
Game of Thrones: Dragon King of The North

Got inspiration from another ff and decided to put my own spin on it. Guy transmigrates in the world of Game of Thrones as his game character. Updates will be slower as I will be writing longer chapters, and I get writers block often. I don't own game of thrones and am writing this to pass time.

Bigbaby · TV
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29 Chs

Chapter 18

"Your origin aside, how have you managed to become a knight?" Eddard asked.

"Ser Brant knighted me" I answered. Eddard looked towards Brant and eyed him with curiosity. Brant for his part stood up straighter.

"I would love to hear the tale of how you two met" Eddard asked.

"Allow me, my lord" Brant said while referring to me as his lord in front of everyone. This caused Eddard to raise an eyebrow, but otherwise his face betrayed nothing. I nodded for Brant to go ahead.

"Lord Stark, my lord Ragnar and his companions freed my family from the hands of bandits. Unfortunately, my wife did not make it. And if my lord had not arrived when he did, I fear I would have lost my children." Brant said and Catelyn covered her mouth with her hand.

"After allowing me to avenge my wife and save my children I swore myself to him and knighted him." Brant finished.

"My condolences to you and your family" Eddard said while looking at Brant's children. Brant and his sons nodded while Maralynn had her head down.

"I can understand why you gave him your oath, but to knight him." Eddard said dubiously.

"He is an excellent swordsman, he has decent morals, and he didn't have to save me and mine. That's enough for me, my lord." Brant replied.

"Very well, I assume you can attest to his character then?" Eddard asked.

"His word is good, my lord." Brant replied.

"Then I ask you this, Ser Ragnar, what is it you want from me?" Eddard asked me.

"I seek to make a new life here. I have fought in countless battles, and though I am only nineteen name days old, I want to plant my roots." I said and everyone at the table including Brant and his family stared at me in utter shock. I looked around in confusion.

"What?" I asked and they seemed to come back to themselves.

"Continue," Eddard said after clearing his throat. I turned to face him and gave a serious look.

"I ask for the lands of Sea Dragon Point, in return, I will swear myself to your house." The hall was completely silent at my words. Not even the servants couldn't help but stare in shock at my declaration.

"You wish to be my vassal?" Eddard asked after a moment.

"I do, I have some people that I met along my way here. Due to circumstances they are willing to follow me. There aren't many, but it's a start. I wish to establish myself in these lands. From what I can tell, our people aren't so different. I can build a home here, but I don't wish to have to lower my head for too many people. Only way to accomplish that is to become a lord. So I ask you, Lord Stark, will you have me?" Eddard regarded me for a long moment. Our eyes never broke contact and nobody dared interfere.

"We have just met, and yet you expect me to make you a vassal?" He asked, still testing me.

"I don't expect you to be able to make such a decision lightly. I am a foreigner and I have different gods. But what I offer is far greater than the differences we may have." I replied and he raised an eyebrow in response.

"We will continue this conversation in private, for now we eat" he said and I mentally sighed. While he didn't say yes, he didn't say no. This was more than I could have hoped.

After the serious talk, we went back to eating. We spoke on lighter matters and the meal was pleasant. Gentle and Ivar told stories of our exploits and everyone had an overall good time. I noticed Catelyn eyeing me from time to time. She too seemed to be sizing me up. Maralynn even managed to open up slightly and talked to Robb. My group and I smiled at how he was able to get her talking.

"Well then, excuse us my lady. The rest of you are free to wait here until we return. Ser Ragnar, follow me, Maester Luwin, come with us." Eddard said as he stood to his feet.

"As you say, my lord." An old man, no doubt maester Luwin, stood soon after. He wore grey robes and as he moved the chains he wore about his person jingled.

I looked towards my group and nodded once. I had nothing to fear, we are considered guests at this point. As such we have guest rights, meaning we won't be harmed. I stood and followed Eddard and the maester out and after a few minutes of walking, we arrived at what must be his private study. They sat and before anything else could be said I spoke first.

"My lord, before we continue, I would like to properly introduce myself." I said.

"What do you mean by properly?" Eddard asked and maester Luwin arched an aged brow.

"I am Ser Ragnar Lothbruk, but that was a title I had recently acquired." I replied.

"Go on then," Eddard said.

