
Game of Thrones: Dovahkiin

This is a story about a man who reincarnated in Westeros 7 years before Robert’s rebellion… No harem

Caio_Bernardo · TV
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62 Chs

Schemes and Plots

Casterly Rock, The Westerlands, 10th moon of 276 AC

(Four Days time skip, one week till the beginning of the tournament)

The rumors about a Northen Lord with a Valyrian Steel armor spread like wildfire. Nobody had ever heard about a Valyrian Steel armor; some people thought it was a lie; some thought it was true and were plotting to get something out of House Dovahkiin, a house that had a Valyrian Steel armor was sure to have more Valyrian Steel items.

Ragnar did have more "Valyrian Steel items," but for him, it wasn't a big deal; Ragnar knew Valyrian Steel as Skyforge Steel, a legendary kind of steel but easily outstripped by enchanted Ebony. Skyforge Steel was WAY more resistant and WAY Lighter than non-enchanted ebony; it would never break against non-magical things and would not lose its sharpen over time. Unfortunately, it had little to no magical conductivity. Any decent enchanter could enchant an ebony armor or weapon to have better attributes than Skyforged Steel and deal some elemental damage as a plus.

Ragnar was in his private room in The Rock; he wore fine clothes with the Dovahkiin's crest embroidered on them and had a reflective face; he contemplated the implications and consequences of his actions. Everything was going according to his plans. He felt that, if made right, this was an opportunity to bring more food variety and prosperity to Skagos.

As Ragnar contemplated his plan and its variables, a servant entered his room to change the bedsheets; when she saw Ragnar, she let out a squeaky sound and quickly apologized.

Ragnar smiled at her, which made her blush, and said it was ok, he then asked her to finish her work, and when she was done, she was to call Davos for him.

It only took the servant a few minutes to get done, and as soon as she was done, she left. A few minutes later, Davos entered his room.

"M'Lord, you send for me?" Davos said; he wore a white doublet and black trousers, and he had a serious expression on his face.

" Davos, I'm planning on selling a Valyrian Steel Sword to House Lannister. As payment, I would ask him for 1,5 million gold dragons, a herd of 6000 Cows and oxen, a flock of 4000 sheep, and to send me at least 100 blacksmiths from the Westerlands. It's a reasonable offer." Ragnar said.

" Yes, m'lord, a reasonable offer. The cattle would offer one more food source, but they would also need food." Davos Answered.

" I agree with you. But I think they could survive and do well with Winter wheat in the winter. In the summer, they would eat grass—the same thing with the mammoths I'll bring from beyond the wall." Ragnar replied. The soil on the plains of Skagos was rich in minerals; the problem was that no plant, except the one he brought from Skyrim, could grow in the cold. The seeds Ragnar gifted the farmers would eventually be able to feed most of Skagos, and they could be grown even in the harshest of winters.

" Yes, it could work, m'lord," Davos said, " But it would have to be made carefully." He completed.

" Yes, of course," Ragnar replied. " but for now, I plan on winning this tourney, archery, melee, and joust," Ragnar said.


With the Lannister

Tywin Lannister's solar was undoubtedly crucial in Casterly Rock. Few people were allowed to enter the room. Ser Kevan Lannister, Gerion Lannister, Ser Tygett Lannister, Genna Lannister ( Never Frey), and obviously Tywin Lannister himself; were among those few people allowed to enter the Lord's Solar. Few were the times when all of them would reunite there to talk about something, but when they did, it was something that would have an impact on house Lannister.

Tywin sat in contemplative silence; he wondered how this man's presence and possible assets would impact the great game or House Lannister itself. If he plays his cards right, he could get what he and his forefathers have been looking for for ages, a Valyrian Steel weapon to take Brightroar's place as the ancestral weapon of House Lannister.

"Do you have any information on the Barbarian Lord?" Asked Genna Lannister( NEVER FREY)

"The man is no Barbarian, but yes, we have something on the man. Three days ago, when he arrived, Tywin ordered me to send a raven to our spies on the North. I've got a report from a few of them today." Ser Kevan said as he passed a parchment to Tywin, who picked it and began to read.

