target at its outer edge. His body could just compensate for so much skill. He would need to become better. Even his drawing speed was still extremely lacking.

"Nice shooting! Not bad! You got some real skill." A voice came from his side and Logan was a little bit surprised. While concentrating on shooting he actually didn't notice someone had approached him.

He looked over and saw a black-haired woman with grey eyes. Her hair was long and showed a wild beauty in it with subtle waves in them. Her long facial features enchanted her wildness even more. And then there was that smirk she had on her face. Kind and yet devilish.

Just for a little second, Logan was stunned. This woman was a beauty. Even in his old world, she would count as one. She had a slim figure and instead of wearing a dress she seemed to have chosen more comfortable clothes to wear.

"Where did you learn to handle the bow like that?", asked the woman again and didn't stop her initiative.

Logan was amused and came back to his senses. Even a smile appeared on his own face.

"Most of it was learned from my Uncle." Logan answered her and prepared another shot. After hitting the target again and getting the hang of the distance he looked back at her. "Are you also interested in archery?"

"Interested? What is there not to be interested in it? All that concentrating. To pull and let go in a glimpse of a moment. It feels so refreshing to feel the euphory after one hits the target. The reward of one's effort."

"It sounds like you know your craft?" Logan chuckled.

The woman said something that made sense. Logan himself never really appreciated the sport in that way because he thinks more of it as a means to an end. A tool to survive and wage war.

"You don't believe me? What, are you one of those that think woman cant do it? I will have you know that I can do that shot easily as well..."

Hearing that, Logan was somewhat surprised. Did he sound like he was belittling her?

"No, of course not. I don't discriminate woman. I am pretty sure you can handle it if you say so."

"Where are you from?" The woman was somewhat interested in his words.

She didn't seem to believe him much because she knew better how women were treated in the central kingdoms. But she also didn't feel that this man was lying to her either.

"Sothoryos. It is pretty far away. Hey, to make it up. How about I let you use my bow. You can show me your own skills. If you want, we could even do a little duel who can hit closer to the bullseye. Interested?", said Logan and offered her his equipment that consisted of his bow and bracer.

Now the woman smiled again. "Prepare to lose then." She took the bow and bracer he lent her and started to prepare.


But just at that moment, another shout was heard.

"Oh, shite. Here, take your things back! Quick!" She shoved the bow and bracer back at him in a fast manner and looked into the direction where the voice came from.

[Diplomatics updated.]

With that little system sound, Logan could now put one and one together. It seems like the person that showed her back to him at this moment was Lyanna Stark.

Being somewhat curious Logan followed her gaze and saw two men approaching them. Both of them were still young capable men probably around 20 to 30 by the looks of it. So about the same age as himself. Maybe a little bit older since his own body currently is that of a 22-year-old.

One of them wore a whole set of leather studded armor and the other seemed to have mail on him. There was also a black deer on a yellow banner cloth on the chainmail guy.

´I guess that must be that fat king...He actually is pretty good looking. He really was not lying. Especially those few pounds less make a real difference.´ Logan was, of course, thinking about Robert Baratheon. The features he had in his mind pretty much matched up.

But it was still a surprise seeing him rather well build instead of round. His black curly hair with that beard was already there as well. Even though the beard was way more trimmed at this age.

´And by the looks, that other person is Eddard Stark...Why are they constantly wearing armor?´

"Lord Baratheon, what a surprise to meet you here." Lyanna was courteous. If Logan didn't just experience her other personality he would not have believed she was the same person.

Robert started to laugh. "Don't be so formal. We are betrothed and soon we get to be married. Just call me by my name." He even hugged her with passion after answering. "It really is good to see you. You look as beautiful as ever."

Eddard didn't say anything at first and only smiled at his younger sister. But when he saw the man standing behind her a few meters he got curious and looked over at him.

Logan did not interfere in this little reunion and just proceeded with firing another arrow. It was not his place to do so after all.

"And who is this?", asked Robert after also noticing him shooting.

Logan stopped what he did and looked over to them.

"Someone I met just now. He is very good with the bow. I haven't asked for his name yet.", answered Lyanna and looked at him waiting for him to reveal his name.