"I am Ragnar Lothbruk, son of Kyne, dragon bane, bane of draugar, chosen of Paarthurnax, and the last Dragonborn." I finished with a slight bow. Rising to my full height I continued.

"I know none of this means anything to you, but I had to properly introduce myself." I finished.

"Yes, most of what you said I don't understand. Yet there were two that stood out to me. The ones pertaining to dragons, explain." Eddard said. I took my seat and replied.

"In my lands we had dragons, they ruled over us. They had been all but wiped out by us and they became tales of legend. But recently, they came back, and with their return, so too did an ancient power. The power of a Dragonborn. I am that such power." I finished.

"Again with your tales." Eddard said.

"I can demonstrate if you like. But I ask that what I show you remains in this room. I know maesters swear themselves to their lord, but at the end of the day, they gave their first oath to their citadel." I said while eyeing the old man.

"I assure you that he is loyal and will not speak of what he knows. Isn't that right, Luwin?" Eddard asked the old man.

"Of course, my lord. What is spoken here will not be repeated, I give you my word." The aged man replied with utmost respect towards Eddard.

"Forgive me my lord, but this also includes your family." I added, pushing my luck and hoping to not end his patience. He looked me in the eye for a long moment before nodding in assent.

"I give you my word," he said.

Closing my eyes I focused. I sought that power I conjured in the woods weeks ago. I thought on the word of power I was looking for. Once I had it in mind I drew upon that power. With as much control as I could muster, I opened my eyes and turned my head towards the hearth and spoke.


As the words left my mouth I could feel the power travel and in its wake, a visible force of fire launched itself towards the hearth. There was a small explosion that caused flames to flare outward. Luckily it didn't come into contact with anything and only served to shock the others. I for one felt winded, unlike the energy draining feeling of before.

"That, my lord, is what it means to be a Dragonborn. We wield the power of the thu'um. The tongue of the dragons." I finished while awaiting their response. They stared at the hearth for a long time. Eyeing the scorch marks left behind. No doubt they felt the intense heat of my voice. Eventually, Eddard turned and regarded me in a new light.

"I see you speak true, Ser Ragnar. And I imagine this was but a small show of strength. You have my full attention." He said and I released the tension that had built up since the start of our journey.

"So, you seek to become my vassal?" He asked, getting straight to the point.

"I do, and in return I offer my power when needed. Like any other vassal. I believe I have much to offer the North and your family." I finished.

"I can see that, and you said you wanted the lands of Sea Dragon Point?" He asked.

"I wish to build a port city there. But I would also like a part of the wolf wood." I stated my demands.

"That is a large chunk of land." He replied with a frown.

"Do you really think that you can manage it?" He continued.

"I know I can." I said resolutely.

"I make you a vassal and I get your strength, surely there's more." He said.

"All I ask is to be equal to the other houses. As I said I do not wish to bow my head to many people. I understand that there is a king of Westeros, two superiors is enough for me." I replied.

"You said you have different gods, explain" he asked.

"My gods do not ask me to spread our faith. Even the word faith is a stretch. There are no doctrines that we must follow. Only how we know the world to be created. What dictates how we live is our culture. We will not attempt to convert the north, but I can't say I'll not try and change the culture of those in my territory." I said.

"And what sort of culture is that?" He asked.

"We Nords are fierce warriors and as such breed a warrior culture. But we are not simple barbarians. We enjoy songs, food, and the arts. We are as complex as any other people. But I can assure you we are more similar with you northerners than those living in the south." I replied.

"The others, they too have this power?" He asked.

"No, the thu'um is a power of the Dragonborn. I am the last. My cousin is a wiseman however, and I too have the potential for such things."

"I see." He said while seeming to be in deep thought. Eventually he raised his head and looked at maester Luwin who remained silent thus far. After some messages passed between them he looked towards me.

"I have no issue with you staying on my lands. However, I feel I do not yet know enough about you to make you a lord. I would be happy to host you, so we may better come to an understanding. I ask for a week, then you will have my decision. That is all I can offer at the moment." He said.

"I understand and would be honored to stay in your home." I nodded my assent.

"Good, then I welcome you to Winterfell." He finished and stuck out his arm.

"A pleasure to be here, my lord." I replied while shaking his hand. This went far better then I could have imagined. And the possibilities for the future were bright. I can't wait to tell the others the good news.

Y’all know what to do, leave a comment and or review. Peace ✌️

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