
Game Of Thrones: Empire Of The Rising Sun

A man dies. Like any normal man does. But that isn’t the end for him. ROB puts him in the Game Of Thrones universe……..8,000 years before canon. Watch as he builds the greatest empire the world has ever known. From mere slaves of the the ‘Great Empire of the Dawn’ to the ‘Empire of the Rising Sun’. Witness how he bends history to his will. “Gather our banners and call our war masters. It seems as if the Valyrians haven’t learned since last time.” (Has some Dune elements, just some wording.)

Jaquaviontavious · TV
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


"If an offender has committed murder, he must die. In this case, no possible substitute can satisfy justice. For there is no parallel between death and even the most miserable life, so that there is no equality of crime and retribution unless the perpetrator is judicially put to death." - Immanuel Kant


A couple weeks had passed since that moment, but I couldn't help but think back on that text. 'That was definitely the letter 'C'.'

If it was...…..that means someone from Earth-

"Why do you read so much?" Huan interrupted my thoughts. Over these last couple of weeks she had hounded me with questions and comments about my past. "Its either training or reading for you, when you're not eating."

"Just like the sword, the mind is weapon. A mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge." I tapped the spine of the scroll. "That's why I read so much, Lady Huan."

She absorbed it all in silence, mewing over my response. "And what are you reading about?"

"Wizards." I told her.

She chuckled a bit, holding her hand over her mouth as she did. "You wish to join the Sorcerer's guild? That is almost impossible. You'd need a signed order from the Regional Lord himself."

Yin Yin, The Sea Dragon. A deeply skilled alchemist and sorcerer. Under his oversight, many factions such as the Sorcerer and Sorceress guilds have flourished and gained immense influence in the South-Western Province.

The reason he gave them such power was because of his upbringing. Since his ancestors treated magic abled people with barely hidden mistrust, those in power have limited their power, the mistust only grew when the Bloodstone Emperor came into power and used his dark magic for....less than good reasons.

"That means I cannot satisfy my interest?" I said with some amusement. "I could one day become a great sorceror. Maybe even a...…Cathayan Dragon, maybe even the Moon Princess's husband."


Her laughter had gone on for several minutes on and off as she had to take brakes to gather her breath.


The morning had dawned clear and sunny, with a crispness that hinted at the end of spring. We set forth at daybreak to see a group of men executed.

The men had been taken outside a small port on the coast. Some of the servant children thought they were servants of demons from the far East. It made My skin prickle to think of it. Stories of 'The Shadow Lands' haunted the dreams of children and adult, alike.

Asshai, Stygai, Valley of Shadows, Ash River, The City of Winged Men and the Sorcerer City of Carcossa. Many tales of horrid monstrosity sit beyond the Mountains of Morn. Many I believe in.

Why? Dragons, Giants, Dwarves, Fish-Men, Winged Men, Brindled Men, Children of The Forest, Shadow-Binders, White Walkers and many more exist. Why wouldn't demons and creatures from the far east not?

Even though, most don't believe it, that doesn't mean its not real. Petyr Baelish doesn't believe in curses and ghosts but even he avoided Harrenhall like a plague. For he knew that all hands that touched it, withered in time.

"We approach." Han said as we rounded over a hill. Down below, I could see the small port town on the coast. We didn't have to go far to locate the men.

The men we had found were ragged and rough. Mud and dirt alike stained their clothes as their appearance looked beaten by life. Soulless eyes pierced mine as we got close. Bound hand and foot to a stone pillar.

"So?" Han voiced out first. He sat upon his horse, stiff and tall. No emotion crossed his face as he stared the men down.

"General Han." 6 men all said simultaneously,....trained.


"....why?" Han replied.

They each shared quick looks with each other. "You…y-you wouldn't believe us, General." One of the men said quietly. "We have dishonored you, General. Please grant us death!" The same man said as they all mushed their faces into the ground.

A quick breath came from Han. I guessed that was him reframing from going into a rage. "Tell me!" The barely restrained anger was easily noticeable.

"….T-the stories,....they're true." A man on the end whispered. "The demons."

Chuckles came from the twenty-men we had came with. All a personal garrison trained by Han. "You spew such idiocy in my face?" Han continuously holding back his rage. "Hanma, Yamamoto, disengage from your steeds and draw your weapons."

Hesitation came to me for a quick second, before I stomped it out. When he told me to draw my weapon, I knew what he tell me to do. "Yes, General!" Me and Hanma exclaimed as we followed our orders.

I drew a dao from my saddle as I approached the men. The man on the left end was in front of me while Hanma was the opposite. I looked into the eyes of the man I was about to kill. He looked into my eyes without fear, and that confused me.

'Why does-'

"Engage." A voice said from behind me, and with a swing of my sword, blood gushed out of the mans throat. "Next."

I moved to the next man autonomously, without a thought in my mind. "Engage." Once again, blood flew from the next mans throat. "Next."







"...…Now return to your horses."