"My name is Ser Logan Meliar. Calling me Logan is just fine." Logan answered with a smile since he had no reason to deny them that information.

"A knight? That is a surprise. Are you also doing some warming up? Looks like birds of the same feather flock together. Me and Ned here were also getting some sparing done, right?" he bumped Eddard his shoulder to get a response out of him. After all, he knew that his friend was a shy and quiet one.

"Lord Baratheon, shouldn't you introduce yourself first?" Lyanna urged him now. And she still seemed to call him by his title.

Robert was a little bit dissatisfied by that and slightly frowned. "Right, my name is Robert Baratheon." Then he pointed towards Lyanna and Eddard. "This here is my fiancee Lyanna Stark. And this bloke is my good friend Ned Stark."

"Eddard Stark. Friends and family call me Ned.", corrected Eddard after hearing him use that alias.

Logan only nodded. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintances. I didn't think I would meet three people from such prestigious houses here."

"Is that something special? There are a lot of houses gathered at this tourney."

"Of course it is. You don't see this big of a tourney all the time. It may even become the largest for a long time to come, no?"

"That is true."

While Logan seemed to get into a conversation with Robert, Eddard came closer to Lyanna. "Lyanna, Father is asking for you. You should go back."

Lyanna only frowned and sighed. "I don't want to. He is probably demanding that I wear that stupid dress."

"It is an official event. As a noble lady, you should show yourself properly. I know you don't like it but that is how it is."

"Ned is right. Your beauty would stun people, even more, when you would wear a dress." Robert also agreed to that after hearing their words. "Friend, what do you think. Isn't my Lyanna a precious gem?"

It was actually Logan that was asked this question. Now, this was a weird and peculiar situation. What answer did he expect? But he had to admit that Robert was very sure of himself that no one else would get Lyanna. Logan could only sigh inwardly to that.

No wonder this guy was even going so far as to rebel for her. And in a sense, he did understand why he did it.

"Hmm, she is a beauty. That is for sure. And with the wild nature that she has. I guess a dress would become a rare appearance on her. A blue dress with some white in it would suit her most, I think. Maybe a flower in her hair? Also blue? Well, I am starting to ramble. Yes, I think it would look good."

Lyanna was surprised at his answer and stared at him. This was the first time someone actually had such an opinion of her just from meeting her for a short moment.

Robert was also thinking about his words. He was already imagining her in such a dress. Come to think he also never saw her wear such clothing. She was a northern noblewoman through and through. She always wore clothing that was more warrior-like.

"That is an interesting viewpoint." Laughing about it he placed an arm around Logan and shock him in a friendly manner.

Both men were about the same height. Logan just being a tad taller. "I like you, friend. Lyanna, can you please do that? I really want to see it now."

Lyanna only smiled at that request. For some reason, she actually seemed to be a little bit happy. "At the tourney...It´s not like I will have any other choice with Father."

Just when the 4 of them started to get along and talk more openly, something occurred close by.

They could hear another man being attacked by some lads with swords. Those people just attacked him and injured his body like his legs or chest. And after seeing him only crawl on the ground they put away their swords. But that only was the start of them kicking him while he was on the ground.

"Hahaha, look at this frog eater. He can't even protect himself anymore. What's wrong, you swamp dweller? Did you lose your way out of that swamp? We told you to not get near this place."

Seeing that, Lyanna frowned and started walking at them. Logan also followed her because he knew what this was all about. Robert and Eddard looked at each other and also followed.

People of central Westeros liked to discriminate people that were not from their lands. One of those ethnicities was the people of the north and especially the people that lived in the swamps that were located at The Neck that split the north and central apart.

In the past, this swamp was the only barrier that protected the children of the forest from being exterminated. Hate build up over generations until the now known Northmen accepted their religion and settled the north with the help of the children of the forest.

It was from the long history that they had together that this conflict didn't diminish to this day.

"Hey! What are you doing to him?", shouted Lyanna and demanded an answer from those other four men.

