
Chapter 17

It has been a few hours since Hassani and her sisters went out. Sitting in the lounge area with Katyia beside me I waited for their return. After Hassani had brought to my attention a better way of moving forward, her and her sisters immediately went out to accomplish their task.

"How is your recruiting going?" I asked Katyia, trying to pass the time. She smiled at me before replying.

"Well, as you have said I don't really need to set the bar that high. With that in mind, I have already found my candidates. But, I must ask my love, will you be using your power on everyone we come across?"

"No, only those in important positions, my inner circle essentially. The reason I would need to use my powers on your aids and the sisters is because they will be privy to sensitive information."

"That makes sense, and you will use those you place in power to influence others." She replied.

"Exactly, if there are any trouble makers, those who won't change we will remove them." I finished.

"Now that your plans have been changed what will you do moving forward?" She asked.

"Same as before, I'll go to the docks to make a name for myself. With the full support of the Snowy Sept I'll have more weight to my words. I'll also go about spreading my influence to the other factions in White Harbor."

"The other factions?" She asked.

Before I could reply the door was opened and Hassani walked in. I smiled as she made her way towards us. "We'll continue this discussion later Katyia. Hassani, I hope you have good news."

"Everything is prepared Holy Father, you need only follow me and we can get this task over with." She replied and I nodded in reply.

"Good, let's get going then." I replied and Hassani turned and led us out the room. We walked out of the catacombs and up into the upper area of the sept. The halls were empty and dimly lit but Hassani moved with familiarity. Once we were in the upper levels of the sept, where the important individuals resided I began noticing the occasional silent sister.

They would be posted in a certain distance from the other. No doubt to cover the others blind spots. I was pleased to see them working with such efficiency. We eventually arrived at our first destination and before entering Hassani turned to address me.

"Holy Father, these are the chambers of the other senior Septon of the Snowy Sept. Whereas Septa Melahnie is in charge of all the female members, Septon Jorrel is in charge of all the male members. He is our first target tonight as he is the second most influential figure here. Please, follow me."

After explaining who we were after she nodded to the sister standing beside the door to the room. The sister bowed before opening the door and allowing us entry. Walking into the room the first word that came to mind was opulence.

For someone who is of the faith, he sure knew how to live comfortably. Tapestries adorned the walls and furniture of the finest order decorated the greeting area. I only took a moment to appraise what was before me before moving on. Hassani led us to the back of the room to another door where another sister stood guard.

Letting us in I was met with the sight of two sisters holding down a bruised up elderly man. The sisters had a hand on each of his shoulders while he was on his knees. The man's head hung low but at the sound of us entering he looked up. He looked to be fifty ish with gray hair and blue eyes. He spoke to us with a snarl on his lip.

"Who the fuck are you people? Do you know who I am? If word gets-" he began but was cut off by one of the sisters striking him. His face was forced to the side and we could hear the groan escape his lips.

"Hello to you as well, friend." I said as I walked closer to the man. Hassani brought a chair over and placed it before me. Nodding in thanks I sat in the chair and looked at the man. He turned his head back to look at me and I could see the confusion in his eyes. Well, I was still wearing my mask.

"My name is Victor Frankenstein, it is a pleasure to meet you." I say in a light tone.

"Victor Frankenstein, I've never heard of you." The man said with contempt. This earned him another blow from the sister holding him.

"Normally when someone introduces themselves it is common courtesy to introduce yourself in return." I say in the same easy going tone.

"I- my name is Septon Jorrel."

"A pleasure to meet you, Septon Jorrel. Can we get the man a chair? We can't very well have a civilized discussion like this now can we?" I spoke to the two sisters holding him and they immediately went about procuring Jorrel a chair and placing him in it before me.

Jorrel eyed the two sisters while rubbing his wrists. It seems they bound him with rope, a little on the right side it seems. After casting wary glances at the sisters he turned his full attention to me.

"I don't know who you think you are, but this game ends here." He said, somehow still managing to speak in a position of authority despite his situation.

"I've already introduced myself, friend, and I can assure you that this is no game. You see, this whole conversation is nothing more than a formality. A last word type of thing." I said, spreading my arms out with a smile on my face.

"Last words, boy let me tell you something." He began before he was struck by one of the sisters.

"I think I've had enough fun, let's just get this over with. In the end, you too will see me for what I am just like the others." I said and reached my hand forward, placing it on his head.

The familiar sensation of my power flowing through me and everything that was Septon Jorrel was laid bare before me. Turns out he wasn't exactly the pious man he portrayed himself as. Well, men like him rarely are. Though, perhaps I could use his knowledge, a thought for a later time. Anyway, I gave the man the basic starter pack. Devotion and belief of my holy being. Since he was just a basic tool for my overall goal I didn't need to change him physically besides healing the damage done by the sisters' delicate hands. Once I was done I removed my hand and waited for him to open his eyes.

When he did I could see the change in his eyes and I nodded to the two sisters and they released him. Immediately the man fell to his knees and heaped praises upon me. "That's enough, sit in your chair."

"As you say, Holy Father." He replied before getting back into his seat. I spent the next few minutes giving him his orders. Nothing complicated, just the slow spread of my status as a blessed individual.

Once I was done Katyia, Hassani, and I left the room. Like before we were led to another room deeper in the sept. This room, despite being far larger, was rather sparse. Only the basest of necessities could be found. No fancy tapestry, no luxurious rug, just a table and a bed. As we entered the room the same sight appeared before me. Two sisters holding down a surprisingly unharmed old man.