" It seems the man is a small legend in the North. He saved Lord Stark and His wife from a group of wildlings; they said he killed ten wildlings in less than 30 seconds; and as a reward Lord Stark allowed him to be the lord of Skagos IF he conquered the Island. They call him "The Dragon of the North." due to his house's coat of arms. Apparently, he conquered Skagos alone. A year after the man conquered and pacified the land, Skagos began to trade whale meat, oil, and fat with House Karstark and Umber. Nothing substantial, but it shows he could make the land prosper enough to be able to trade whale meat. In only one year." Said Tywin, his voice calm and collected.

"Impressive, but how is it that he has a Valyrian Steel armor? No Valyrian ever married into the north… and the man is clearly a northerner; he has the accent and the appearance." Replied Ser Tygett

"I do not know, but I intend to find out. If this man ventured into old Valyria and unraveled its secrets and treasures, then we must find a way to connect this man to House Lannister. Preferably through marriage." Replied Tywin.

"You jest, brother? No Lady of House Lannister will want to go to that wasteland; they would rather die."Said, Genna

"They will if I command them to. This man might be the only chance for us to get a Valyrian weapon worthy of House Lannister," Tywin said coldly, his voice as sharp and dangerous as an assassin's knife. If Lady Genna Lannister ( N E V E R F R A Y) had anything to say, she wisely chose not to.

" Then how should we proceed, brother?" Asked Kevan.

" After the tourney's end, and after my talk to the King about Cersei and Rhaegar's betrothal, I will call the man and ask his price for a Valyrian Steel sword if he has one to sell." Replied Tywin.

" And what if he doesn't have any to sell?" asked Gerion

"If he doesn't, then I'll offer to buy his helmet and get it reforged into a bastard sword." Replied Tywin.

"And if he refuses you?" asked Gerion

"Oh, but he won't. This man came here to get something from us; I could see it in his eyes when I talked to him." Tywin said.

They continued to discuss for a few more hours until Tywin dismissed them.


(Time Skip 7 days)

Lannisport, The Westerlands, 10th moon of 276 AC

Seven days have passed since Tywin and his siblings' discussion about Ragnar. Ragnar, like all Lords present, was waiting for the King's procession. The King would arrive in the morning, and the tourney would begin in the afternoon.

" What do you think about the Targaryens, Davos?" Asked Ragnar, his voice was calm and held a serenity almost divine-ish.

" King Aerys is a good King. Some people say he's a bit edgy, but all kings are. The realm is prosperous under his rule. Although some people say the one responsible for all that was the Hand, Lord Tywin." Davos said quietly.

" Hum. I agree with those people; Tywin Lannister is a capable man, ruthless but capable. The most extraordinary prof of that is how he got House Lannister back to its feet." Ragnar said.

It was then that Ragnar heard the sound of the trumpets.

"Well, there he is, the King," Ragnar said, and a few minutes later, The Targaryen procession arrived. Tywin Lannister and his family made their way to welcome the King. Once the King got out of his carriage, everyone present knelt, everyone but Ragnar, but no one saw it. He had chosen his spot mainly because of how hidden it was. Ragnar didn't want to kneel to a Targaryen, at least not for any of the ones alive. Aerys would eventually become crazy, and Rhaegar was already crazy about the "Prince who was promised" prophecy. To a Nord, kneeling to someone meant you considered the person an honorable or capable leader and would accept the person's leadership. Ragnar didn't feel any other house other than House Stark worthy, and as such, he didn't kneel.

The king made for all to stand and shook Tywin's hand; The King, Rhaegar, and the Kingsguard, went inside Lannisport's Keep to rest and prepare for the tourney.


A/N: Here's today's chapter. Thank you guys! I'll try to write another one today… can't promise nothing but I'll try!! Thank you 🙏