"Huh? What is it to you, woman. Do you have a problem? Are you actually protecting this frog-eater?", asked the guy that seemed to be the leader of those men.

"I asked you something. Stop this violence at once."

"Shut up you wench!" The guy became irritated and attacked Lyanna as well. Seeing that, Lyanna wanted to retaliate. But right the next second she was surprised to see another men punch the face of that guy so hard that he was sent flying to the ground.

Logan moved his head from one side to another after punching the first guy and slowly moved to him.

"You really got some guts to dare and hit a woman. Pieces of shit like you should really be taught a lesson." Logan his stare became serious and he was disgusted by this bunch.

Now he was preparing to beat the crap out of them.

"You!" The guy that he punched stood back up and drew his sword.

"Are you sure about that? If you dare attack with that I will not show mercy and kill you."

The guy actually flinched with that threat. After a second he looked to his comrades. They nodded and started to surround Logan.

Robert and Eddard saw that and also drew their weapons to help him out. Especially Robert because he was already mad with how that bastard called his fiance. But what happened then surprised even them.

Logan was like a bolt of lightning. His speed was so fast that those guys couldn't even react.

He charged the first guy he already hit once because he was the closest.

Being surprised he swung his sword at Logan but couldn't do much with that attempt. Logan just sidestepped and punched out a straight punch that connected and stunned the guy for a short moment. With the following uppercut to his chin, he KOed him instantly.

Seeing their leader only lying on the ground, unmoving, the others became enraged and also attacked.

But Logan already moved into position and avoided their chaotic attacks. Grabbing one guy's wrist he twisted it. That guy let his weapon fall and was disarmed.

Then after Logan executed a sucker punch to his sides and let him gasp for air for a short second, he kicked him to the other two remaining guys that were very close by.

That disrupted them even more and gave Logan enough time to sprint at one of them and clothesline him unconscious.

The last guy was now afraid of this guy that just basically bashed them without a weapon. But because Logan approached him he had no other choice but to engage.

The only last thing he saw was his sword hitting nothing and a leg touching the side of his neck.

Looking at the ground where those four were now lying around, Logan could still see the one guy who received his sucker punch groan on the ground. Logan just walked over and stomped his face.

With that every one of them was unconscious and he could now relax again. When Logan looked back at Lyanna and the other two, he could see their disbelieving eyes wide open.

"What?", asked Logan with a raised brow.

"That was amazing! So you really are a Knight. Where did you learn to fight like that?" Robert asked. He himself fought with his trusty Warhammer but he never really saw anyone being so skilled in combat without a weapon in hand.

"All learned from my uncle..." When he repeated his generic answer he heard someone groan and looked over again. It was the other guy that was injured by those four bastards.

Lyanna immediately went forward and looked at how bad his wounds were. "Ned, help me carry him. He needs treatment." She was right. He had blood gushing from his wounds that were clearly done from those four.

Eddard came over and started to pick the injured men slowly up.

"Logan, may we see us again. Thank you for helping me and not killing them. Now matters are a little bit dire so we will have to leave" Then Lyanna looked over to Robert "Can you find out who these people are?"

Robert was still somewhat angry and wanted to kill these fools for trying and lay a hand on Lyanna but he also knew Lyanna would not want that. He could at least make sure they would get a hard trashing. "Leave it to me."

After Lyanna and Eddard vanished Robert looked at those four. He spat on the so-called leader and went over to Logan.

"Thank you, friend, for protecting my wife." He lay a hand on Logan his shoulder and smiled. "If you got some time, come over to my tent and let us drink together."

"Thanks. I will gladly do so." Logan agreed to meet up sometime. It was actually a good opportunity to make connections so he would not refuse.

Robert nodded after receiving his answer and also started to walk away.

Logan stood alone with those four bodies now. Not bothering about them he started walking back to his own encampment as well.

While he did so he looked at his fist's condition. When he did those punches, he felt a clear pain in them.

'Damn, just this much and I bruised my hand. Looks like I am just too rusty. Or maybe I am exerting too much strength that this body can't handle yet? But the training from my previous world sure pays off here. At least against opponents of this meager level.'

Feeling somewhat proud he went onward.