The man was old, likely in his seventies with thin white hair. His left eye was brown while the right had this milky film giving it a white look. Taking the seat offered to me by one of the sisters I stared into the man's eye. He looked back at me but I couldn't find any fear in his gaze. Moving on I smiled and introduced myself.

"Hello, my name is Victor Frankenstein and I have come to bring you to the light."

The man simply eyed me while remaining silent. After a long moment of no words being spoken he spoke. "I am Elder Septon Waylar, I presume this is all your doing?"

"It is, I apologize for waking you at this ungodly hour but this just couldn't wait." I replied.

"And what exactly is that?" Waylar asked.

"The complete takeover of the Snowy Sept of course." I replied and by the look on his face I knew he thought I was crazy.

"Look here son, I don't know what it is you think you'll accomplish by doing this, but I can assure you that it will not end well for you."

"I think things will work out just fine, I mean I have been in your midst for some time now and have managed to convert the entirety of the silent sisters. I have control of the two most influential members of this sept and now you're all that remains. And as much as I enjoy putting on a good show, I just want to get this night over with." Finished, I placed my hand on the man's shoulder and the familiar sensation occurred.

I did the same as with the others and converted the old man to the light. Giving him the same orders as Jorrel I stood to leave with Katyia and Hassani close behind. Just as I exited the room Hassani spoke up.

"Holy Father, I've taken the liberty to arrange better accommodations for you. Now that you control the leadership of the sept, I felt it right that you move up to more proper lodging."

"I'm surprised, though I guess I shouldn't be, I did create you to help me in my endeavors. Good work, lead the way my little assassin." I replied.

"It is my pleasure to be of use to you Holy Father, now if you'll please follow me." She replied.

We didn't have to go far, she led us to a door not too far from the room of Elder Septon Waylar. Hassani produced a key from her robe and unlocked the door ushering us in. "Unfortunately I didn't have the time to procure better furnishings, but I did have everything cleaned and the bed replaced."

The room was spacious, it had a greeting area and at the far end of the room was another door no doubt leading to the sleeping area. A large bookshelf covered on side of the room while a grand looking desk was situated nearby.

"What was this room used for?" I asked.

"Nothing really, Septon Waylar used it for storage. Is everything to your liking?" She asked and I couldn't help but smile. Reaching out I pulled her into me and held her close.

"It is perfect, you've done so well in the short amount of time we've been together. So well in fact that I think you deserve a reward. Katyia, have your chosen followers brought here by midday, for now you will remain here."

"Of course, my love." She replied before making her way to the lounge area and taking a seat on a nearby chair.

"You will be coming with me." I say in a snarl to Hassani as I lift her up and carry her towards the door on the far end of the room.

"Yes, whatever you want, Holy Father." She replied and once we were past the door I shut it behind me.

The floor was carpeted and at the far end of the room was a large bed. Leaning down I kissed her passionately as I walked her towards the bed. Our tongues danced in a heated back and forth. Though, more often than not it was her yielding to me. We stopped just before the bed and I reached my hands down and gripped her ass hard, reveling in their shape and feel.

I shaped them to my will and spread them apart before releasing them only to grip them again. Feeling my cock rise I released her and spun her around. "I think your reward should be having the honor of breaking this bed in with me."

"Yes, anything for you, I am unworthy!" She hissed as I bit her neck and fondled her breasts over her robe.

"Fuck," I groaned while pushing her head down into the bed with her ass raised up. Grabbing the ends of her right be I pulled it up over her waist, exposing her deliciously round pale ass. I smacked her ass twice before pulling my own robe up, freeing my cock before lining it up with her pussy. Not wasting any time I drive myself to the hilt in one savage thrust.

On any normal woman this act would have elicited a painful scream, but like Katyia her body was designed to satisfy me at any moment. So it was no surprise that the sound that came from Hassani's mouth was a lust filled moan. Tearing her hood off allowing her hair to cascade down her back I sunk my hands in and gripped a handful of her hair before pulling her head back.

"How does that feel? Is this the reward you wanted?" I asked as I pulled my hips back and slamming back into her, emphasizing each word with a powerful thrust.

"Oh, oh, yes. Give it to me Holy Father, reward me, break me, I deserve it!" She screamed.

I yanked her head back even further while slamming into her even harder, slapping her face before leaning into her and growling into her ear. "You don't deserve anything other than what I deem appropriate, do you understand?"

"Yes Holy Father!" She replied.

"Good," I said before shoving her head back into the bed and focusing entirely on pounding her into the bed. My hips mad a continuous pat pat pat sound as I hammered into her. I could feel her walls suckling me, trying to milk everything out of me. I could feel myself nearing the end and gritting my teeth, I increased my pace.

With one final thrust that drew a deep guttural growl out of me I blew my load deep into her. It was so powerful that my eyes rolled back and I had to grip her hips so I wouldn't fall back. Each spurt sent shockwaves up my spine and when I was done I hunched over her. Panting heavily with Hassani under me I laughed before speaking aloud.

"I hope you're ready for round two."

Sorry for the delay, had some assignments that required my undivided attention. This semester ends this month and I can’t wait since I’m taking off this summer. Anyway, here’s a longer chapter for y’all, enjoy.

Bigbabycreators' thoughts